You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 284 How many years in prison is appropriate?A perfect verdict!

Chapter 284 How many years in prison is appropriate?A perfect verdict!

The public prosecution of Hu Jun, Ma Hu and others has begun.

All parties are seated.

After the pretrial preparations are completed, the members of the collegial panel enter the court.

After the presiding judge banged his gavel.

The prosecutor began to accuse Hu Jun, Ma Hu and others of their crimes one by one.

"Defendant Hu Jun, because he accepted bribes and a large number of benefits, engaged in favoritism and malpractice in the first-instance case against Xue and others."

"Including cash, gifts, etc., the total value is nearly 70."

"The evidence is conclusive and the criminal facts are clear. The prosecutor will use this to prosecute Hu Jun."

"Recommended sentence: eight years in prison."

"The defendant was careless and engaged in malpractice for personal gain in the case against Xue."


"Recommended sentence: three years in prison."


After accusing Hu Jun, Ma Hu and others of their crimes.

The prosecutor continued to state the crimes and experiences of the remaining relevant persons.

The statement lasted nearly half an hour.

After finishing the statement.

The prosecutor looked towards the court seat.

"Presiding judge, the prosecution has finished its statement."

Boom boom boom!
The presiding judge banged the gavel and asked the lawyers for Hu Jun, Ma Hu and others to make statements.

in this trial.

The relevant facts and basis have been stated, and the chain of evidence is complete. There is almost no room for defense by Hu Jun, Ma Hu and others.


There was no major turning point in the lawyers entrusted by Ma Hu and others to make statements.

I just wanted the presiding judge to slow down their sentences based on the terms of their sentences.

And made his attitude clear: plead guilty and accept punishment!
But there is an exception. Hu Jun does not want to plead guilty and accept punishment.

As the chief criminal judge, Hu Jun is very clear about the judgment of his own behavior. If the judgment is based on the prosecution's accusation.

Then, the court will at least sentence the sentence recommended by the prosecutor, which is eight years in prison.

Eight years in prison is too long for Hu Jun.

If you want to reduce your guilt, you must separate bribery and favoritism.

If the two cannot be related, then your sentence may be reduced to six years in prison.

If he behaves well in prison, he may be released from prison in four years of a six-year sentence.

Therefore, Hu Jun’s attorney did not plead guilty and accept punishment, but stated his defense point of commutation:

"In this case."

"Our client did not pass judgment on Zhang, Li, Xue and others because he received relevant benefits."

"Hu Jun and Lin Changtian, the deputy prime minister of Shun'an Co., Ltd., establish relevant interest relationships first and make judgments later."

"The relationship between the two is just a bribe-taking relationship. It does not mean that due to the previous bribe-taking relationship, there was an act of favoritism and malpractice in this trial."

The defense point of view is that Hu Jun does not think that he was sentenced to Zhang, Li and Xue for personal gain and perverting the law because of accepting bribes.

Moreover, Hu Jun did not agree that he had made a judgment that was based on partiality and perverted the law.

I just think that I have accepted bribes, and I should be punished according to the relevant regulations on bribery.

"We believe that the sentence imposed on our client is excessive."

"We have expressed our views and are willing to take the initiative to refund the corresponding accounts and request that we be forgiven during the prison term."

"Presiding Judge, the above is our point of view."

After Hu Jun's attorney finished his statement, he glanced in Hu Jun's direction.

The above-mentioned relevant pleas were all requested by Hu Jun.

Make your case through a defense attorney.


tsk tsk...

Is this a shameless statement?
Su Bai looked at the defendant's attorney's seat and didn't say anything else.

Simply speaking, Hu Jun has an interest relationship with Lin Changtian, the vice president of Shun'an Co., Ltd.

Since there was an exchange of interests, it was stated that it was not a case of favoritism due to the exchange of interests.

Who would believe these words?

Will the presiding judge and the collegial panel adopt it?
Certainly not!

Because the two of you have had related interests before.

When Lin Changtian, Vice President of Shun'an Co., Ltd., is delivering benefits to you.

Without rejecting, you have already acquiesced and accepted the other party's correlation entrustment.

Otherwise, why were the judgments of the first instance and the second instance so large?
Can you explain reasonably what disrupting public order means?
Hu Jun's statement can indeed be defended to a certain extent.

But the court will not agree with this situation, because the court has already determined your subjective performance through objective factual basis.

