You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 244: Supervision and review filed!Attached is a civil lawsuit!

Chapter 244: Supervision and review filed!Attached is a civil lawsuit!
Initiate a supervisory review.

The remaining issues will be left to the supervision department.

However, courts and prosecutors initiate supervisory reviews.

For cases involving Xia Guangming, a case needs to be filed.

Xia Guangming clearly involved false accusations and perjury.

Su Bai and Xiao Haibo went to the corresponding law enforcement unit and filed a case against Xia Guangming's behavior.

After doing all this...

Su Bai breathed softly, smiled and rubbed his eyebrows.

Now we just need to wait for the results of the supervisory review and the filing of the case.

He estimated that it might take anywhere from ten days to a month.

There should be corresponding progress, and by then the case will be considered successfully completed.

On the other side, Li Xuezhen's face was full of excitement.

When it comes to supervision and review, no one can escape!
Send it in, send it all in! .
at the same time.


Inside the sales office.

Xia Guangming begged Xiao Haibo for mercy, but saw no effect...

I turned around and found Deng Jun, the sales manager of Wanli Co., Ltd.

"Mr. Deng..."

"You see, I have done everything you asked me to do, and this lawsuit has been settled. Is it time for my money, and the extra expenses you promised me, to be honored?"

Deng Jun raised his head slightly and glanced at Xia Guangming: "Promise, what promise?"

"We agreed that we would only pay the client if we won the lawsuit. The current situation is that we have lost the lawsuit, and public opinion has put great pressure on the company."

"Now is a tense time for the company. Your speech in the court hearing was intercepted and used as a meme..."

"It has had a huge impact on the company. The company hasn't come to you yet, and now you are coming to the company to ask for money?"

"Xia Guangming, what you did is unethical!"


Deng Jun took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, threw it on the desk, pulled out one and handed it to Xia Guangming.

First he gave me a mallet, then a handful of candies, and said comfortingly:

"It's no big deal. You also know that it doesn't matter what I say about the company, and I can't pay you the fee."

"To be's not that I don't want to give you money. I also told the superiors about your difficulties and difficulties, but they didn't agree."

"Think about went to sue the company with that Xiao Haibo earlier, and they made such a big fuss. The company's senior management must have objections to you."

"But don't worry, I will definitely report your matter to the above. You can go back and wait for the news."

Xia Guangming's face was filled with sadness: "But..."

Before he finished speaking, Deng Jun spoke again: "If you continue to make trouble, I can't guarantee that the money will get to you..."

Faced with this situation, Xia Guangming could only nod his head: "Okay, I understand..."
When he walked out of Wanli Co., Ltd., Xia Guangming slapped himself hard.

If he had chosen to believe Xiao Haibo back then, this would definitely not have happened!

Who is to blame now?

He can only blame himself!


Before Xia Guangming could do anything after leaving Wanli Co., Ltd. and returning home, relevant law enforcement officers came to Xia Guangming's home.

Xia Guangming seemed to realize something, and looked at the relevant law enforcement officers nervously: "You..."

The relevant law enforcement officers directly showed their IDs and related materials: "Hello... is this Xia Guangming?"

"Yes, it's me…."

"It's like this. You are personally involved in a case and are suspected of false accusations and perjury..."

"We came here to find you today to ask you to cooperate with our investigation."

"Please come with us..."

After hearing what the other party said, Xia Guangming said to himself: It's over, it's over!

Not only did he not get his money back, he also got himself involved!
Xia Guangming's face was full of sorrow, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he nodded: "Okay..."
After the conclusion of Xiao Haibo's case, there were many dissatisfied comments on the Internet about the trial of this case.

Especially for the prosecutors and the court, because in the case of such obvious lack of evidence, the court and prosecutors have been targeting the defendant party.

From the perspective of the legal circle, this is a blasphemy against the law, an injustice to the law, and does not comply with legal procedures.
Intermediate Court.

In Maqiao's office.

Ma Qiao, Li Huan and Wang Mo were sitting in the office, watching the public opinion online.

In general.…

These public opinions are directed at the public prosecutor and the court for criticism.

Ma Qiao said: "This time the three of us are holding a trial, it seems that public opinion is very dissatisfied."

"Although the hospital didn't say anything, what I'm worried about about this case is what will happen if it is reported to the review department?"

This time the three of them were able to gather in the office. It was Ma Qiao who called Li Huan and Wang Mo over.

In the office, Ma Qiao also expressed his worries.

Wang Mo heard Ma Qiao's words and continued: "This is not a big deal. Although we said that our performance in the court hearing was not very good, we did not do anything else."

"I didn't do anything else. The most I could do was give a criticism."

Li Huan also nodded in agreement. After hearing the two people's answers, Ma Qiao felt a little relaxed.

It wasn't that he was anxious because of this matter, but after Xiao Haibo's case ended and he looked at some public opinions on the Internet, he was always worried that people from the review department would come to find him.What he needs is comfort, that is, psychological comfort for himself.

