You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 222 Judgment!Abuse of power!Counter the prosecution!

Chapter 222 Judgment!Abuse of power!Counter the prosecution!
In court.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

However, this embarrassment was only directed at Lin Shen, the defendant’s litigation agent.

Lin Shen kept looking at the presiding judge's seat, just to avoid Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang from casting "eyes" on him.

Now the two people are staring at him!

If that's the case, let's just do it! .
Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang were extremely anxious, but their eyes were almost dry, and they didn't see Lin Shen look at them.

But at this moment, the presiding judge urged again:
"Please ask the defendant to speak and make a statement."

Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang looked at each other.


How does this make them answer?

The questions asked by the other party are more precise than the last.

Why didn't they follow the procedure? Who asked them to do it...

this problem.

If they could have answered, they wouldn't be sitting on the defense bench now.

Sitting in the defendant's seat now, he must have put all the questions on himself, so can he answer the real situation?

Does not.

They also knew in their hearts that the most critical question Su Bai asked was this question.

Facing this big pit, there is no way to hide.

Fang Shijun took a deep breath and said, "No one asked us to do it."

"What we considered at the time was that now that the case has been filed, this case will have a great impact on our reporter. The inter-provincial procedure is too troublesome and the waiting time is too long."

"As time goes by, it will cause too much harm to the enterprise."

"We can understand the impact that will have on businesses and the harm that will be done to businesses."

"I'm worried that if time passes, unnecessary trouble will arise..."

"So I violated the procedure and planned to bring the person back first, and then make up for it afterwards."

tsk tsk...

It's a good idea. Do you want to make up for it later?
Why mention it and then add it later?
Because the case is under investigation, the other party is only a suspect and is not in their jurisdiction, so the law enforcement power does not belong to them.

If the procedures are followed, the law enforcement power lies in the place where Qin Bao is located.

Local law enforcement officials conducted an investigation and concluded that Qin Bao did not constitute rumors and insults to business reputation.

There is nothing they can do about Qin Bao...

This is the main purpose of Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang, as for the rest... they are all excuses.

As for what Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang said, no one asked them to do this...

I can hear you.

The law enforcement was illegal, and it also involved cross-province and cross-region abuse of power.

In order to handle a very common criminal case, are they willing to enforce the law like this?

Su Bai raised his hand to ask additional questions. After getting permission, he asked: "What you just expressed is that you can understand the difficulties of the company."

"So the company's difficulties are solved through violations."

"What do you mean by corporate difficulties? Do you mean that they sell shoddy products that are claimed to be good for the human body, but in fact, various elements exceed standards?"

"Are you worried that they can't sell these shoddy products?"

"Furthermore, you knew that this behavior was illegal and violated relevant procedures. You just did it because you understood the "difficulties" of the company, right?"

Fang Shijun was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

Su Bai smiled. According to this, he is really a good person?

Su Bai did not ask further questions, and then listened to Fang Shijun continue to answer other questions:

"I didn't know that violating the regulations was an abuse of law enforcement. I didn't know much about this aspect. What Feng Xiang and I wanted at that time was to arrest the suspect as soon as possible and complete this case."

"Because the impact of this case is quite large, especially for our local businesses."

"Our purpose in doing this is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of our company."

"As for what identity we used...we used the identity of law enforcement. During the arrest process, we did not show our identity in accordance with the arrest regulations. The main reason was that we were conducting law enforcement outside the province at the time and time was tight. This point was ignored. ."
Facing Su Bai's questions, Fang Shijun answered all he could.

Facing these answers from Fang Shijun, Su Bai twitched his lips.

This answer is getting more and more outrageous.

Who would believe this answer?
Putting aside everything else, who would risk being punished or expelled to arrest a criminal suspect?
As a law enforcer, you should strictly enforce the law.

Is the purpose of knowing the law and breaking the law just to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise?
There is no need to ask any further.

The abuse of power by Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang has been confirmed from the side in the statement just now.

What he was most concerned about was the first question, who asked Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang to violate law enforcement.

If both of them are unwilling to speak, there is nothing they can do.

It may still require prosecutors to continue their in-depth investigation to find out.

At the presiding judge's seat, Xu Hao banged his gavel, glanced at the litigation materials, and then looked at Lin Shen: "Do the attorneys appointed by the defendants Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang have anything to add?"

Lin Shen:….
"Presiding Judge, we have nothing to add."

dong dong!

Xu Hao nodded slightly. There was nothing to add, so things would be much simpler.

"Defendants Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang were arrested illegally across provinces because they were suspected of violating law enforcement regulations."

"For its own functions, it did not do a good job in regulating its own functions, and it involved illegal activities with its own functions."

