You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 224: No objection to the verdict!Spend the rest of your life living in a big pot!

Chapter 224: No objection to the verdict!Spend the rest of your life living in a big pot!
For Li Xuezhen, she is now completely immersed in the emotions of joy and satisfaction.

This wave...
Shouldn't all law enforcement and prosecutors go in?
One, two, three, four...

Simply delicious!

Li Xuezhen's face turned red with excitement. She turned her head to look at Su Bai, unable to hide the joy in her eyes.

Su Bai smiled and said in a low voice: "There is no verdict yet, so concentrate on it."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

On the bench, Xu Hao took a long breath and knocked the gavel:

"It is now determined that the crimes of Du Ming, Ma Wu, Fang Shijun, and Feng Xiang are factually established."

"Are there any objections from all parties?"

Su Bai: "No objection."

Lin Shen: "No objection."

Xu Xiao: "No objection."

Ma Wu’s lawyer said: “No objection.”
There is no objection from all parties, and I can get off work early today, Xu Hao thought silently in his heart.

This trial.

At this point, the general process has been completed.

The evidence chain prepared by the prosecutor during the trial itself was sufficient and there were no evidence loopholes.

It is normal to determine that the defendant's criminal facts in the defendant's seat are established.

The next judgment is not too stressful, but it is crucial!

That is the sentence for the defendant party.

The prosecution did not agree with the sentence recommended by the prosecution.

Instead, it was necessary to establish that Ma Wu, Fang Shijun, Feng Xiang, and Du Ming had particularly serious circumstances.

About this lawsuit.

Su Bai's prosecution application and the determination of the circumstances are also a key defense.

If the circumstances are less serious, the offender may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, or even suspended.

If the circumstances are serious, the sentence is usually one to three years in prison.

If the circumstances are particularly serious, the penalty is three to seven years in prison.

The sentence recommended by the prosecutor is based on the more serious circumstances.

What Su Bai proposed was considered to be a particularly serious situation.

After taking a breath, Xu Hao looked at Su Bai: "The facts of the defendant's judgment are established."

“The prosecution’s previous litigation application believed that the prosecutor’s facts and seriousness of the circumstances were inconsistent with this case. Can the prosecution make relevant statements based on this?”

Facing Xu Hao's inquiry, Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, presiding judge."

The identification of crimes of dereliction of duty includes, but is not limited to, abuse of power, miscarriage of justice, dereliction of duty, etc.

According to the understanding and application and please refer to Chapter 9 of the Criminal Law for an explanation of the subject application of the crime of dereliction of duty.

As well as the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s standards for filing criminal cases of dereliction of duty and infringement.

The Supreme Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate have issued a series of regulations including interpretations of several issues concerning the applicable law in handling criminal cases of dereliction of duty.

Major losses caused by dereliction of duty and abuse of power generally refer to economic losses and loss of life rights, but there is another point in the process.

That is...whether it has caused a huge impact on society.

Advance: bad influence.

Just like Judge Nandu’s illegal judgment, has it caused a huge negative impact on society?
The social impact is huge and it is a serious negative impact.

This can be used to determine that the circumstances are particularly serious.

The prosecutor determined the circumstances of the defendant party based on the heavy losses to the interests of the public.

But if it is determined based on its impact on society, it must be a particularly serious case.

After considering this aspect, the sentence for Du Ming and others will be raised to a higher level.

Su Bai continued: "The criminal law explains in detail the provisions on abuse of power and dereliction of duty in cases of perversion of the law."

"The following points can be considered as particularly serious circumstances."

"First, it caused many deaths."

"Second, it caused an economic loss of more than 50 yuan."

"The third point is aimed at enterprises. In this case, we are an individual and will not discuss it further."

“The fourth is social influence.”

"If the circumstances are deemed to be particularly serious, it will correspond to a particularly serious social impact."

"In this case, several people on the defendant's bench abused their powers or neglected their duties."

"It has caused huge damage to our reputation."


"Qin Bao was originally a doctor of medicine and signed a graduation employment contract with a local tertiary-level hospital. However, due to this case, Qin Bao's contract was banned."

"Even through our medical psychiatric evaluation report, it was determined that Qin Bao had a slight mental illness."

"It's just a toll on our side, physically and mentally and in terms of future lives and finances."

"But the impact on society goes far beyond that."

"According to our investigation, Qin Bao's case has had a huge influence on society. The number of rebroadcasts and reprints across the entire network has reached millions, and the number of views has been hundreds of millions."

"According to the evidence we have submitted, there are screenshots of the following comments."

[This case is not only a contempt for the judiciary, but also undermines the credibility of the judiciary that has been built over many years, from filing the case to arresting, then filing a public prosecution and then making a judgment]

[Law enforcement prosecutors, three parties jointly prosecuted a medical doctor, and the complaint was slanderous. A series of measures taken were illegal]

[How can this kind of behavior make everyone believe in the power of the judiciary? ! 】

"The number of likes on this video is as high as 30 in the comment area of ​​a single short video."

"There is a lot of evidence below..."


“Through the evidence we submitted, we can clearly see the spread of this case, the social impact it has had on the general public, and the negative impact it has had on the credibility of the judiciary.”

"Based on the above points, we believe that the sentence for the defendant in this case should be considered and determined from the perspective of social influence to determine whether the circumstances are particularly serious."

"And we would like to further add that in the process of filing this case and the entire litigation process of arrest, implementation and trial of public prosecution."

"Both the parties involved in the defendant engaged in malpractice for personal gain. According to the criminal law's supplementary provisions on dereliction of duty and abuse of power, those who engage in malpractice for personal gain will be given a heavier sentence."

"The above is our statement, presiding judge."

After Su Bai finished his statement, the defendant parties except Ma Wu.The faces of the remaining Fang Shijun, Feng Xiang, and especially Du Ming suddenly changed.

