You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 220: One counts as one, both are sentenced!1 people suspected!

Chapter 220 Every one counts, both are judged!29 people suspected!
"A serious case, damn it! A serious case with a real name!"


"Three law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies are working together. Isn't this a serious and serious case? There is no problem, there is no problem at all!"

"TMD, it's really good to catch this kind of person! That's great!"

"This is to create a wonderful scene for the local judicial environment!"

"Fuck, hurry up and start a trial. I want to see the verdict. I want to see how these people got in!"

"It's written in the criminal law on how to get in. I would like to see how many years they can get in!"
According to Su Bai's request.Li Xuezhen sent the general situation and current progress of Qin Bao's case to the short video operation platform of Bai Jun Law Firm.

after publishing.

The number of comments in the comment area is even greater than the number of likes.

Fans and people passing by, after watching the relevant court hearings, commented one after another, asking when the court would be held and that they must go and help out.

The "venue" refers to the case being heard publicly and the live broadcast of the trial taking place at that time.

However, general criminal cases require a stage of investigation, trial and evidence collection.

At present, the relevant personnel are only in the investigation stage, and due to lack of evidence, no trial has been held.

Du Ming and others are still in the custody review stage.

Du Ming, Ma Wu and other prosecutors from the courts and procuratorial departments are under investigation.

According to the progress provided by the supervision department, relatively good breakthroughs have been made in evidence collection.

It's just that this case involves many aspects, and Du Ming and Ma Wu can only be regarded as the two legal departments.

You know, when this case was first being judged, three parties broke the law.

The inter-provincial arrests by law enforcement parties are illegal and illegal.

The evidence is overwhelming, beyond a doubt.

Su Bai made relevant filings and supervisory submissions regarding the illegal arrest of Qin Bao across provinces by law enforcement parties.

And because this case is inextricably linked to Anshi, we applied for a different jurisdiction.

This means applying to the High Court to transfer the judgment of law enforcement parties to other prefecture-level cities.
The Provincial Procuratorate pays special attention to this case, because this case involves too many things, and the three major departments are involved.

And because of the video Su Bai released, there is now a lot of pressure from public opinion on the Internet.

Although...public opinion does not affect the judgment of the law, from the side, public opinion can supervise the execution of the law and the speed of administration.

In this case, the Provincial Procuratorate and the Provincial High Court directed the Hohhot law enforcement officers to investigate the Qin Bao case and the Hohhot Court conducted the trial.

The Hohhot prosecutors launched an investigation into the law enforcement officers involved in the arrest of Qin Bao.

It was confirmed that it had an abusive function and a public prosecution was launched.

While in custody against law enforcement.

Regarding Du Ming, Ma Wu and others involved in this case, evidence collection has been completed, a joint trial will be conducted, and public prosecution will be instituted together.

There are as many as 29 people involved in this case!
Due to the large number of people involved, the court conducted separate trials.

The case is suspected to be serious, and the main trial personnel Ma Wu and Du Ming, as well as law enforcement officers who violated the law, will be tried in another place by the Hohhot Intermediate Court.

Adhering to the principles of fairness, openness and fairness, the case will be heard in public.

A public trial means a live trial, allowing the trial process to be made public.
On the day of the court hearing.

Many reporters and media are paying attention to this case.

Because the public opinion and legal system construction involved in this case are very important.

The main reasons are:
First: a court trial involving a case involving Su Bai, a well-known Internet lawyer and a top domestic lawyer.

Su Bai is the traffic password, and many media will deliberately pay attention to the court cases in which Su Bai participates.

Second: This case involves a doctor of medicine who was arrested in another place and across the province just because he published a long article and told the truth.

It is very controversial and public opinion.

Law enforcement in different places and across provinces has always been a matter of strong public opinion.

He was taken away just because he published an article and was imprisoned for nearly half a year.

It cannot be said that the future is completely ruined, but most of it is ruined.

Therefore...many people are looking forward to winning this public prosecution case...

"Fuck! Send them all in!"

This is the voice of netizens.

Hohhot Intermediate Court.

In the court hearing, Li Xuezhen looked excitedly at Du Ming, Ma Wu, law enforcement officers Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang in the defendant's seat.

"Go in, go in, go in!"

Li Xuezhen recited excitedly in her heart.

The last time I saw Du Ming was at the court hearing.

However, Du Ming was sitting in the presiding judge's seat at that time, but now he is sitting in the defendant's seat.

And she sat at the trial against the supplementary party.

It's like a role reversal.

tsk tsk...
Li Xuezhen estimated that Du Ming might not have thought that they would meet in court again in this way.


Du Ming never thought that he would be arrested and charged with abuse of power.

Noticing someone looking at him out of the corner of his eye, Du Ming raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of his peripheral vision.

Looking into Li Xuezhen's eyes again, Du Ming seemed to understand why Li Xuezhen looked at him that way...

All ideas suddenly became clear...

He seemed to understand this look!

However, it seems a bit late.
After the presiding judge announced the opening of the trial, the live broadcast of the trial began and the case began to be formally heard.

