You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 269 Are you crazy? !How can such a lawsuit be achieved?

Chapter 269 Are you crazy? !How can such a lawsuit be achieved?

The judicial environment in Beidu is relatively complete.

There aren't many other situations.

There is a big difference between this case and Meng Ziyi's case.

To be more specific...

When communicating with relevant judicial and law enforcement officials, there was no deliberate targeting.

The first-instance case involved serious sentencing.

Therefore, the first-instance case regarding the parties in this case will be heard by the Beidu Intermediate Court.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the Beidu Intermediate Court, and the files were copied and reviewed smoothly.

In less than two hours, the file was copied.

Taking advantage of one day, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen had a general and detailed understanding of some situations during the first trial.

After understanding...

Su Bai took a breath, what should I say?

This case involves the parties and urban management personnel.

Urban management officers were law enforcement officers at that time.

Xiao Hong's husband, Zhou Li, and the urban management personnel at the time had a verbal conflict, which resulted in a physical confrontation.

Specific matters - At that time, urban management personnel believed that Zhou Li and Xiao Hong's stalls had issues that did not comply with regulations.


These matters can be big or small. To be precise, it depends on whether they are specifically targeted.

to be honest.

If I find it pleasing to you, I can just say a few words and ask you to change it.

If you are dissatisfied, then the punishment will be increased, you will be fined, you will be rectified, and your stall will be temporarily closed.

etc. various situations.

At that time, Zhou Li was not good at talking too much.

There is no good relationship.

After being fined, I became very emotional and complained a few words.

Then, the relevant urban management personnel heard Zhou Li's complaints, went back, found some other problems, and continued to impose punishments.

Zhou Li himself was a little dissatisfied with the first fine. After a series of further fines, he couldn't help it anymore, and then he had a conflict with the law enforcement officers, which led to subsequent incidents.
After understanding the relevant files.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the detention center to visit Zhou Li and asked several questions.

Inside the jail.

Zhou Li was originally relatively thin and looked older. During his time in the detention center, he had been feeling uneasy.

Not only have I been worried about my own situation, I am also worried about what will happen to my family's life without me.

If my parents and son knew about the current situation, would they be able to continue to live well?

Zhou Li wanted to know about these questions.


When Su Bai came and the guard saw him, Zhou Li's first words were:

"Lawyer... I would like to ask, how is the situation at home now?"

Su Bai smiled and said: "The current situation in your family is not bad. Compared with before, there is not much change. Your parents and children don't know about you yet."

Hearing this, Zhou Li breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the verdict had little impact on him.

What he was most worried about was his family. Knowing about his current situation, something might happen to him.

After briefly chatting about these daily routines and related living conditions.

Su Bai stepped into the topic of this time and asked Zhou Li some specific matters about this case.

For example: Why did Zhou Li complain about that sentence at that time? After all, he knew that urban management personnel could have a huge impact on his stall.

There is also a huge dispute with the urban management personnel, which is obviously a bit irrational.

After understanding, correspond to the previous situation.

Su Bai also knew why Zhou Li complained and had conflicts with law enforcement officers at that time, and was not afraid of the consequences afterwards.

It was because the relevant departments asked them to move the stall, but moving the stall would cost a lot of money.

He can take out this money, but after taking out this money, he will no longer be able to take care of his family's life.


The other stalls are not as good as Zhou Li's current stall, and there is a huge difference in monthly income between the two.

And the most important point is.

At that time, Zhou Li's children and parents were sick and needed money, but Zhou Li couldn't get it. He was anxious and angry, and he encountered this kind of thing again, so he felt particularly irritable.

So what happened next happened.
After a general understanding.

Su Bai nodded, indicating that he had a relatively clear understanding of the entire case.

Wait until you leave the detention center.

Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

Li Xuezhen said from the side: "Lawyer Su... This case needs to be appealed to the Beidu High Court for the second instance..."

"I'm already familiar with the supervision and review department here in Beidu..."

"no problem!"

Su Bai:? ? ?
Looking at Li Xuezhen's smiling face, Su Bai smiled: "Well, not bad!"

"But don't worry about the rest for now, prepare to appeal to the second instance."

As a first-tier city in Beidu, the High Court has a high administrative level.

So...under normal circumstances, there are not many judicial issues.
The second instance appeal requires new evidence or new conditions for determination.

Specific manifestations include that the facts found in the first-instance judgment are inconsistent or new evidence is sufficient to overturn the first-instance judgment, or the penalty is too harsh.

Regarding Zhou Li's case, in terms of evidence identification, the factual basis and evidence are sufficient, and there is basically no new evidence that needs to be added.

Therefore, it is necessary to address Yu Zhou Li's mistakes from a legal perspective, and whether Zhou Li should be sentenced to death, and whether the death penalty is too harsh a sentence for him.

From these developments, decisions and appeals are made.
Not much time.

Su Bai prepared the materials and handed them to Li Xuezhen, asking Li Xuezhen to prepare an appeal.


Lao Li was originally in Beidu. He called Li Xuezhen in the past few days and learned that Li Xuezhen was handling cases in Beidu and was also with Su Bai.

He immediately waved his hand and said he wanted to see Su Bai.

"Daughter, you are handling a case in Beidu, and I happen to be in Beidu too. Come and see me."

Li Xuezhen: "Dad...we've been busy these past few days. It's not too convenient." "I'll definitely go see you after my case is over."

