You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 233 Continuous questioning!The defendant trembled: If he asks again, he will be punished by

Chapter 233 Continuous questioning!The defendant trembled: if he asks again, he will be punished by death...

In court.

Wang Lei lowered his head and glanced at the litigation materials, then turned his attention to Su Bai.

"Does the prosecutor and the indictment have anything to add...?"

unambiguous evidence.

In addition, the accusation has been completed, and there is nothing else to add.

Li Xiaorong had nothing to say and shook his head:

"President, the prosecutor has nothing to add."

Su Bai looked at Wang Lei and smiled: "Presiding Judge, we have something to add."

"Please add on."

Facing the presiding judge's answer, Su Bai spoke:
"I would like to ask Fang Tang, the defendant, where in the process of accusing you of criminal behavior were you falsely accused?"

"What you mean by false accusation is that there is no chain of evidence. When the physical evidence is lost, do you file a criminal negligence lawsuit against you?"

"Please ask the defendant to answer my questions."

Fang Tang: "Yes, the prosecutor filed a criminal negligence lawsuit against me without a chain of evidence and without any physical evidence. I think this is very unreasonable!"

"Then can you state the unreasonable basis? According to the statement just now, it has been clearly stated that the chain of evidence is complete. Do you have any objections to this?"

Fang Tang: “….”

Continue to be silent.

Seeing this, Su Bai smiled and continued his statement.


"As the most important physical evidence in this case, the murder weapon "wooden stick" used by Xu Feng and others has disappeared."

"Based on the prosecutor's investigation."

"Only you and Dong Bing are on duty that day."

"You two are the guards, and you said you don't know where the evidence is...?"

"The situation at that time was that Xu Feng and others were in a state of detention. According to the conditions, there was no need to hide or obtain physical evidence."

"You said Xu Feng and others falsely accused you, do you have any evidence?"

"And the most important point is that in Xu Feng's oral account of your behavior, after you threw the wooden sticks to Xu Feng and others, you and Dong Bing left the guarding scene. What were your thoughts at that time?"

"Is it to prove your alibi?"

"Is there any subjective suspicion of Xu Feng beating Lin Dong?"

"In what happened next, why did you collude with Xu Feng and others to confess and forge evidence?"

"To discuss it from your point of view, do you have the subjective intention to let Lin Dong "learn a lesson", but you did not expect that he would be beaten to death by Xu Feng and others... because you were afraid of implicating yourself, so you took the initiative to confess ?”

Su Bai used Fang Tang's own point of view and then refuted the content of Fang Tang's statement.

According to Fang Tang's point of view, it can be regarded as an intentional act.

There is a world of difference between manslaughter and intentional death. One is a mistake and the other is intentional.

And as a relevant guard, if Fang Tang is found to be intentional.

Then the result will definitely be a heavy sentence...there is no way to escape.

Facing Su Bai's pressing steps, Fang Tang's expression changed slightly: "I'm talking about evidence."

"It's saying there is no evidence that I did those things."

"These rhetorical questions of yours...are all based on the fact that I have done these things."

"But now how can you prove that I did these things?"

"Is it possible that Xu Feng and the others framed me? If so, it proves that what I said is right!"

"The judicial authorities are presuming innocence, not guilt. You can't open your mouth and say I did it on purpose. I just did it on purpose."

"We need to produce actual evidence...otherwise I will continue to refuse to plead guilty."

It is clear.

Fang Tang knew that there was a huge difference between negligence and intentionality, especially for his identity.

Deliberately...this must be clarified.

Wang Lei, who was on the trial stage, nodded slightly when facing the plea between Su Bai and Fang Tang.

For now...

This court trial found Fang Tang guilty, and there was basically no problem.

It's just that Fang Tang keeps talking about him.

It's okay to admit it or not, but now the direct evidence has pointed to Fang Tang.

It's not that I don't admit a word of his. If I am guilty, it means that I am not guilty.

Moreover, according to the current court hearing, what Fang Tang stated does not hold legal basis at all.

There is another key point in the above plea.

Regarding the intentionality proposed by Su Bai.

Judging from Su Bai's statement tone, it didn't seem like he was joking.

The gavel sounded.

Wang Lei looked at Su Bai: "Does the prosecution have any substantive evidence and legal basis for intentionality?"

Facing Wang Lei's inquiry, Su Bai took a deep breath:
"We believe that based on Xu Feng's statement, as well as the situation at the time combined with the subsequent scenes, Fang Tang's subjectivity needs to be discussed."

"Presiding judge, we would like to ask the defendant a question."

"The application is approved, you can ask questions."


Su Bai nodded and glanced at the litigation materials.

Here comes the most critical question in this case!
Can we judge the subjectivity of Fang Tang and Dong Bing?It depends on how Fang Tang and Dong Bing answer this question and how they deal with it.

Thinking of this, Su Bai slowly said:
"We can't understand..."

"Why did the real cause of Lin Dong's death not be announced as soon as Lin Dong died, but the cause of Lin Dong's death was attributed to a sudden heart attack?"

"Do you think... Lin Dong's parents are not able to apply for the ability to have a forensic expert conduct an appraisal?"

