You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 258 TMD, so blatant?Don't you want to hide it?

Chapter 258 TMD, so blatant?Don't you want to cover it up?
The problem involves a wide range of things...

It is not judged by other aspects, but by all aspects involved.

An unjust, false or wrongful case involves case filing, public prosecution and investigation, and court judgment.

Not only the people involved, but also the matters involved are very wide.


Because in general cases, when filing a case, the investigation will be roughly clear.

If the investigation is not clear, it will not be transferred to the procuratorate for prosecution.

Transfer the case to the procuratorate, which will verify the relevant evidence and confirm whether the evidence is accurate, and then proceed with prosecution.

Only after relevant confirmations have been made will a lawsuit be filed and handed over to the court for judgment.

A series of these require personnel arrangements.

If accountability is pursued, the number of people involved will not be a small number.

Therefore, Li Xuezhen is very looking forward to this case.

If it is truly an unjust, false, and wrongly decided case, then the number of people involved is not a small number. It may be that law enforcement, prosecutors, and courts are all involved.

It’s just a matter of specific circumstances…

Li Xuezhen doesn't know, and needs to contact the client and check the relevant files to find out.

In this exciting situation, Li Xuezhen quickly contacted the client according to the information given by Su Bai.

And through the online platform, I got a general understanding of whether there is such a case.

What are the doubts about this case?

And use these to confirm the authenticity of the case with the client.

Through chats and phone calls, Li Xuezhen further learned about the process and facts of this case.

"This case is the real source of the crime!"

"Not bad!"

Li Xuezhen smiled and recited silently in her heart.

After confirmation.

Li Xuezhen came to the office with a bang, her eyes shining: "Lawyer Su..."

"After understanding this case, I have confirmed its authenticity and that this case occurred in Yun Province."

"Should we take this case?"

"I think this case is very classic...very difficult and challenging..."

Su Bai: ...
Li Xuezhen's expression of excitement almost overflowed, and she even asked him if he wanted to pick it up?

This case must be taken up!

Without saying anything else, the impact of this case is no less powerful than the previous cases.

This means that the system progress can be accelerated.

There is no reason not to take this kind of case.

"Well, since this case is so representative and our law firm has taken it on, I will take over the case."

"You should contact the client. There are many aspects involved in this case. It would be better to meet and talk."

After getting Su Bai's agreement, Li Xuezhen nodded vigorously:
"Okay, Lawyer Su, I understand. I'll make arrangements right away."

The arrangement mainly involves explaining to the client that their law firm is willing to take on the case.
at the same time.

At Bai Jun Law Firm, the person who left a message on Lawyer Su Bai’s personal account was Meng Tang, the father of the client in this case.

Meng Tang also did not expect that he was nearly 60 years old, his son Meng Ziyi was in his 30s, and he and his daughter-in-law had a five or six-year-old child.

My daughter-in-law cheated on me!
Let’s not talk about cheating for now, let’s talk about other things first.

At that time, his son had no idea that his wife had cheated on him, so how could he kill his wife and her lover?

This is completely unrealistic!

After sentencing his son to death, Meng Tang kept running around to find his son's former colleagues, the judicial department, and his son's former leaders.

But it doesn’t work at all…

Everyone told him that this case was dead and could not be overturned. It could not be overturned at all...

All kinds of hints or hints were coming towards him.

But he didn't believe it. He couldn't just watch his son disappear. His son was wrongly accused!

He also believed that his son was wrongly accused!

After the first-instance verdict, he kept running, trying to find justice for his son.

But there has never been any chance.

In the end, some people still saw him running around and felt pitiful.

I gave him a trick, saying that he should find some famous lawyers.

There may be other possibilities in this case.

Firstly, famous lawyers have their own public opinion effect, and secondly, when the trial is held in court, they may consider giving a suspended death sentence.


He found many lawyers, but none of them were willing to take on his case.

The main reason is that after hearing that Yundu was involved in unjust, false and wrongful cases, they were reluctant to come that far.

after all.…

Regarding unjust, false and wrongful convictions, some criminal lawyers may not be able to grasp it.

In other words, it is more difficult to deal with. Unjust, false and wrongful cases generally require proof that illegal evidence is illegal evidence.

From this point of view, it is not easy to start.


The local lawyers were unwilling to directly conflict with the judicial authorities, so they found many lawyers, but no one was willing to take on the case.

Finally I heard about Bai Jun Law Firm and thought of giving it a try.

To his surprise, Bai Jun Law Firm was really willing to take on his son's case.

