You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 205 Claim 20?It’s fine if you don’t send it in. How dare you ask for money?

Chapter 205 Claim 20?It’s fine if you don’t send it in. How dare you ask for money?
In court.

Facing Xiao Lili's gaze, Li Xuezhen was not afraid at all.

There have been so many court hearings.

stare? ?

Come and compare and find out!

Let's see who is good!
Xiao Lili noticed Li Xuezhen's gaze:? ? ?
Subconsciously, he lowered his head to ask his aid lawyer, with a slightly nervous expression on his face:

"Lawyer Chen, will we lose this lawsuit?"

"I'm a little worried"

As a female lawyer, Chen Le is usually responsible for handling divorce cases and cases of unfair treatment of girls in marriages.

Among them, there is also a certain understanding of cases of forcing women to have sex.

She is just a practicing lawyer who has just become a regular, and she does not have much experience in handling cases.

So I want to do some assistance cases and exercise my abilities.

After learning Xiao Lili’s statement and specific case details.

As a woman, she fell into empathy and thought that she must help Xiao Lili get justice.

Facing Xiao Lili's worries, Chen Le comforted her softly and said:
"In this case, the prosecutor's evidence is solid and a public prosecution has been launched. It is not easy to lose the case..."

"Although the other party's lawyer is a barrister, it is impossible to overturn the evidence. The chance of us losing this case is very low."

"I promise to help you fight for your absolute legal rights."

"Don't worry...that kind of scum should be punished accordingly."

"Okay...thank you..."

"This time, it's not Lawyer Chen. You keep comforting me. I really don't know what to do."

Xiao Lili opened her mouth and expressed her grievance.

Chen Le smiled and nodded: "It's okay, we are all women, so we should help each other."


Xiao Lili smiled and nodded.

At this time, Xiao Lili's mother Dong Zhu secretly pulled Xiao Lili's clothes.

Xiao Lili patted Dong Zhu gently with her hand, indicating that there was nothing to worry about in this lawsuit.
At the court hearing, the clerk announced the court discipline.

Three members of the collegial panel took to the bench.

The presiding judge Li Yongchun banged the gavel and announced the opening of the trial.

And start to follow the corresponding process.

This trial, as a public prosecution case, consists of three parties: the prosecutor, the prosecution and the defendant.

None of the parties had any objections to the trial.

After confirming that there were no problems in the process, Li Yongchun glanced at the other two judges beside him, Zhang Qi and Duan Lanlan.

Then, the gavel was struck.

"All parties have no objection to this court's trial, and have not applied for recusal. The trial stage is now beginning."

"In this case, the prosecutor accused the defendant Zhang Tongwei of violating the criminal law provisions of forcing a woman to have an improper relationship against her will, right?"

Zhou Ran, the main respondent of the prosecution, nodded: "Yes, presiding judge."

dong dong!

"Confirm the cause of the case, then the prosecutor will start making statements and accusations."

"Good judge."

Facing the presiding judge, Zhou Ran, as the prosecutor, began to state Zhang Tongwei's crimes.

“The prosecutor’s statement on Zhang Tongwei’s crime is as follows:”

“Based on the police records provided by law enforcement, the victim’s confession, and the evidence provided by the victim, it is shown that the defendant seriously violated the victim’s legal rights and interests.”

"An unfair relationship was achieved by forcing a woman against her will."

"According to Article 236 of the Criminal Law, the provisions and conditions for the crime of rape."

"The crime of rape refers to the act of forcibly having sex with a woman against her will, using violence, threats or other means."

"The objective performance is that it violates women's legal rights, and the approach seriously violates women's subjective wishes."

"In this case."

"Based on the evidence and confession:"

"Zhang Tongwei did have a relationship with Xiao Lili, and after the incident, Xiao Lili retained relevant evidence and filed charges."

"Combined with the confessions of Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili, as well as the evidence provided by Xiao Lili's side, it is confirmed that Zhang Tongwei forcibly violated Xiao Lili's will."

"That is, the prosecutor believes that Zhang Tongwei's criminal facts are established."

"According to the sentencing and punishment of this crime, the sentence should be between three and ten years in prison."

"In this case, if the defendant cannot produce a letter of understanding or other valid proof, the prosecutor recommends a sentencing of three years in prison."

"Presiding judge, the prosecution has finished its statement."

Zhou Ran was sentenced to three years in prison.

It can be said that this is already the lightest recommended sentence when Zhang Tongwei did not receive a letter of understanding and his attitude of pleading guilty was not good.

You know, there will be leniency for those who confess and there will be harshness for those who resist. This is still the case in court.