As the chief criminal judge, he has a relatively deep understanding of criminal matters, and he also knows that Su Bai's statement has a strong legal basis.

From other perspectives, the circumstances of his crime should warrant a real sentence, which is the sentence recommended by the prosecutor.

But let’s continue the statement from the two aspects of…social influence and favoritism.

Favoritism and malpractice... coupled with abuse of power, the circumstances are considered serious, starting from five years, but less than ten years!

This is several times longer than the sentence previously recommended by the prosecutor!

If the court really finds that Su Bai's case is serious and he engaged in malpractice for personal gain.

how to say.

He may need to stay in prison for the rest of his life and live out his old age!

Du Ming raised his hand to defend himself. After receiving the agreement from the presiding judge Xu Hao, he hurriedly began to refute:
"I don't think the prosecution found my circumstances serious."

"Practice for personal gain and the negative influence on society cannot be determined through judgment."

"I have seen relevant videos about social influence. Social influence is caused by law enforcement illegally arresting people across provinces."

"It has nothing to do with the verdict. Is the prosecution targeting the entire defendant party or is it targeting a specific individual?"

"When the prosecution makes the accusation, I would like to ask the prosecution to state this clearly. Otherwise, from the perspective of my own legal rights and interests, I can think that the prosecution is deliberately smearing me."

"The presiding judge can also conduct an investigation based on the evidence...Look at the evidence and the voice of discussion on the Internet. Is it the presiding judge's improper judgment that has greater social influence, or the public opinion on the illegal arrest of law enforcement officers across provinces."

"Or maybe it's about the treatment Qin Bao received in the detention center, and why Qin Bao suffered mental trauma."

"Most of what the prosecution stated was what happened during the filing of the case, arrest and detention, not what happened during the trial and verdict."

"Although the entire litigation process is integrated, the specific circumstances are different, and each is responsible for its own functions. I do not assume other responsibilities."

When Du Ming faced Su Bai's statement that the circumstances were serious, he hurriedly began to shift blame.

It can’t be said to be passing the buck...

It can only be said that it has listed its own functions and other functions in detail, as well as which part of the network's specific impact it refers to.

After listening to Du Ming's blame-shifting remarks, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang were stunned.

Even if the two of them didn't understand the law, they still knew that the other party had directly dumped everything on them.

If you do this again and again, you will definitely be sentenced to many years!
Until this moment, Fang Shijun suddenly felt regretful that he had taken the blame...
I can't wait to slap myself twice.

Fang Shijun originally wanted to refute Su Bai's statement and Du Ming's blame-shifting behavior.

But there is not a sufficient legal argument.

The final rebuttal lasted for 5 minutes and was forcibly interrupted by Xu Hao, who stopped listening to the discussion.


Xu Hao is also thinking about the particularly serious circumstances stated by Su Bai.

This is a very rare case where particularly serious circumstances are determined from the perspective of social influence.

But it does not mean that identification cannot be made.

Regarding this point, Du Ming was very clear in his heart, so he did not refute this point at all, but used his functions to reduce the identification of his own part.

dong dong!

After ringing the hammer, Xu Hao slowly said: "Now enter the adjournment."

After the hammer fell, Xu Hao stood up and left the court hearing with two other members of the collegial panel.

The scene of the trial.

Su Bai smiled and breathed softly. At present, the seriousness of the case is determined from the perspective of social influence.

Basically there is no big problem.

The members of the collegial panel announced the adjournment, which should be to consider the determination of this matter and the relevant prison sentence.

“Increase the punishment and increase the punishment!”

Li Xuezhen smiled and squinted her eyes, thinking silently in her heart.

at the same time.

The collegial panel discusses the room.

Xu Hao and two other members of the collegial panel are discussing the prison term in this case.

The other two are the president and deputy president of the Intermediate Court, An Guoming and Liu He.

After discussion, there were conditions for a reduced sentence and a lighter sentence in terms of Ma Wu's attitude, explanation and correction of his confession and punishment.

The discussion on prison terms does not meet the criteria for determining the seriousness of the circumstances.

The discussion mainly focused on the prison terms of Du Ming and two former law enforcement officers.

"As for Du Ming, Fang Shijun and Feng Xiang, the prosecution proposed that the circumstances were serious. What do you two think about this matter?"

Xu Hao glanced at An Guoming and Liu He and asked.

As the president of the criminal court, An Guoming smiled and said: "This time the case has received relatively high attention, and the public opinion is relatively large."

"Let's not talk about other things. Du Ming's attorney took the initiative to mention public opinion in the court hearing. I personally think there is something wrong with their subjectivity."

Xu Hao smiled and nodded, understanding what An Guoming meant.

“What about social impact?”

"The evidence submitted by the prosecution can show that it has indeed caused huge social influence. The judgment is based on legal basis, but there are indeed provisions in the criminal law that need to take into account the factors of social influence."

"Based on social influence, the circumstances are serious. Do you two have any problems with this?"

Liu He nodded slightly: "I don't have any questions. I listen to the presiding judge."

An Guoming said: "Me too, I listen to the presiding judge."

After hearing the opinions of the two people, Xu Hao sorted out the litigation materials.


"Then let's hear the court submissions from all sides."

"I've heard that the prosecution stage, Su Bai's court statement, was more exciting than the defense stage."

"Let's talk about the general issue of prison terms first?"


"Well, okay."

Liu He and An Guoming nodded and agreed with Xu Hao's opinion.

After 10 minutes, the discussion was generally completed.

Xu Hao nodded with satisfaction, and now he is waiting for the court session to hear the court statements from all parties and announce the verdict.

PS: Please give me monthly votes~ Please give me monthly votes~
(End of this chapter)

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