You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 320: Judgment result, Xiao Li: Send, send, send, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate takes th

Chapter 320: Judgment result, Xiao Li: Send, send, send, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate takes the case seriously.

The recess is over.

Opening the court again is basically equivalent to announcing the verdict.

The outcome of this court trial is coming to an end...

As the court resumed, members of the collegial panel sat on the bench.

The presiding judge Yu Yue compiled the materials discussed by the collegial panel during the recess, and then spoke:
"The adjournment is over."

"The trial continues."

"The parties are now invited to begin their court presentations."

"Invite the prosecutor to make a court statement."

Wang Xiong nodded: "Okay, presiding judge."

"The prosecution's court statement is as follows:"

"Regarding this trial, the prosecutor believes that the defendant's criminal facts are clear and consistent with attempted coercion."

"And the evidence of the crime is clear."

"Attempted coercion should be judged according to law..."

The prosecutor's statement was very concise, mainly because the content of this trial was relatively simple.

There is nothing further to state.

After the prosecution statement was completed, Yu Yue asked the defendant to entrust a lawyer to make a statement.

To be honest, the trial has reached this point.

Jiang Min also knows what the current court hearing is like.

Attempted coercion has been determined.

There is nothing left to say.

If you want to reduce your sentence, you can only make a statement based on your status as a study abroad student.

Clear your mind.

Jiang Min spoke: "President, our court statement is as follows:"

"We hope that the presiding judge can consider the occurrence of the matter and the identity of the defendant from multiple aspects."

"A reasonable verdict is reached for our client."

Jiang Min's statement was simple.

Because there is nothing else to say at this point in the trial.

But after Jiang Min finished his statement, Mascu, who was sitting in the defendant's seat, looked particularly excited.

He kept waving his hands on the defendant's seat and saying: nonono.

He said in bad language: "This is your school, you can't judge me for inviting me to come to school."

"It's wrong to sentence me."

"I asked to return to China and asked the school to come forward."

"It cannot be judged."

At the bench, Yu Yue, as the presiding judge, struck the gavel:
"We are now in our country. Now please keep the defendant quiet!"

Facing the presiding judge banging the gavel, the bailiff immediately warned Mascu.

But Mascu has been emphasizing one point - he does not belong to domestic nationality and the law cannot restrain him.

But what about practicality?

How could it not be restrained?

During this process, Mascu kept disrupting the order of the trial and was later restrained by the bailiff.

The disturbance lasted for nearly 5 minutes.

Yu Yue frowned slightly on the bench and continued the final trial process:

"Does the prosecution have anything else to say?"

"There are presiding judges."

Su Bai nodded, the statement he wanted to make was very simple.

how to say.

The case involved is not very complicated.

Since the other party makes the statement from the perspective of identity.

Then you can make your statement in accordance with domestic laws and regulations and the specific circumstances.

Su Bai had already prepared for the court statement.

Su Bai took out a few pieces of information from his lawsuit materials:
"Presiding judge, regarding this statement, I would like the collegial panel to first see a copy of the materials we have compiled."

"application passed!"

After hearing the presiding judge's response, Su Bai handed several pieces of information to the staff on the side.

After the staff handed the materials to the members of the collegial panel, Su Bai continued to speak:
"Presiding judge, the above is our investigation into the female college students of Nandu Industrial and Commercial Branch, as well as the heated discussion on this case on the Internet."

"Among the female college students in the branch, those who know something about Masku have heard about his deeds."

"And many people reported it."

"From this aspect, it can be seen that the reputation of Mascu among female college students in the branch is completely destroyed."

"In addition, there is a very high like comment about this case on the Internet——"

"That's what the review said."

"In domestic universities, there are some preferential resources for international students. We can't say anything more because this is the school's regulation."

"But legally, all domestic laws are based on equality for everyone."

"Articles [-] and [-] of the Criminal Law - the purpose of legislation is to punish crimes and protect the people."

"Every person's crime will be treated equally in the application of the law, and no one will be allowed to have privileges beyond the law."

"Everyone is equal, regardless of hierarchy. This is the belief of the law and the basis for the formulation of criminal law."

"I have learned all about what happened in this case. The school's behavior is chilling, especially the fact that it favors those overseas students is even more chilling."

"I don't know why this is happening in this country."

