You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 302 Send them in together!Lao Li: Lao Feng, are you hiding something from me?

Chapter 302 Send them in together!Lao Li: Lao Feng, are you hiding something from me?
The follow-up situation of Zhang Cui's case was left to Xu Xiang, and Su Bai was relieved.

after all.…

This case, and other matters involved, have been resolved previously.

For example: an investigation into provoking trouble or other situations.

As a prosecutor, Li Xiao almost arranged the incident.

All that's left is to go through the process and submit appeal materials.

Raise the issue of the severity of the prison terms for those involved at the trial.

Then there is the issue of Zhang Cui’s compensation.

Zhang Cui has been running around for so many years and is now older.

This state compensation will at least allow him to live a stable life for the rest of his life.
In the office, Su Bai rubbed his eyebrows.

The handling of this case and the entire process involved a long time and were difficult to handle.

How should I put it, this period of time is relatively tiring.

After all, for so many consecutive days, the case needs to be followed up.

There is also the relevant sorting out of evidence and evidence chains.

of course.

The most important reason why this case is difficult is that.

There is a very big difference between this case and other cases.

This is an old case, and it is also a case of forcing women to have sex with the most emphasis on oral evidence.

This is a very subjective evidence clue when the person involved is dead.

It is difficult to prove that the perpetrator committed a crime at that time.

It is not only the lawyers who are tested, but also the prosecutors handling the case and relevant law enforcement personnel.

Zhang Yan's case was not filed at the time and there were no clues.

It is very likely to lead to the loss of evidence, making it more difficult to identify criminal suspects.

But the good thing is...

The end result of this case is good.

Thinking of this, Su Bai glanced at the system's progress bar, which increased by [-]%.
Not bad!

Although this case is not as influential as the previous collective rights protection case, it is still very popular on the Internet.

The first instance verdict is over.

Su Bai released the result of the verdict at that time, and there were a lot of positive comments below the short video.

It proves that many people are paying attention to this case.

"The rest of this case is left to Xu Xiang. It depends on how Xu Xiang fights this lawsuit."

Su Bai thought silently in his heart.
Inside the rental house.

During this period, Wang Kexin has been following Xu Xiang through the court proceedings.

The daily working hours are far longer than normal working hours.

But Wang Kexin is still in high spirits when working every day.

Because she can finally sit in the court hearing of a big case and give it away!
I am also full of energy at work every day.

Whenever I feel like giving up, the thought of giving it away brings me motivation.
At this time, Wang Kexin was sorting out relevant materials.

Li Xuezhen came over and asked:
"Kexin...has there been any progress in Ms. Zhang's case during this period?"

Wang Kexin's little ball head shook, with a smile on his face: "Yes!"

"The Procuratorate has accepted the complaint regarding Ms. Zhang Cui's case, and Prosecutor Li Xiaoli has learned about it through Geng Hao."

"When Ms. Zhang Cui was sentenced to two years in prison for picking quarrels and provoking trouble, it was Wu Ye who did it."

"Now the procuratorate is charging Wu Ye with additional charges."

"Additional charges?"


The little ball on Wang Kexin's head shook:

"Now, according to the investigation by the procuratorate, Wu Ye has been involved in crimes such as interference with justice, bribery, false accusation, etc."

When Li Xuezhen heard this, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons with a smile.

So many crimes!
Can he be sentenced to at least one more year!
"Wu Ye is involved in this crime. Will he be sentenced to at least three to five years in prison?"


"Lawyer Xu Xiang also estimated this."

"However...Lawyer Xu Xiang currently asked me to sort out the case materials for applying for state compensation. He said that he would wait until the public prosecution against Wu Ye and others is over."

"You can apply for state compensation immediately over there."

"The basic state compensation, as well as the mental compensation for false accusation against Wu Ye, is about 27!"


Li Xuezhen nodded seriously with a small face.

“Then you should prepare well first.

When the trial begins, I will definitely watch your performance on the court! "

Wang Kexin smiled and nodded: "Okay!"
Su Bai handed over the follow-up of this case to Xu Xiang.

Regarding Wu Ye, Geng Hao and others, they have been undergoing additional review before.

The court session didn't take long.

