You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 356 Follow-up progress, Xiao Li: The sense of accomplishment is full!

Chapter 356 Follow-up progress, Xiao Li: The sense of accomplishment is full!

Lin Yong's final sentence resulted in one month's detention, with no enforceable conditions.

There are no enforceable constraints, which actually means external supervision.

Criminal detention requires you to stay in a detention center. This condition directly shows that you do not need to stay in a detention center.

Free status restored.

Compared with the four-year prison sentence in the first instance, it can be said that the gap is extremely obvious.



This time he was sentenced to one month in prison mainly because of the smuggling issue.

If there is no such problem, then it is completely possible to be found not guilty.

The moment the results are announced.

The prosecution left the courtroom after packing up the materials on the table.

Because this judgment has ended, Fang Qi and Zhang Yuan are only representing the client as the entrusted lawyers.

To put it bluntly... there is not much relationship between myself and Lin Yong.

They sued Lin Yong just to complete the client's commission.

Now that the verdict is over, as the entrusted lawyers, they naturally have no other options.

Watching the two attorneys appointed by the prosecution leave the court hearing.

Li Xuezhen withdrew her gaze, and while sorting out the court trial materials, she smiled and said:

"Lawyer Su..."

"This time Lin Yong's verdict only sentenced him to one month's detention, and it was not enforced!"

“Totally exceeded expectations!”

Li Xuezhen's face was full of smiles.

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Well... it indeed exceeded expectations."

Of course, the main reason why it exceeded expectations was the subjective tendency of the presiding judge.

If the presiding judge's subjective tendency is to convict, he is likely to give a guilty verdict, and the sentence may not be severe.

But compared to one month of detention, it is obviously very serious if it is not enforced.

Walk out of the courthouse.

Reporters at the entrance of the court were originally watching the live broadcast of the trial.

After learning that the trial was over, he waited at the door of the court and wanted to interview Su Bai.

After all...the key point and hot spot in this trial is the appellant.

After watching Su Bai walk out of the court, many reporters immediately surrounded him, holding their microphones high and asking questions:

"Lawyer Su...we have watched the live broadcast of this trial."

"As for what you said about this trial, no one was wrong. Can you explain this point in depth?"

Su Bai: "..."

What is there to interpret?

Before Su Bai had time to speak, he turned around and saw another microphone:

"Hello Lawyer Su, I would like to ask Lawyer Su a key question."

"The points you made in your court brief were very good."

“Our media will also vigorously promote Lawyer Su’s classic statements in court.”

"But we would like to ask Lawyer Su, how do you think the patients who cannot afford medicine should be placed after the case is over?"

"Or do you have any other thoughts on those patients who can't afford medicine?"

Su Bai: "..."

This question is even harder to answer. The questions asked by these reporters are very tricky.

How to accommodate patients who cannot afford medicine, or do you have any opinions?

How would he answer this?

He only represented Lin Yong as the lawyer entrusted by him, and all his views had to be stated from the perspective of this trial.

Now the reporters were asking questions that were more than a function of his role as client.

He couldn't answer, couldn't answer.

So he greeted the reporters and media politely.

Briefly answered a few court questions.

For example: What do you think about the verdict of this trial, or do you have any objections to the one-month sentence of detention? I gave a relatively official answer.

After answering these questions, Su Bai took Li Xuezhen and left the Western Province High Court.


at the same time.

Inside the office of the General Distributor of GLE in Western Province.

After seeing the verdict, Cao Zhiwei's face turned pale and he turned to look at the vice president beside him without saying a word.

“The final verdict in this case was only one month’s detention. Isn’t it too light?”

The vice president was silent.

This case was only sentenced to one month of detention, which is very reasonable according to the interpretation of the law.

Of course, the vice president can also understand Cao Zhiwei's thoughts. Sales in Xi Province have weakened significantly. For Cao Zhiwei, this means a decline in business capabilities.

As a monopoly drug, if the business ability declines, then the superiors will definitely think that this person's ability is not enough.


Domestic general distributors may also exert some pressure.

So for this situation, Cao Zhiwei wants to give a result.

The outcome will definitely come from this trial.

But obviously, it failed.

After a few seconds of silence, the vice president slowly spoke:

"Mr. Cao, this case is the result of the court's decision. Regardless of whether it is minor or serious, the court has already decided, and we can't protest here."

