You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 238 involves regional protection? 4 words, no big problem!

Chapter 238 involves regional protection?Four words, no big problem!
Plaintiff's false accusation...?

It seems like this case involves sending the plaintiff in...?

But no matter what.
Xiao Haibo could probably handle this kind of false accusation, but how could he go so far as to file a case?

Is this done intentionally by the filing court or by the filing personnel?

Su Bai looked at Zhang Yuan: "Where did Lawyer Xiao file the lawsuit?"

Zhang Yuan replied: "Chongqing."

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand this case. Please tell me the details."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Zhang Yuan told the whole case in detail. The more Su Bai listened, the more outrageous the trial became.


Because Xiao Haibo was prosecuted for allegedly inducing his client.

The precise criminal charge of allegedly inducing a client is perjury, which manifests itself in the form of inducement.

According to Zhang Yuan, Xiao Haibo's alleged inducement was because he reminded the client of some court precautions before the trial.

Also, guide the client on how to obtain evidence and win the trial.

After listening to Zhang Yuan's general description and specific process of this case.

Su Bai felt that Xiao Haibo was charged with perjury, which was simply outrageous.

Could this be a trap?

If you think about it carefully, there is no other reason other than being tricked!
After listening to Zhang Yuan's statement, Su Bai nodded slightly: "Okay, leave this case to me."

Zhang Yuan said gratefully: "Thank you, Lawyer Su..."

Su Bai smiled: "The relationship between Lawyer Xiao and I has always been good. No matter what this case is about, I will definitely let Lawyer Xiao win."

"Do not worry!"

Su Bai made a promise.
Xiao Haibo’s case.

According to the general statement of his assistant lawyer Zhang Yuan, it can be seen that there must be a lot of problems.

Either he was tricked, or someone specially arranged this trial to target him.


Xiao Haibo is being detained in Chongshi for investigation.

After Su Bai accepted the commission, he hurried to Chongqing with Li Xuezhen.

Currently, Xiao Haibo is in custody and has not yet been prosecuted.

According to Xiao Haibo's conditions, he can be released on bail pending trial.

Su Bai made this request as the legal representative.

However, Su Bai's application for bail pending trial was directly rejected.

The reason for the rejection is that Xiao Haibo is currently not in a condition to be released on bail pending trial.

Su Bai:? ? ?
According to Article 67 of the Criminal Procedure Law, bail pending trial is applicable to cases where the crime is minor, the suspect or defendant is less harmful to society.

Xiao Haibo was prosecuted for allegedly inducing his client.

It does not have serious social harm.

This means that Xiao Haibo can be released on bail pending trial.

But having said that, law enforcement agencies have the right to refuse bail pending trial, and this is not an illegal situation or behavior.

To this...

Su Bai didn't say anything, he just discussed the situation with Xiao Haibo.

Inside the jail.

Xiao Haibo shook his head: "I didn't expect this lawsuit to happen."

"This was clearly a trap set against me."

"Lawyer Su... This lawsuit is not easy to fight. Someone came to see me a few days ago. It seemed that people from the court were here. They were hinting to me overtly or covertly, saying that I should plead guilty and accept punishment, and get a suspended sentence."

"Lawyer Su..."

"This case may involve regional protection..."

"I don't know much about criminal matters. Do you want to apply for a different jurisdiction?"

Su Bai smiled: "Lawyer Xiao, we currently have no valid reason to apply for this trial in a different jurisdiction."

"But don't worry...even if it involves regional protection, it won't be a big problem."

"This case does not involve perjury in any way."

"Obviously, the evidence chain in this case may not be complete. If we are prosecuted and tried in court, we will plead not guilty."

"But maybe the premise is that you need to stay in the detention center for a while."

"Well, it doesn't have any impact."

Xiao Haibo's heart was very calm, and there was no big change.

He still trusted Su Bai.

After leaving the detention center, Su Bai took a long breath and rubbed his eyebrows.

Someone from the court came to Xiao Haibo and asked him to plead guilty and accept punishment, and give him a suspended sentence?
tsk tsk...

If this is really the case, it may indeed involve regional protection.

But there are restrictions on regional protection... In other words, if there is evidence on both sides and each side insists on the same, regional protection has a strong effect.


If one side is relatively strong and the other side is relatively weak, then regional protection will not be very effective.
According to Xiao Haibo, he went online to check the plaintiffs and defendants in the case that Xiao Haibo represented at the time.

The litigant in this case was the plaintiff, client and victim at the time.

The defendant is Wanli Co., Ltd.

