You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 384: What did the defendant state? Audience: Go to hell!

Chapter 384: What did the defendant state? Audience: Go to hell!

The newlyweds were killed.

All criminals in this case pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, and the facts and evidence were sufficient.

In this case...

The main purpose of the court hearing is to find out relevant information in the case and ensure that nothing is omitted.

Then the sentence will be imposed according to the corresponding sentence.

In this case, the four defendants committed serious crimes.

Will he be sentenced to death?

The vast majority of people have determined in their hearts that the four defendants are likely to be sentenced to death.

But the procedures that need to be followed still need to be followed, such as ruling out any other possibilities for commutation of the sentence.

For example, there was once a death row prisoner who suddenly did something that was enough to promote a huge scientific research during his sentence.

This situation is considered a major meritorious service and exempted from the death penalty.


This situation is rare and basically cannot be replicated.

At the court hearing.

Everyone knows that this trial has entered the most critical moment, which is the determination of the sentence.

At the court hearing desk, Lu Penghui, who was sitting on the presiding judge's seat, turned over several sheets of materials in front of him.

He said: "Currently, the principal culprit and accomplice of this trial have been confirmed."

"There is no objection from all parties."

"In this case, the criminal facts of Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, and Wang Wenyuan are clear and the evidence is conclusive."

"He pleads guilty and accepts punishment."

"The severity of the crime committed by the defendant will now be determined."

"In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the crimes committed by the four defendants Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, and Wang Wenyuan were extremely serious."

"Regarding the above, do the four defendants Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, and Wang Wenyuan have anything else to say?"

The meaning of this question is, are there any factors that would reduce the penalty?

In response to the presiding judge's questions, the defendant's attorneys all made relevant statements.

The attorneys appointed by Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, and Yu Wei were originally assisting attorneys.

Most assistance lawyers make relevant determinations of crimes based on objective facts.

Therefore, when the presiding judge pointed out that the seriousness of the crime he committed was extremely bad.

The aid lawyer only made a statement based on the basic situation and did not deny it.

Moreover, there are no circumstances that could reduce the sentences of Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali and Yu Wei.

There is no doubt that all three were involved in the crime.

However, Zhang Liang's lawyer who assisted Zhang Liang pointed out that Zhang Liang had just turned 18 within a few months.

I want to raise this point and let the presiding judge consider his punishment.

After the assisting lawyers for Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali and Yu Wei completed their presentations.

Wu Zhencai slowly put forward his point of view.

There are three main points.

First, I just turned 18.

Second, there is a surrender plot.

The third is to reduce the degree of crime of the defendant in this case to ensure that Wang Wenyuan can be sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence.

"presiding judge."

"During the court trial, Wang Wenyuan was determined to be the main criminal in this case."

"We have no objection to this, but we want to make a point."

"That is, in this trial, Wang Wenyuan, although he is the main member of the team."

"But the idea of ​​committing a crime was not brought up. Maybe when Zhang Dali brought it up, he acquiesced to it to a certain extent, but he did not have this concept at the beginning."

"And then there's that."

"Wang Wenyuan has just turned 18, only three months more."

"Just reached the age of imprisonment."

"Maybe he is still a minor in some concepts. He doesn't have much respect for the law or life."

"There is a good idiom that says, Ignorant people are fearless. Because they don't know, they are fearless."

"Wang Wenyuan seriously lacks legal awareness."

"This resulted in this tragedy. For this, our client Wang He also deeply apologizes to the victim's family."

"The family members of the victims who have been found many times want to give them some compensation."

"But they were all rejected..."


"Based on the evidence provided by law enforcement and prosecutors, it can be seen that Wang Wenyuan has the circumstances to surrender."

“According to the provisions of domestic criminal laws and regulations, those who voluntarily surrender after committing a crime and truthfully explain their crimes shall be subject to a lighter punishment.”

"Based on the above, we believe that Wang Wenyuan should be given a lighter sentence."

"And we have another opinion on this case."

At the trial table, the presiding judge Lu Penghui said: "What do the defendant's lawyers think?"

"We believe that the criminal circumstances involved in this case are indeed particularly serious,"

"According to the relevant crimes, it has reached the level of imposing the death penalty."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with this."