"Okay! Lawyer Su Bai is here too. Remember to invite Lawyer Su Bai when the time comes. I want to thank you in person!"

When Li Xuezhen thought that Su Bai was going to meet Lao Li, her little head turned, and then she agreed: "Okay dad!"

"I understand. I will definitely take Lawyer Su to see you then."

Lao Li: "Okay, okay!"
The phone call between Li Xuezhen and Lao Li was just an episode, after Zhou Li's case was appealed.

The High Court conducted relevant investigations into this case and confirmed that the materials submitted by Su Bai had legal basis and could be determined through new factual findings and relevant circumstances, and may be different from the first-instance judgment.

Agreed, the second trial will be held regarding the case where Zhou Li clashed with urban management personnel and resulted in death.


After consent, relevant information will be notified to all parties.
After notifying all parties.

A certain street, the office hall of the urban management department.

A woman in her 30s was sitting in the office hall with a arrogant expression.

There were several people gathered around him, who looked like leaders of the urban management department.

The woman sat in the office hall and said nothing. She waited for a while before speaking:
"The man in my family was stabbed to death at work. You are talking about civil compensation for my family, among other things."

"The most important thing is that he should not be punished for killing someone! But now that the second trial has been brought up again, I don't care. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will come here all day long to cause trouble!"

"Something happened to my man at work, and I have to ask for an explanation today!"

A small person in charge of the urban management department tried to persuade him: "This case is under the jurisdiction of the court, not us. You already caused trouble during the last trial."

"As you can see, the court sentenced the other party to death and demanded compensation."

"But the above-mentioned second trial is someone's right. If you continue to make trouble here, it seems a bit excessive. I can introduce you to a lawyer, but you are not allowed to make trouble here. If you make trouble here, then we will call the police!"

"Let's make trouble, if you continue to stay here, call the police!"

When the woman saw that the other party was serious, her tone softened: "Then you are responsible for introducing me to a good lawyer..."


The person in charge agreed, and after the woman left, the person in charge rubbed his brows.

He is also very troubled by this matter, because the current law enforcement is still relatively loopholes.

In this matter, the woman's husband...from their law enforcement perspective, they also have a certain responsibility.


Forget it, don't think about it so much. After all, as colleagues, they still have to consider the problem from the perspective of colleagues.

After notifying all parties of the hearing, the date for the second instance hearing arrived.

In court.

This time the presiding judge surprised Su Bai.

This time the presiding judge is Lin Youping.

Lin Youping, the vice president of the High Court, was the first person Su Bai went to Beidu to litigate. He entrusted the case and promoted the famous case of self-defense, the Qifeng case, which was tried by Lin Youping.


At the presiding judge's seat, Lin Youping also noticed Su Bai, but he only made eye contact and said nothing more.

Just ring the hammer.

Let the prosecutor begin to present the details of this case.

The prosecutor of the prosecution is also the prosecutor of the first instance.

This case has been thoroughly understood and roughly summarized.

The factual evidence is clear, and it is the urban management law enforcement officers who caused the deaths.

What is this concept?
If the court does not sentence Zhou Li to death, how can the relevant law enforcement units carry out law enforcement?

Regarding this trial, there is no problem in choosing to pursue the death penalty.

Prosecutor Cai Wanqiang began to state the relevant facts.

"presiding judge.…"

"The prosecutor's complaint is as follows:"

"In the case of Zhou Li using a murder weapon while law enforcement officers were enforcing the law, causing the death of law enforcement officer He Ping."

"The prosecutor believes that in this case, the factual basis is sufficient and the evidence is clear. It is an established fact that He Ping died."

"And because He Ping is a law enforcement officer, and he was in the process of law enforcement during the incident."

"In other words, He Ping was intentionally injured by Zhou Li during the enforcement process by the urban management law enforcement officers at the time."

"From this, it can be clearly seen that Zhou Li's intentional injury was established, and it had a great social influence and extremely bad behavioral consequences."

"based on above."

"We believe that Zhou Li formed intentional injuries causing death."

"Due to the large social impact and bad situation."

"Recommended sentence: death penalty."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

After Cai Wanqiang finished his statement, he looked down at the litigation materials, and then looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

It is a fact that Zhou Li intentionally caused injury and caused death.

For Cai Wanqiang, there are no other issues in this trial.

Just...when the presiding judge asked the defendant to make a statement.

Su Bai directly refuted the other party's point of view.

"Presiding judge, we will plead for a reduced sentence this time."

"We believe that our parties, Zhou Li and He Ping, should bear corresponding responsibilities during this case."


"The death of He Ping caused by Zhou Li was not the result he wanted to see."

"We believe that the prosecutor's recommended sentence is too harsh, and we should proceed with a lighter sentence based on the specific circumstances of the entire case."

After hearing Su Bai's statement, Cai Wanqiang couldn't help but be stunned.

A lighter sentence?
He raised his hand and then spoke: "Then what does the lawyer appointed by the defendant think this lighter sentence should be? Suspended death?"

Su Bai glanced at the lawsuit, thought for a few seconds, and then said: "Prison sentence."

Fixed-term imprisonment?

No... you actually asked the court to sentence a law enforcement officer to death?

Crazy? !

How can such a lawsuit be achieved?

Cai Wanqiang had only one idea in his mind at that time.
PS: It’s the last day, please vote for me~
(End of this chapter)

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