You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 409 The law does not have 369, etc., people do

Chapter 409 There are no laws, there are people.

At the court hearing.

At the request of Chief Judge Hong Jiangtao.

This time the prosecutor, prosecutor Xie Wenliang, began to state the accusation against Lin Wanjia.

In this case, Xie Wenliang served as the prosecutor from the first to the second trial.


He knew the specific circumstances of this case.

Not just a simple understanding, but a very deep understanding.

He has a certain interest relationship with Yang Shangya.

During the first instance of this case and when evidence was submitted and compiled.

Helped Yang Shangya.

Xie Wenliang finished organizing the materials and began to state slowly:

"In this case, Lin Wanjia was involved in the murder of his girlfriend, Liu Xiaoxue."

"The prosecutor made the following summary of the overall case."

"Lin Wanjia and his girlfriend Liu Xiaoxue had huge conflicts in their relationship and their relationship broke down."

"Then Lin Wanjia invited his girlfriend Liu Xiaoxue out and brutally murdered her."

"Then, Lin Wanjia disposed of the murder weapon in the school and dealt with the traces left by himself."

"He returned to the dormitory and placed the murder weapon in his dormitory cabinet."

"This is the overall summary of the case..."

"The next step is the prosecution's summary of the case."

"In this case, Lin Wanjia premeditated and planned to invite his girlfriend Liu Xiaoxue out to kill her."

"Lin Wanjia did not disclose the specific details."

"It can be regarded as a murder case for the time being."

"And Lin Wanjia refused to plead guilty and accept punishment for the act of murdering others and brutally killing them."

"According to our country's criminal law, a suspended death sentence or the death penalty should be given, and based on Lin Wanjia's refusal to plead guilty and his bad attitude."

"We believe that the situation involving Lin Wanjia is particularly bad."

"The prosecutor recommends a sentence of death!"


The sentence recommended by Xie Wenliang was very severe and he directly recommended the death penalty.

The other parties did not change their expressions when hearing the recommendation of the death penalty, especially the injured party, who was even a little happy.

But... Lin Wanjia's expression changed when he heard this statement.

Suspended death may become death penalty...?

If he really committed murder, Lin Wanjia might feel that the sentence was not excessive.

He is willing to accept this punishment.

But he didn't kill anyone!

How can you recommend a prison term and impose the death penalty if there is no murder?

Lin Wanjia seemed a little anxious and turned his attention to the seat of the appellant's attorney.

Su Bai nodded slightly and signaled Lin Wanjia not to worry.

The sentence will not be increased on appeal.

The first-instance verdict was a suspended death sentence, but the second-instance verdict would not be the death penalty unless there were special circumstances.

However, compared to the first trial, in this second trial, the prosecutor added an egregious circumstance.

It can be regarded as a new factual basis.

But Su Bai came here to plead not guilty this time, regardless of whether there was any factual basis.

Or...recommend a suspended death sentence or the death penalty.

This is not too important to Su Bai.

So... Regarding Lin Wanjia's anxiety, Su Bai asked him to calm down.

Lin Wanjia calmed down when he saw Su Bai nodding, but the worry between his brows still could not dissipate.

the other side.…

At the trial seat, Hong Jiangtao, as the presiding judge, listened to the prosecutor's statement.

He nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, let the victim entrust a lawyer to start making a statement.

The lawyer appointed by the victim was a criminal lawyer hired by Liu Xiaoxue's family.

Regarding this case, Liu Xiaoxue's family members had only one condition, and that was that they wanted to sentence the criminal suspect Lin Wanjia to death!

No understanding, no compensation, only the death penalty.

When the first-instance trial of this case began, Liu Xiaoxue's family proposed the death penalty, but it was rejected by the first-instance court.

The reason why the victim's family proposed such a strict sentence.

Mainly because Liu Xiaoxue's parents only have an only child like Liu Xiaoxue.

Therefore, we strongly support the death penalty for the murderer.

The victim’s lawyer stated: “Presiding Judge!”

"For this case, our application as the injured party is very simple."

"This kind of murder on campus is very, very bad, and according to the prosecution's description, murder was committed."

"in this case."

"According to the domestic criminal law, the murder has reached the level of aggravation, and the crime is increased to the next level."

"The criminal suspect must be sentenced to death. We absolutely support the death penalty for the criminal suspect."

"To comfort our client's pain of bereavement!"


The victim's lawyer's statement was very passionate and basically described Lin Wanjia's crimes.

And seriously accused Lin Wanjia of death.

In fact, Su Bai agreed with the statement made by the victim's lawyer.

In this case, the murderer of Liu Xiaoxue should indeed be sentenced to death.


Is Lin Wanjia the real murderer?


He is just an innocent person with no background who was framed.

The real murderer should be sentenced.

So when the presiding judge asked the appellant to entrust a lawyer to make a statement.

Su Bai simply sorted out the information, looked up at the presiding judge's seat, and spoke slowly:

"We do not agree with the prosecution statements made by the prosecutor and the victim."

"We will plead not guilty in this case."


As soon as Su Bai's words came out, all parties in the courtroom were a little surprised.

For Su Bai, a lawyer who is popular in the field of short videos.

The lawyers for all parties in this trial also know very well that he is a well-known lawyer.

The winning rate is very high.

But...     You can't just come up and throw a wrench into this case!

Not guilty plea?

What's going on in this case? !

The situation in this case is that all criminal suspects point to Lin Wanjia.