However, Zhang Tongwei has always resisted the crime and refused to accept punishment, and has always insisted that he did not force himself.

Therefore, it stands to reason that he should be sentenced to at least three and a half years.

The sentence recommended by Zhou Ran was obviously considered from other aspects.
The prosecution's statement is completed.

The presiding judge, Li Yongchun, set his sights on the prosecution seat.

"Prosecutor, do you have anything to add to the prosecution's application for litigation?"

After Chen Le heard the words of the presiding judge.

Serious expression.

"There are presiding judges."

"President, we believe that the prosecutor's recommended sentence is inappropriate, and we are applying for civil compensation."

"Why do you think it's inappropriate? What's the reason?"

Li Yongchun frowned slightly and asked.

As the main judge of this case, I have a general understanding of the case.

how to say
On the premise that Zhang Tongwei is found guilty, this sentence can be said to be very reasonable.

He didn't think there was anything unreasonable about it.

Facing the presiding judge's inquiry, Chen Le continued to speak:
"President, we believe that in this case, Zhang Tongwei violated Xiao Lili's subjective wishes, violated the law, and caused serious impact and consequences on Xiao Lili."

"Currently, Xiao Lili has suffered serious mental losses in front of her relatives and friends because she was forcibly forced by Zhang Tongwei."

"So Zhang Tongwei should be severely sentenced."

"in addition."

"Based on Zhang Tongwei's injury to Xiao Lili, we believe that the defendant should compensate our victim 20 yuan for mental loss, insult to personality, etc."

"Presiding Judge, the above is our lawsuit application."

After Chen Le finished his statement, he looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

Li Yongchun frowned slightly and said nothing.

Su Bai smiled when he heard the other party's statement. The female lawyer opposite her seemed to have little trial experience.

Could it be that you want to gain experience as an aid lawyer?

I suffered mental damage and am claiming 20?How dare you ask for it!

Both co-authoring and non-reconciliation want to get money, right?
Su Bai: ...
Li Yongchun banged the hammer and asked the defendant to start making statements.

Su Bai had already studied this case thoroughly, pulled out the litigation materials, and stated:
"Presiding judge, we will plead not guilty."

"Apply to dismiss the prosecution's accusation and the prosecution's supplementary accusation." "We believe that we did not force Xiao Lili to have sex."

"First of all, I would like to state the fact that Xiao Lili and Zhang Tongwei were in a relationship before the case was filed."

"And the two are engaged."

"Under such circumstances, Xiao Lili accused Zhang Tongwei of forcing Xiao Lili to have sex against her will."

"This is the premise."

"In addition...the evidence report issued by the prosecutor and law enforcement authorities is Xiao Lili's confession and the recording made by Xiao Lili's mother Dong Zhu when she came to question Zhang Tongwei, as well as conclusive evidence of the relationship."

"For this trial, the most important point in whether to convict Zhang Tongwei of a crime is whether Xiao Lili was voluntary when Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili had a relationship."

"Based on the evidence provided first."

"Xiao Lili's confession is that she showed obvious resistance and did not allow Zhang Tongwei to have a relationship."

"The day after the relationship, Dong Zhu came over and asked Zhang Tongwei if this was the case... Zhang Tongwei answered yes."

"Through this evidence, the prosecution has determined that Zhang Tongwei had a relationship against Xiao Lili's will."

“But what does the process look like?”

"The specific process is that Dong Zhu asked Zhang Tongwei if he was unhappy when he had sex with Xiao Lili last night."

"Is Xiao Lili not very happy..."

"This evidence is supplementary evidence to Yu Xiao Lili's confession."

"But it actually didn't directly explain the specific situation at that time."

"Also I have another question."

"When Dong Zhu asked our client Zhang Tongwei, he specially brought a voice recorder to record."

"I would like to ask the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel, what was Dong Zhu's identity at that time?"

"Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili were already engaged at the time, and Dong Zhu's identity was Zhang Tongwei's prospective mother-in-law."

"The mother-in-law went to her son-in-law's house to ask about this kind of thing, and she even carried a voice recorder..."

"To ask questions specifically on this matter... it just doesn't make sense."


"Xiao Lili and Zhang Tongwei have had multiple relationships before, according to our client's confession. Why did they have to report our client for coercion when they had a relationship this time?"

"We don't quite understand the above two questions. Presiding judge, I would like to ask the prosecutor or prosecution to answer these two questions of mine completely..."

"Otherwise, no matter what the court decides, we think the decision is unreasonable and will continue to appeal."

Su Bai raised his head slightly and looked at the presiding judge's seat.