"According to legal procedures, Lin Dong's parents have the right to have the forensic doctor conduct an autopsy, but why did they obstruct it in every possible way at the beginning?"

"Without the intervention of the judicial department, would Lin Dong have been unable to perform relevant judicial death appraisals?"

"Or is it to cover up one's own responsibilities, or even to allow Xu Feng and three others to intentionally cause death?"

"I just want to ask the defendants Fang Tang and Dong Bing this question!"

"Why did you refuse to conduct an autopsy at the beginning? Did you want to cover up your own responsibility, or did you want to help Xu Feng and three others escape legal responsibility?"

“Please give the defendant’s answer!”

Lin Dong's death was not announced immediately, and the relatives of the person involved were prevented from conducting forensic identification.

There are obviously huge problems.

What is the problem?
Many people are curious and want to know the answer to this question!
Su Bai asked this question, which was the most critical in the court hearing and was also a condition for determining intentionality.

Negligently causing death, this determination must be determined.

But the question Su Bai just asked must be clarified.

Because it involves intentionality.

Since it was not intentional, then judging from the measures taken, why was it not notified of the real cause of death at the first time, but covered up with heart disease?

According to the provisions of laws and regulations.

Relevant departments responsible for suspected deaths due to their own illness do not assume any responsibility.


It was obvious that he did not die from his own disease such as heart disease, but was the result of being seriously injured by an external force.

Why are there announcements of death caused by a heart attack?
Covering up responsibility or covering up crime?

Or is the crime covered up to cover up responsibility?
After Su Bai asked these questions to Fang Tang and Dong Bing.

Fang Tang's expression changed slightly, and Dong Bing's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

I didn’t know how to answer for a moment…
Outside the court hearing, Su Bai's question brought everyone back to the center of the discussion.

Because this topic is very debatable!
Because this involves everyone's equal benefit from legal rights.

The live broadcast of the court trial can contain thousands of barrages per minute.

"Yeah, damn! This question is on point! Suddenly, I think back to the fact that at the beginning of this lawsuit, it was Lawyer Su who published his analysis of the case, and then the relevant departments were involved in the autopsy."

"If Lawyer Su hadn't sent the short video, Lin Dong's family might not have been able to do the autopsy! So by then this matter would have been settled?"

"Has the case of co-authoring Lin Dong become a wrongful conviction? As a result, Xu Feng and other three murderers should go free?"

"How many more years do you want Xu Feng and other murderers to go free?!"

"Fuck! If you go by this statement, what Lawyer Su said is really right! Without the intervention of the media at that time, this situation really could have happened!"

"You know, it was due to the pressure of public opinion that subsequent things happened. If this case were dealt with by another person, the attention might not be so great. If it were not so great, would this case be over?"

"Ordinary lawyers face this kind of situation, even if they know it, they don't have the slightest ability."

"CTM! I'm not talking about Lawyer Su, I'm just a little emotional. I feel that what Lawyer Su said is too right and the question asked is too critical.

If it was not intentional, then why did they not take the initiative to announce the cause of Lin Dong's death at the beginning, but choose to conceal it.

If there is a concealment, then is it equivalent to Xu Feng and the other three escaping the crime? "

"In this case, does it mean that Fang Tang and Dong Bing are suspected of intentionality, or is there any other situation behind it?"

"That's right! That's what I understand too. I think this is what's outrageous about this case!"
Outside the court, many people felt that this case seemed a bit outrageous, especially after Su Bai's questioning.

Faced with Su Bai's inquiry, Wang Lei, as the presiding judge, was slightly stunned and took a look at the litigation materials.

According to Su Bai's point of view.

If there was no intentionality, then there would be no need to hide the fact.

This is subjective evidence based on the results of things.

Fang Tang, you said you had no intentional subjectivity. So, considering the outcome of the matter, why didn't you make the matter public as soon as possible?
He even committed perjury to help Xu Feng and others escape charges in order to cover up his own negligence and intentionality.

The most important thing is the last point and the most critical point!
In the criminal proceedings, the actions of Fang Tang and others involve criminal causation and can be regarded as the principal culprit!

After Su Bai stated this, it was no longer the negligence of Fang Tang and Dong Bing.

It was an intentional crime committed by two people who deliberately concealed it!
dong dong!

Wang Lei looked at Fang Tang and Dong Bing: "Does the defendant have anything to say?"


Fang Tang's mind was in a state of confusion. The questions Su Bai asked were too sharp.

Can't answer it at all.

If you admit it, it means you have a subjective will. What if you don't admit it?

If you don't admit it, where can you evade it?

There is no way to shirk it!
Just stay silent and don't speak any more.

Dong Bing frowned fiercely and didn't know how to answer. He was so panicked that he simply imitated Fang Tang and remained silent...
Seeing this, Su Bai smiled.

Remain silent and only say the wrong thing.

Do you really think you can avoid being judged by remaining silent?
It can only be said that if you remain silent during the trial, the presiding judge will have a worse impression and be more inclined to be guilty.

After all...according to common sense, who wouldn't speak out when something is right?

Generally speaking, anything you say without opening your mouth makes no sense.

Su Bai raised his head slightly and looked at the presiding judge's seat, waiting for Wang Lei's judgment.

PS: The update is completed, please vote for me~
(End of this chapter)

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