You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 277: Report others, but get arrested yourself!

Chapter 277: Report others, but get arrested yourself!
Su Bai was stunned for a moment when he saw the news.

He didn’t know why officers from the Supervision and Review Department were calling and texting him.

It's even less clear what method Xia Jingping used.

Let the personnel of the supervision and review department accept the trial, notify him, and go to accept the review and investigation.


The personnel of the supervision and review department have notified him, so he still needs to cooperate.

Call Li Xuezhen into the office.

"I need to go to Beidu for a business trip. I will leave the affairs of the law firm to you for the time being."

Li Xuezhen said in confusion: "Lawyer Su, did you have any new cases when you went to Beidu on a business trip? Or do you have to be responsible for the branch office?"

Then there was a hint of expectation in his eyes: "Just leave the law firm's affairs to others."

"Can I go with you?"

Su Bai pondered for a few seconds: "That's okay. This time we are subject to supervision and review. You can go."

"Perhaps the supervisory and review personnel from Beidu will contact you by then, which will save us from having to run back and forth."

Li Xuezhen:? ? ?

"Supervision and review? Lawyer Su, how could you be subject to supervision and review?"

Li Xuezhen's face was full of surprise: "Is there any problem?"

Su Bai shook his head: "There are no other problems, mainly because the last case was reported."

"It should be a normal process."

"You can come with me."

"Oh, good."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously, and then secretly sent a message to her teacher:
"Teacher...I have encountered some difficulties."


After Feng Lijian saw the news, he smiled and shook his head. Has Su Bai been put under supervision and review?
It seems to be related to the previous case.

Li Xuezhen's request for help was mainly to ask him for help, asking why she was subject to supervision and review and whether the supervision and review had any big impact.

Just asking, no relevant interference.

After Feng Lijian asked his friends in Beidu and got the general situation through understanding, he sent a message to Li Xuezhen.

"It's nothing serious... don't worry, I'm just accepting relevant inquiries. As long as Su Bai doesn't do anything serious, other things that violate the rules will be fine."

After reading the news, Li Xuezhen breathed a sigh of relief. She always followed Lawyer Su for every case heard in court. Lawyer Su definitely did not do anything that violated the regulations!

So this time she went to Beidu for investigation, and she felt relieved.

The Supervision and Review Department inquired inside the room.

Su Bai accepted a series of inquiries and gained a general understanding.

I know the general process of the matter.

turn out to be.…

This happened because Xia Jingping submitted for supervisory review, which concealed some facts and fabricated some facts.

Generally speaking, when the supervision and review department receives and accepts a report, it needs to provide relevant evidence on its own.

During this process, Xia Jingping was unable to provide accurate evidence and factual proof.

But she had other ideas.

No real evidence and facts?

no problem!

If there is no real evidence, why can't I fabricate evidence?

So when submitting the evidence to the supervision and review department, Xia Jingping forged it!
Forged relevant evidence!
During the entire process, not only was inspection and review initiated against Su Bai, but also against members of the collegial panel and related personnel, as long as Xia Jingping felt there was a problem, supervision and review was initiated.

And the arranged facts speak for themselves.

Why did the defendant appoint a lawyer who had a personal relationship with the presiding judge?

How much money was stuffed in the red envelope, how was it stuffed, and where was it located.

It was said clearly and made as if it were true.

But in fact?
In fact, the relationship between Su Bai and Lin Youping was only the last time in Qi Feng's case, Lin Youping served as the presiding judge and he defended the case as Qi Feng's attorney.

Relationships are as simple as that.

As for the messy relationship arranged by Xia Jingping.

It was all her own imagination.

This was only learned after the supervision and review department inquired about Su Bai and other personnel.

After understanding the whole incident, the relevant staff couldn't help but complain: "This Xia Jingran really dared to mess around just to report it!"

When Su Bai heard the complaint, he felt it was a bit outrageous.

Forging evidence just to submit it to supervisory review?
Did Xia Jingping not know that the supervision and review department would investigate relevant evidence?
If you understand the supervision and review procedures more or less, you won’t be accused of forging evidence!

Regarding this, Su Bai didn't quite understand what this behavior meant.
After walking out of the supervision and review department, Su Bai greeted the relevant staff politely.

When he was about to leave, he happened to bump into Xia Jingjing who came over to ask.

Xia Jingping pointed at Su Bai and said to the supervisor on the side:
"it's him."

"What's the outcome of the review?"

"Is there a problem? There must be a problem, right! Arrest him quickly and put him in jail, and then sentence Zhou Li!"

Su Bai stood aside, silently listening to Xia Jingran's accusations against him.

The supervisory examiner on the side gave Su Bai an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, we did not remind the relevant personnel in time."

How should I put it, after all, Su Bai is a well-known lawyer, and there is no problem with him. I called him over and asked about it. Indeed, through understanding the other party, there is no problem.

And the most important thing is that Xia Jingping provided forged evidence, and their supervision and review department has the obligation to exclude this evidence.