After listening to Su Bai's statement, presiding judge Li Yongchun subconsciously glanced at the position of the defendant's attorney.

He also knew that with Su Bai here, this case would definitely be difficult to hear.

Didn't you see last time that one of their colleagues was sent away?

The request made by Su Bai was relatively reasonable.

These two issues are also key issues in the trial of this case.

Although the prosecutor's indirect evidence, Xiao Lili's confession and the evidence in Dong Zhu's possession showed that Zhang Tongwei did engage in forced behavior.

He didn't know whether this kind of case should be tried elsewhere.

However, in this trial, the opinions of all parties must be combined before making a judgment.

Facing Su Bai's statement, Li Yongchun sorted out the application statements from the three parties, and then looked at the prosecutor's and defendant's seats.

"The court has finished sorting out the statements made by the three parties."

"The court will now summarize the details in this case and the proceedings in the application."

"First: Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili had a relationship. This is a fact."

"Second: During the relationship, Xiao Lili showed that she was unhappy, but Zhang Tongwei still continued. This can be confirmed by Zhang Tongwei, Xiao Lili and the recording evidence."

"Third: Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili were unmarried before the incident."

"Do all parties have no objections to the above three points?"

These three points are all based on solid evidence and facts.

Neither the prosecution nor the prosecution had any objections.

There are no objections from all parties….
Li Yongchun continued to state: "In response to the defendant's questions, can the victim or the prosecutor now make a statement and explain the reasons?"

Zhou Ran said nothing...

At this time, Chen Le, the prosecution's assistance lawyer, raised his hand to answer.

"Now ask the prosecution attorney or the victim to answer these two questions."


Chen Le said: "President, these two questions are actually easy to answer."

"The first one is why Dong Zhu, as the mother-in-law, brought a voice recorder to question her son-in-law."

"First of all, Zhang Tongwei and Xiao Lili have not received their marriage certificates yet, and they are not legally married. In actual terms, Zhang Tongwei is not Dong Zhu's son-in-law."

"in addition.…"

"Why do you need to carry a voice recorder... This only shows that Dong Zhu has legal awareness. His daughter has suffered great injustice. It is reasonable for him to seek justice for his daughter."

"Xiao Lili is Dong Zhu's family member, but Zhang Tongwei is not Dong Zhu's family member. He has a certain legal awareness and comes to ask what kind of injustice his daughter has suffered. Isn't it reasonable?"

"As for the second point, it's easy to answer. Although the two people have had relationships many times before, they are not married yet. In this case, if Xiao Lili is unwilling, it is also a forced behavior."

"It cannot be said that Xiao Lili was willing before, but if she is not willing now, it does not constitute forced behavior."

"Women's rights need to be protected. Even if they are married, the use of violence is considered coercion!"

"So, regarding the defendant's question, we think it is very naive. The defendant completely does not respect women's rights."

"I think this is a serious act of bias."

"Presiding judge, we have finished answering the defendant's questions."

After Chen Le finished speaking, he looked coldly at Su Bai at the defendant's seat.

Su Bai looked at Chen Le, smiled and shook his head.

Is this aid lawyer on top?
Questions that should be answered by the victim were answered personally.

This is not a sensible thing to say in a criminal proceeding.

If the victim later retracted his confession or the defendant produced other substantive evidence.

This assistance lawyer is suspected of perjury!

Facing Chen Le's words, Su Bai said seriously: "May I ask the victim to entrust a lawyer? Can your words and deeds represent the victim?"

"Here I would like to remind you that in a criminal case like this, the entrusted lawyer's words and deeds represent the victim, so if the testimony is reversed, the entrusted lawyer needs to bear corresponding legal responsibilities."

Su Bai's reminder was serious.

Because in court trials, especially sexual assault cases, the woman's confession can easily be changed for certain reasons.

Criminal cases are generally non-full representation, while civil cases are full representation.

Because once you are fully represented in a criminal case, if the client tells lies and you don’t know it, but you are represented, the case will be wrongly judged.

Lawyers will definitely be sent in for alleged perjury.

This is why most lawyers are very careful when representing criminal cases and value evidence.


Faced with Su Bai's reminder, Chen Le was completely unaware of the dangers of criminal litigation representation.

I believe from the bottom of my heart that good sisters can’t deceive good sisters, right?

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 I saw a few marriage cases and thought it was outrageous.

  The first one is that the man and woman did not know each other, but they were in a relationship. The woman accused her of rape, and the man was imprisoned for two years.A case in Shanxi.

  There was also a chief judge who sentenced the man to divorce and leave the house, but then he turned around and fell in love with the woman...
  Please give me a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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