"But the presiding judge and the four defendants are all 18 to 20 years old and have just reached adulthood."

"From this point of view, they all committed crimes at a relatively young age."

"And in this case, based on the confessions of the four people, it was unanimously pointed out that Yang Fan fought back strongly after being controlled, which led to the final result."

"And in this case, according to the statements of the four people, Zhang Dali had the idea of ​​​​murder because Yang Fan told them that doing so would result in a heavy sentence."

"From this point of view, Yang Fan may still have a certain degree of responsibility for arousing the emotions of criminals."

"So based on the above, we believe that the crimes committed by the four defendants are extremely serious."

"However, considering many aspects, the penalty should still be lenient."


When Wu Zhen made a statement and stated that the victim may still have some responsibility for emotional guidance, many people in the live broadcast room of the legal commentary directly started to curse!

"Fuck! What kind of beast is this? Can such words come out of its mouth?"

"What does it mean that Yang Fan angered the other party and broke free from the other party's restraints? Yang Fan also has a certain degree of emotional responsibility?!"

"The victim is guilty? So from this point of view, the victim should be bullied and should not resist or say anything else, right?"

"Fucking beast!"

"I can understand the statement made by the lawyer appointed by the defendant. Isn't it just to reduce the defendant's criminal liability?"

"Is it necessary to pour dirty water on the victim? Is it necessary?"

"This kind of statement is completely disgusting!"

"Can you give this attorney the death penalty? When I heard him say something like this, I was almost mad to death!"


The live broadcast room was full of abuses about the unlicensed lawyers appointed by the defendant.

Even in the court hearing, Yang Tiejun couldn't control his emotions and cursed angrily at the lawyer appointed by the defendant.

"What do you mean?" "What does it mean that Yang Fan is also responsible? What responsibility does Yang Fan have?"

"It was those four murderers who broke into my son's home and controlled him. My son wanted to resist. Is this wrong?"

"Where did he go wrong?"

"Can't he resist and just watch my daughter-in-law being bullied by others?!"

In response to Yang Tiejun's angry scolding, Wu Zhen behaved very calmly:

"I understand the feelings of the victim's family."

"Maybe the victim's family did not understand what I just stated."

"What I just stated is that he has a certain degree of emotional responsibility. Doesn't it mean that he is responsible for the victimization process?"

"Bah! You fart!"

Yang Tiejun took a sip at Wu Zhen and wanted to say something else.

However, he was interrupted by the presiding judge on the bench knocking the hammer:

"The victim's family please control their emotions. This is a court trial."

"If there are any issues, you can state them when the court requires a statement, or you can ask an attorney to make a substitute statement."

"Please don't vent at the trial!"

Facing the reminder from the presiding judge, Yang Tiejun sat down angrily.

But he was obviously still very angry.

Seeing Yang Tiejun so angry, Su Bai motioned to Li Xuezhen to comfort him.

Then he looked up at Wu Zhen.

At this time, the presiding judge began to ask the prosecutor and the victim's attorney for their opinions on Wu Zhen's statement.

"Do the prosecutor and the victim's lawyer have any thoughts on the statement just made by the defendant's attorney?"

Li Xiong raised his head and glanced at the defendant's attorney's seat:

"We believe that the statements made by the lawyer appointed by the defendant have absolutely no legal basis and meaning."

"Especially on the topic of just turning 18."

"There's also this issue of subjectivity as a subject."

"Why does domestic criminal law stipulate that 18-year-olds are fully responsible for criminal crimes?"

"That's because in a legal sense, 18 years old can already bear corresponding legal responsibilities."

"Even if you only turn 18, it's just a day, just an hour, just a minute, just a second!"

"That is also a legally recognized person who bears independent criminal responsibility!"

"On this point, neither Zhang Liang's assisting lawyer nor Wang Wenyuan's client's statement is meaningful!"

"Because if the trial is based on this point, then the person who is under 18 years old will be a minor, which will have no meaning!"

"So this point can be completely ignored and ignored."

"There is also the subjectivity of Wang Wenyuan stated by the lawyer entrusted by the defendant."

