You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 295 Escape from legal sanctions?What are you thinking, sentenced to death!

Chapter 295 Escape from legal sanctions?What are you thinking, sentenced to death!
this trial
Overall, what is lacking is the issue of major confessions.

in other words
Four years have passed since Wu Hao's criminal behavior.

Wu Hao believed that there was no evidence to prove his guilt.

That's why he seemed confident during the trial.

Su Bai withdrew his gaze.

At this time, Yu Cheng, who was sitting on the presiding judge's seat, also thought that this case was a bit difficult.

According to the relevant evidence provided by the prosecutor, the conditions for a verdict have not been met.

But all the evidence points to Wu Hao.

Everyone also believed in their hearts that Wu Hao was the forced Zhang Yan.

But there is no evidence...

Without the key confession, this case is indeed difficult to handle.

Boom boom boom!
The gavel sounded.

Yu Cheng faced Wu Hao and said:
"The defendant is asked to pay attention to his emotions. It is not yet time to announce the verdict."

"Make a reminder."

After the words fell, his eyes fell on the prosecutor Li Xiao.

"The prosecutor still has no evidence that needs to be supplemented."

Li Xiao said: "There is a presiding judge."

"We have a notebook written by Zhang Yan during his lifetime, which records the process of the crime."

"At the same time, there are relevant witnesses in this trial who can prove Wu Hao's criminal behavior."

Presiding Judge: “Please give a detailed description.”


Li Xiao continued to speak:
"In Zhang Yan's notes during his lifetime."

“I recorded in detail the problems I encountered during my school days.

After Wu Hao committed the crime against Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan also recorded the incident. "


"Zhang Yan described in her notes that she was forced by Wu Hao.

She was drunk and had only a shallow consciousness in the hotel room at the time.

She had struggled against Wu Hao's violation of her.

But the strength of this struggle was very small, and Wu Hao succeeded in the end.

And, after Wu Hao succeeded.

Wu Hao used the video pictures of her having sex to force Zhang Yan. "

"The most important thing is-"

“The relevant evidence involved in this case and Wu Hao’s confession.

It has been stated that Wu Hao and Zhang Yan had a relationship, and Zhang Yan has provided proof. "

"The records in the notes are consistent with what actually happened."

"Based on the above, a preliminary judgment can be made. The things recorded in Zhang Yan's notes really happened."

"...Presiding judge, I would like to ask the witnesses to speak."

"The application is approved. Witnesses are invited to attend and speak."

After Yu Cheng approved the prosecutor's application.

Li Xiao began to ask relevant questions to the witnesses:

"Witness Ma Xue, you and Zhang Yan were friends at the beginning."

"Do you know anything about what happened to Zhang Yan?"

Ma Xue said: "I understand."

"I was hanging out with Ma Xue. I remember that it was Wu Haofei who said he wanted to send Zhang Yan home, not that Zhang Yan said she didn't want to go home."

"what about others?"

"For example, did Zhang Yan tell you the fact that she was violated?"

Ma Xue thought for a while and then said: "That's not true."

"We were both young and underage at the time."

"Zhang Yan must be embarrassed to say anything about this kind of thing, because it was a very embarrassing thing at the time."

"But there's something else."

"I figured it out later."

"After that party, Zhang Yan was in a particularly bad mood.

Often there will be a trance, as if something has been badly hurt.

Only later did I realize that it was because Zhang Yan had been violated by Wu Hao.

As a result, Zhang Yan fell into a trance. "

"Then I would like to ask you, when Zhang Yan had a good relationship with you, did she ever express that she liked anyone?"

Ma Xue shook her head: "That's not true, but she has often mentioned a boy before."

"Is this boy Wu Hao?"


"Then what's her performance in mentioning this boy?"

"The performance... the performance is a very normal little girl's secret crush.

Sometimes when we joke, Zhang Yan will retort incoherently. "

"So has Zhang Xue mentioned his impression of Wu Hao?"

".I remember just mentioning that Wu Hao's family is rich, but his character is not very good. She doesn't like Wu Hao very much."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

After questioning the witness Ma Xue.

Li Xiao briefly compiled Ma Xue's answers and then spoke:
"President, based on the points stated above, including Ma Xue's answer as a witness."

"It can be clearly seen from an objective factual perspective."

"Zhang Xue's impression of Wu Hao is at a medium level, even a little below.

Rather than what Wu Hao said, the degree of liking. "

"It can be seen from this that Wu Hao just stated at the trial that Zhang Yan said that he liked him and did not want to go home. There is a certain possibility of lying in this statement."

“Witnesses’ testimonies and physical evidence have stated that Wu Hao’s criminal behavior was his personal subjective will.

It was not Zhang Yan's subjective wish to have a relationship with Wu Hao. "

"Based on the above, you can tell."

"Having a relationship is not Zhang Yan's subjective behavior."

"Then it can be inferred that Wu Hao has certain compulsive behavior."

"The prosecutor applied to reject Wu Hao's statement just now."


Li Xiao's statement was simple and clear.

to be honest..
That is through witness testimony and Zhang Yan’s notes.

Let’s refute Wu Hao’s statement that Zhang Yan likes him.

It was thus determined that Wu Hao's statement was false.

As a result, Wu Hao's retraction of his confession cannot be established.

Then proceed to the relevant judgment and determination issues.

However, after Li Xiao finished his statement, the defendant appointed his lawyer to the table.

Sun Shiyan, Wu Hao's attorney, raised his hand to speak.The previous statements made by the defendant were all made by Wu Hao.

But this time, the prosecutor's questioning, as well as the appearance of exhibits and witness testimony.