The main reason for the case is to accuse Du Ming, Ma Wu, as well as the law enforcement parties, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang of abusing their powers.

The gavel sounded.

The case of abuse of power was tried by Xu Hao, deputy president of the Hohhot Intermediate Court, and a trial was held.

"Please ask the prosecutor to start stating the factual basis and crime." Xu Hao lowered his head and glanced at the litigation materials, then spoke slowly and looked at the prosecutor's seat.

COSCO, as the deputy president and chief judge, learned about the case before the trial.

Understand more clearly and take into account more things.

This case not only attracted public opinion on the Internet, but also the relevant departments paid great attention to it. The High Court and the provincial judicial authorities paid a lot of attention to this case.

The pressure was on the Intermediate Court.

Therefore, the president asked him, the vice president, to preside over the hearing to ensure that no problems would arise during the judicial trial.

The pressure faced by prosecutors is also high.

This case has attracted attention from all walks of life, and the prosecutors must do a good job in charging.

This time, Cao Xue, the main prosecutor of the prosecution, heard the presiding judge speak.

After sorting out the litigation materials in front of him, a clear voice echoed in the courtroom:
"presiding judge."

"As for several people on the defendant's side, the prosecutor confirmed the prosecution after verification of facts and investigation. The respective alleged crimes are:"

"The following are the conditions for prosecution by the public prosecutor:"

"Du Ming, a former staff member of the An City Primary Court, is suspected of perverting the law and abusing his power."

"During the judgment, we failed to make a fair and just judgment in accordance with the law, used illegal evidence, and refused to listen to the defendant's opinions."

"The judgment is based entirely on subjectivity and not on the basis of facts, evidence or legal basis."

"The prosecutor believes that this behavior seriously violated our country's judicial regulations and criminal responsibility."


"Ma Wu, the former public prosecutor of An City, used illegal evidence and submitted it to the court based on the illegal evidence, which is a serious dereliction of duty and abuse of power."

"Failed to perform his duties and obligations and seriously violated criminal responsibility."


"Former law enforcement officers Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang were suspected of serious violations. They abused their power without relevant procedures, causing major social consequences and causing huge losses to the people."

"Apply to the court for a ruling to convict him of his crime."

"The above figures are suspected of serious illegal acts and criminal acts."

"Based on the above acts, the prosecutor recommended the following prison terms:"

"Du Ming: Recommended sentence of two years and six months in prison."

"Ma Wu: Recommended term of imprisonment is two years."

"Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang are sentenced to one year and six months in prison and one year in prison respectively."

"Presiding Judge, the crimes and charges of the above persons have been stated."

"We are applying for approval."

After Cao Xue finished stating the contents of the litigation materials, she raised her head and looked at the presiding judge's seat.

Xu Hao nodded slightly and looked at Su Bai: "Does the accuser have anything to add?"

Facing the presiding judge's inquiry, Su Bai lowered his head and sorted out the litigation materials.


There are definitely additions.

What is the most critical aspect of this trial?
Those who deserve punishment are punished more severely.

What do you mean?
Increase the sentence!

Apply for an additional sentence!

This is his most important task as the prosecutor in court.

"President, we have something to add. What we want to add is that among the defendants, I think the sentence proposed by the prosecutor is not very reasonable."
Cao Xue frowned slightly after hearing Su Bai's addition.

The proposed sentence is unreasonable?

What do you mean?
Before Cao Xue could react, she heard Su Bai continue to speak.

"First of all, let's talk about Du Ming and Ma Wu. One is the former presiding judge and the other is the former public prosecutor. According to the provisions of abuse of power and dereliction of duty."

"Any functional staff member who abuses his power or neglects his duties, causing significant losses to public property, the interests of the country or the public, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"I have objections to the circumstances established by the prosecution."

"According to the prosecutor's statement and the recommended sentence, it is obvious that the circumstances caused by Du Ming, Ma Wu and others are relatively minor."

"In this case, Du Ming, Ma Wu, Fang Shijun, Feng Xiang and others acted as judicial officers and knowingly broke the law. They deliberately conducted court trials when they clearly knew that the evidence was illegal."

"And deliberately created a wrong case between enemies."

"It has caused huge and bad social influence. Based on the above, we believe that the prosecutors should determine that the circumstances are particularly serious and sentence Du Mingmawu and others."

"This is our opinion."

After Su Bai finished his statement, many people in the courtroom were stunned for a moment.

Especially on the defendant's side.

what does this mean?
You are a living hell in the courtroom, right?

Du Ming: "..."

Ma Wu: “….”

other people:".…."

This is because they think the sentence was not severe enough, and they want to add fuel to the fire by deciding that the circumstances are too severe, right?
At the presiding judge's seat, Xu Hao looked at Su Bai curiously.

Is it considered that the circumstances are too serious?

This, how should I put it, is not impossible.

But he wanted to hear how Su Bai decided that the plot was too serious.

You must know that the main content of this trial is to convict Du Ming and others.

The prosecution does not use this as its purpose, but as its main supplement is to increase the sentence.

This situation is rare.
PS: There is one more chapter, it will be a little later~Please vote for me~.

(End of this chapter)

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