You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 227 Final follow-up, 1 year!

Chapter 227 Final follow-up, 11 year!
The chairman of Anyao Group was taken away for investigation.

On the day this incident occurred, there was a lack of information.

After the news spread, the sales decline of Anyao Group further accelerated.

Moreover, Anyao Group was originally a listed company. When a listed company experienced public opinion turmoil, its stock price continued to fall.

As soon as the news came out that the chairman was taken away for investigation, the company suffered several drops in a row.

The stock price once reached the bottom, and there was still a large amount of money fleeing.

Faced with this situation, the other shareholders of Anyao Group hated Liu Haitao with itch.

If Liu Haitao, as the chairman, had not gone his own way and caused such a big incident, there would not have been so much trouble!

After Liu Haitao entered, other major shareholders wanted to take away Liu Haitao's shares and used various business methods.
in this entire case.

Qin Bao cleared his innocence and safeguarded his legal rights.

After learning that Liu Haitao had been arrested, Qin Bao happily sent a message to Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su!"

"That chairman of Anyao Group has gone in!"

Seeing Qin Bao's joy in his words, Su Bai smiled and replied: "Yeah! I saw it when I was watching the news."

The two continued to chat about other topics, and Su Bai also learned that Qin Bao had returned to school to continue his Ph.D. after recovering his innocence.

Prepare to work in the hospital affiliated to our school.

In response, Su Bai said a few words of happiness.

This is also a blessing among misfortunes. Although he was detained for several months, he finally regained his status as a doctoral student and found a job.

It was a surprise.
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

Su Bai and other lawyers gathered for a while to celebrate the victory of this class action lawsuit.

after the end.

Su Bai returned to the office and took a long breath.

During this period of time, he has been working on Qin Bao's case, and it can be said that he is very tired.

after all.….
All aspects involved in this case are very complex, especially the injustice of justice.

If the jurisdiction was not transferred and the case was heard by the Hohhot Court, then this case would definitely be an unjust case.

To clear your name, or appeal, you need to wait at least three or four years.

By that time, let alone Qin Bao wanting to resume his status as a doctoral student.

Even trying to find a normal job is difficult.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly noticed a change in the system.

Good guy!
There has been no movement in the system all this time, and he thought the system had crashed.

The system page is displayed.

[It is detected that the host has completed a high winning rate and reached S level many times]

[Start the growth task now]

[Task: Upgrade the law firm into a comprehensive red circle firm]

[Current professional lawyers in law firms: Xu Xiang, Duan Liang, Fang Zheng...etc.]

[Current law firm intern lawyers: Li Xuezhen, Wang Kexin, Wang Kangjie...etc.]

[Current law firm popularity: **]

[Progress in all-round red circles: 50.00%]

[Complete the top red circle tasks and you will receive super rewards]

[Open the title of Justice Lawyer (little suggestion: the greater the positive social impact brought by winning the lawsuit, the more effectively the title can be improved)]


What does this system mean?

No, I have already become a top lawyer, and your system is only now doing growth tasks? !

Also, what is this super reward...?

The progress conditions of these tasks released by the system are a bit baffling.

And he didn’t give any reply when he asked, so he just let himself fumble, right?

Forget it, forget it for now.

Su Bai muttered silently.

Su Bai currently has only one attitude towards the system's release content and tasks, which is to ignore them for the time being.

Because the main task of the previous system was to give money, some tips, and physical enhancement.

Nothing else was given.

This super big reward has some small expectations, but Su Bai's attitude towards the system is not to expect the system to give anything good.

Judging from the tasks currently published.

The system wants him to develop the law firm well.

He'll be fine as long as he develops slowly.

He did discover another function of the system, which was to rate the difficulty of each case taken.

For Qin Bao's case, the system gave a rating of three and a half stars.

Su Bai didn't know what the rating was based on, so he didn't care too much about him.

But judging from the ratings of previous lawsuits, Samsung is considered to be a difficult group.

Attention is diverted from the system.

Su Bai picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He suddenly realized that Lawyer Xiao Haibo Xiao had not contacted him for some time recently.

Don't know what I'm busy with.
….The tea leaves for free prostitutes are almost gone.

Forget it, there are still some that can last for a while.

Su Bai was thinking silently in his heart.
Half a month passed in a hurry.

Li Xuezhen met the conditions for becoming a regular employee at Baijun Law Firm and successfully became a regular employee!
The identity of the partners has not yet been confirmed.

It's not that Su Bai is unwilling, but that the process has not been completed yet.

After becoming a regular employee, Li Xuezhen's face was filled with a smile and she became a regular employee.