"I can't say much about the school's practices."

"Thankfully, a case has now been opened and prosecuted."

“I just hope that in the courtroom and in the verdict, it is written that ‘everyone is equal’.”

"I believe most people have the same view as me. I am waiting for the final verdict."


After reading the content of the comment, Su Bai continued:
"Presiding judge, below this comment, there are many comments waiting for the result, with hundreds of thousands of likes."

"These words are the sentiments of netizens."

"What we want to express is that the result of the crime is the primary condition for judgment, and crimes committed in the country should be punished in accordance with the law."

"Do not use any external conditions as the main basis for judgment."

"Judge, we have finished our statement."

Above, Su Bai has only one statement.

That is, in this case, do not impose a suspended sentence or other circumstances on the grounds that the defendant is a foreigner.

Xu Yue, who was sitting on the trial bench, knew exactly what Su Bai meant.

Laughing silently in my heart.

Their collegiate bench has already had a rough discussion on this case, even without Su Bai's statement.

Then a judgment will be made according to law.

Of course, he also knew that Su Bai's statement was to enable the collegial panel to take into account public opinion and make a judgment in accordance with the law.

How should I put it...more stable.

After all parties made their statements in court, Yu Yue banged the gavel:
"Do the parties have any additional questions to add to the above court statements?"

Wang Xiong: “Nothing to add.”

Su Bai: "Nothing to add."

Jiang Min: “Nothing to add.”

"Since neither party has anything else to add, the collegial panel has certified the relevant factual evidence, conditions and legal basis."

"The verdict is now announced in this case."

Yu Yue struck the hammer and stood up. The clerk spoke:
"Everyone stands and the verdict is read out."

After everyone stood up, Yu Yue began to read out the verdict:
"This case will be heard by the Nandu Intermediate Court. The Nandu Intermediate Court has jurisdiction over this case. The following laws all apply to domestic laws."

"Based on the factual basis and evidence available in this case." "The verdict is now announced against Mascu."

"Mascu, an international student at Nandu Technology and Business University Branch, was prosecuted by the prosecutor for attempted coercion in this case."

"The factual evidence is conclusive and there is no objection."

“According to the relevant provisions of Article 236 of my country’s Criminal Law, those who force women to have sex by violence, coercion or other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.”

"Those who fail will be reduced or reduced in accordance with the above fixed-term imprisonment sentence in accordance with the law."

"In this case, Mascu behaved badly. He first verbally provoked Lin Wenhui, who was a stranger to him, and then tore him apart, and also forced him to have sex."

"Seriously damaging Lin Wenhui's legal rights and interests."

"It has caused serious social consequences and public opinion."

"Based on the seriousness of the circumstances, Mascu is now sentenced to three years and six months in prison!"

When the verdict was announced, everyone in the courtroom seemed extremely surprised.

Because the prosecutor's recommended sentence is only three years in prison.

However, the court determined that Lin Wenhui's legal rights and interests were seriously damaged and the circumstances were abominable.

He was immediately sentenced to three and a half years in prison!

Generally speaking, the prosecutor may increase the defendant's sentence when recommending a sentence.

When sentencing, the court will sentence a sentence slightly less than the prosecutor's recommended sentence.

But now?
The court added half a year's imprisonment to the prosecutor's recommendation of three years' imprisonment!
This is what surprised everyone.

Yu Yue thought silently in his heart: This is not all Lao Xue’s argument.…

I really wanted to be a living king of hell and asked for a longer punishment...

After reading the verdict, Yu Yue knocked the gavel.

Indicates that the trial is closed.

At the defendant's seat, Jiang Min didn't expect it either.

In the end, not only was the sentence not reduced, but the sentence was increased to half a year in prison!

Is this a reverse verdict? !

However, he has completed the commission at the current trial...

He has already received the legal fees he deserves, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

Let’s not talk about anything else. I will just say that in this case, forced indecency can be raised at the trial. This lawsuit has shown that he has tried his best.


Mascu, who was sitting in the defendant's seat, couldn't accept it at all and kept shouting:


"This is an unfair judgment against me. I want to protest, I want to find a lawyer, and I want to sue you!"

"You have no human have no right to judge me."

Masku showed great excitement, but to no avail.

The bailiff forcibly took him away from the court hearing.
The trial is over.

