You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 260 recreates a classic scene!Refute repeatedly!

Chapter 260 recreates a classic scene!Refute repeatedly!

According to the content rejected by the presiding judge Guan Dongfeng in this trial.

No big problem.

At the trial.

Only by presenting relevant evidence can the procedure be designated as illegal.

Su Bai's statement just now was actually a hint or an indication - Meng Ziyi's confession and related testimony, as well as the identification scene and other circumstances.

It was not done out of his subjective will.

Instead, they suffered from coercion.

In addition... the prisoners in the detention center may have received instructions from others when they beat Meng Ziyi.


In this regard, Su Bai has no direct evidence to prove these situations.

Therefore, it was rejected by the presiding judge.

It is normal to be rejected, but from the perspective of the presiding judge.

The presiding judge still preferred that Meng Ziyi was suspected of serious crimes.

Therefore, the presiding judge did not believe that Meng Ziyi was beaten by other prisoners to force a confession, or he did not care much.
Facing the presiding judge's questioning again, Su Bai continued to speak: "Presiding judge, we have other things that need to be stated."

As the presiding judge, Guan Dongfeng showed a hint of impatience on his face after hearing Su Bai's words, but he quickly calmed down.

He has seen this case, and there are basically no other problems with Meng Ziyi's judgment.

What made him impatient was that Su Bai had been at the court hearing, correcting procedural errors or illegal acts.

Regarding Su Bai, he also knew some of the top criminal lawyers in the country.

He has encountered this kind of top lawyer before when handling cases.

For this kind of top lawyer, he knows what the other party wants and likes to do.

What I most want to do and enjoy most is to point out procedural errors or procedural violations in court.

Or have a heated argument with the presiding judge's collegial panel to put on a show for the client.

Regardless of the subsequent verdict, just take the lawyer's fees and walk away.

He didn't know if Su Bai was this kind of lawyer.

But based on what he just stated, there was absolutely no problem for him to refute the other party.

Guan Dongfeng can roughly guess what Su Bai will say next.

Pointing out a program error again?

Or is it illegal somewhere?

But what if you point it out?
Once pointed out, will these issues affect the final outcome of the judgment?


As the presiding judge, he does not need to know whether the evidence is legal. He only needs to know the source of the evidence and whether the chain of evidence is complete.

Can a judgment be made.

Currently, what he wants to see is whether Su Bai can produce key legal basis or important evidence clues in this trial.

If not...

So, in this court trial, no matter how much Su Bai showed, or how fiercely he acted.

None of it affects the final verdict at all.
At the presiding judge's seat, Guan Dongfeng said calmly: "Then, please ask the defendant to entrust a lawyer to state your other views."

"However, as the presiding judge, I would like to remind you."

"The defendant is requested to entrust his lawyer not to state matters unrelated to this case or the trial during the defense period. Other aspects can be made in court statements, but not during the defense period."

"Good judge."

Su Bai nodded.

There are too many problems in this trial, and there are certain loopholes in terms of simple evidence.

As for the presiding judge, I have opinions about him.

Su Bai:?
Even if he has any objections, he will help his client fight for the maximum legal rights and interests.

Not guilty means not guilty!

"Presiding judge, what we are going to state next is the evidence regarding the prosecution's accusation."

"According to the evidence submitted by the prosecution..."

"The specific contents of the evidence include: Our client voluntarily admitted the crime he committed."

"And explained the cause and process of the incident and related matters."

"I would like to ask, has there been any relevant research on the origin and process of the incident in this trial, as well as the preparation of related matters and physical evidence?"

"For example: In Meng Ziyi's statement, how did he kill the two parties involved?"

"In the evidence submitted, Meng Ziyi's statement stated that he was armed with a knife and killed the two parties involved."

"So what about this knife? Have the reduction and law enforcement parties found the relevant knife and weapon?"

"Meng Ziyi only stated during the review that he killed Gu Qiao and Xie Wei with a knife."

"Stated how to kill."

"The corresponding process was stated. Let's not mention whether the corresponding process is true. According to the evidence provided, these processes are very reasonable, very targeted and well-founded."

"But there was no murder weapon."

"Where is the murder weapon?"

"Why can't I find the tools for committing the crime?"

"Without the most important physical evidence, it is impossible to form a corresponding chain of evidence. Why was Meng Ziyi sentenced to death based on these?"

"This is completely unreasonable!"