This time the trial was transferred to the trial because it involved the judicial department.

Trials are conducted by basic courts in other counties.

And it's a public trial.

In the office of Bai Jun Law Firm, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen watched the live broadcast of the trial together.

In this trial, the facts of the crime were clear.

Geng Hao also told the truth, did not deny any explanation, and had a good attitude towards pleading guilty.

Cross-examine other criminals without any hesitation.

Everything went well.


Sun Shiyan represented Wu Ye's attorney and still argued for a reduced sentence.

The most important thing is not this.

The most important thing is that Sun Shiyan clearly knew that Wu Ye was committing a crime when the facts of the crime were clear.

Still fighting hard with the presiding judge.

The key point is that certain legal bases are simply not tenable in this trial.

"Performing lawyers belong to the category."

Su Bai muttered silently in his heart.

Sun Shiyan's situation during the court trial completely ignored the client's relevant interests.

Because of Sun Shiyan's performance at the trial.

It can be seen that he was only attending the trial to confront the presiding judge on some procedure or other trivial circumstances.

There was no statement above that exculpated Wu Ye's crime.

This confrontation did not have much impact on the verdict.

It may even have some side effects.

What does counter-reaction mean?
It is very likely that this influence will cause the presiding judge to be biased against the client.

Increase the sentence.

How can I describe this kind of performance trial?

It may seem to others that it is very unnecessary.

But generally, this is not the case in the eyes of the client.
…The client will think that this is a sign of the lawyer’s ability.

The final verdict can be imagined...

It was the same as Su Bai thought.

Because of Sun Shiyan's statement in this trial, there was no legal significance.

All were rejected by the presiding judge.

The prosecutor's opinion was adopted.

In the end, Geng Hao was given leniency because he confessed in this case.

He also charged the criminal suspect, served as a witness, reduced the penalty, and sentenced him to one year and six months in prison.

Wu Ye was involved in the case of refusing to plead guilty and was involved in many crimes. He was punished for several crimes and was sentenced to four years in prison.


Others involved at the same time were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from half a year to one year and six months.

The verdict is out.

There were cheers on the trial barrage: "Good sentence! But isn't this four-year prison sentence too low? It should be at least five or six years in prison, right?"

"I feel that a sentence of five to six years is not excessive!"

"Yes, but this judgment complies with the provisions of the law and is considered good."

"However, the lawyer appointed by the defendant Wu Ye behaved a little strangely at the trial."

"There's nothing surprising. I've seen this lawyer Sun Shiyan and Sun before."

"I used to have a distant relative who was involved in information and electronic crimes, and it was this lawyer Sun who I found."

"I heard that Lawyer Sun is very famous and has strong ability in court trials, but in fact, Lawyer Sun's ability can only be said to be average."

"We often lose cases..."

"Every time he knew in his heart that he was going to lose the case, he would find some problems in the trial and have a fierce quarrel with the presiding judge."

"Pretend to show the client that he has tried his best, but in fact it is of no use at all."

"Put all the responsibility on the presiding judge, and then ask the client to pay high legal fees."

"Continue to build up the client's reputation and create conflict between the client and the presiding judge."

"How should I put it...My character is not good!"

"If I throw it away, wouldn't it be a trap for Wu Ye?"

"Hahaha, in this case, it can be considered a good thing!"


See the barrage.

Su Bai smiled.

From this perspective, the defendant’s client’s defense lawyer has indeed done a good thing!

After the presiding judge finished reading the verdict, the live broadcast of the trial was closed.

Li Xuezhen on the side smiled and narrowed her eyes: "Lawyer Su..."

"The subsequent trial is over!"

Su Bai nodded: "En."


At this point, the entire trial and case is considered to be completely over.

It also gave Zhang Cui a relatively good explanation.
at the same time.

Not long after the live broadcast of the trial ended, Duan Liang called.

Su Bai looked at Duan Liang's call and answered it.

Zhang Yan's case was originally transferred from Duan Liang's branch in Beidu.

At that time, it was because Bai Jun Law Firm had not established a firm foothold in Beidu and was cheated.

Su Bai already understood it.

The person who tricked Baijun Law Firm was a top law firm in Beidu.