The origin and process of the entire case is that Wanli Co., Ltd. used gray means to illegally raise funds.After the plaintiff-client found out that he could not get back the money he invested, he approached Xiao Haibo and filed a lawsuit to get his money back.

The lawsuit was won.

But...when the Court's Executive Bureau was preparing for execution, the plaintiff's client suddenly reported and accused Xiao Haibo of perjury.

That's probably how things went.

The primary purpose to help Xiao Haibo plead not guilty, or to get the prosecutor to withdraw the prosecution.

Otherwise, this case will definitely have a huge impact on Xiao Haibo, not to mention the sentence.

Even if it's a suspended sentence, you don't have to go to jail.

Then, Xiao Haibo's career was completely ruined, because he had a criminal record and could no longer continue to practice law.

Take a deep breath.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows and found the contact information of Xiao Haibo's original client.

And dialed the past.

After the call was connected, Su Bai didn't have time to say much. He just revealed his identity and mentioned the word Xiao Haibo.

The person on the other side hung up the phone...and didn't want to say a word more.

This situation.…

Obviously, the other party took the money! could you choose to accuse Xiao Haibo?
tsk tsk...

"The cause and effect relationship in this case is a bit complicated!"

Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, and took a long breath.
Judging from the current situation, we can only wait for the prosecutor to identify the relevant evidence and choose to withdraw the prosecution or initiate a prosecution.

Or maybe he was defending Xiao Haibo's innocence during the trial.
Soon, Su Bai waited for news.

This time the case will not be withdrawn, but will be heard in the Chongcheng Intermediate Court.

Su Bai:? ? ?
No, do you really want to push forward with continuing the trial?

Is the chain of evidence in this case complete?
Regarding the practice of holding court hearings in the Chongcheng Intermediate People’s Court.

before the case goes to trial.

Su Bai has already posted relevant content in the Nandu Lawyers Group.

After Su Bai posted the situation in the Nandu Law Firm Group, the Nandu Lawyers Group exploded instantly.


"Fuck! Isn't this bullying me and our foreign lawyer? What the hell, you just gave a few words of guidance and then detained Lawyer Xiao?"

"Lawyer Xiao is our first-class civil lawyer in Nandu. No matter how ignorant he is, he must also know the court trial process and the perjury process. How can this kind of civil economic dispute case be regarded as inducement?"

"What the hell! What is the role of the prosecutor in Chongcheng? Why don't you dismiss this case if you are not allowed to be released on bail pending trial?"

"It's still going to trial! There are problems with this case at first glance. It may be suspected of territorial protection, and it feels that the other party's rights have been infringed... Is it intentional to mess with people? It's an unjust, false and wrong case, and it's the lawyer's fault? "

"Lawyer Su, help me do this!"

"It feels a bit outrageous... This kind of case is usually stopped during the review stage, and there is no way it will reach the public prosecution stage."

"Now a trial suddenly comes out of nowhere? Isn't this funny?"


After Nandu Lawyer learned about Xiao Haibo's experience, he couldn't believe it for the first time.

Because as a lawyer, a lawyer without professional ethics may indeed be suspected of perjury.

But Xiao Haibo is a civil lawyer, and he must have handled hundreds of cases, not to mention thousands.

As a barrister, the most important thing you care about is your reputation.


Tell them that Xiao Haibo is suspected of inducing perjury.

Ordinary lawyers would not commit perjury for such a case, let alone a lawyer like Xiao Haibo!

When Su Bai posted the matter to the group, many lawyers couldn't believe it.

But it wasn't until I asked other lawyers in the law firm that I was convinced that the case was real!

They all couldn’t help but feel that this case was a bit outrageous!

And he looked forward to Su Bai slapping the Chongqing City Prosecutor in the face during the trial.

Su Bai smiled and glanced at the messages in the group, then edited a message and sent it.

When finished, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He already knew the general process of this case and related events...
All that's left is to wait for this trial to begin.
Before the trial, inside the court.

The presiding judge of this trial received a phone call and heard the voice on the phone.

As the presiding judge of this trial, Ma Qiao seemed very embarrassed.

Listening to the serious voices coming from the other side, Ma Qiao opened his mouth to reply.

"Whether the chain of evidence is complete or not is the prosecutor's business. The court's decision must be based on evidence. We can't make a judgment without a chain of evidence, right?"

"I will pay due attention during the trial, but what if the evidence chain is incomplete?"


"'s definitely not possible..."


"Okay, okay, I understand... I understand, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing, but the evidence that needs to be admitted is more complicated, and the key depends on how the trial is conducted."

"Hmm... let's stop talking about it first."

After hanging up the phone, Ma Qiao took a deep breath, not knowing what he was thinking.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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