"Furthermore, it only takes 20 minutes to drive from the dinner party to the crime scene. Meng Ziyi didn't have a car at the dinner party, so how did he get to the crime scene?"

"According to his "confession", he took a taxi. Have any clues about this taxi been verified?"

"It shouldn't be difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to find clues about a taxi."

"Why hasn't this taxi been found for so long?"

“Is this taxi nowhere to be found, or does this taxi not exist?”

"Based on the above, our summary is as follows:"

"First: the murder weapon was not found."

"Second: The failure to find a taxi from the dinner party to the crime scene is equivalent to - based on basic logic, Meng Ziyi's time limit for traveling from the dinner party to the crime scene is not sufficient."

"Based on the above two points, we believe that the evidence is insufficient and needs to be supplemented by the prosecutor."

"The above are our other views."

After Su Bai finished his statement, the prosecutor at the prosecutor's seat, Bai Haojie, answered Su Bai's questions.

"Based on the evidence submitted by the law enforcement parties, it is obvious that in terms of other matters, there is relevant evidence to prove the factual basis."

"As a person with a background in criminal investigation, is there a possibility that Meng Ziyi deliberately left physical evidence and explained other matters to ensure that he could get a commutation of his sentence, but after learning that he could not get a commutation of his sentence, he deliberately left physical evidence, Preparing for your own escape?”

"We have every reason to doubt this."

"Because as a criminal investigator, he has very strong counter-investigation capabilities and knows what evidence is beneficial to him and what evidence is not beneficial to him."


"It is entirely possible that he deliberately concealed the relevant murder weapons and concealed the tools he used to go to the crime scene."

"The above is my policy and my answer to the questions raised by the defendant's litigation attorney."

Bai Haojie's statement made Su Bai frown slightly.

Deliberately leaving physical evidence to prepare yourself for escaping the crime?
Is Meng Ziyi sick?
If he really killed the person, then why did he tell other things and just throw away the physical evidence?
is this necessary?

Totally unnecessary!

If it weren't for Mencius's confession, all the clues would be completed.

If he could withstand the pressure of interrogation.

Then there is no evidence in this case to prove that Meng Ziyi is a murderer!

Why did Meng Ziyi speak?
Because he could not withstand the interrogation and the pressure brought to him in the detention center.

It can only be stated in certain ways and complete the non-existent processes and details.

Why is there no information about the murder weapon and the taxi he took?
Because TMD people were not killed by Mencius at all!
None of these things exist, and law enforcement and prosecutors simply cannot find them.

Meng Ziyi didn’t know where these things were, and couldn’t tell them even if he wanted to. This was the main reason why he couldn’t find these two things!
It is said that Meng Ziyi is a criminal investigator and can withstand pressure. In order to escape guilt, he hid the relevant murder weapons.

Are you kidding me?
If Meng Ziyi really had that kind of consciousness and that kind of firm intention.Needless to say anything else.

If he doesn't confess anything, there will be no so-called evidence to accuse him.

It can only be said that Meng Ziyi is very suspected of committing a crime.

But there is no evidence to prove that he actually committed a crime.


Meng Ziyi explained both the crime process and the crime process during the interrogation.

It is simply unreasonable not to hand over physical evidence!

So in response to Bai Haojie's statement, Su Bai immediately retorted:

"Does the prosecutor's statement have any factual basis or evidence? Does the prosecutor's statement revolve around his own thoughts and suspicions?"

"The prosecutor's suspicion is totally unreasonable!"

"Meng Ziyi has already explained the other detailed processes and specific circumstances. Why didn't he explain the murder weapon and the information about going to the crime location?"


"Meng Ziyi confessed, but why didn't the law enforcement and prosecutors make any progress?"

"Maybe the murder weapon was well hidden by Meng Ziyi."

“But what about the way Meng Ziyi went to the crime scene?”

"Relying on a person's running ability, it is definitely impossible to reach the crime scene at that time. You must take transportation or riding a vehicle."

"Why didn't the prosecutors and law enforcement authorities investigate and find out what Meng Ziyi's riding vehicle or the means of transportation he took was difficult?"

"If there is no investigation, it is equivalent to having no evidence."

"Furthermore, according to the forensic identification report, the deaths of Gu Qiao and Xie Wei were caused by a certain type of knife."

"This type of knife did not appear in Meng Ziyi's home, and there is no evidence that Meng Ziyi purchased this type of knife."

"Why does this happen?"

"Is there a possibility that Meng Ziyi doesn't have this so-called murder weapon?"

