You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 229: A lawsuit was filed, which became increasingly outrageous, and a supplementary investig

Chapter 229: A lawsuit was filed, which became increasingly outrageous, and a supplementary investigation was conducted.

So far, not much is known about the content involved in this case.

Su Bai only knew.

In this case, it was because Lin Dong had a conflict with someone.

and was detained.

During this period, an accident occurred.

What happened in the middle...

Su Bai took Lin Guanxing to file the case first, and then brought relevant materials to the supervision department.

This case….
When it comes to the administrative department, it’s not just about filing a case.

Filing a case involves law enforcement departments, and the supervision department will definitely need to intervene.

Regarding the case of Lin Dong’s accidental death.

The place where Lin Dong died unexpectedly was Xiudong District. After the case was filed, the judiciary intervened.

After the intervention, Su Bai had no right to investigate.

The current situation is waiting for law enforcement and relevant supervisory departments to investigate the true situation.

Proceedings ensued.

But after waiting for half a month, the survey results were given.

During the detention, the law enforcement officers at the time locked Lin Dong and other detainees in the same room that day.

Lin Dong had a serious conflict with others, resulting in him being seriously injured with fists and feet by others.

On the way to the hospital, his life stopped beating.

The forensic doctor also gave the examination results. The examination results showed that there were multiple heavy punch wounds and there were traces of weapons, such as wooden sticks, and beatings with wooden sticks.

The forensic examination results are completely different from the conclusions given by the relevant departments!
This case made Su Bai feel more and more outrageous!
Why were there signs of beatings with wooden sticks during detention?

Also, why did the relevant department announce that the perpetrator used fists and kicks to cause serious injuries to Lin Dong?
Compared with the former, everything must be based on evidence.Su Bai is more inclined to believe the death test report produced by the medical examiner.

The test report is inconsistent with announcements from relevant departments.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the forensic examination results are wrong, and the other is that the conclusions given by the relevant departments are different.

Su Bai applied for access to relevant surveillance content, but was rejected.

Because as a lawyer, you have no right to access the surveillance content. You can only apply to the court to extract evidence, and the court will execute it.
And through the findings of the supervisory review, it was concluded that in this case, two officers on duty committed negligent behavior while on duty.

led to the final result.

Certain disciplinary actions were given.

Currently, the prosecutor is investigating the person who beat Lin Dong at that time.

And extract relevant evidence to prepare for prosecution for intentional homicide.

There are many doubts in this case.

Su Bai submitted some doubts in this case to the supervisory personnel.

It is mainly the forensic identification report and the basis for checking the negligence of the guards.

However, the detention department explained it later, but it was just a reason. Su Bai was not convinced.

You said that while in custody, the other party was able to obtain things like wooden sticks.

Isn't this bullshit?

how did you make it?

No personal belongings are allowed during custody!
How come there are traces of beatings with sticks on the death report examined by the forensic medical examiner?

This is a point of doubt.

to be honest!
There were all kinds of coincidences in Lin Dong's death.

This coincidence is somewhat bizarre and inconsistent with what the people involved said.

combined with various circumstances.

The case seems a bit strange.

Responses to forensic testing reports and custody staff were inconsistent.

After Su Bai submitted it to the supervision department, there was not much reply from the supervision department.
Su Bai frowned slightly and took a breath, clearly understanding that this case was also a difficult one.

"There is too little evidence. It seems that investigation and questioning still need to be carried out in court."

Su Bai muttered in his heart.
Soon, the public prosecution trial on this case began, but before the public prosecution trial, Su Bai also filed a lawsuit against the law enforcement unit.

These include - the non-compliant behavior of law enforcement units led to Lin Dong's death, and they need to bear corresponding responsibilities.

And the people involved are also involved. Illegal behavior, that is, administrative inaction that leads to the death of a person, can be regarded as causing death by negligence or intentionally causing death——

File a lawsuit based on this.

After the prosecutor's understanding and investigation, it was found that there were indeed irregularities in the law enforcement units.

The inaction of those involved at the time resulted in deaths.

suspected of bearing corresponding responsibilities.

The person in charge who was on duty at the time appeared in court, and the criminal suspect, who was the person who beat Lin Dong, attended as defendant parties.

The case went to trial quickly.

This case involved intentional injury, resulting in death.

The trial will be held by the Guangdu Intermediate Court.

On the eve of the trial, Su Bai applied for a live broadcast of the trial in this case, and the court also agreed to Su Bai's application.

Soon it was time for the court session.

On the day of the trial, in the waiting room.

Li Xuezhen frowned slightly: "Lawyer Su... I don't know why, but I always feel the same as before."

"You know it's the case we helped Qin Bao fight last time, right?"

"I always feel that this case is a bit strange, but I can't tell where it is."

Su Bai smiled: "Don't worry about it for now, just take it step by step."

In most of the previous cases, the evidence and chain of evidence were already prepared before they were commissioned.

But this time, when they commissioned this case, the chain of evidence was not handled well, and even the autopsy was blocked.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to find evidence in other aspects, resulting in not much effective information and too much effective evidence found in this case.

The single biggest piece of evidence is that the content in the autopsy report is different from what was announced.

There is a huge difference between the two.

In this situation, Su Bai could consider two possibilities.

The first possibility: It may be due to regulatory errors and unwillingness to take responsibility, so he lied.

The second possibility is that there is something special that they don't know about.

.... ...

Su Bai didn't know what the current situation was, but what was certain was that relevant questions would definitely be asked in this trial.

On the side, Li Xuezhen nodded after hearing Su Bai's words: "Oh."

"Okay Lawyer Su..." "I understand!"