"Wang Wenyuan's subjectivity, no matter how you say, he killed people and committed crimes, these are objective facts and intentional!"


"According to the commission of the defendant Wang Wenyuan, the lawyer's statement of the circumstances of surrender can reduce the sentence. I agree with this."

"But the circumstances involved in this case are particularly bad. I think even surrendering is far from reducing the sentence."

"The prosecutor still believes that the four defendants should be sentenced to death in this case!"

Li Xiong's statement is based on basic objective facts.

There are basically no big problems with what he stated. These points are more in line with Su Bai's views and opinions.

But from Su Bai's point of view, what is the most important point in this case?

The most important point is Wu Zhen's final statement!

What did Wu Zhen want to explain in his last statement?

He deliberately came to belittle Yang Fan, the victim.

I just want the crime in this case to be mitigated from other aspects!

Therefore, Wang Wenyuan could be judged based on the fact that he surrendered, and his punishment could be reduced again.

But isn’t it inappropriate to state that the victim has certain responsibilities in this regard?

When the presiding judge asked if he had any ideas, Su Bai spoke directly:

"presiding judge."

"We believe that what the defendant just stated is extremely unreasonable."

"As for the two viewpoints of coming of age and surrendering, the prosecutor has already stated it just now, so I will not discuss it too much here."

"I just want to make one last point about what the defendant's attorney has said."

"I don't understand that."

"That's what the defendant's lawyer just stated that Yang Fan broke free in this case."

"He angered Zhang Dali and intimidated Zhang Dali and others, giving him the idea of ​​forcing Hu Yunyun to have a relationship and killing the two of them."

"What does the defendant's attorney mean?"

"You mentioned emotional responsibility, so what can you say is emotional responsibility?"

"You mean Yang Fan shouldn't provoke criminals, right?"

"Yes." Wu Zhen said.

"Okay." Su Bai nodded and continued:

"However, has the lawyer appointed by the defendant ever thought about which legal provisions follow Yang Fan's emotional responsibility?"

"What is responsibility?"

"Responsibility stated at trial is generally a matter of legal liability."

"Does the lawyer appointed by the defendant believe that the victim needs to bear a corresponding part of the responsibility for this case?"

"The victim Yang Fan was controlled by four young men who broke into his home and saw his new wife being molested."

"Does it mean that you shouldn't have emotions, you shouldn't have angry thoughts, and you shouldn't resist?"

"I don't know where this theory came from."

“But I am well aware of the points made by the defendant’s attorney.

They all want to reduce the criminal liability in this case, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing Wang Wenyuan's crime! "

"But have the lawyers appointed by the defendant ever thought about what Wang Wenyuan did in this case?"

"Break-in and robbery, forcing others to have sex, and it is a gang crime, intentional homicide!"

"He is the main culprit in the whole case!"

"Can the punishment he deserves be reduced just because he surrenders?!"

"Or should we shift the relevant responsibility issues to the victim Yang Fan to achieve a reduced sentence?"

"But should Yang Fan bear any responsibility?"

"I don't think it should be, and it shouldn't be according to the legal definition!"

"So based on the above."

"I would like to ask the defendant to hire a lawyer and not to throw the responsibility to the victim!"

"Here, I would like to remind you again that both victims suffered cruel torture during their lifetimes!"

"Although the defendant is not very old, he has already reached the point of being criminally responsible!"

"The ignorant are fearless. Their ignorance of legal knowledge is not the responsibility of others, but their own responsibility!"

"They should each bear the responsibility!"


Su Bai's voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the courtroom.

Wu Zhen wanted to transfer certain responsibilities to Yang Fan to achieve the purpose of commuting Wang Wenyuan's sentence.

But what is the situation with Wang Wenyuan?

Wang Wenyuan is the main culprit!

Such a major criminal case involved two murders!

accompanied by other particularly serious circumstances.

Do you want to be sentenced to probation based on the circumstances of surrender? !

How can it be!

Wu Zhen's other statements have some truth, but only to a certain extent!

The impact of this trial was so great, and what he stated had no legal basis.

How could the presiding judge adopt his opinion?

Don’t even think about commuting your sentence, you must die!


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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