You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 265: A public prosecution was launched, involving many parties, up to 34 people!

Chapter 265: A public prosecution was launched, involving many parties, up to 34 people!

Outside the detention center.

Su Bai smiled and looked up at the sky. The weather today is good and sunny.

Based on current findings.

The prosecutor has asked law enforcement agencies to continue to add evidence and pursued relevant fabricated evidence.

Now, Meng Ziyi has reached the point where he can be released on bail pending trial, although the case against him has not been completely withdrawn.


The corresponding procedures for canceling the case are being followed.

Today, he came to the detention center to release Meng Ziyi on bail pending trial.

After the relevant procedures are completed.

Meng Ziyi still couldn't believe it. He was released on bail pending trial?
Not a few dozen meters out of the detention center, Meng Ziyi looked up at the dazzling sunlight, covered it with his hands, and then squinted and opened his eyes.

Then he turned around and looked around, his mood suddenly collapsed.

A man in his 30s had red eyes and tears.

Su Bai stood aside and watched silently.

For Meng Ziyi, being released on bail awaiting trial is equivalent to being reborn directly.

Originally, the first and second instance sentences were sentenced to death and suspended death respectively, and the sentences could not be commuted.

Especially when you have been is inevitable that your mood will be depressed for a long time.

But now, under this long-term suppressed emotion, Meng Ziyi's emotions were finally released.

From helpless despair to hope, and then to despair again...until now, seeing the light of dawn.

Because Su Bai only took over the case during the second trial, the whole process lasted for nearly a year.

One year.…

A person who has been wrongfully imprisoned has to go through countless inner compromises and helplessness.

So after walking out of the detention center, Meng Ziyi's emotions exploded.

It took nearly 3 minutes for Meng Ziyi to calm down his emotions.

Turning to look at Su Bai, he kept bowing and thanking...

"Lawyer Su...I don't know what to say..."


Su Bai smiled, accepted Meng Ziyi's thanks, and then pointed to Meng Tang not far away.

Su Bai had told Meng Ziyi before that Meng Tang was constantly running for Meng Ziyi.

From Meng Ziyi's perspective, during the time he entered, his father had aged many years.

Originally there were only a few white hairs, but now there are only a few black hairs among the white hairs.

Seeing this, Meng Ziyi couldn't help but feel sad again...

Mencius Yi's home.

Meng Ziyi specially invited Su Bai and Li Xuezhen to have a meal and chatted about the follow-up of the trial.

The follow-up content of the court hearing was that the supervision and review department established a joint investigation team.

The current situation is that several counterfeiters have been investigated and are still undergoing interrogation and review.

The two criminal investigators who previously arraigned Meng Ziyi are now awaiting prosecution due to perjury and other acts.

One of the main reasons why I'm still waiting...

This is because all relevant circumstances of this case have not yet been dealt with.

The prosecutor may want to wait for all the results of the investigation to be released before examining whether there are other crimes to prosecute together.

When Su Bai talked about this, Meng Ziyi nodded heavily and couldn't help but curse a few curse words.



Su Bai asked Meng Ziyi to wait for a while before applying for state compensation.

and other corresponding compensation matters.

In any case, in Meng Ziyi's trial, the law enforcement case filing, the prosecutor's prosecution, and the court's judgment all have a very big responsibility.

Among them, law enforcement has the greatest responsibility for filing a case, and then it goes to the court for judgment, and finally the prosecutors prosecute.

But how to define the sentence and penalty, as well as the related sanctions.

Specific matters still depend on how the supervision and review department defines the case and how it defines related responsibilities.

Su Bai's idea was - I reported all the relevant people.

The rest is left to the supervision and review department! .
And at the same time.

The joint team of the supervision and review departments conducted an interrogation of the relevant counterfeiters in this case.


The joint team is very handy in handling various cases.

Through various clues, the person in charge of this case - Fang Yilong was directly identified.
At Fang Yilong's home, Fang Yilong at this time received the news that personnel from the supervision and review department were arresting people who had falsified evidence one by one.

He was absent-minded at home all day, fearing that someone from the supervision and review department would knock on his door.

What are you afraid of?…

Fang Yilong was at home, talking to someone on the phone when there was a knock on the door.

Seeing the outside of the house through the peephole, several uniformed personnel felt their hearts pounding, closed their eyes, took a deep breath, and accepted the reality.

Think silently in your mind: "What is supposed to come will come."

Then, he opened the door and walked out on his own initiative, stretching out his hands.


His hands were cuffed.
in addition.…

Kunming High Court.