You need to have a high degree of legal awareness to answer.

If you accidentally answer the question incorrectly, other situations may arise.

Wu Hao has no legal experience and may not be able to answer questions well.


Wu Ye paid a lot of legal fees for this trial.

He is not the kind of lawyer who just takes money and does nothing.

Whoever gives money gets help.

Whether it is done well or not depends on how much is given.

He has asked for so much legal fees in this case, so he must contribute.

After receiving the signal from the presiding judge, Sun Shiyan spoke:
"Presiding judge, in response to several questions raised by the prosecutor."

"We would like to raise objections on the above issues."


"Zhang Yan's notes record what happened. The Physical Evidence Office can confirm that the handwriting was indeed recorded by Zhang Yan."

"The notes are real..."

"But no one can prove that the events recorded in the notes actually happened."

"Because the things recorded in the notes are all narrated subjectively by Zhang Yan."

"It was recorded from Zhang Yan's perspective, that is, Zhang Yan's personal subjective behavior, and does not involve direct or indirect evidence."

"There is no guarantee that this is an actual incident. Is there any possibility of slander in the things recorded in the notes?"


"Then Zhang Yan's notes cannot be used as evidence against our client Wu Hao at the trial!"

"Because the records in the notes are subjective proof, not objective facts and direct evidence."

"Second, regarding the witness testimony."

"The questions the prosecutor just asked the witness Ma Xue were biased towards Zhang Yan's emotional issues."

"The reason for the inquiry is based on Wu Hao's statement - Zhang Yan likes him and has sex with him voluntarily."

"Whether it is voluntary or not, we will discuss this issue later."

"From an emotional perspective, emotion is a very ethereal issue."

"Being able to discuss someone you like in the dormitory doesn't mean you like them, and having an opinion about someone doesn't mean you don't like them."

"There is a certain amount of duplicity at a younger age."

"Sometimes feelings can be a momentary thing. There are many changes during the process and there are many factors that influence it."

"No one can confirm whether Zhang Yan likes Wu Hao. Who can know her true thoughts at that time?"

"So there is no direct evidence to prove that Zhang Yan doesn't like Wu Hao on this issue."

"We can't be sure that what Wu Hao told is a lie."

Li Xiao spoke again: "According to the statement of the witness Ma Xue, Zhang Yan is not very willing to follow Wu Hao, but Wu Hao wants to take the initiative to send Zhang Yan back."

"How do you explain this?"

Sun Shiyan smiled and said: "This is easy to explain."

"If Zhang Yan is not very willing to follow Wu Hao, then even if Wu Hao forces Zhang Yan to be sent back, will others agree?"

"When I raise this issue, I would like to ask the witness a question."

"How were you sure at that time that Zhang Yan was not very willing to follow Wu Hao?"

"If you can confirm that Zhang Yan is extremely unwilling, why would you leave Zhang Yan in Wu Hao's hands if the relationship between you two is so good?"

"Let Wu Hao send Zhang Yan back?"

"Have you subconsciously determined that there is no danger in Wu Hao sending Zhang Yan back?"

“So, based on the prosecutor’s above inquiry and statement.

It is impossible to refute the statement of our client Wu Hao. "

"Because the criminal law stipulates that facts that are not proved by direct evidence or indirect evidence and that rely on subjective determination will not be accepted."

"Whether it's Zhang Yan's notes, Ma Xue's answers, or the prosecutor's accusation."

"There is no direct evidence or indirect evidence, but relies on subjective behavior to conduct relevant certifications."

"In this case...should the court still accept the witness statements and exhibits presented by the prosecutor?"

"We believe that if adopted, it would be an unfair trial of our legal rights."

"So I would like to ask the collegial panel to take into account comprehensive factors and make relevant decisions for this trial."

After Sun Shiyan finished his statement, he put the litigation materials in his hand on the table.

His eyes fell on the judgment seat.

Take money to do things!

He has learned about this case, and it has been four years...

In these four years, a lot of evidence and witnesses have disappeared.

Therefore, if we want to convict Wu Hao, we can only proceed based on the existing evidence...

However, the existing evidence is not enough to determine.

Based on this condition, Sun Shiyan can conclude that the current trial has reached a deadlock.


Even if the trial is adjourned, the collection of relevant evidence will continue.

It is also impossible to convict Wu Hao.

In the accuser's seat, Zhang Cui's face was full of melancholy, and his eyes were fixed on Wu Hao in the defendant's seat.

Could she only watch Wu Hao escape from legal justice? !

What about her daughter?
She will never forget the envelope her daughter left for her when she committed suicide.

But now? !

The law cannot give her justice, what else can she do?
What to do about her daughter’s injustice?
For a moment, Zhang Cui's mentality collapsed.

But at this moment, Su Bai noticed the change in Zhang Cui's expression and patted her palm.

Signaling not to worry yet.

Then he raised his hand to signal, and after getting the consent of the presiding judge, he spoke:
"Presiding judge, I apply for an adjournment!"


Sun Shiyan, who was sitting in the prosecution seat, did not understand the top domestic criminal lawyer opposite him.

What is the significance of the proposed adjournment.

This trial has basically entered the follow-up stage.

Without actual evidence, adjournment will only delay the judgment for a certain period of time.

Does it make sense?

It doesn't make sense at all!

However, Sun Shiyan didn't quite understand Su Bai's approach.

But I didn't pay too much attention to it.

There will be no other surprises in this court hearing...

Su Bai's eyes fell on the defendant and his client.

Proposing an adjournment certainly has the meaning of proposing an adjournment.

Wu Hao wants to escape legal sanctions?
What are you thinking!
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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