You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 38 Do You Have a Relationship? !Didn't you say it earlier?

Chapter 38 Do You Have a Relationship? !Didn't you say it earlier?
Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, learning and growing, this is a necessary ability for a lawyer.

Obviously, Li Xuezhen did a good job at this.

Worth encouraging!

The fourth lesson is taught.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen and relevant materials to the court of first instance, Beidu Intermediate Court, to apply for copying the first instance file.

This death penalty case is due to the seriousness of the situation involved.

Before the trial of the first trial, there was a dispute on the Internet about whether it was excessive self-defense and intentional homicide, which aroused many arguments from netizens.

Therefore, the Beidu Intermediate Court directly serves as the court of first instance.

Came to Beidu Intermediate Court.

Su Bai submitted the materials according to the procedure and handed them over to the relevant law enforcement officers.

After seeing the materials submitted by Su Bai, a related female law enforcement officer sized it up curiously: "Nandu Marriage Consulting Law Firm?"

"Are you sure you entrusted the case of Qi Feng's death penalty?"

Qi Feng is the party involved in this case, the young college student who killed two people in a row.

There was a lot of movement about this case on the Internet. As the court of first instance, the female law enforcement officer obviously had a certain understanding of this case.

Su Bai bared his teeth: "Is there any question?"

"No. Nothing wrong."

The female law enforcement officer hurriedly smiled and shook her head: "It's just that I didn't expect that a death penalty case would be entrusted by a marriage counseling law firm and this is a case in Beidu. You are still a law firm in Nandu."

"I have brought all the materials, so it should be possible to copy the dossier?"

Su Bai continued to laugh.

"Okay, there is no problem, I will help you copy the file."

Facing the handsome Su Bai, the female law enforcement officer obviously had a good impression, and her tone of voice was gentle.

This damn attitude of looking at faces made Su Bai feel a little helpless.

After the female law enforcement officer finished speaking, she took relevant materials and went to copy the dossier.

Li Xuezhen paid close attention to the female law enforcement officer, and then straightened up.

after an hour.

The female law enforcement officer handed the file to Su Bai, and asked curiously, "Can your law firm win this case?"

Su Bai smiled, but did not give an accurate answer: "Do your best."

After getting the file.

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen back to the hotel.

"Come to my room later."

Before leaving, Su Bai opened his mouth to remind.


"Lawyer Su, do you want me to wait a while to come to your room?"

"Yes, come and read the file."

"Okay Lawyer Su, I see, I'll be there in a while."

Li Xuezhen's face collapsed, and she nodded.

Su Bai's room number is 506, and Li Xuezhen's room number is 502, not far away.


Li Xuezhen knocked on Su Bai's door.

Open the door and see the dossier materials on the table.

Su Bai handed over part of the sorted files to Li Xuezhen.

"You first find out some evidence of the prosecution's complaint in the file, and summarize it. Let me take a look at the court debates of the public prosecution and the defense during the first instance, as well as the legal provisions of the judgment."

The legal basis of the debate and judgment of the first instance has a reference value for the second instance.


Luo Daxiang said that the public prosecutors of the first and second trials are the top criminal public prosecutors.

Read more about the opponent's debate and the laws and regulations used, which can be used as a reference for your own debate in the second instance.

After half an hour.

Su Bai frowned after reading the court debate of the first instance and the legal provisions on which the judgment was based.

The first trial was indeed as Luo Daxiang said.

The whole process revolves around the two points of defensive manslaughter and intentional homicide.

And now that he has the bottom line in his mind, he can also be sure that the judgment of the second instance will not uphold the original judgment of the first instance.

Specifically, it still depends on the presiding judge and Qi Feng, the client.

"Let's go, meet the parties and bring the evidence."

Su Bai put away the trial defense materials, rubbed his temples and said.

"Okay. Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen quickly sorted out the evidence materials, put them in the briefcase, trotted out of the room, and followed Su Bai.

Beidu Guangming Street Detention Center.

Inside the jail.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen came to the relevant law enforcement window and submitted the relevant materials.

Sit in the lobby and wait for an hour.

A law enforcement officer came to Su Bai: "Are you Su Bai, a lawyer from Nandu Baijun Law Firm?"

"Yes, I'm Su Bai from Nandu Law Firm."

"That's it. Regarding the application you submitted, visits are not allowed today, maybe the day after tomorrow."

"Probably? Is there an exact time?"

"This. We are not sure. We can only have an approximate time. We have your contact information here. We will contact you as soon as we confirm the time."

Law enforcement officers are polite.

Seeing this, Su Bai didn't want to say anything, just a toothache, thinking of the big brother in the Nandu Detention Center, he really has a conscience!

But this is the northern capital
Hua Zi is not very good
The case is so influential, if someone gets caught, it's all over, just wait for two days and wait for two days.

"Let's go, let's go back and wait for two days."

Su Bai waved his hand, beckoning Li Xuezhen to go back.

But Li Xuezhen suddenly said, "Lawyer Su, if we wait for two days, will it affect the progress of the case?"

Su Bai thought for a few seconds, and replied: "It will affect a little, but it's not too serious, what's wrong?"

"Lawyer Su, didn't you teach me the ways of the world? I saw an acquaintance I know just now. Wait a minute."

After Li Xuezhen finished speaking, she trotted out of the detention center and sent a message to someone on her mobile phone.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to Su Bai, smiling happily:
"Lawyer Su, I've already dealt with it. We can go in and visit Qi Feng in a while."

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen suspiciously:? ? ?

It didn't take a while.

The polite law enforcement officer just now came to Su Bai again, looked at Su Bai with some strange eyes, took a deep breath and said:
"Your visit has been approved, come with me."

Su Bai looked at Li Xuezhen who was smiling.

? ? ? ?
No, you still have this relationship with Beidu? !
Didn't you say it earlier? !

If you said it earlier, you don't have to wait!Straightforward sophistication and it's over!
Seeing Su Bai's surprised eyes, Li Xuezhen felt joy in her heart.

As a trainee lawyer and assistant, she has done her part for this case so far!
"Lawyer Su, let's go."

Well, Su Bai didn't expect Li Xuezhen's relationship to be so strong and wide.

But think about the closed disciples of the top legal experts, who are loved very much. There are so many senior brothers and sisters, it is normal to need some acquaintances occasionally.

Su Bai nodded slightly, did not speak, and followed the law enforcement officers directly.

Li Xuezhen rattled behind Su Bai.

 Please follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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