There is sufficient objective evidence to convict Lin Wanjia of murder!

Moreover, Lin Wanjia did not have any rebuttal measures, or even a shred of effective evidence to prove that he had not committed any crime.

What's the only thing?

The only thing is to refuse to admit the crime, not to plead guilty and accept punishment!

But this point... in this trial, it will not play any role in the verdict of not guilty, but will increase the punishment!

Therefore, all parties in the trial were very surprised when Su Bai defended his innocence.

No one was more surprised than some viewers watching the trial.

"Fuck! What happened? How much legal fees did the appellant pay to Bai Jun Law Firm?"

"Lawyer Su Bai always only helps fair and just people in their lawsuits, and only helps the weak and disadvantaged groups."

"Good guy, this time you directly defend a person who has objective facts that can prove he has committed a crime?"

"What's going on?!"

"According to the current scale of Bai Jun Law Firm, even if you pay millions in legal fees, you may not be able to hire Lawyer Su, right?"

"How many millions? Do you underestimate the ability of a first-class law firm to attract money?"

"If Lawyer Su's reputation collapses, how many millions will be lost?"

"Ahem... Everyone, please be patient. Lawyer Su helps others litigate, and there has never been any other accident!"

"Let the bullets fly for a while, I think this case may have a huge twist!"

"I also think, and looking at the appellant's family situation, it is generally impossible to hire a lawyer at a high cost."

"Wait and see!"


Viewers of the live broadcast of the trial expressed their own opinions.

They were all puzzled by Su Bai's defense and representation in this case.

Decided to wait for a while.

On the judgment seat.

As the presiding judge, Hong Jiangtao also frowned after hearing Su Bai's speech.

Not guilty plea?

Based on the existing evidence provided by the appellant, what is the defense of innocence?

How could this not-guilty defense be successful?

Hong Jiangtao looked at the appellant's seat and said: "The appellant entrusted a lawyer to defend his innocence."

"Can you elaborate on the content of your statement?"

"Or is there any legal basis and objective evidence to prove Lin Wanjia's innocence?"

"There is a presiding judge."

Su Bai spoke slowly, then looked at the prosecutor's seat:

"But before that, I would like to ask the prosecutor some questions."

"application passed!"

Su Bai looked at Xie Wenliang, and then continued:

"I support what the prosecutor and the victim have stated that the perpetrator should be sentenced to death."

"But I don't agree... In this case, Lin Wanjia is the criminal."

"State your point of view in detail."

Hong Jiangtao frowned slightly and asked Su Bai to continue his statement.

"Okay, Judge."

"In this case, all the objective facts point to our client, Lin Wanjia City, as the criminal. There is no doubt about this."

"But there are still huge holes in many places."

"For example, during the review of the case, did law enforcement and prosecutors seriously investigate the details of the case?"

"Should we only rely on the source of the evidence and various objective facts to conclude that the Lin Wanjia committed a crime?"

I heard Su Bai directly accuse law enforcement and prosecutors at the court hearing.

Xie Wenliang, as the prosecutor, frowned because he was following the case closely during this trial.

Su Bai's statement was directly equivalent to accusing him!

More importantly... Xie Wenliang knew that Su Bai was telling the truth.

All physical evidence and suspicions in this case point to Lin Wanjia.

That's because someone arranged and manipulated things, so Lin Wanjia became the scapegoat.

Su Bai raised it directly at the court hearing, which was equivalent to exposing the matter to the public.


Su Bai is currently speaking, so it's not easy for him to interrupt.

Just listen to Su Bai continue to state: "I would like to ask the prosecutor."

"The prosecutor has the responsibility to follow up the case and review the case. In this case, in addition to raising reasonable doubts about Lin Wanjia and investigating it."

"Are there any other investigations underway?"

Xie Wenliang said:

"Follow up the investigation."

"That's your responsibility as a prosecutor."

"The prosecution has conducted appropriate investigations and suspicions on all persons involved."

"After an investigation, Lin Wanjia was identified as the final suspect."

After reasonable investigation, Lin Wanjia was identified as the final suspect?

In fact, based on the investigation results of law enforcement and prosecutors.

There is no investigation report on Lei Xiaozhen, the rich second generation in the school.

In the school, there are rumors that Liu Xiaoxue was killed by Lei Xiaozhen, a second-generation rich man.

As long as we carefully check and check, we can definitely find Lei Xiaozhen.

But why is there no investigation into Lei Xiaozhen now?

It was deliberately ignored!

Lin Wanjia was targeted because Lin Wanjia's identity met the requirements of a criminal suspect.

And supplemented by other evidence, Lin Wanjia can be firmly regarded as the scapegoat.

One more thing.

That is, the situations of Lei Xiaozhen and Lin Wanjia are different.

What is Lei Xiaozhen?

Lei Xiaozhen's identity is the second generation of rich people, and he is a powerful second generation of rich people.

But what about Lin Wanjia?

An ordinary college student, his family is just an ordinary county family.

Not to mention in the city, even in the county, there is no right to speak.

to be honest.…

How do you say that?

The law does not divide people into three or six classes, but the law divides people into three classes.

This is the case now. Doesn’t the prosecutor know that Lei Xiaozhen is suspected?

Judging from the current performance, it is impossible not to know.

Then why not investigate Lei Xiaozhen?

The answer is simple, there must be a corresponding interest relationship.

That is the so-called third, sixth and ninth grade!


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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