Wang Mo and Li Huan also saw what Ma Qiao was thinking and kept comforting him.

But while the three of them were chatting, there was a knock on the door.

When Ma Qiao opened the door, he saw several supervisors looking at him seriously: "Is it Ma Qiao?"

"Yes, I am..."

"We received a report and you violated the law. Now please come with us and accept the investigation."

Ma Qiao:? ? ?
What to be afraid of, what to come.

He is actually under investigation now!
At this time, Wang Mo and Li Huan's expressions changed, and they also walked to Ma Qiao, watching several supervisors speak:
"Can we ask what the specific reason is?"

One of the supervisors looked at Wang Mo and Li Huan and asked, "What is your relationship with Ma Qiao?"

"Oh, we are colleagues with Ma Qiao."

The inspector looked at the faces of Wang Mo and Li Huan and couldn't help but ask, "Wang Mo and Li Huan from the Criminal Division of the Intermediate Court?"

"Yes, yes, we are."

"Well! That's just right. This case also requires you to come with us and accept relevant investigations."

Wang Mo and Li Huan:? ? ? ?
No, the two of them just came together to ask questions, and now they are arrested for relevant investigation and review? ! .
The supervision and review reporting department reported the progress online. Currently, relevant personnel involved in the case of Xiao Haibo being falsely accused have already conducted relevant supervision and review.

Currently under review.

In Bai Jun's law firm, Su Bai looked at the news on the Internet and nodded slightly.

Based on the current situation...

There should be no problem during the review stage, but the specific number of years of the sentence still depends on the evidence of the crime collected by the relevant supervisory department personnel.

In this court hearing, the three members of the collegial panel, Ma Qiao, Wang Huan and Li Mo, did not make a judgment, which did not constitute a crime of dereliction of duty.

But based on the performance of these three people, could it be said that they have never been in this situation before?
There must have been before!
The supervisory department will definitely be able to investigate.

This can be regarded as contributing to the judicial environment of the heavy city.

in addition.…

During this period of time, Su Bai also learned one thing, that is, the reason why Wanli Co., Ltd. wanted to send Xiao Haibo in because Xiao Haibo helped Xia Guangming win the lawsuit.

The main reason is... After winning the lawsuit, other victims also found Xiao Haibo and wanted Xiao Haibo to represent them in their cases.

Wanli Co., Ltd. is afraid that things will get too big and cause too many problems.

And the amounts involved are too high.


I just wanted to bring Xiao Haibo in to calm the matter. This is what happened.

But in fact, the other party did not get involved...

Faced with this situation, Su Bai asked Xiao Haibo's opinion, and Xiao Haibo's opinion was——

He wants to mess with me?

Okay, okay, come on, come on!
I want to fight him head-on!
Fuck me, I have to get him in!
Therefore, Su Bai relied on the promotional power of Bai Jun Law Firm's short videos and the promotional power of his own personal account.

Nearly 30 people involved in illegal fund-raising by Wanli Co., Ltd. and related evidence were found.

There's a class action lawsuit coming.

Since the amount involved in this class action lawsuit is relatively large and the case is relatively complex, the case has received great attention from the market.

The case shall be heard and reviewed by the Chongqing High Court.

Chongcheng High Court is a provincial court.

The parent company of Wanli Co., Ltd. has a certain say in Xiushui District and can receive some regional protection, but it cannot say anything in front of the provincial court.

Especially for such a big and important case, even if the court has a certain degree of partiality, it does not dare to be too partial.

Just like in Xiao Haibo's case, the court was obviously biased during the trial, but when it came to the verdict, it did not dare to find Xiao Haibo guilty.

The same is true for the above.

By the time the case came to trial, Xiao Haibo had restored his lawyer's qualification.

During the court hearing, faced with the issue of illegal fund-raising by Wanli Co., Ltd., he launched a very targeted attack.

Not only did it require Wanli Co., Ltd. to compensate the principal, but it also demanded related interest.

A total of 2000 million!

The illegal fundraising of 2000 million yuan is already considered a huge amount.

Not only is it a huge sum of money for Wanli Co., Ltd., but also a huge amount of money for Wanli Group, with a cash flow of 2000 million.

more importantly!
This lawsuit has brought Wanli Group's reputation to a freezing point, seriously affecting its business dealings and development.

As a result, Wanli Group is facing a certain crisis.

But this is not something Su Bai and Xiao Haibo need to consider. What they need to consider is to help their client get their legal rights!

It turns out that not only did they say it, they also walked the walk.

After the conclusion of this court trial, the problem of illegal fund-raising has been solved.

in addition.…

Regarding Ma Qiao and other collegial panel members, Shi Xiujie and other prosecutors, and the witness Xia Guangming.

He was prosecuted for related crimes such as dereliction of duty, perjury, and false accusation.

Before filing a public prosecution, the Intermediate Court was not allowed to hear the case due to the avoidance principle.

Instead, the High Court conducted a relevant hearing on this case and notified Su Bai and Xiao Haibo.
PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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