"It is now determined that the two are suspected of abusing their power." "Do the defendant and the lawyer appointed by the defendant have any opinions?"

Lin Shen:….
What could he have to say about...?
In fact, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang were suspected of violating law enforcement regulations and using their own functions to make arrests, that was all.

It is an abuse of power.

Lin Shen knew this very well.

But we have to prove that our legal fees are not free.

So at the beginning, I performed a little bit.

Facing the presiding judge's decision, Lin Sen glanced at his two clients, then looked at the bench: "No objection."

After hearing their client's lawyer say they had no objections, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang's faces were filled with anxiety.


Why is there no objection?

Didn't you make a good point when the prosecutor made the accusation?
Keep pleading!
Before entrusting this case, Lin Shen had promised that he could plead not guilty and that the chances of winning the case were high.

Let them rest assured.

Now it is judged as an abuse of power and there is no objection...?
This made Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang suddenly unable to accept it.

But... Fang Shijun reacted quickly.

Did he meet an unscrupulous lawyer who likes to brag...?
Noticing Lin Shen's expression, Fang Shijun cursed Lin Shen Niang several times in his heart.

"TM unscrupulous lawyer!"
Fang Shijun raised his hand, hoping to use his own words to convince the presiding judge to recognize his point of view and that he had not abused his power.

Xu Hao asked Fang Shijun to make a statement in accordance with the law.

It's just... Although Fang Shijun is engaged in law enforcement, he doesn't know much about the interpretation of laws and regulations.

He gave a statement for nearly 10 minutes, mainly based on the fact that he had broken the law but did not abuse his power, and tried to persuade Xu Hao with his own theory.

It is untenable on legal basis.

Xu Hao patiently listened to Fang Shijun's general talk for nearly 10 minutes, confirmed that what Fang Shijun said was all nonsense, and sounded the hammer.

"Okay, no more statements."

"The theory you are relying on has no legal basis at all and cannot effectively prove that you have not abused your power."

"Based on the above, the judgment is still valid. If the defendant party has any objections, it is recommended to consult a lawyer after the trial."

"Now the defendant Fang Shijun is asked to remain silent in court and continue the trial process."

Fang Shijun:….
Turning around to look at his client, he saw that his client, Lin Shen, had no intention of refuting.

By this time, Fang Shijun also understood that there was definitely no hope for this trial.

He frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.
At the presiding judge's seat, Xu Hao compiled the litigation materials based on the current trial situation.

The defendant Ma Wu... took the initiative to confess and admit his crime.

The defendant parties, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang, were prosecuted for illegal law enforcement and abuse of power. The factual basis and legal regulations are clear.

The above two parties determined that there was no objection.

Only one defendant remains.

The defendant on this side is also the main judge of this trial.

Du Ming, the chief judge who tried Qin Bao at the time, was suspected of abuse of power and other crimes.

As long as this judgment is completed, today's trial will be over...
After clearing his mind, Xu Hao looked at the seat where the defendant Du Ming was sitting.

"Regarding...the defendant Du Ming and his attorney, faced with the prosecution's accusations that you abused your power, neglected your duties, and misjudged the law. Did you plead guilty or make other opinions?"

The lawyer Du Ming invited this time, Xu Xiao, was a nationally renowned criminal lawyer specially invited from Beidu to defend him.

Facing the presiding judge's question, Xu Xiao said: "The presiding judge."

"We do not plead guilty. We believe that we are not guilty. We also believe that the prosecution's accusation is untrue, and we apply to hold the prosecution responsible for the false accusation."

Cao Xue: "???"

Su Bai: "???"

Court officer: "???"

Not only were the people at the court hearing a little confused, but even the people watching the live broadcast outside the court were quite surprised.

"Fuck! What is this defense lawyer talking about? He thinks the prosecution's accusation is not true, and he still wants to hold the prosecution accountable?! Is he speaking so loudly?"

"The last time I heard someone say this was Lawyer Su's statement in the bank case. This lawyer learned directly from Lawyer Su!"

"This lawyer is so powerful. Friends in the live broadcast room, can you check the relevant background?"

"After checking, this lawyer Xu Xiao has a good winning rate in court trials. He is considered a first-class lawyer in Beidu. However, I can find that he has not fought many lawsuits, so there is no accurate statement."

"Huh? Then this trial should look exciting?"

"I guess I'm looking forward to it..."


In court.

Su Bai heard Du Ming's application for a lawyer to make a statement.

Slightly stunned for a moment.

This is...what do you want to do?

Not only do we have to plead not guilty, but we also need to hold the prosecutor accountable?

tsk tsk...

He was somewhat curious about what angle the other party would use to prove Du Ming's innocence.

PS: Please vote for me, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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