Guan Dongfeng is discussing with Lao Zhang and Lao Xu about the recent investigation by the supervision and review department into the law enforcement department.

Lao Zhang couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned about the relevant matters and that Meng Ziyi was now on bail pending trial.

Not sure whether he was pretending to be surprised or really surprised, he said: "Is that Meng Ziyi really wronged?" "Then it seems that the accusation I made at that time was really wrong..."

Lao Xu: .…

At that time, you made the accusations outright and justly, and the people almost got shot.

Now, if you say something like this, is it true that the accusation is wrong?
It's just these words that Lao Xu has been reciting silently in his heart without saying them out loud.

Guan Dongfeng on the side sighed deeply: "Who do you think could have imagined that this would happen?"

"At that time, all suspicions were pointed at Meng Ziyi and no one else."

"Isn't it normal to sentence Meng Ziyi?"

"I guess the hospital may punish us, and we will inevitably be scolded."

"Well! Indeed!"

Lao Zhang nodded and agreed with Guan Dongfeng's statement.

But in Lao Xu's view, this is not the case.

When this case was being adjudicated, there was a relevant court recorder recording the entire adjudication process of the case.

The behavior of Guan Dongfeng and Lao Zhang already constituted serious dereliction of duty.

If someone makes a report, other issues may be uncovered.

Just as Lao Xu was thinking about this, the door of his office was pushed open. Then, with Guan Dongfeng and Lao Zhang looking shocked, they were taken away for investigation by relevant law enforcement officers.
In general.…

The supervisory department has conducted relevant reviews on all relevant personnel involved in this case.

It was finally decided to file a public prosecution...including those who had previously illegally interrogated Meng Ziyi and fabricated evidence, a total of 34 people!

The judicial system attaches great importance to this case.

Because this case involves a major case involving the illegal fabrication of evidence and serious malfeasance in duties.

It can be said to be a major chain case in law enforcement!

Most of the people involved are law enforcement officers and judicial officers who filed the case.

Not only that.…

There are also many relevant disciplinary personnel, such as Bai Haojie, the public prosecutor.

It was a serious dereliction of duty, although illegal evidence was subsequently investigated.

However, in previous lawsuits, they did not fulfill their supervisory responsibilities and were given certain serious sanctions.
On the Internet, public opinion about this case has also reached its climax.

The supervision and review department gave a list of relevant sanctions, but they were all replaced by aliases.

Public opinion was all applauding!
"Okay, okay... These people should all be sentenced to death. Let them try to be wronged. What will be the consequences of almost being sentenced to death?!"


"I think there is also something wrong with the court. They have not held open trials for several court hearings. Is it because they are afraid that we will find some problems? These people should be sentenced to several years severely to prevent other situations from happening again. Let them come out and harm other people again!"

"Yes! What you said makes perfect sense. I support you!"

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

After Su Bai noticed the public opinion on the Internet, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Through this court hearing, whether it is the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm or a personal short video account.

The number of fans has grown to one million levels.

This court hearing has greatly improved Baijun Law Firm’s reputation within the industry and its reputation outside the industry.


These are not the most critical.

The most important thing is that public opinion on the Internet plays an accelerating role for these law enforcement and judicial personnel who have seriously neglected their duties.

to be honest.

Supervise trials.

The Yunnan Provincial High Court and the Provincial Procuratorate have noticed the huge public opinion on the Internet.

The prosecution process for those who committed crimes in this trial was expedited.

and proposed the transfer of jurisdiction.

The persons involved in this case were transferred to Baoshi Intermediate Court for trial.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen, as well as the involved party Meng Ziyi, attended this court hearing.

Waiting room.

Li Xuezhen's eyes kept flashing with excitement.


This is the biggest case she has been involved in since she followed Su Bai!
Of course.

The complexity of this case makes it one of the more difficult cases to solve.

1, 2, 3…34!

It's wonderful to think about how many people have been sent in.

In terms of achievement points, this achievement point cannot be ++++
Thinking of the scene of the verdict, Xiao Li's face was filled with satisfaction.

Wonderful! Wonderful!


Su Bai could see what Li Xuezhen was thinking, but didn't say anything more, just coughed twice.

to be honest.…

The accusers in this trial included judges from the Intermediate Court and judges from the High Court.

The judges of the High Court include Guan Dongfeng...

He quite wanted to see Guan Dongfeng sitting in the presiding judge's seat and dismissing his complaint.

What a scene it is like to sit in the defendant's seat and accept his accusation...

Thinking of this, Su Bai found that he could suddenly understand Li Xuezhen's excitement.

PS: This case is over today. During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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