You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 35 Death Penalty Case

Chapter 35 Death Penalty Case

Su Bai thought about things like popularizing the law.

Throw some coquettish cases up.

[What should I do in a hurry?Teach you how to use Mingbi]

[Grandma Fu was blackmailed and sent her backhandedly]

[Facing the company's inaction and non-compliance with the labor law, I turned my backhand with a tax report and got the boss into it]

[The two sides fought each other?Nonsense, I'm clearly self-defense]

[If you are caught in self-defense, what should you say at the first time?]

And so on, good guy, wouldn't it be popular all over the Internet?

To be honest, the increased fame doesn't have much effect.

Which top law firm do you think can use the Internet to attract traffic and obtain cases?
Almost non-existent.

What the law firm wants is fame, but it is the reputation of a precise group of people, and it is oriented to those who have litigation needs.

There is no barrister in any law firm who does not do serious business and goes to popularize the law every day.

Furthermore, it is easy to be prostituted with legal knowledge, and most of them just chat without paying or filing a lawsuit.

For their law firm, the gain outweighs the loss!
As for asking Li Xuezhen, a trainee lawyer, to do this kind of thing?
forget it.

A biubiu innocent female college student like Li Xuezhen can't deal with those old perverts on the Internet.

At that time, it will only attract a lot of people who have no need for lawsuits.

It's better to ask Wang Li to introduce the seven aunts and eight aunts more, at least it's more reliable.

Faced with Su Bai's question, Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

As soon as Su Bai mentioned this truth, she figured it out.

"What should Lawyer Su do? Our law firm has no cases to accept."

"Didn't our law firm win a lawsuit just now? Don't worry, wait until the lawyer's fee for Zhang Tongwei's case arrives, spend some money on noble advertisements, and handle awesome cases."

"Don't think about the popularization of law for now."

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen was about to end the chat, but suddenly saw a private message appearing on her short video account on the pop-up window of her mobile phone.

"Excuse me, are you Lawyer Su from Baijun Law Firm?"

Surprised to click in.

Li Xuezhen froze for a few seconds, then hurriedly clicked into the other party's homepage, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

This is Mr. Luo, a well-known law critic? !
Li Xuezhen went in and out of Luo Daxiang's video page repeatedly, and finally confirmed that this is Teacher Luo!

Could it be that Mr. Luo was unhappy when he saw that I left too many comments under his video?

Will not.

Li Xuezhen shook her head, Teacher Luo was not so stingy, Li Xuezhen felt a little surprised when she thought of this.

She didn't expect Luo Daxiang to take the initiative to private message her.

"Mr. Luo, hello, I'm not lawyer Su, I'm a trainee lawyer at Baijun Law Firm."

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Luo's private message?"

"It's like this. There is a public prosecution case here in Beidu. I want to introduce your law firm to a lawsuit."


'If your law firm has considered it, you can contact me. '

I see the case!

Li Xuezhen jumped up and down.

Excitedly sent a message to Su Bai again: "Lawyer Su, we have a case. My hard work has finally paid off. Teacher Luo replied to my message and introduced us to a case!"

Su Bai: "?"

This is such a commotion, the law is not allowed, and it is said that the case has been received?
"This is Lawyer Su"

Li Xuezhen blah blah blah blah blah blah, seeing that Su Bai didn't respond too strongly, sent the screenshot of the chat history to Su Bai.

It is really Luo Daxiang, a well-known law critic.

Su Bai took a look at the public prosecution case and felt a toothache.

This indictment is a bit awesome!

Damn death penalty!
Public prosecutions are generally judged, and most of the factual evidence has been determined.

It can only be interpreted through the legal provisions, or what missing evidence can be found from the first instance, and the evidence can be presented in the second instance trial.

Otherwise, it is difficult to overturn the judgment.

It is not easy to be able to impose the death penalty, and the things involved are too complicated.

According to what Luo Daxiang said, for such a troublesome case, the lawyer's fee may not be high and he has to go to Beijing.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Su Bai replied:

"Let's wait until we get the verdict of Zhang Tongwei's case."

"Good Lawyer Su"

Li Xuezhen looked at the description of the case and was very excited.

Death penalty case!
There are some criminal lawyers who haven't met once for several years, and she can meet this, which is really great!


After two lawsuits, Li Xuezhen can now say that she is full of confidence in Su Bai!

No. 14 days when Zhang Tongwei's trial ended.

The sentences for Ye Fei and Xie Jing have been fully finalized, and the court has handed over to the relevant judicial organs.

The judgment was also sent to the law firm.

Su Bai had already notified Zhang Tongwei to come and pick it up.


In the past few days, Su Bai also learned that Ye Fei's fan base and short video accounts were all officially banned.

Even those men who were violated before have already started looking for lawyers to sue their ex-wives.

Try to see if you can get the pre-marital property that was divided at the beginning.

The women who had tasted the benefits before were trembling.

Inside Baijun Law Firm.

In the past few days, Su Bai spent another [-] yuan to double the size of the law firm, adding everything that should be added.

on the sofa.

Wang Li and Zhang Tongwei sat on the same sofa, Su Bai sat opposite him, and Li Xuezhen pulled a brand new office chair and sat beside Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, let me tell you, it's really cool! Do you know how miserable Xie Jing was crying when she signed the divorce agreement? Oh my God, I was so exciting when I was there!!"

Wang Li restrained himself a lot this time, covering his mouth with his hand and talking wildly, stopping the spit star.

Su Bai could imagine the scene at that time.

Zhang Tongwei signed while Wang Li applauded. Do you know how much this hurt Xie Jing?
of course.

How much it hurts is not what Su Bai cares about.

He only cares about whether his legal fees can be paid.

"Lawyer Su, I've already transferred the lawyer's fee. You can check it, Lawyer Su."

55 million!

Not bad!

This case directly solved the problem of the law firm's shortage of funds.

When the lawyer's fee arrived, Su Bai smiled brightly: "No problem, the lawyer's fee has already arrived."

"Just make sure it's okay."

Zhang Tongwei smiled, and sat with Wang Li in the law firm for nearly two and a half hours.

Mainly to ask, some questions that Xie Jing will deal with later.

About Xie Jing's two younger brothers and how to get back the common property that he gave to her natal family without his consent.

In this regard.

Su Bai asked Zhang Tongwei to ask for it occasionally, to show his attitude.

If you really don't give it at that time, just take the judgment and go directly to the court's enforcement process.

Zhang Tongwei nodded again and again: "Thank you, Lawyer Su!"

ps: Seeking a wave of investment, thank you~

 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket

  Thanks for the reward.

  每天晚上08:30左右Chapter 1,10:30左右Chapter 2。

(End of this chapter)

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