When Cao Zhiwei heard what the vice president said, he nodded slightly.

But his face still doesn't look that good.

The key to this trial is how he handles his duties to his superiors.

There is also the issue of public opinion regarding the genuine drug Glita.

The current situation is that if the case is lost in court, public opinion will become one-sided.

At that time, it will definitely have a certain negative impact on public opinion about genuine drugs.

What should we do if domestic distribution is affected?

He, the regional general dealer, will definitely be held accountable.

This is what Cao Zhiwei is worried about!

Otherwise, he would not have asked the legal lawyer to try his best to maintain the first-instance judgment.


In the past few days, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about Lin Yong’s case.

Especially regarding the witness statements and Su Bai's final statement.

Let many ordinary people empathize.

Why do you say that?

Because we are all ordinary people, we will get sick sometimes and may encounter various difficulties.

Who can guarantee that they will not get seriously ill in their lifetime?

Who can guarantee that they will not have headaches due to things in the hospital?

No one can guarantee that.

Therefore, everyone’s subjective tendency lies with Lin Yong and his patients.

I am concerned about whether Lin Yong’s sentence is serious and whether there is any medicine for his illness, and what to do.

This topic also became a hot topic for several days.


Two titles have also become hot searches - "Lin Yong, the God of Medicine" and "Poor Disease".

Lin Yong was directly called the God of Medicine by the majority of netizens.

…According to the testimony of witnesses and Su Bai’s court statement, many ordinary people’s summary of illness, especially serious illness, is that they are poor and have no money for treatment.

These two titles triggered widespread heated discussions and discussions.

There is also one comment that directly occupies the highest number of likes.

"This trial showed me how helpless one is after getting sick and how helpless one can be when one has no money for medical treatment..."

"As an ordinary person, it is simply unimaginable. What should I do if I have a serious illness and no money for treatment?"

"To be honest, these patients with chronic leukemia are undoubtedly lucky to meet Lin Yong."

"No matter how you look at it from other angles, Lin Yong is also helping for free. We hope that the follow-up of this matter can be taken seriously and resolved!"

The number of replies and comments below is equally astonishing. In the comment area, many people are explaining their own situations.

At the same time, we also hope to help people suffering from chronic leukemia.


Baijun Law Firm, office.

Su Bai was sitting on the sofa, with Lin Yong and Zhang Man sitting across from him.

During this period, Lin Yong and Zhang Man kept expressing their gratitude to Su Bai.

“Lawyer Su...”    “This time the sentence was reduced from four years in prison to one month in criminal detention, which is really a great help to me.”

"To be honest, I didn't expect the span to be so big."

"Thank you, Lawyer Su, for defending me in this trial. Otherwise, I might have to uphold the original verdict of the first instance and spend a few years in prison."

While saying this, Lin Yong stood up and bowed deeply to Su Bai.

Su Bai quickly helped Lin Yong up. After sitting down again, Lin Yong continued:

"Lawyer Su, have you been online in the past few days?"

"Well, I took a look and found that this case is very popular. I also saw the comments from netizens, but I'm not sure what happened next."

"Is there any news from you?"

Su Bai smiled and asked.

Lin Yong smiled: "Nothing happened, but the public opinion about this case on the Internet is relatively loud."

"Netizens also teased me as the god of medicine."

"I know there's no harm in it, but there's one thing."

"The public opinion about my being charged and prosecuted was very loud. Someone broke the news on a certain platform that Cao Zhiwei, the general distributor of Western Province, received kickbacks in distribution."

"Also, the domestic general distributor has arranged special personnel to conduct an investigation."

"I also heard that this time, I was put on file for investigation mainly because the dealer in Western Province called the police and filed a case."

"Maybe someone in the Western Province dealer wants to get a higher position, so he deliberately released this news."

"Otherwise it wouldn't be so clear."


Su Bai nodded while listening. According to what was described, the case was so controversial that netizens even pointed the finger at the dealers of genuine drugs.

Especially the general dealer agent in Western Province.

From this point of view, if the domestic general dealer investigates the general dealer in Western Province, there must be something wrong with the general dealer in Western Province.

The public outcry is so big... It's hard to think of anything going wrong.


