You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 208: 7 years term!Xiao Li: Sent in!

Chapter 208: Seven years!Xiao Li: Send it in!

On the defendant's seat.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Pack up and get ready to leave."

Li Xuezhen nodded heavily: "Oh, good Lawyer Su."

Wait until you leave the courtroom.

Return to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Inside the office.

At the court hearing, the verdict was not guilty and Zhang Tongwei was released in court.

At this time, Wang Li and Zhang Tongwei were both in the office.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Li said: "Lawyer Su, I'm going to trouble you, Lawyer Su, for this trial."

"I just said that Lawyer Su can definitely do it..."

"is not it?"

Wang Li spoke to Zhang Tongwei.

Zhang Tongwei smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Wang Li continued to speak:
"But Lawyer Su..."

"If the other party accuses you like this, you won't get any punishment, right?"

"I went to this woman's neighborhood to inquire about her. She has a bad reputation in her neighborhood. She was said to have been engaged several times."

"Every time I use this method to break off my engagement, it seems I have deceived several people."

"Oh, by the way, Tong Wei, how did you meet Xiao Lili in the first place? Didn't you do a background check first?"

When he mentioned this, Zhang Tongwei became very angry: "It was introduced by a friend of mine at the time! Who knew it would be like this now!"

"Friend, what friend?"

"Even a colleague who was a local in Nandu has now stopped contacting me!"


After hearing the conversation between Wang Li and Zhang Tongwei, Su Bai handed some materials into Zhang Tongwei's hands.

"I already understand everything you said."

"The materials have been sorted out. My suggestion is that you file the case first. It's best to find your colleague. He should know better than you."

Zhang Tongwei looked through the materials with a look of surprise on his face.

"Lawyer Su, is this really possible?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it."

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

After seeing off Zhang Tongwei and Wang Li, Su Bai took a sip of tea.

After this court hearing, Zhang Tongwei will probably not suffer a loss in this kind of matter in the future.

Su Bai has already given Zhang Tongwei a description of the materials for filing the case.

The rest, for now, just needs to wait.

Two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Bai briefly dealt with the current work of the law firm, and called Han Chen, the person in charge of administration, into the office to learn about the current situation of the law firm.


The operation of the law firm is good, there is no shortage of case sources, and there are sufficient lawyers.

Accepting the cases that should be accepted, not accepting those who don't want to accept and cooperating with Xiao Haibo, generally speaking, the problem is not very big.
Time flies by half a month.

During this half-month period, Su Bai made some minor adjustments to the operation of the law firm.

And through the recruitment of lawyers and Xiao Haibo's connections, three lawyers who had not been practicing for a long time and had certain abilities were recruited.

The size of the law firm has been increased again.

Su Bai only occasionally took care of matters related to the law firm. All administrative matters were left to Han Chen to handle.


Inside the office of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Han Chen knocked on the door of the office and walked in. He put some materials on the desk: "Lawyer Su, these are some recent case sources."

"One of the cases is more famous."

"I put it on top."

Su Bai took a look at the case:
It is indeed quite famous.

Isn't this the player case that has been causing quite a stir recently?
Dongbo was suspected of piracy and was shut down for distributing illegal videos. Its broadcast website was shut down and the company’s CEO was put on trial and investigated.

At present, the public response on the Internet is quite large.

"Well, I see."

Su Bai did not expect that this case would come to their Bai Jun Law Firm, but since it came to them, they took it.

Ask Han Chen to contact him.

"Okay Lawyer Su, I'll make arrangements right away."

After Han Chen finished speaking, he left the office.
at the same time.

Zhang Tongwei also filed the case through the information provided by Su Bai.

half a month.

The prosecutor has investigated the facts clearly.

It was learned through investigation that Xiao Lili had indeed cheated on her marriage and made false accusations.

Xiao Lili didn't just cheat Zhang Tongwei into marriage.

I defrauded nearly five people in total.

They all use the same method, but everyone else chooses to use money to eliminate disasters.

Zhang Tongwei is stubborn and has been unwilling to pay for reconciliation.

That's why the subsequent situation occurred.
On the day of the trial, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen with him.

The charges charged by the prosecution include fraud, malicious conduct of judicial proceedings, and one count of perjury.

This perjury.

It refers to the fact that Chen Le, as Xiao Lili's attorney, answered on behalf of Xiao Lili, but it was inconsistent with the facts. By reversing Xiao Lili's oral confession, Chen Le's perjury was confirmed.

In court.

Zhang Tongwei contacted several men who had been defrauded before and testified in court.

The prosecution had sufficient evidence and the facts were clear. During the trial and the evidence process, Xiao Lili could not deny the evidence.

I also knew in my heart that it was impossible to escape legal sanctions, so I pleaded guilty and accepted punishment on the spot, striving for leniency.

When Chen Le saw Xiao Lili admitting her guilt and accepting punishment, her emotions collapsed.

She was kind enough to help Xiao Lili, but she didn't expect that Xiao Lili would actually lie to her!
The trial went relatively smoothly.

However, Chen Le broke down emotionally several times during the trial, causing the trial to be temporarily suspended.

The trial lasted for an hour and a half.

The verdict was finally announced.

As fraudsters, Xiao Lili and Dong Zhu are suspected of committing huge amounts of fraud. According to the sentencing for fraud, they should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.

and proceeding with proceedings for malicious interference with the administration of justice.