In order to ensure that the court disagreed, Su Bai raised his hand and, after getting permission from the presiding judge, stated:
"We believe that the statement made by the lawyer appointed by the defendant Hu Jun should be rejected."

"And we believe that Hu Jun's behavior should be dealt with seriously and given a full sentence!"

"Here's why:"

"I would like to ask the defendant Hu Jun a question."

"Why did you, as the presiding judge at the time, not accept the many matters I listed during the first-instance judgment and expelled me from the court in anger?"

"Why do you still use your right to trial to deport me when I have clearly stated my right to a defense?"

“The two most important judgment points at that time were booing and disrupting public order.

During the statement, I argued with the prosecutor at the time.

Why didn't you state the basis for favoring the prosecutor's point of view at the trial?
It is the right of every entrusted lawyer to have the right to defend himself in court.

Why did you deprive me of my rights as a client lawyer and prohibit me from making statements in court?

You said at the time that I disrupted the order of the trial. We can take a look at the video of the trial and see if I disrupted the order of the trial!

So I would like to ask you at the end, what was your intention at that time in expelling me from the court? "

"Please ask the defendant Hu Jun to answer these questions!"

Hu Jun remained silent and did not speak.

He could not answer these questions and could not answer them.

Su Bai continued his statement: "The statement of the lawyer entrusted by the defendant is to completely separate the bribery from the judgment."

"But I would like to ask the defendant, why did Lin Changtian find you for bribery?"

"According to Lin Changtian's statement during the law enforcement review, he did it to make it more convenient for him to do things in the court in the future."

"So if it is more convenient for Lin Chengtian to do things in the court, should he make it more convenient for the defendant Hu Jun?"


"There is an inevitable connection between the bribery and the judgment, which is not what the defendant Hu Jun and his client simply said. There is no necessary connection between the two."

"Furthermore, we believe that in this judgment, the factors that made Hu Jun's sentence too light were based on what Lin Changtian stated and the factual evidence investigated by the prosecutor."

"He had bribed Hu Jun many times, and the amount each time was more than [-] yuan."

"According to the relevant legal basis, Hu Jun should be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years."

"But judging from the plot, Hu Jun's social influence is huge. Almost every bribery incident has a tendentious verdict."

"And these judgments are all in favor of Shun'an Co., Ltd. Hu Jun personally or Hu Jun asked his colleagues to favor Shun'an Co., Ltd. in the judgment."

"This is suspected to be a very serious matter."

"Based on the above, we believe that Hu Jun is suspected of serious and egregious behavior." After Su Bai finished his statement, Hu Jun's face turned pale in the defendant's seat.

I want to ask questions.

But before the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he was not at the judgment seat now.

He had no right to shut up Su Bai or ask Su Bai to leave the court hearing.

He is now just a defendant.

Realizing this, Hu Jun's face turned even more livid! .
After Su Bai finished his statement, the presiding judge announced that the court had adjourned.

The atmosphere in the courtroom was tense.

However, the discussion among the audience watching the trial outside the court was extremely intense.

"Fuck! Hu Jun's face turned even more livid when he saw that defendant in this trial! I guess he is used to it because he has been sitting on the trial stage.

Unconvinced by Lawyer Su's questioning of him in this court hearing, he felt that he was still the presiding judge and wanted to speak.

But I suddenly realized that I was sitting in the defendant's seat, feeling powerless when being questioned but unable to refute. It was exciting to think about it!Cool! "

"Hahaha, I have this feeling. The footage of the trial was shown to the defendant's seat. I suspect this was intentional, just to let us watch and relieve our anger!"

"It makes sense!"

"But I still want to know, how many years will this presiding judge be sentenced to? What I want to see is this!"

"I don't know, but I guess the sentence should be quite serious. He didn't admit guilt and accept punishment at the trial, and he still wants to reduce his criminal responsibility?"

"I think he's just dreaming!"

"Yes, this kind of person should be sentenced to death!!"


At the same time, the collegial court was discussing inside the room.

Relevant issues involved in this trial.

Originally, members of the collegial panel had already conducted corresponding discussions.

But for the point raised by Su Bai, the sentence should be increased and the sentence should be the highest.

However, the presiding judge of this trial felt that it was feasible and asked the other two judges for their opinions.

One of the judges said: "Based on the amount, eight years in prison is actually equivalent to a heavier sentence."

"After all, according to relevant criminal laws, those who pay less than 200 million are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years."

"For Hu Jun, I think eight years is enough."

