You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 42 You still want the prosecution to pay compensation? 666

Chapter 42 You still want the prosecution to pay compensation? 666
Seeing Li Xuezhen's sincere attitude, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

Not bad!

The attitude is very sincere!
That's the way it is.

Go to TM, others think the law is the fairest trial.

Why should others think?

It is the most correct trial to accept justice when one's own side wins.

If you can't win, if you lose the lawsuit, why talk about being right?

You lost all the lawsuits, and you still tell me this, isn't it nonsense.

Judge: Are you questioning my verdict?

As a result of the trial, whoever wins is correct. If there is any problem, report it directly to the corresponding judicial authority and it will be over.

No problem, no use questioning.


Relevant staff enter the waiting room.

Notify the appellant and the appellee, and the lawyers of both parties will enter the trial.

The appellant Lu Wei and another male lawyer were seated.

The appellant, namely Qi Feng's side, Su Bai brought Li Xuezhen to the appellant's seat.

Wait until Qi Feng, the lawyers of both parties and the defendant, has finished entering the venue.

The clerk began to read the court discipline.




After finishing the reading, he said, "Everyone stand up, and the presiding judge is invited to enter the court!"


At the court hearing, everyone stood up.

Lin Youping and two other judges entered the courtroom.

Lin Youping was dressed in a judge's robe and stood on the presiding judge's seat.

He spoke to the microphone at the presiding judge's seat:
"please sit down."


During the trial, all members sat down.

The clerk reported: "Report to the presiding judge that all parties in this case have appeared in court, and the court is ready for trial."

dong dong.

Lin Youping struck the gavel.

"Now for court!"

Lin Youping glanced down at the materials on the presiding judge's seat: "The appellant, please state the identity of the persons present in court."

at the same time.

Because Qi Feng's case has attracted much attention and controversy on the Internet, and the trial was held live, many lawyers and relevant personnel who are interested in this case are following the trial through live broadcast.

At this time, Luo Daxiang was starting a live broadcast of the trial.

In the courtroom screen.

The presiding judge Lin Youping is verifying the identities and information of the persons present in court.

Luo Daxiang made a general summary of the current court trial situation:

"This time the legal review case is Qi Feng's second-instance case. Everyone must know the result of the first-instance trial. Qi Feng was sentenced to death. After the case was over, I also explained it."

"Everyone can learn more about the first trial process from my video, and I won't say much about the rest."

"Let's go back to the trial."

"The trial has just started, so let me first talk about the relationship of this trial.

In this case, Qi Feng refused to accept the judgment of the first instance and appealed to the prosecutor at the Beidu High Court.

Now the presiding judge is checking the information of the appellant and the accused party.

The presiding judge this time is Judge Lin Youping, who is currently the vice president of the Beidu Higher People's Court. He is a well-known judge who has presided over many famous judgments and has a unique understanding of certain laws.

Sitting on the left and right sides are members of the collegial panel and two judges.

These two judges are also very experienced law enforcement staff of the Beidu High Court. The judge on the left is Fang Mei, and the one on the right is Zhu Xiong. "

"The party being appealed is the procuratorate, and the lawyer is lawyer Lu Weilu, who has very rich experience in the criminal profession. The appellant is Qi Feng. Dissatisfied with the judgment of the first instance, he filed an appeal of the second instance."

Luo Daxiang finished speaking.

There was a burst of inquiries in the comment area:
"Mr. Luo, what do you think of this case? Who do you think will win?"

"+1, I also want to know who can win the case, and I hope Qi Feng can win the case, but it is very difficult at present."

"In the case of public prosecution, the general evidence has been finalized, and the evidence of Qi Feng's murder has been finalized by the prosecution. It is very difficult to win the case! It can only be said that it is difficult!"

"It's hard but there's hope, isn't it? Anyway, I hope Qi Feng can win the case. It depends on the lawyer I'm looking for now."

"Mr. Luo, who do you think will win?"

Facing the question in the comment area, Luo Daxiang shook his head:

"The specific judgment depends on the court trial process. It cannot be said that the proportion of justifiable self-defense winning in court trials in our country is not small, it can only be said to be very small.

I hope that this court trial, which is of great concern to the public, can change the status quo. Well, there is not much to say outside the court, and now we have entered the next stage. Let's look back, I believe this will be a wonderful court debate. "

For Su Bai, Luo Daxiang still had a glimmer of hope.

But this case, to be honest, was difficult.

Can only pin on hope.

The scene of the trial.

After verifying the information of the appellant and the appellant, Lin Youping rang the gavel and began to read the reason for the case:
"Qi Feng, the appellant in this case, was dissatisfied with his judgment in the first instance, so he filed an appeal in the second instance. Is this the reason for the appeal?"

Su Bai sat on the appellant's seat, sorted out the materials, and nodded: "Yes, the presiding judge, this is our cause of appeal."

Lin Youping sounded the gavel.

"About the appellant's cause of action, this court has confirmed that it is true. Let the appellant state the application and basis for the appeal."

Su Bai briefly sorted out the materials in his hands, and then stated:
"Our request for this trial is very simple, and we hope that the court can give a reasonable sentence to our party based on legal basis."

"The following is our claim."

"One: Our client was in the shopping mall at the time, and he did not kill intentionally, but was acting in self-defense. When the two opponents attacked and beat us, our client was just a victim, and the reasonable According to Article No.20 of the Criminal Law, the interpretation of justifiable defense, if a person who is engaged in an illegal infringing act is taken to stop the behavior, causing damage to the unlawful infringer, it is a legitimate self-defense and does not bear criminal responsibility. Our application , rescind the first-instance judgment and acquitted."

"Second: Regarding the prosecution's complaint against us in the first instance, which caused us to suffer unnecessary losses, according to the State Compensation Law, we request the prosecution to compensate us for our party in accordance with the provisions of the State Compensation Law. Fifty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty yuan, four yuan and seventy-five cents."

"Three: Ask the prosecution to issue a public statement to clarify the damage to our reputation, so as to avoid subsequent damage to our reputation."

"Four: Our party is currently a young student. This incident has caused serious damage to him. We require certain compensation measures for our party."

Su Bai's lawsuit application is finished.

Those who watched the live broadcast of the trial felt that it was outrageous.
An application for not guilty is also acceptable.

You still want the prosecution to pay compensation? !

And it was brought up in court, and I can only say one thing: 666
 Seeking follow-up, recommendation ticket ~ monthly ticket ~ investment ~

(End of this chapter)

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