After Meng Tang learned that Bai Jun Law Firm was willing to take over the case, he hurriedly caught the high-speed train and came to Nandu.
Inside Baijun Law Firm.

After a brief exchange with Meng Tang, Su Bai confirmed the facts of this case.


According to Meng Tang, this case is really difficult to handle.

There are many points involved...

For example, Meng Tang found a local lawyer just to check on Meng Ziyi's situation.

For no other reason than to check Meng Ziyi's mental state and other matters, to confirm whether he is healthy and whether he has any other needs.


The guards refused to let Meng Ziyi's attorney go in to visit Meng Ziyi.

The excuses were various, for example, Meng Ziyi did not want to see a lawyer, and Meng Ziyi was unwell and inconvenient.

And so on.

To sum up, if you can shirk it, shirk it, and if you can't shirk it, you won't be allowed to see it.

to be honest.

This means that the lawyer cannot see the client.

? ? ? ?
Su Bai was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Is this still the case?

What role can lawyers play in this situation?
It doesn’t play any other role at all!
People still have legitimate excuses and reasons to stop you, what should you do?
no way!
Su Bai frowned and said: "At present, Meng Ziyi's situation is that he is still in the detention center. Are you ready to conduct the above-mentioned second trial?"


Meng Tang nodded.

"Then can you tell me about other situations, such as other situations besides this case..."

Meng Tang was stunned for a moment: "Other situations...?"

"I'm really not sure about this. Is there any other situation..."

"Well, that's fine."

Su Bai nodded slightly. Looking at it now, the new and useful information obtained from Meng Tang was not too much.

But it can be seen that there are too many problems in this case. If you want to know more, you still need to go to the scene to find out what is going on.
cloud province.


The place where Meng Ziyi was detained was the detention center in Yunhua District, Kunming City.

Su Bai came to the detention center with relevant materials. The staff at the detention center showed no expression on their faces when they saw Su Bai and Li Xuezhen coming in.



"This is the relevant material. After filling it out, go back and wait for the news."

The staff handed Su Bai a piece of information and asked Su Bai to fill it out and wait for news.

Su Bai glanced at the materials, frowned slightly, and then after filling it out, he asked:
"Excuse me, after we fill out the documents, how long do we have to wait before we can see our client?"

The staff member's tone was slightly impatient, but he still answered Su Bai's question:

"It will take about 5 to 10 days, it depends on the situation."

"You filled out the materials. Let me check if there are any other questions first... then." The staff member only glanced at the materials Su Bai filled in briefly.

Then he frowned: "The case you entrusted to represent Meng Ziyi?"

"um, yes."

"Any other questions?"

"No, you go back for now and wait for news."

Hearing that the staff's tone was a bit wrong, Su Bai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Go back temporarily and wait for news...

Listening to the staff member's tone, it seems like he can't wait for the news, right?
Five to ten days... This period of time was really the longest he had ever seen.

When she walked out of the detention center, Li Xuezhen frowned slightly:
"Lawyer seems that the guard doesn't want us to see the client."

"It said 5 to 10 days. When we come here next time, will he delay it for another 5 to 10 days due to insufficient materials or some other excuse, and then keep delaying it, and we will never see the person involved?"

"If we don't meet the person involved, then how can we appeal to the second instance if we don't know anything else?"

Su Bai smiled and looked at Li Xuezhen. For some reason, Li Xuezhen seemed a little smart when facing this problem.

If you follow Li Xuezhen's statement, it is true.

The detention center staff kept using the excuse of insufficient documentation to prevent the client from seeing him...

After being dragged around for several months, he will go to jail.

How to do?
This situation is indeed helpless. There is no solution, but the solution is too troublesome to implement.

If you want to end it quickly, you need to look for new evidence for the second trial from other angles.

Su Bai took a long breath and said:
"It's okay. Since you can't see the person involved, you can go and read the file first."

"Look at the missing points in the file, or find out what new basis or facts this case can be based on."

"As long as there is a possibility of changing the sentence or there is a major mistake, the appeal can be conducted for a second instance, whether you meet the parties or not."


"Okay Lawyer Su, I understand!"

"Then let's go get the file now?"

Li Xuezhen asked and received a reply from Su Bai in agreement.

The two went to the court of first instance, Kunming Intermediate Court.
Kunming Intermediate Court.

The two encountered a little trouble while copying the volume.

What the staff means is that the relevant files may need to wait for a while before they can be copied.

The exact time is uncertain.

Su Bai:? ? ?
You know, for example, a general court file can be completed in 3 to 5 hours, or up to two days the next day.