But these views were refuted by another judge: "I don't think it's okay!"

"Although the amount of money is enough to sentence him to eight years in prison, the circumstances of what Hu Jun did were egregious and had a huge impact."

"Even if an ordinary presiding judge faces some emergencies during a trial, he will only write down the sentence in the judgment at the end of the trial, and will not directly angrily criticize other client lawyers in the courtroom."

“Kicking people out of court.”

"This time the public opinion voice is not only the voice of netizens, but also the voices of many lawyers in the legal circle, as well as workers of the courts and procuratorates."

"These people in the legal circle have a very clear understanding of the construction of the rule of law and related information."

"Hu Jun's behavior is completely equivalent to destroying the rules and systems of court trials."

"The impact is huge, and the impact on the legal system is also very bad and huge."

"This kind of behavior is particularly egregious. I don't think there are any other problems with the full sentence."

The presiding judge remained silent for a few seconds before asking the leadership of the Intermediate Court for instructions.

After getting the corresponding answer, he took a deep breath: "Well, it's a perfect verdict!"
The recess is over.

All the relevant persons involved in the trial focused their attention on the trial bench.

On the trial bench, after deciding what the verdict should be.

The presiding judge also asked Hu Jun to state the relevant conditions for commutation of his sentence.

Is there any legal basis and relevant evidence, or any meritorious performance?

This time, Hu Jun did not let his attorney make a statement, but made his own statement.

"Presiding judge, as the presiding judge, you should also be aware of the issues involved in the charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. This charge may be difficult to grasp in some aspects."

"I know my sentence was wrong and I plead guilty."

"I hope the presiding judge can give me a lighter sentence."

During the adjournment of the court, Hu Jun thought clearly that this time the sentence was aimed at him. If he refused to plead guilty, the sentence might be heavier.

I simply hope that the presiding judge can act out of compassion and give him a lighter sentence.

However, during this process, Su Bai made a speech and directly responded angrily.

"This crime is difficult to grasp, so why do you give a harsher sentence to the defendant?"

"And why should we add the defendant's organization of people to commit illegal crimes?"

"Don't you know that organizing personnel is a necessary condition for increasing the sentence?!"

"Presiding judge, the defendant obviously acted intentionally during the trial. I would like to ask the presiding judge to find out the trial process at that time and gain a relevant understanding of the facts."

On the bench, the presiding judge smiled: "I already know the relevant facts very well."

"Defendant Hu Jun, does he have anything else to say?"

After getting an answer of no, the presiding judge banged the hammer and began to read out the verdict.

"In response to this public prosecution filed by the prosecutor, the verdict is now announced:"

"as follows:"

"The defendant Hu Jun is suspected of corruption, bending the law for personal gain, and bending the law in judgments, etc., which has caused serious social impact and seriously violated the statutory rights and interests of the law."

"For Hu Jun's behavior and the multiple crimes involved, he was sentenced to ten years in prison!"

"In addition, illegal gains will be confiscated and fined 5 yuan."

"The defendant was sentenced to three years in prison for being careless."


The presiding judge read out the verdicts one by one.

The remainder of the sentences ranged from one to three years in prison.

Hu Jun was the only one with the highest verdict.

Because the crimes involved by Hu Jun were relatively serious, the sentence was also very severe, and he was given the maximum sentence.

After the reading was completed, the presiding judge struck the hammer.

"Close the court!"

But at this time, Hu Jun expressed his dissatisfaction on the spot.

"Why should I be sentenced to death?"

"I do not obey the verdict of the second instance."

"I think this is because the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court has other opinions and views on me personally."

"I ask the presiding judge to revoke my sentence!"

While speaking, Hu Jun went berserk at the court hearing and angrily scolded the presiding judge on the bench.

The two bailiffs beside Hu Jun saw this and pressed him firmly on the defendant's seat.

But even so, Hu Jun still used his greatest strength to express his dissatisfaction.

"I don't agree!"

"This is discriminatory and objectionable to me, so I was given a maximum sentence."

"I ask the High Court to transfer the jurisdiction of judgment!"

"Otherwise, I will absolutely not plead guilty!"

"Not guilty! Do you understand?!"

Hu Jun roared crazily in the court hearing.

On the trial stage, the presiding judge heard Hu Jun's crazy roar and did not show any expression.

He just glanced at it lightly, and then left the court seat with the other two members of the collegial panel.

ps: In the last hour, double the monthly ticket~please ask~
(End of this chapter)

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