After finishing this matter, Lin Yong said another good thing.

"Lawyer Su..."

"Another good thing is that this case has a loud voice on the Internet, and relevant departments are more concerned about the situation of chronic leukemia patients like us."

"It is said that it has been reported to the superiors and the application can be reimbursed by medical insurance... If there is an emergency, it can also be treated urgently and reimbursed first and then applied."

"Well...this is indeed a good thing. At least the patients can save a lot of money!"

Su Bai smiled and spoke.

To be honest, from the beginning to the end of the entire case, Lin Yong was the most concerned about this issue.

Now that the relevant departments have solved the problem of patients taking medicine, Lin Yong is probably the happiest.

The facts were similar to what Su Bai thought. Lin Yong was also very excited after learning the news.

Originally, after the case was over, he was also worried about what the patients would do if they could not buy medicine.

But now the relevant departments have told him such a situation, which can be regarded as solving the biggest problem of their patient group.

After handing the judgment to Lin Yong, they briefly talked about the follow-up of the case and other issues, and then sent it out of the law firm.

Su Bai returned to the office and sat on the sofa.

Li Xuezhen said with a smile: "Lawyer Su, this case is over..."

“It’s a good thing that those patients have received the attention of relevant departments and can use their medical insurance to reimburse genuine medicines.”

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "It is indeed a good thing."

Winning this case is actually a little different from winning previous cases.

Why do you say that?

Because Lin Yong is indeed involved in smuggling and purchasing illegal drugs.

But the subjective purpose is to do good things.

It’s illegal, but it’s illegal because you’re doing something good.

How to define this?

This case provides the answer.


Needless to say, this case was won in court, which gives me a great sense of accomplishment!

Su Bai took a look at the system. In the system's display interface, the progress had increased by 2%.

still alright.

At least it proves the impact of this case.


Inside the rental house.

Li Xuezhen was reading the short video content, and Wang Kexin came over from the side.

"Xue Zhen...According to the time, the verdict of Lin Yong's case should be out, right?"

"What's next?"

"I have seen Lin Yong's case on the Internet, and there is a lot of noise on the Internet, but I don't know the follow-up progress..."

"Follow-up progress?"

Li Xuezhen turned her head and said, "The verdict was sent to the law firm today. Lin Yong came over to get the verdict and talked about the follow-up."

"The follow-up of this case may be that the general distributor of Western Province needs to be replaced, and there are many patients with chronic leukemia who cannot afford genuine drugs..."

"It has also received the attention of relevant departments, saying that it is applying for medical insurance for reimbursement... It is estimated that it will be resolved in a short time."

"So good..." Wang Kexin looked excited.

"I have been following this case online and have never asked you. I am very happy to know the news today..."

"Yes, me too!"

"Oh, by the way, Kexin...I suddenly discovered a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"It's just... I think it's a very fulfilling thing to help good people get the fair treatment they deserve under the law!"

“I feel a great sense of accomplishment!”

The little ball on Wang Kexin's head shook: "Is it true?"

"Really, it works in personal testing!"

Hearing Li Xuezhen's answer, Wang Kexin shook his head and nodded.

I silently recorded this matter in my heart.


at the same time.

In the office of a professor at Nandu Law University.

Feng Lijian sat on the sofa in the office, looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone and said with a smile:

"What's the matter, Lao Xiao?"

"Why don't you usually call me when you are in Beidu? Why do you suddenly think of calling me now?"

"I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lao Xiao laughed twice on the other end of the phone: "There is indeed something going on here."

"The main thing is that I want you to introduce a lawyer from another place to help."

"What's the matter? Do you need to introduce a lawyer from another place?"

"You are in Beidu, is there anything else you need me to introduce?"

"No, the main reason is that there is a well-known criminal lawyer in China recently. I want to contact him. Isn't it irrelevant? I can't contact him."

"I heard that one of your close disciples is a partner in that law firm. Isn't this a closer relationship..."

"Are you looking for Su Bai?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Su Bai. I have a difficult case and I want to find an assisting lawyer."

"What case do you find difficult?"


On the other end of the phone, Lao Xiao sighed, and then gave an overview of the case.

Feng Lijian wrinkled slightly.


Poisoning case? !

(End of this chapter)

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