Consider this impact.

In the end, Dong Zhu was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison.

Xiao Lili was sentenced to six years in prison.In addition, Chen Le, as Xiao Lili's defense lawyer, was suspected of perjury and was sentenced to six months' probation. At the same time, his lawyer's license was revoked and he was not allowed to engage in legal profession-related content.

at the moment the verdict was announced.

Xiao Lili and Dong Zhu looked gloomy and serious.

Chen Le cried bitterly.

Seeing this scene in the court hearing, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Shaking his head, he didn't say much.

At that time, he reminded him at the trial.


The other party still defended Xiao Lili subjectively and taught Xiao Lili how to answer the presiding judge's questions at the trial.

Based on this alone, it can be regarded as perjury.

Because this completely violates the lawyer's standards.

How should the client respond?

Isn't it inappropriate to teach the client how to escape the sanctions of the law?
Li Xuezhen's face also showed seriousness, and she looked at Su Bai quietly.

I thought to myself: This is what Lawyer Su usually thinks when he teaches me.
Are you worried that I will be deceived when I go out...?
Lawyer Su cares about me very much!
The trial is over.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen away from the court hearing.

After returning to Bai Jun Law Firm.

Su Bai's cell phone kept ringing with messages of thanks from Wang Li and Zhang Tongwei.

"Lawyer Su, I really want to thank you this time. Thank you, Lawyer Su, for your defense! The legal fees have been paid to the law firm. Lawyer Su is out for a drink when he is free!"

Wang Li: "Bullshit! Bullshit!"

"Lawyer Su, let's have a good drink tonight! Another person comes in, shouldn't we celebrate it?"

Su Bai: ...

These words seemed to be a celebration for Zhang Tongwei’s gift of a fiancée...

Su Bai did not agree to the two people's warm invitation, but told them that the law firm still had business to deal with.

The two of them also understood that Su Bai Law Firm was busy. When they heard the rejection, they just secretly said it was a pity and did not say much.
in the afternoon.

Around three o'clock.

In the office of Baijun Law Firm,

Su Bai sat in the office, flipping through his phone, waiting for Sun Han, the wife of Dongbo CEO.

ten minutes later.

Su Bai turned off "Dynamic Broadcasting" and said silently that this software is quite easy to use.

Then he rubbed his eyebrows.

This case has aroused great public opinion on the Internet.

The main public opinion is that because Dongbo has a relatively large number of users, this case has received relatively large attention.
There are various opinions on the Internet, but Su Bai has not understood it too much for the time being.

If you want to get the specific circumstances of the case, you still have to listen to what the parties involved have to say.

Around ten past three.

A woman about 40 years old came to the office under the guidance of Li Xuezhen.

"Hello...Lawyer Su."

"Hello, Ms. Sun."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and then entered the formal theme of the meeting.

The formal theme of the case is relatively simple.

Su Bai just wanted to know about Sun Han's entrustment application and have a relative discussion on this case.

Sun Han took a sip of tea and said:
"Lawyer Su... Regarding the accusations made by the prosecutor and the court against my family, Lao Wang, and the accusations against our company."

"We don't have any big opinions..."

"The reason why I hired Lawyer Su this mainly for the judgment of my old Wang's court."

"I have inquired about it. If my old Wang is really sentenced this time, he will probably sit for about five or six years."

"My lawsuit application is to ask Lawyer Su if the sentence can be reduced..."

"The remaining issues... don't worry about this."


"I understand what you mean... You mean only to plead not guilty, or to plead for a reduced sentence, right?"


"Okay, I have a general understanding of this trial. I will plead not guilty. The specific situation still depends on the trial verdict."

"Thank you, Lawyer Su..."
The two men didn't talk much.

Very concise and clear.

After learning about the lawsuit application.

Su Bai briefly learned about the general process of the case from Sun Han, and asked Sun Han for some documents as evidence in the trial.

Sun Han agreed to these.

Immediately after Su Bai took out a power of attorney, Sun Han came over and nodded: "I believe Lawyer Su."

Then he signed his name on the power of attorney.

After Sun Han left the office, Su Bai took a sip of tea.

How can I put it...the taste has changed.

Putting down the tea cup, Su Bai checked online again to find out the specific process and content of this case.

This case involves relatively many issues.

But other issues belong to other issues, and his main focus is to plead not guilty.

After glancing at the power of attorney, Su Bai called Li Xuezhen into the office.


"I have an easy task for you here."


"Nothing, just try this player... and see if the video stream is not smooth..."


"Good Lawyer Su."

"But...Lawyer Su, what video do I want to watch?"

Su Bai:? ? ?
"TV drama."


After Li Xuezhen left the office, Su Bai suddenly remembered a question.

Li Xuezhen should have met the conditions for becoming a regular employee, right?

Why didn't she mention getting a regular job? .
Forget it, forget about it for now, the main thing is to solve the current case.

This case was caused by the spread of the company's software, and the company's main person in charge was prosecuted.

Therefore, Su Bai only went to meet the client Wang Bo, asked for some key information, and explained some simple litigation issues in the court hearing.

All that is left is to go through the corresponding process and verify the key evidence of the case.

Awaiting a court hearing.

(End of this chapter)

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