If Su Bai insists on pursuing the case and makes a phone call to report them, the relevant personnel may be criticized to a certain extent.

The prosecutors and reviewers looked at Xia Jingjing seriously: "Okay." "Don't talk yet."

"You were the one who initiated the supervisory review against the judges of Zhou Li's case and Zhou Li's attorney, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's me, it's me."

Xia Jingjing spoke hurriedly: "This person is Zhou Li's attorney at the time. He knows the presiding judge of the court. There must be something wrong with Zhou Li's judgment on this case."

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to go from a death row prisoner to a fixed-term prison sentence in just a few years?"

staff member:.….
"Okay, okay, don't say anything, just come with me first."

Xia Jingping:? ?
"Shall I go with you? What about him?"

Xia Jingping pointed to Su Bai beside him and spoke.

"He? He has been investigated and reviewed. There is no situation like what you said. There was no bribery, or there was a miscarriage of justice because of good relations and personal friendship."

"You fabricated evidence and filed for supervisory review. According to relevant requirements, you need to be investigated. If it is serious, you may be detained."

"You come with us first to understand the situation."

At the staff's signal, Xia Jingping immediately retorted:
"No, I can't leave for you. What I told is the truth. Why should I look for you? If you don't arrest those people, if you arrest me, you must have something to do with them!"

"You supervisors have a problem too! I don't care, I just can't go with you!"

Xia Jingjing kept walking quickly while talking in her mouth, preparing to leave the supervision department.

Obviously, she also knew that what she was doing was wrong, but it was wrong for the inspectors to arrest her.

The staff member smiled helplessly and explained to Su Bai: "Sometimes we often encounter some unusual things at work."

"There are some people who forge evidence like this, but not too few."

"We will definitely deal with the relevant personnel."

With that said, several staff members forcibly comforted Xia Jingran.
Leave the Supervision and Review Department.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head to look at the sky. It was full of haze.

Shaking her head, Li Xuezhen, who had been waiting outside for a long time, could only look outside at the entrance and exit from time to time because the supervision and review department did not allow people to enter casually.

After seeing Su Bai, Li Xuezhen's eyes suddenly lit up and she hurried forward.

"Lawyer Su, is everything okay?"

Looking at Li Xuezhen's clear eyes, Su Bai smiled and said, "It's nothing."

"Oh, right.…"

"Did you see Xia Jingran just now?"

“I didn’t notice, what’s wrong, Lawyer Su?”

"It's all right."

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.

People like Xia Jingjing are obviously arrogant and unreasonable. His behavior in court and in the urban management bureau has shown his aggressive character.

Regarding Xia Jingjing's matter, Su Bai learned the general situation from the relevant personnel in the inquiry room just now.

Whether it is in the urban management bureau, the court, or the supervision and review department.

Xia Jingping behaved very arrogantly, as if she had to pay for my husband's life.

But in fact, He Ping's compensation for his life was just to ask for more death compensation fees by using He Ping's death as an excuse.

Initiate a supervisory review.

This may also be due to the fact that I am very angry because I did not achieve the results I wanted.

I couldn't think about it for a while, so I falsified evidence and initiated a supervisory review.

After Su Bai and Li Xuezhen talked about the general situation in the examination room and some things about Xia Jingping.

Li Xuezhen blinked her eyes and her smile turned into a crescent moon: "Lawyer Su, you just asked me if I had met Xia Jingran. Are you worried about my safety?"

"Are you caring about me?"

Su Bai said: "Of course I care about you."

"You are my assistant lawyer, what if something happens?"


Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face, and her expression looked like she believed it.

But silently reciting in my heart: I don’t believe it!
There was a hint of light in his clear and stupid eyes.

Delicious! .
The matter of being subject to supervision and review has come to an end.

Inside the office of Bai Jun Law Firm.

Regarding branch matters, Xiao Haibo has been following up.

At present, the progress is very fast. After all, it does not require any big investment. It just needs to make the name of Baijun Law Firm famous.

Find resources, contact several business partners, and then recruit some senior lawyers and let them poach them.

The branch office matters are almost settled.

As for the Beidu branch, law firm personnel from Nandu will definitely be sent to Beidu.

After much thought, Su Bai felt that the best candidate was Duan Liang.

When Duan Liang learned the news, he touched his bare head.

"Lawyer Su, did you really arrange for me to go to the branch office?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Really, the pie I drew before has been implemented now, right?"

"Do the math, of course!"

Duan Liang said with a smile and agreed to go to the branch office to take charge and handle some related matters.
All related matters were dealt with, and Su Bai sat on the sofa in the office.

Picked up the phone and glanced at the message.

It was a message from the supervisor who had previously conducted the inspection.

The supervisory examiner told Su Bai that he had been making noises about Xia Jingjing, refused to plead guilty, and maliciously slandered him.

The review department handed over Xia Jingping to the law enforcement department and decided to detain him for a month and a half.

This time, we have an explanation for the matter of being mistakenly brought up for supervision and review.
PS: During the double monthly pass period, please give me a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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