Lin Wenhui on the side was obviously relieved and turned her head: "Lawyer Su, thank you..."

"Lawyer Li, thank you..."

Li Xuezhen stared closely at Mascu, who was sitting in the defendant's seat, and was taken away from the court hearing by the bailiff.

When Masku was no longer visible, a satisfied smile appeared on his face:

"You're welcome...this is what we should do."

"Oh, right!"

"Lawyer Su."

"Lin Wenhui is in school, so she won't be expelled from the school or suffer other acts, right?"

Su Bai smiled: "Expelled?"

In the current situation, Zhang Tao, as the vice president of the branch, protected Masku.

Not to mention being fired, Zhang Tao might be imprisoned for several months or even longer because of this incident.
As Su Bai expected, after the case ended, the court issued the judgment to all parties.

The media announced the verdict through Lin Wenhui, which aroused widespread applause online.

"I heard that the accused foreigner was doing bad things in the school. The school has been tolerating him. The school even refused to let the female student who was assaulted call the police!"

"Look now."

"This case was decided well! Thumbs up to Nandu Intermediate Court!"

"Not to mention anything else, I heard that the prosecutor recommended a prison term of three years, and the court sentenced him to three and a half years. This is great!"

"I remember there was a very good comment made earlier, saying that everyone is equal under the law domestically, and everyone must be equal under the law abroad."

"That's great!"

"The Nandu Intermediate People's Court has truly achieved equality under the law and even takes care of the people of the country!"

"Hahaha, you're so considerate! Which account is that comment under? Can you comment on it?"


At Bai Jun Law Firm, Su Bai looked at the comment sections of major media outlets with a smile on his face when commenting on this case.

Then I saw that the number of likes on my newly opened account continued to increase.

Logged out of the account.

At this time, Li Xuezhen opened the door and walked in to report other situations.

"Lawyer Su...after this case is over, do you know what is going on with the Nandu Industrial and Commercial Branch and that deputy director Zhang Tao now?"

Looking at Li Xuezhen's shining eyes, Su Bai guessed that at least Zhang Tao's result was not very good.

Looking at Li Xuezhen's expression, she was impatient, "Ask me quickly, ask me quickly."

Su Bai asked: "What's going on?"

After hearing Su Bai ask herself, Li Xuezhen showed a trace of satisfaction on her face.

Then he spoke hurriedly: "I got to know my roommate Zhang Yujuan."

"She said that Lin Wenhui did not get any trouble from the school after she returned to school, and that Bingpin had a huge impact because of this incident."

"The school adopts a comfort policy for Lin Wenhui and other injured girls."

"Also, the school severely criticized the international students and expelled Mascu from his studies."

"I heard that Mascu still wanted to appeal or transfer jurisdiction, but our court was definitely not used to it and ignored his request."

"I don't know the rest. Anyway, everything is going in a good direction..."


"Lawyer Su, do you know what is most important?"

"Is it Zhang Tao?" Su Bai asked with a smile.

Li Xuezhen nodded repeatedly: "Yes! Last time, Lawyer Su, didn't you launch an investigation into Zhang Tao for shielding?"

"Because the trouble in the school was too big this time, the school's disciplinary inspection department inspected some school leaders in the branch."

"In the end, the investigation revealed that Zhang Tao had accepted bribes, so he was fired from his post and sent to prison..."

Su Bai: ...
At first I thought it was just cover-up, but now there is a duty-related crime?
tsk tsk...

I have to say that the situation in the school is really complicated.

It's normal to be complicated. After all, chaos in the academic world doesn't just happen.

It’s just that there are a lot of things that haven’t been exposed in all aspects.

This case is just a small microcosm.

However, the case is now considered over.

how to say.…

This case is simple. Although public opinion is widely spread on campus and in society, its influence in the legal circle is relatively small.

Su Bai took a look at his system progress and saw that it had only increased by 1%.

It is now 68%.


Su Bai muttered something silently, and just as he was shutting down the system, Luo Daxiang suddenly called him.

After connecting, a familiar voice came from over there:
"Lawyer Su!"

"There is now a case involving the Supreme People's Procuratorate's attention..."

"Would you like to take a look?"

Involving a case that the Supreme People's Procuratorate attaches great importance to? .
PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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