You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 292 Su Bai: Am I provoking trouble?Come on, come on, put it on me!

Chapter 292 Su Bai: Am I provoking trouble?Come on, come on, put it on me!
The most important point in Zhang Yan's case is the preservation of evidence.

Although, four years have passed.

But a case was filed at the beginning.

Corresponding evidence and evidence chains can be found from other angles.

It is still possible to confirm Wu Hao's criminal facts and evidence, and send him in to eat from the big pot.
Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to the law enforcement department again.

I would like to inquire about relevant case filing information.


The law enforcement officers this time are not the same as the law enforcement officers last time.

After Su Bai handed over the relevant materials to the law enforcement officer.

The law enforcement officer simply threw the materials aside and said:
"This case has been going on for four years."

"The corresponding chain of evidence has long been broken."

"Even if we find the materials for filing the case, what's the use?"

"I'm looking at this matter. Don't look for it anymore. Even if this case is filed again, how can we arrest people if the evidence is gone?"

"Are you right?"

After listening, Su Bai's eyes fell on the law enforcement officer.


What do you mean?
I'm here to find out what's going on.

I don't care whether I have evidence or not, and you don't care whether I can find evidence or not.

I have the materials to do the work.

It’s okay if you do it well, or you don’t do it, it’s your right.

But what does it mean to tell me not to look for it anymore?
Su Bai's face was calm: "Since this case has been entrusted, I still want to see the original evidence."

"Okay then, just wait for a while."

The law enforcement officer nodded, and after a while, he took out some relevant information and handed it to Su Bai.

"These are the circumstances of the initial filing of the case."


"The archives went through a major reorganization in the past two years, and some records were accidentally lost."

"There's only so much left."

Su Bai took the information and put it in a thin pile.

He simply opened it and took a look, frowning.

The remaining materials are completely useless.

It only contains the time, place, and relevant personnel when the case was filed.

All other clues and evidence, including confession records, are all gone!

"Is that all there is? Are there no others?"

Upon hearing Su Bai's inquiry, the law enforcement officers originally tried to persuade Su Bai, but when they learned that Su Bai did not agree, they felt a little impatient.

There was a hint of displeasure in the reply's voice:

"I told you, some materials were accidentally lost, and there is only so much left!"

"Nothing else."

Su Bai: ...
Is that all there is left?
But why are there only some materials left that don’t have much effect?

Where are the transcripts from that time?What about Wu Hao’s confession at that time? !

All these important materials were lost, leaving only the record of the case filed at that time.

How can it be? !
This kind of files are all put together and saved. How can it be said that only the important parts are lost and only the unimportant parts are left.

“When I was sorting out materials two years ago, I accidentally lost them.

I would like to ask if the law enforcement authorities have recorded this? "

"Can I get the relevant certificates?

Because this involves an evidence issue, I, as our attorney, must understand it.

Does it involve actual loss? "

Fang Ming, as the staff member who received Su Bai, looked a little impatient at this time.

“If you don’t have relevant supporting materials, you just don’t have them.

Needless to say, I have given you the materials you requested. "

"If there is nothing else, please leave."

"But I need proof that I don't have any materials. It's the law enforcement department's responsibility to issue these certificates."

"I would like to ask you to produce it, thank you..."

Facing Su Bai's continued questioning, Fang Ming was a little impatient.

Proof that important records and files were lost while out?
If this goes out, wouldn't it be equivalent to holding people accountable?

When this case is investigated, there must be materials, but when the lawyer comes to investigate, just hand over some ordinary materials.

And asked him to issue a certificate of loss?
What are you thinking? !
"The lost certificate is not my responsibility. You need to go to other departments to investigate and find out."

"Don't continue to ask. If you continue to ask, I will treat you as provoking trouble."

"I can definitely detain you for public security reasons!"

"Let's go."

Fang Ming waved his hand, signaling Su Bai to leave.


Detention for picking quarrels and causing trouble under public security management?
Good guy, are you so unreasonable?

I just asked a few more questions about the details of the case, and then I was detained by public security?
Public security detentions for provoking quarrels and causing trouble are mostly for obstructing official duties or causing disorder.

In the other party's opinion, is he obstructing official business or acting recklessly?

Su Bai said: "If you think I have caused trouble, handcuff me now and detain me for 15 days!"

"In what way am I provoking trouble?"

“Does it constitute provoking trouble if I just ask a question?
It's my responsibility to ask questions, and it's your responsibility to answer them or not. "

"We all have equal responsibilities, so why should you say that I am provoking trouble?"

"Am I hindering your official duties?"

"Or do you think that the questions I asked should not be answered, and that this is an act of provocation?"

"If you want to detain me, come on, come on, detain me now."

While speaking, Su Bai stretched out his hand and motioned for Fang Ming to cuff him up.

pick a quarrel?

To put it bluntly, under normal circumstances, you can scare those who do not understand the law.

He is a lawyer!
Are you used to scaring other people, so do you do this to lawyers?

Intimidating lawyers by provoking trouble?

Come on, come on, I'll take you into custody now!
Fang Ming was stunned for a moment when he noticed Su Bai's tough attitude.

This time he was asked to come over to sort out some materials for Su Bai.

He was also asked to come over and persuade Su Bai not to continue representing this case.

Because if an old case is retried, it will be very troublesome in terms of procedures and other aspects.

There must be a reason why there was no progress in filing the case.

but now.…

Su Bai took over the case and wanted to continue the trial...

He didn't complete what was explained above and felt a little angry.

He couldn't help but blurt out - he wanted to scare Su Bai with security detention for provoking trouble.

But that was not his original intention.

If he really provokes trouble, a well-known lawyer will be detained in public security.


It may not take a few days for this news to become a hot search topic.


The other party is a lawyer, and a well-known lawyer, who knows how to apply the law.