"He didn't kill anyone, and he didn't buy a knife. Naturally, he doesn't know where the murder weapon went."

"This is also verified from the side. Meng Ziyi did not kill Xie Wei and Gu Qiao."

"Because there is no direct evidence to prove that Xie Wei and Gu Qiao were killed by Meng Ziyi."

At this time, Bai Haojie asked:
"According to the statement of the lawyer entrusted by the defendant, why did Meng Ziyi state that he killed the person during the first trial?"

"Why would he admit it if he didn't kill it?"

Su Bai: Do you have to force me to be so direct?
Why admit that this is not an obvious fact?

Su Bai immediately retorted: "I asked Meng Ziyi to show the scars on his body just now."

"Meng Ziyi had no choice but to confess because he was beaten, humiliated and mentally tortured by the prisoners."

"But in court...the court is a very sacred place."

"The law sits here."

"Meng Ziyi can explain his grievances, the unfair treatment he suffered, and why he confessed."

"This is also the reason why Meng Ziyi chose to retract his confession in the High Court."

"And we think so."

"In this case, there is no most direct physical evidence, that is, the murder weapon, which cannot explain how Meng Ziyi arrived at the crime scene."

"If these two points are not explained clearly, we will not admit the prosecution's accusations."

"So we would like to ask the Kunming High Court and the Provincial Prosecutor's Office to conduct another investigation into this case."

"Accept the retraction of our client Meng Ziyi's confession."

"The above is our statement."

Su Bai took a deep breath, and after finishing his statement, he focused his gaze on the presiding judge's seat.

how to say.…

The most critical murder weapon was not found, and the first-instance verdict was completely harsh.

It is based on Meng Ziyi's confession, and additional evidence will be added later.


Su Bai learned that during the first trial, the presiding judge of the first trial told Meng Ziyi.

If the most important physical evidence, the murder weapon, is revealed, then Meng Ziyi will be sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence.

But if you don't confess, it's a death sentence.

It happened that Su Bai initiated the second trial before the death penalty was executed.


This case may become a particularly serious injustice.

On the bench, Guan Dongfeng, as the presiding judge, became even more irritated when facing Su Bai.

The murder weapon and how to get to the crime scene are indeed very important.

The defendant's litigation lawyer indeed grasped this aspect and made a statement.


All suspicions in this case point to Meng Ziyi.

When the intermediate court made its judgment, it also sentenced the death penalty.

He discussed it with the relevant personnel of the High Court and found that there was not much problem with the Intermediate Court's judgment.

What should be the verdict in this case?
After thinking for a while, Guan Dongfeng asked a very classic question.

"Let's not discuss the physical evidence for now."

"All the evidence in this case points to Meng Ziyi as a serious suspect."

"According to the statements of the dinner party members and Meng Ziyi's own statements, it all points to him, and he has the direct intention of killing the two parties involved."

"As a criminal investigator, Meng Ziyi knew very well that Gu Qiao and Xie Wei were killed. What would be the consequences if he admitted this crime?"

"But why can't he stand up for himself?"

"He didn't kill the person, why should he admit it?"

"Is it because of the above reasons that Meng Ziyi admitted that he killed Gu Qiao and Xie Wei?"

Why do the presiding judge's thoughts and questions seem a bit familiar?


Why is this question so outrageous?

He didn't kill the person, why would he admit it?
That's because when he was in the detention center, he was already facing a mental breakdown, and he may have suffered more torture than death at that time.

So admit it.

But admitting it doesn't mean he actually killed someone.

Isn't the presiding judge's question too tendentious?
Facing the inquiry, Su Bai only stared at the seat of the trial bench.

"Presiding judge, based on the above reasons, Meng Ziyi did admit the fact that he committed murder, but whether he committed murder will be determined based on the evidence."

"We believe that the judgment against our client is incomplete in terms of evidence."

"Based on this, we apply again to dismiss the complaint against us."

After finishing the statement.

Su Bai's eyes met Guan Dongfeng's.


And at the same time.

Li Xuezhen looked serious, straightened her chest, and had firm eyes.

Facts are facts and evidence is evidence.…

Just do whatever you want...

Bai Jun Law Firm will never let any client suffer an unjust verdict without any reason!

She was waiting for lawyer Su's statement to influence the presiding judge and make the presiding judge face up to the trial.

What if you can't?

Then you can’t blame me, Xiao Li, for swearing.

If not, just send them all in, one, two, three, four, five...
One can't be less!
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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