You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 231 The evidence is complete!The number of additional people for prosecution is 5!

Chapter 231 The evidence is complete!The number of additional people for prosecution is five!

Su Bai raised questions and determined that the evidence was insufficient and relevant evidence materials needed to be supplemented.

The prosecutor launched an investigation into the following evidence.

First: A focused review of the three perpetrators: Xu Feng, Li Tao, and Zhang Manlei.

The main purpose was to ask him about what happened while he was under guard.

The three of them must be very clear about this matter, but they are just unwilling to say it and have been unable to find out.

Second: Find the surveillance video at the time to see what specifically happened during the surveillance.

The third one is to look for physical evidence.

The physical evidence is the wooden stick that hit Lin Dong.

These three points are key supplementary evidence.

During the review of evidence, Su Bai also participated and traveled to many places with Prosecutor Li Xiaorong.

But the most important thing was to run to the police station where Lin Dong and others were guarded at the time.

Ask the director and others what happened.

The police station director is a man in his late 50s named Li Xiong.

Facing Li Xiaorong and Su Bai, they came to the police station and wanted to see the director Li Xiong and get the surveillance video from the time.

I saw it, I saw it.

The other party was also generous in terms of face. He brought the two of them into the office, poured them a cup of tea and let them wait slowly.

Waited about two hours.

Li Xiong asked someone to bring over the surveillance video, but when Li Xiaorong checked it, he was completely confused.

Surveillance video...?
The picture in the surveillance video is distorted!
It can be seen that during the entire process of the surveillance video, only the soles of the feet, that is, everyone's shoes, were captured.

I can't tell what happened at that time.

Li Xiaorong frowned slightly: "This...surveillance video?"

Li Xiong pretended to be angry on his face: "Under normal circumstances, we don't watch this surveillance video very much. I don't know who broke the surveillance video at some point!"

“There are only so many images left now.”

"no way"

"We must pay attention to this situation next time, and there will never be any accidents. This time it was our mistake, but this should be used as evidence, right?"

It should also be used as evidence...

Hearing this sentence, Li Xiaorong didn't say anything more.

how to say
He couldn't say anything about this kind of thing. After all, if you asked for the surveillance video, they would give it to you, right?
I'm cooperating with you. It's not my fault that I couldn't capture the rest of the surveillance footage!


What's wrong with this?There is nothing wrong with it at all.

Li Xiaorong also showed Su Bai the relevant evidence.

After reading it, Su Bai said:
As the most intuitive and direct evidence, the surveillance video was lost directly?

No, it's not a direct loss, it's equivalent to a direct loss, because they cooperate with your work, but there is nothing in the monitoring. Who can blame you?

Let’s just say that the cooperation is not adequate.

Just get it in place.

The most direct evidence has not been obtained, so it is relatively difficult to obtain physical evidence and make breakthroughs from the confessions of Xu Feng and others.
The two walk together.

Li Xiaorong kept complaining: "Lawyer Su's case is very difficult to handle!"

"Based on the current confessions and direct evidence, it is completely possible to make a judgment!"


Su Bai smiled and spoke. It was obvious that Li Xiaorong was a responsible prosecutor and might be a little tired after working for a long time.

So he opened his mouth to explain: "Prosecutor Li."

"It's not that I insist on holding on to this point, but I want to give an explanation to my client."

"Let's not talk about anything else."

"Isn't there a significant difference between striking with a weapon and striking without a weapon?"

"The wooden stick is the main physical evidence. If Xu Feng and others change their confession after the verdict, they will not admit it.

Apply to the higher court and the supervisory department for a re-filing and judgment.

Key physical evidence was missing.

When the time comes to pursue accountability, Prosecutor Li will also be responsible. "

"Besides, the relevant physical evidence in this case can't be found. Doesn't Prosecutor Li find it strange?"

"Maybe it's a big case...?"

Li Xiaorong smiled and nodded when he heard Su Bai's explanation.

"It makes sense."

"Lawyer Su, I think it's too unfair for you to be a lawyer. You should take the public exam."

"Let's go to work together from now on."

Su Bai smiled and said nothing.

Bai Jun Law Firm has developed so far that he is really reluctant to give up now.

Furthermore, he still had to complete the system's task well.

The conversation between the two people did not last long.

As a lawyer, Su Bai cannot directly participate in the remaining matters.

We can only wait for Li Xiaorong to continue the investigation as prosecutor.

However, Su Bai made a small suggestion regarding the direction of review:

"Prosecutor Li can focus on the confessions of the three defendants. The confessions of the three people are definitely different."

"It's the same confession, and there's only one reason for it, and that's because three people have compared their confessions."

Li Xiaorong nodded, obviously listening.

In this case, the pressure of public opinion has been increasing in recent times, which has put the prosecutors under a lot of pressure.

He also wanted to solve this case quickly.
Li Xiaorong handed the surveillance video to relevant departments for verification.

He himself focused on investigating Xu Feng, Li Tao, and Zhang Manlei.

In this investigation, according to normal thinking, Xu Feng, Li Tao, and Zhang Manlei's various statements must be different.

Because most people are so emotionally overwhelmed that they simply cannot restore the details at that time.

Subconsciously, he will shirk himself in order to reduce his crime. After all, no one wants to take responsibility for himself.

But what was the result?
The result is that Xu Feng, Li Tao, and Zhang Manlei’s statements are consistent. There is obviously something wrong with this!
Leave professional matters to professionals.

Li Xiaorong applied to have other districts review Xu Feng and others.

Within a few days, the review revealed a big turning point!
I learned the most crucial clue.

What is this most critical clue?
The most critical clue is that when they were on guard duty, Xu Feng, the other three, and Lin Dong were deliberately arranged to be together.