The partnership process is almost in place!
Partner = boss.

Female partner = female boss = boss lady.

Su Bai = male boss.

Transform the equation She = Female Partner = Boss Wife = Boss = Su Bai.

Boss lady=boss.

She = Su Bai.

Although it is a bit complicated and difficult to understand, in Li Xuezhen's mind it is the same.

Arriving at Su Bai's office, Li Xuezhen said with a smile: "Lawyer Su, I have now become a regular employee."

"It won't take long for the partnership process to be completed, Lawyer Su. As a partner, I think we need to invest something... What do you think, Lawyer Su?"

Su Bai:? ? ?

Confused, what to invest in?
Doesn’t this little rich woman want to take shares?

What kind of shares do you own?

Tsk tsk... I think too much, I think too much, and I can’t hold any kind of stock.

"Ahem, our law firm is making good progress and is booming. We don't need to invest."



Li Xuezhen nodded with a disappointed face.

How come there is no need for investment? Law firms do not need funds, but they still lack other things!

When Li Xuezhen heard what Su Bai said, she didn't say anything else, but her expression looked a little unnatural.

Su Bai certainly saw Li Xuezhen's careful thoughts.

If he couldn't tell after being together for so long, his basic professional skills as a top lawyer would be in vain.

Just in love?

There is nothing to talk about in love when you are engaged in career.

Now that we have traveled through time, who still wants to fall in love?
Looking back, my determination to pursue a career must be spread to Li Xuezhen! .
at the same time.

After the Qin Bao case ended, Hohhot announced the details of the cases involved in the case, as well as the investigation of key personnel, and once again determined the crimes of five people.

Combined with the previous 29 people, a total of 34 people were touched.

This includes Liu Haitao, but the identities of the other four have not been announced.

Only gender, such as Li and Zhang, was used as a substitute. Among them, Liu Haitao was sentenced to 11 years in prison for being suspected of huge bribes.

It turns out that after Chairman Liu Haitao was taken away, both sales and reputation of Anyao Group suffered a heavy blow.

All kinds of non-compliant drugs and medicinal wines were reviewed and banned from sale, and the Anyao Group was once on the verge of bankruptcy.

All major shareholders began to fight for power. Among them, Liu Haitao's wife and children were the most harmed. Under the pressure of other shareholders, they had to hand over their corresponding shares.Regarding the judgment of Liu Haitao and others and the content of the live broadcast trial, the news was not widely spread. It should be that the court controlled public opinion.

However, Su Bai is still more concerned about this case.

The case itself was heard by the Hohhot Intermediate People's Court. When Su Bai originally accused Du Ming and others, he added Xu Hao's contact information.

I asked about the court time and went to watch the relevant live broadcast of the trial.

In the corresponding indictment of the live broadcast of the trial.

The prosecution's evidence chain is sufficient and there are basically no major problems.

There were just a few hiccups in the trial.

One of them, Liu Haitao, burst into tears on the spot after hearing the verdict.

tsk tsk...

After watching the court hearing, Su Bai shook his head.

Before the trial, before he was arrested, he was directly arrested illegally. Now he is sentenced and is crying?
….It’s all your own choice.

Now I know I regret it, but regret is useless.

This kind of person's mentality is just regretting that he was caught.

Several others at the trial were also sentenced to more than five years in prison.

Su Bai specifically checked the identities of several people, and he could only say that Liu Haitao's background was not small.

However, the social impact of this case was too great... which eventually led to the arrest and sentencing of Liu Haitao and the people behind the case.

Time flies by half a month.

During this half month, Su Bai kept groping for the progress prompted by the system.

He hired several trainee lawyers and one regular lawyer, and also moved his law firm to a higher floor.

However, the system shows that the progress of becoming a red circle station is still stuck at 50%, without any change.

Su Bai:? ? ?
What does this system mean?
Co-author There is no progress in expanding the size of the law firm now, right?
There is no progress. What does it mean when your system shows progress?
Show your shit, it’s a dog system!
Faced with this system that did not prompt, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows and temporarily put it aside again.
And at the same time.

When Li Xuezhen was operating a short video account, she would sort out some case sources every day.

The finishing task is completed today.

Li Xuezhen was lying on the desk, but her body was slightly suspended, her face was slumped, and she looked listless.

There is no purpose in picking up the phone, just picking it up casually.


Occasionally he would sigh.

Seeing Li Xuezhen in this situation, Wang Kexin shook her head slightly and sighed.

This is obviously a whirlpool of his own emotions...

Tsk tsk, love brain belongs to yes.