In anger today, he detained the other party, and tomorrow the other party will file for administrative review.

The unlucky one is still myself...

Su Bai continued to speak:
"Are you going to be detained for provoking trouble?"


"I accept my detention for provoking trouble, but you must provide a detailed explanation and have corresponding law enforcement records."

"It will save you trouble when you file for administrative review again."

Fang Ming didn't speak, just waved his hand, urging Su Bai to leave.

What he blurted out this time was a slap in the face to himself.

At the same time, in my heart, I didn't want to cause too much conflict with Su Bai.

after all.…

He knew in his heart that he was wrong for saying that.

Seeing that the other party was silent, he did not continue to refute.Su Bai didn't say much.

The other party just threatened to cause quarrels and provoke troubles in accordance with the public security management regulations.

Nothing really went on.


Su Bai muttered silently, if he really wanted to manage public security, cause quarrels and cause trouble, he would be detained.

Then this matter will be much easier to handle.
When she walked out of the law enforcement department, Li Xuezhen whispered: "Lawyer Su..."

"This time, we have limited leads and evidence from law enforcement..."

"What should I do about this..."

"If the relevant evidence cannot be confirmed during the case filing process, then the case will not advance!"


"Lawyer Su, look at the attitude of the law enforcement officer just now... he doesn't want us to continue investigating this case at all."


"There is no desire for continued review of this case."

"Um...Lawyer Su, what should we do?"

In previous cases, generally, relevant progress has been made in filing cases.

Just a trial.

This way the case is simple.

But this time...because it involves an old case from a few years ago.

A series of stages including case filing, prosecution and court hearing are required.

It is inevitably a bit complicated to handle.

In response to Li Xuezhen's inquiry, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

This involves criminal liability, with law enforcement agencies filing a case and delaying it.


In view of this situation.…

There is obviously something wrong!

Not to mention why the case was filed at that time and Wu Hao was let go.

Even now when the evidence is insufficient.

There is still evidence that Wu Hao has the intention to force others to have sex.

And force it to commit criminal acts.

If there is evidence to prove it, then the law enforcement party should fulfill its responsibility to file the case.

First arrest Wu Hao.

Whether there is a complete chain of evidence is a matter of investigation.

However, if there is no progress in filing the case, then it is the problem of the law enforcement side.

Clear your mind.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Have you figured out the prosecutorial department in this place?"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "I figured it out!"

"Then go there..."

Among the relevant regulations, law enforcement parties delay the filing of cases or other matters.

If criminal liability is involved, the procuratorate can conduct corresponding verification of the case.

Then inspect.

Ensure corresponding supplementary investigation and related case filing activities.

Su Bai knew about this case.

The case has not been advanced because Zhang Cui did not know to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

It's always been managed in law enforcement.

If at that time... the law enforcement agencies delayed the filing of the relevant case and did not advance it.

Zhang Cui directly chose to appeal to the prosecutorial department.

Then this case may lead to a big turning point.
After filling out the complaint form from the prosecutor's office, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

This case...

At this point, all we have to do is wait for the prosecutorial department to supervise the law enforcement department to file the case and investigate.


Rely on the prosecutor's investigation and prosecute accordingly.


How should I put it, it’s been such a long time...

There is still some confusion surrounding the behavior of law enforcement today.


This case still requires public opinion to supervise the administration of justice.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to post relevant case information about the case under Bai Jun Law Firm's short video and his personal short video.

Released soon.

There are a few comments below the comment area.

"Is this case true? Why do such scum still exist?"

"It's so pitiful that the little girl committed suicide due to depression. It's been so many years since this case, shouldn't there be no evidence?"

"I don't know...but what I'm curious about now is, why wasn't that male classmate prosecuted?"

"Is it because there is no evidence?"

"How could it be because there is no evidence? If there was no evidence, there would be no detention!"

"My personal opinion is that there is definitely something wrong with this case."

"Indeed, can anyone tell me about the case that Lawyer Su is entrusting?"

"Why was he detained at that time and then acquitted?"

"If you weren't a person involved, you wouldn't know why he was acquitted."

"But it can be seen that the male classmate was detained at that time, and the law enforcement authorities must have believed that he was guilty."

"Violating women's rights is generally a crime of confession, even if there is no relevant evidence.
But the latter act of forcing them to perform also constitutes organizational obscenity. "

"Whether it's the former or the latter, it's an indictable crime."

"There is a need to force a lawsuit."

“The acquittal and withdrawal of the case... are most likely due to insufficient evidence.

However, it is not clear how this lack of evidence was determined. "


With the release of the video, the popularity of public opinion is increasing little by little.


This case has expanded to a greater impact.

More and more messages appeared in the comment area, and some people even pointed it out.

While Zhang Cui was seeking a result for her daughter, she was charged with provoking trouble.

Sentenced to two years.

As soon as this incident came out, public opinion surged again.

at this time.

Within Bai County.

The pressure on law enforcement agencies has increased sharply, firstly due to the inability to respond to online public opinion.

Secondly, the prosecutorial department will accept the complaint filed by Su Bai.

The higher-level law enforcement agency requested a thorough investigation into the relevant circumstances of this case and set a date.

Limit it to a certain date and give corresponding results.
Bai County.

A villa area.

Wu Ye's face was particularly gloomy, but at the same time he revealed a trace of worry.

After all, Wu Hao was his son, so he naturally didn't want anything to happen to his son.



On the other side, after learning about the situation, Wu Hao didn't seem so worried.

Instead, he said: "Dad... there is no evidence now."

"That woman is already dead... who can prove that I forced her?"

"Don't worry, dad..."


Wu Ye glared at Wu Hao, but after thinking about it carefully, what Wu Hao said did make sense.

The worries in my heart were relieved a little.
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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