Xu Feng and three others admitted that they had used wooden sticks to hit Lin Dong.But they didn't know the whereabouts of the physical evidence.

"Then do you know how the physical evidence appeared at that time? That is, where did the wooden stick that you said hit Lin Dong come from?"

Li Xiaorong hurried to the review location and asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng knows the most about this matter, and he can see that Xu Feng is relatively tactful personally and knows what is right for him and what is wrong for him.

Answer all questions asked by Li Xiaorong.

After learning the contents of the matter explained by Xu Feng, Li Xiaorong frowned slightly, left the interrogation room, and lit a cigarette.

According to Xu Feng….
In this case, these three people are not the only ones who may need to be prosecuted.
According to Xu Feng and the others, the situation at that time was that the four of them had a quarrel and had a dispute. In this case, they were taken to talk.


Lin Dong's temper was not good, which led to conflicts with Fang Tang and Dong Bing.

Fang Tang and Dong Bing were angry and wanted to teach Lin Dong a lesson, so they imprisoned them together.

During the process, he impulsively threw a wooden stick into the guard station, saying that he wanted them to beat him there.

The conflict that broke out as a result.

led to the final outcome.
This is the entire cause of the incident. According to part of the surveillance video display, it can be clearly seen that there is nothing wrong with what Xu Feng said.

But Li Xiaorong still doesn't understand this case, if this factor is involved.

But what about other aspects?
For example, the most critical and important point - in this case, why did the initial statement say that Lin Dong died due to a sudden heart disease.

It is not a small thing to know that three people surrounded and beat Lin Dong, leading to Lin Dong's death.

Through the injury examination, it can definitely be found that Lin Dong's death was caused by being beaten.

Then it was said that Lin Dong died due to a sudden illness. After the autopsy, it was directly revealed.

Why lie in the first place and not let the medical examiner conduct an autopsy?

There is absolutely no need!
However, for the time being, no effective clues have been obtained for this reason.

It can only be attributed to the fact that Dong Bing and Fang Tang did not want to take responsibility for themselves.
After the evidence was complete, the prosecutor soon indicted Xu Feng, Fang Tang and others on charges of intentional homicide and negligent death.

The case will continue to be heard by Guangdu Intermediate People’s Court….
Similarly, this time the trial was still conducted by the then presiding judge Wang Lei.

The defendant is still the defendant.

It's just that the evidence available is completely different from the previous situation, and two more people have been charged with guilt.

And through this in-depth investigation, it was found that the supplementary evidence had been completed, and there were no other unexpected circumstances remaining.

Court day.

The prosecutor added that the sentences for Xu Tao and others started with ten years each.

In addition, public prosecutions were launched against Fang Tang and Dong Bing for their negligence and it was recommended that the sentences be sentenced to two and a half years.

Facing the adjournment of the investigation and prosecution and the prosecution, Fang Tang and Dong Bing looked very unnatural.

Confronted with the content of the charges, both men admitted.

However, it is clear that the two men did not plead guilty, nor did they believe that they had committed criminal negligence, so they hired a criminal lawyer in Guangzhou as a defense lawyer.

In court.

Wang Lei opened another trial on this case and added the criminal behavior of the two defendants.

"Regarding the criminal negligence brought by the prosecutor against Fang Tang and Dong Bing, do they have anything to add?"

The defense attorneys for the two men pleaded not guilty during this trial.

Two lawyers, Fang Tang and Dong Bing, respectively explained the definition of criminal negligence.

From a subjective perspective, Fang Tang and Dong Bing did not commit criminal negligence.

It's just that within the scope of one's own behavior, the corresponding results were not anticipated, and the impact was caused by impulse.

Presiding judge Wang Lei didn't listen much to these.

Still asked Su Bai, the prosecutor, for his opinion.

During the trial and investigation phase of this case, Su Bai participated, but not too much.

The main reason is that he is just a lawyer and does not involve the issue of judicial status.

This is why, under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for lawyers to investigate and collect evidence without judicial intervention.

The main point of Su Bai's statement was the opinion on rejection of the application.

"presiding judge.…"

"First of all, I don't agree with the other party's opinion of not guilty, because the other party has obvious negligence."

"At the same time...during the investigation of this case, Fang Tang and Dong Bing clearly obstructed the judicial investigation."

"And colluded with criminal suspect Xu Feng and others to confess."

"According to the prosecutor's investigation, why didn't Xu Feng and others tell the story before?"

"But choose to hide it?"

"Here, I would like to ask the defendant Xu Feng, why did you choose to conceal it in the first place and colluded with the other two people to confess?"

"Why did you choose to plead guilty and accept punishment?"

"What's the reason for this?"

Xu Feng's answer was also very honest. The reason was that Fang Tang told him that as long as the physical evidence was concealed.

They did not count him as armed to death, and provided him with relevant legal knowledge.

Possession of objects causing death and conflicts arising from fights.

There is a big difference in sentencing between the two.

So they chose to hide it, and it went well at first because they were willing to confess and convict.

Later, there is still the possibility of retracting the confession.

But Su Bai showed up and directly asked for additional evidence, disrupting their thoughts.

This has also resulted in the current results and situation.

In this regard.

In the court hearing, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

So far, the general process of the case during the trial has clearly emerged.

Next comes the situation of finding fault.

Determining fault is relatively simple.

The case has been investigated by the prosecutor, and now the evidence chain is sufficient. It is only determined from a subjective point of view.

This identification can be verified from the side.

The rest of the results are self-evident. Su Bai has been beaten many times for the crime of negligence causing death.

In this case.…

There is basically no problem in determining negligence.

The most important thing is, can it be determined to be intentional...?
This is more important.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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