Southern Metropolitan University.

Feng Lijian is in the principal's office, watching today's legal and political news as usual.

At this time, he suddenly received a call. Feng Lijian glanced at it and saw that it was a call from one of his former students.

After answering without thinking, a brisk voice came from the other side.

"Teacher... I have something I want to ask you for help with."

Feng Lijian said: "I remember that you are not working in a law firm in Guangdu now?"

"I heard from your senior brothers that you have now become a general partner of Guangdu's top law firm. What's wrong? What legal problems have you encountered?"

The voice on the other side was obviously a little embarrassed: "Yes, teacher, it's not a legal issue."

"The main reason is that I took a case here and it had a big impact."

"And it's still a Guangdu case, involving some administrative departments."

"As a local lawyer, it's not easy for me to come forward. If the case is in Nandu, I will definitely have no problem, but this is in Guangdu..."

The student's voice on the phone was hesitant to speak.

Judicial area.

Feng Lijian knew that, generally speaking, it would be easier for lawyers to handle local cases if they were familiar with the area.


If you encounter a very difficult or difficult case, local lawyers will not be able to fight fiercely for their rights in court.

Because this involves a judicial management situation.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that I will be put in the shoes afterwards.

It is common for local lawyers to face this situation, so they usually take over difficult cases.

Clients will be advised to find lawyers from out of town, such as lawyers from big cities like Beidu, Shangdu and Nandu.

"Oh, I understand, but what did you think of calling me this time?"

Feng Lijian continued to speak.

"The teacher is like this... My connections here are all local. I have also asked a few of my classmates who I had good connections with before. They are either doing corporate legal affairs or working in the judicial department. They are not very receptive to cases."

"I'm not very familiar with some senior brothers and sisters, as well as my junior brothers and sisters."

"So I want to ask the teacher if you can... help me ask, or find if there are any suitable classmates..."

Hearing the voice on the phone, Feng Lijian thought for a moment, smiled and nodded: "Okay, OK."

"Send me the specific content of the case first. Remember to send it to my original email address. I will help you find a suitable lawyer later."

"Thank you, teacher…."


After hanging up the phone, within a few minutes, a detailed report on the case appeared in Feng Lijian's email.

Looking at the contents of the case.

Feng Lijian frowned slightly, this case... is a bit difficult to handle!

Administrative justice... due to improper handling, deaths occurred.

This case... No wonder his student said it was not easy to fight.

If you want to fight... you can only sue the relevant local departments.

This kind of case would be difficult for anyone to fight!

Feng Lijian was still thinking about which of his students to look for. When he looked through his circle of friends, he discovered the case summary and celebration scene that Li Xuezhen had posted a few days ago.

Let Xuezhen's law firm try?

But...he didn't know if Li Xuezhen would agree.

However, Feng Lijian still called Li Xuezhen, asked about the situation, and sent the original information about the case.

Li Xuezhen took a look at the details of the case, and her eyes lit up!
This kind of case... is very challenging!

Immediately reply: "Teacher, please wait a moment... I'm going to ask Lawyer Su if he is willing to take this case..."

"Oh no, don't worry, Lawyer Su will definitely be willing!"

After Li Xuezhen finished replying to Feng Lijian, she ran into the office.

"Lawyer Su!"

"Lawyer Su, I found a very powerful case!"


Su Bai was sorting out the information and looked up at Li Xuezhen: "What serious case?"

Since the end of Qin Bao's case, he has been handling the affairs of Bai Jun Law Firm for such a long time and has not taken over the case yet.

The serious case Li Xuezhen mentioned aroused his curiosity.

Li Xuezhen didn't hide it and handed the phone directly to Su Bai with a smile.

"This is a case introduced to me by my teacher, Lawyer Su, you can take a look first."

Su Bai looked at the specific contents of the case and was stunned for a moment.

This case...

According to what Li Xuezhen said, it is indeed a bit powerful!
It's another case involving relevant departments, but this case is different from Qin Bao's case.

Death is the result.

There are some things involved that are also illegal.

It was a procedural violation, which led to the death of the client.

tsk tsk...
This case is no less popular than Qin Bao's case!
Li Xuezhen on the side asked expectantly: "Lawyer Su... should we take this case?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Take it!"

Su Bai had a vague expectation that public opinion cases and cases with great influence could push the system's progress bar.

Cases like this can raise the profile of a law firm and build his own reputation.

Must pick up!

After getting Su Bai's answer, Li Xuezhen smiled and narrowed her eyes: "Then I will tell my teacher that we will take this case."


Su Bai smiled and nodded.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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