But when it comes to Meng Ziyi's case, not only does the detention center allow people to wait to see the client, but they also need to wait to copy the file and view the file?
No...Is there a problem with this?

Su Bai said directly: "In this way, I don't ask for copies of the files. I will directly check the files in the court and return them after checking them."

"According to relevant legal provisions, as a client lawyer, I should have this right, right?"

The staff hesitated and didn't know how to answer. Finally, under Su Bai's urging, they had no choice but to say: "Then wait a moment. I want to ask the leader."


After the staff member returned to the window and asked the leader, he walked out again, his expression obviously much more relaxed:
"That's right. You can check and flip through it...but you can't take pictures of this kind of file."

"I know."

Su Bai nodded: "Take me over first to check the files."

"it is good."

The staff led Su Bai to check the files. While reading the files, Su Bai frowned slightly.

Judging from the files alone, they all have legal basis.
However, the evidence in the file is inconsistent with what Meng Tang stated.

This also leads to the fact that the evidence in this case may need to be discussed and may be illegal evidence.


Judging from the current situation, Su Bai cannot see the person involved.

Su Bai was not able to prove one by one based on Meng Ziyi's confession and corresponding evidence.

But according to the judgment——

There is this sentence in the verdict - Meng Ziyi pleads guilty and accepts punishment, and has no objection to the facts of his crime.

It also describes in detail how Meng Ziyi killed his wife and his wife's lover.

But according to Meng Tang...when Meng Ziyi's wife and Meng Ziyi's wife died, Meng Ziyi had an alibi.

In this case, Meng Ziyi pleads guilty and accepts punishment...?

No matter how you look at it, this case appears to be somewhat special.

"This case is very troublesome!"

Su Bai said something silently and then left the court.

After walking out of the court, Li Xuezhen asked in a low voice: "Lawyer Su..."

"What are the results of checking the file?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "There are still results from checking the files."

"At least there are a lot of doubts in the dossier."

"But we still need to find a way to meet the person involved..."


Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

"Lawyer Su... I have a senior brother... who works in the Kunming Judiciary."

"I have already contacted him, and he said that we can go see the person involved now..."

Li Xuezhen's face was filled with joy.

Su Bai patted his head:...
Are there also students of Feng Lijian in Kunming?

Teacher Feng...this is really a world full of peaches and plums!
"Okay, let's go there now!"

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, and then she and Su Bai returned to the detention center again.

This time they did not see the guards who received them last time.

Arriving at the detention room smoothly, after meeting Meng Ziyi.

Su Bai frowned slightly.

Meng Ziyi's height is 1.7 meters, and according to the weight described by Meng Tang, he is probably about 160 kilograms.

But look now...

According to Su Bai's visual inspection, Meng Ziyi's current weight is at most 130 kilograms!
He was so depressed that he was even driven to the summons room by the correctional officers who were guarding him.

Meng Ziyi took a look, and the first thing Su Bai said was:

"Lawyer...I was wronged!"

The correctional staff had reminded Meng Ziyi just now, and the lawyer came to see him.

So Meng Ziyi knew that the person in front of him was his attorney.

After hearing Meng Ziyi's words, Su Bai stood up, glanced at the other correctional officers in the summons room, and walked forward.

"Hello, according to the legal management regulations for meeting with the client, I can guarantee the privacy conditions of my lawsuit with my client."

"So I would like to ask you to leave the summons room temporarily, is that okay?"

The correctional officers looked at each other: "We are now guarding serious criminals..."

"But felons are still in the detention center. Felons also have personal rights, so I would like to ask you to leave for now, okay?"

Facing Su Bai's words, a correctional officer originally wanted to argue.

But another correctional officer waved his hand, and the two temporarily left the summons room.

After the two left, Su Bai returned to his position and said, "Can you tell me how you were wronged?"

"It is written in the file that you voluntarily confessed and accepted punishment. Is this true?"

Meng Ziyi shook his head: "No, no, I did not voluntarily plead guilty and accept punishment."

"Then why did you admit your crime?"

"I did not admit my guilt... I was..."

When Meng Ziyi said this, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then he took up his arms and clothes.

Su Bai looked at the scars on Meng Ziyi's arm and frowned.

After leaving the detention center, Li Xuezhen also frowned.

"Lawyer Su!"

"We must help a group of clients in this case."

Su Bai nodded: "Yes! Prepare to file an appeal!"

"File a second-instance litigation request to the Kunming High Court."

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen nodded heavily.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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