The name is Changfeng Law Firm.

This was a partner of Changfeng Law Firm.

I have opinions on Bai Jun Lv who came from Nandu to open a branch.

So I wanted to trick him deliberately.

Probably the partner of Changfeng Law Firm didn't expect that Su Bai would solve this problem.

Let Bai Jun Law Firm's Beidu branch gain a firm foothold.

Duan Liang also made this call to report the good news.

"Lawyer Su..."

"This case involves the final verdict of the personnel, have you read it?"

Su Bai smiled and said: "I saw it."

"Just take a look."

"By the way! Lawyer Su, I have something else to do, a good thing!"

"What good thing?"

“Our branch’s performance has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times!”

"Aren't we not far from Changfeng Law Firm before?"

“Now in the criminal field, there are several clients who come from Changfeng Law Firm specifically to come to our law firm to file lawsuits!”

"Didn't An Feng, the former partner of Changfeng Law Firm, cheat our law firm?"

"Lawyer Su, do you know what the face of partner An Feng is now?"

"I met An Feng this morning, and his face was longer than that of a dead pig!"

"I even greeted him with a smile!"

"Although he smiled at me, I could tell that his face was very ugly!"

"Lawyer Su, this case has stabilized the development of our law firm's Beidu branch."

"I called here specifically to tell you the good news!"

Listening to Duan Liang's excitement, Su Bai could imagine that Duan Liang was patting his head excitedly on the other side of the phone.

It's better to say that he came to announce good news than to describe his experience of slapping someone in the face.


By establishing a branch in Beidu, Bai Jun Law Firm has indeed robbed others of a certain source of cases.

But if someone deceives Baijun Law Firm so much, they will definitely be slapped in the face!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a doormat?
"Okay, okay, I understand, it's the one who brings good news."

Su Bai smiled.

After briefly chatting with Duan Liang, he hung up the phone.

This case can help the branch establish a foothold in Beidu, which is great!
tsk tsk...

The branch office has gained a foothold.

Baijun Law Firm will gradually enter the scale of comprehensive red circle firms.

"There are only a few red circle firms in the country, and the comprehensive strength of Baijun Law Firm is still somewhat lacking..."

"But don't rush, take your time!"

Su Bai was thinking silently in his heart.
at the same time.

Southern Metropolitan University.

In Feng Lijian's office.

Lao Li was chatting with Feng Lijian.

"I said Lao Feng..."

"I've finished my work in Beidu, so I bought a building in Nandu to take a rest."

"Stay with Xuezhen more, and I'll be able to see you more."

"I see how your face doesn't look so welcoming to me?"

Lao Li took a sip of tea, looked at Lao Feng, and couldn't help but ask.

Feng Lijian:….
You come to Nandu without telling me in advance, you still have to stay for a long time.

I'm not afraid that one day you will find that your good daughter has been abducted by other wolves.

I can't bear it!
But Feng Lijian couldn't say these words directly in front of Lao Li.

Facing Lao Li's question, Feng Lijian smiled and said haha:
"It's not that I don't welcome you, I just want you, a nouveau riche, to live there and just buy a building."

"Why don't you buy a community?"

Lao Li chuckled: "I plan to build one..."

Feng Lijian: We can’t talk any more today!

But I thought that Lao Li would have to know about the relationship between Su Bai and Li Xuezhen sooner or later.

Feng Lijian decided that he should give a warning and asked:
"Lao Li, I remember you met Lawyer Su when you were in Beidu last time, right?"

"Yes! I met Lawyer Su last time in Beidu."

"Why are you asking this question all of a sudden?"

Feng Lijian laughed twice: "Don't ask me why I asked this question."

"Let me ask you again, what is your impression of Lawyer Su?"


Lao Li's heart skipped a beat. Lao Feng didn't usually chat with him like this.

Why is he asking so many questions about Su Bai today?

There must be other situations!
Thinking of this, Old Li couldn't help but said: "Old Feng, are you hiding something from me?"

"Say it now!"

Feng Lijian smiled and said nothing.

But the more Feng Lijian remained silent, the more convinced Lao Li was that something was wrong.
I can't help but feel a little anxious in my heart, this matter must be very important! .
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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