You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 2 Public Prosecution Case?I did it!

Chapter 2 Public Prosecution Case?I did it!

The old lady and the old man exchanged glances with each other.

The old man opened his mouth slowly.

"The lawsuit we're fighting is a criminal case."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"Robbing a bank is suspected of major robbery. I want to hire a lawyer to defend. It is best to reduce the sentence."

Su Bai turned his head and looked at the old man, robbing a bank?Uncle, you have such a strong body, can you handle the security of the village in the city?
"It's not me, it's my son." The old man hastily explained again.

Su Bai nodded, this is pretty much the same, otherwise, relying on this old man's strength, let alone robbing the bank, even the security guards of the bank have to be careful when they see the old man coming to rob, for fear of hurting the old man's legs if he is not careful .

Robbing a bank has already involved the issue of criminal prosecution, and such serious cases are generally not easy to handle.

But what Su Bai wants is a difficult one!Start the reputation of the law firm!
"Briefly introduce the case and your demands."

Su Bai had a serious expression on his face.


The old man sighed deeply, and described the general process of the whole case.

Su Bai recorded the key information while listening, and the nib of the pen stopped to ask some key questions from time to time. After two hours of case description and inquiry, Su Bai finally figured out the general process of the case and some basic information.

The old man's name is Wang Zizhong, and the aunt's name is Zhang Cuifang. Both of them are retired workers in the county of Nandu. They have children in old age and have an only child.

The process of the case is that the son of the old man went to the bank to withdraw money to treat the old man, and what he got was the old man's savings.

Since he is not the person himself, the bank needs the grandpa’s son to prove that he is the grandpa’s son, even if he has an ID card, household registration booklet, or critical illness notice.

The staff of the bank spoke fiercely and insisted that the old man go there in person to prove that the old man's son is the old man's son, otherwise he would not pick it up.

But the old man is waiting for money to save his life in the ICU!

How to prove it?
Could it be that he got up from the hospital bed and ran to the bank to prove that his son was his son? !

This is a fart of money!A direct medical miracle!
And just as the old man's son was arguing with the bank staff, a few robbers came and robbed the bank directly.

Knowing that the old man's son needs money to save his life, he gave part of the stolen money to the old man's son without saying a word.

At that time, the old man's son didn't care so much, so he took the money and went to the hospital directly.

Afterwards, a group of people were arrested, and the grandpa's son was identified as an accomplice because he took the money, and was convicted of major robbery. Because this incident was too bad, he was sentenced severely.

And because the grandpa’s son had a reason for the incident, the sentence was reduced and he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, fined and confiscated illegal gains.

After detailed understanding, Su Bai learned that the law and order of Blue Star now is equivalent to around 2000, and such bold things were quite common in the law and order at that time.

Later, the old man filed an appeal again, but unfortunately the second trial was lost, and the judgment of the first trial was upheld, and now it has entered the stage of final trial!

The final judgment decides life and death. Once the final judgment is made, no further appeals can be filed, and the case is finalized.

Listening to the old man's description, Su Bai frowned slightly. If he applied for the second trial, he would need to submit a new defense argument.

In this case, the sentence of 20 years in prison is actually a bit heavy. With new evidence, how can it be possible to uphold the judgment of the first instance?

"How did the second instance uphold the first-instance judgment? A question from the lawyer?"

When it comes to the lawyer of the second trial, the dentures of the uncle are all spurted out: "CTM unscrupulous lawyer! Refund!"

Su Bai retreated, avoiding the uncle's dentures: "Master, don't get excited, let's talk slowly if you have anything to say, don't engage in physical attacks."

Wang Zizhong was a little embarrassed, he put the dentures back on, and his mood calmed down a lot, but his tone was still full of anger.

"The last time we went to a top law firm in Southern Metropolis, the second-instance lawyer said that he was a top lawyer in criminal cases, and asked for 18 in legal fees, but he only said three sentences in court! "



"We accept the judge's trial!"

"Three sentences earned 18 in legal fees, and that mouth is golden? One sentence is more than 6!?"

Wang Zizhong trembled angrily.

Zhang Cuifen on the side hastily patted Wang Zizhong on the back and added.

"Lawyer Su, this case has a great impact. We heard that if the final trial is held, it may be conducted in a live broadcast. We don't trust big law firms anymore. We have found many small law firms that are unwilling to take this case. "

"This case."

The impact of the case is great?Also adopt the form of live webcast court hearing? !
Isn't this a proper advertisement for the law firm?

Answer, must answer!There is nothing he can't accept. He, Su Bai, is an outlaw lunatic, how can he still lose in this case?
Without any hesitation, Su Bai went all out to take this case, and waved his hand: "I can take this case, and I assure you that if your son's sentence is not commuted or you are not satisfied with the commutation, I don't want a lawyer's fee! "

If there is no commutation or if the commutation is not satisfactory, the attorney fee will not be charged directly? !
Thinking of those three sentences, the gold medal lawyer who earned 18, Wang Zizhong felt that Su Bai was a lawyer of conscience!
"You're a lawyer who's weird."

"The responsibility lies in absolutely not being an unscrupulous lawyer! Then shall we sign the contract?"

Su Bai tentatively opened his mouth, and Wang Zizhong agreed on the spot.

"Sign, you have to sign."

Su Bai was also unambiguous, and found a contract template on the spot. After a general communication with Wang Zizhong, he drafted the content of the contract and printed it out.

The lawyer's fee is calculated based on the sentence of the final judgment, and the lawyer's fee is [-] for each year of commutation. If the sentence is not commuted, only the basic lawyer's labor fee is required.

Compared with that golden-mouthed lawyer, it is already a price of conscience.

This is also why Su Bai deliberately lowered the lawyer's fee in order to build up the reputation of the law firm.

After Su Bai signed, he handed the contract to Wang Zizhong, who signed his name without hesitation.

At the moment when the pen is finished.

A system prompt sounded in Su Bai's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task of undertaking a case, rewarding [-] cash, the cash will be transferred to your account through legal means]

[Task to be completed: win the lawsuit, reward the bronze treasure chest]

After seeing off the old couple Wang Zizhong, Su Bai kept staring at his bank account, wanting to see how the system used legal means to transfer the 5 yuan into his account.

Not long after, a message appeared in the message prompt box.

"Lawyer Su, the last time I had marriage counseling with you, thank you for your advice. I talked to my husband according to what you said. Huh, this domestic violence man finally agreed to divorce. I will transfer you 5 yuan." Express my gratitude with money, and make an appointment again when I have time."

Looking at the five-digit transfer, Su Bai was stunned for a moment, is this okay? !

(End of this chapter)

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