"Well, have all the litigation materials been sorted out?"

"Lawyer Su has already sorted it out. We don't need much information for this trial. I've marked it all so that Lawyer Su can look through it directly when the trial comes."

Li Xuezhen said.


Su Bai nodded slightly.


The relevant staff brought Su Bai and Li Xuezhen into the court hearing.

After all parties are seated.

After the clerk reads out the court hearing discipline and other regulations, the members of the collegial panel enter the court.

The main defendants in this trial include the three criminal suspects who seriously injured Lin Dong during custody, leading to Lin Dong's death.

These three suspects were the three people who had a quarrel, fierce argument and physical assault with Lin Dong.

In addition, there were two guards on the defendant's bench. Because of their dereliction of duty, after Su Bai sued the relevant departments, they were the main parties and were held responsible.
In court.

The presiding judge, Wang Lei, banged the hammer, walked around the courtroom and said, "The court is open."

Regarding this case, Wang Lei's attitude is very simple, because this is a normal criminal case, but it involves relevant departments and causes death.

Therefore, he, the president of the Intermediate Court, conducted the trial.

He has roughly read the relevant evidence and the content of the case submitted by the prosecutor.

Overall, this trial was not too difficult.

After reading the word "court opening", Wang Lei lowered his head and glanced at the dredging materials, and then began to read out the cause of the case for this trial.

"The cause of this trial:"

"The prosecutor alleged that Xu Feng, Zhang Manlei, Li Tao and other three persons assaulted the victim Lin Dong during their supervision period, resulting in Lin Dong's death."

"Prosecution for intentional injury causing death."

"And incidental."

"The victim's family filed a civil incidental liability against the custody unit, and believed that the two persons in charge of the custody unit were suspected of causing death by negligence."

"Is the case true?"

Prosecutor Li Xiaorong: "The case is true."

Su Bai: "It's true."
"The cause of the case is true, then please ask the prosecutor to state the relevant litigation application."

The prosecutor's lawsuit application is very simple. It lists some specific circumstances about the criminal behavior committed by the perpetrator against the victim Lin Dong based on the circumstances at the time.

and subjective intentionality.

"After verification and certification by the prosecutor, and the confessions of Xu Feng, Li Tao, Zhang Manlei and others."

"It was confirmed that that night, after the three people had a verbal dispute with Lin Dong, they had a fierce conflict with Lin Dong again in the absence of the duty officer, and in this case, Lin Dong was seriously injured."

"as well as."

"It directly led to Lin Dong's death."

"During this process, the chain of evidence was conclusive and the facts were clear. We have charged Xu Feng, Li Tao and Zhang Manlei with intentional homicide."

"Given the egregious behavior committed while in custody, the impact it had and the criminal nature of the three individuals."

"The prosecutors recommended sentences of 12 years for Xu Feng, 10 years for Li Tao, and 11 years for Zhang Manlei."

"The above is the prosecution's statement and the facts of the development."

After listening to the prosecutor's statement, the presiding judge Wang Lei nodded slightly.

The whole process of the case was similar to what he knew. According to the evidence provided, the chain of evidence was conclusive and there were no doubts or problems.

Wang Lei turned to look at the three people sitting on the defendant's seat at that time:
"Regarding the prosecution's statement, do the three perpetrators have anything to say or anything to object to?"

The three also requested assistance from lawyers.

The chain of evidence was complete and the three people did not have much reaction.

They all pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, and checked various details with the judge and prosecutors.

This court hearing seemed very simple and relaxed, without too many objections.

But when making the judgment, Su Bai raised his hand and said: "Presiding Judge, we have something to add."

"We have objections to the relevant evidence submitted by the prosecutor and the confessions of the three defendants."

Wang Lei glanced at Su Bai doubtfully: "What objection does the prosecution have?"

"That's what the presiding judge said, based on the forensic medical examiner's death test report on the victim Lin Dong."

"Lin Dong was punched, causing multiple bruises on his body, and he was hit hard by stick-like objects on his shoulders and neck."

"However, according to the oral statements of the three perpetrators, this point was not mentioned in detail. We have some doubts about this point and want to question the three perpetrators and apply for questioning at the court hearing."

Su Bai could not obtain the relevant evidence in private and could only conduct targeted inquiries at the court hearing.

As the presiding judge, Wang Lei frowned slightly. The evidence was very clear. He didn't know what Su Bai wanted to do, but he still agreed to Su Bai's request.

"The prosecution can conduct inquiries."

"Okay, presiding judge."

Su Bai nodded slightly.

He has been passive in this case for so long and has never been able to obtain effective evidence.


At the trial, some key evidence was finally available.

Next is the time to verify some of his ideas!

It cannot be said to be a verification, but this trial revealed many things that have not been explained clearly.

I don’t know if the prosecutor didn’t investigate clearly, or if the law enforcement side didn’t cooperate with the investigation.

this case.

The three perpetrators were sentenced so easily, and the three perpetrators did not make much argument to refute the case.

Or just admitting guilt and accepting punishment. He always felt that this case was too simple.

It simply made him feel a little unreal.

Then there is the death detection report….
He wondered whether prosecutors had figured out that fact.

But he didn't figure it out... it was impossible to make a direct judgment.

It would be understandable if... the detention department at the time deliberately lied about Lin Dong having a heart disease in order not to be held accountable.


If there is any other situation, who can restore Lin Dong's innocence?

Taking advantage of the opportunity in the court hearing, we must ask questions about this case clearly and let the prosecutor continue to conduct supplementary investigations!
In other words, provide the general direction of supervision and review.

Ps: Please vote for me~

(End of this chapter)

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