You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 428 The source of the false case? What is the truth? !

Chapter 428 The source of the false case? What is the truth? !

What Xiao Chunmei originally stated to Su Bai and Li Xuezhen was——

In this case, the defendant Li Dong was charged just because the hospital prescribed exorbitant prices for medicines.

Moreover, these drugs are ineffective and cannot alleviate Xiao Chunmei's condition, and may even worsen her condition.

In this case, Li Dong went to the hospital to argue.

Then the hospital reported him to the Law Enforcement Bureau for causing quarrels and provoking trouble.


But what is the actual situation of this case?

What is the content presented in the dossier?

The actual situation of this case is completely inconsistent with the content presented in the file and the situation expressed by Xiao Chunmei!

In fact, the gap is very big!

Judging from the content of the judgment, the actual situation is not simply looking for trouble.

Instead, another situation is superimposed.

It is clearly recorded in the judgment that Li Dong privately carved his official seal to obtain medical expenses and pay for them.

The hospital committed fraud, amounting to more than 168000 yuan!

Li Dong was sentenced to three years and six months in prison for provoking trouble, fraud and other acts.

He was sentenced to three years and six months in prison for several crimes.

Is this a heavy penalty?

Not too heavy!

The file contains criminal facts, a complete chain of evidence and actual objective facts.

Based on this situation, should Li Dong be sentenced to three years and six months in prison?


Because privately engraving a seal to obtain medical expenses and paying for medical expenses is a serious illegal crime.

Fraud was involved, and the amount was already over 100,000.

It must be more than three years in prison.

Judging from the file, there are no other circumstances in the judgment of this case, and it is a very authentic judgment result.


Inside the hotel room.

Li Xuezhen looked at the file, her face full of seriousness. Was she deceived by her client?

When screening the sources of short video cases, Li Xuezhen will usually conduct emphatically screening.

She admitted that among some cases, there would be false cases.


So far, she has not screened out a single false case source!

Is this case a false source?

Judging from the current situation, it is very similar.

Why do you say that?

Because there is a serious discrepancy between the actual situation and the situation described by the client!

Isn't it appropriate to commit fraud without stating it? Do you just want them to help with the entrustment?


In this case, they have no need to accept this commission.

At most, I was just tricked into understanding it.

Xiao Chunmei, what is the purpose of doing this?

To tease them?

Or do you think they will continue to entrust this case under such circumstances?

Li Xuezhen didn't understand Xiao Chunmei's approach, so she asked: "Lawyer Su..."

"Does Xiao Chunmei not know the specific situation, or is she deliberately concealing it?"

"As the defendant, Li Dong obviously made subjective mistakes in his fraud against the hospital!"

"As Xiao Chunmei's wife, close relatives should know the verdict, right?"

"It's impossible not to know!"

"Xiao Chunmei came to our Baijun Law Firm to help with the lawsuit. When she described the case, she was so if she really didn't know that Li Dong was committing fraud..."

"what is happening?"

Xiao Li couldn't care less about being in the same room as Su Bai now.

There were too many doubts about this case, which completely aroused her curiosity.

Su Bai shook his head after hearing several questions from Li Xuezhen.

To be honest, he couldn't tell exactly what the case was.

Just judging from his observation, Xiao Chunmei didn't seem to be lying.

It's more like I really don't know. I really don't know anything about Li Dong defrauding the hospital.

We can only wait until tomorrow to take the file to the client to understand the situation.

Or ask the party Li Dong for further information.

After organizing the files.

Su Bai turned his head and said:

"The current situation is not certain yet, but what is certain is that Xiao Chunmei may not understand certain situations as a party involved."

"Don't worry, just ask tomorrow."

"Okay, you go back to your room first and get up early tomorrow."

When Li Xuezhen heard Su Bai's words, she subconsciously looked down at her outfit.


Lawyer Su, what are you talking about?

I came here dressed like this, and Lawyer Su asked me to go back and get up early tomorrow?

Getting up early tomorrow will not affect your ability to sleep late today!

Su Bai seemed to have noticed what Li Xuezhen was thinking, and continued to speak without giving Li Xuezhen a chance to speak:

"what happened?"

"Is there anything else?"

" more."

Li Xuezhen's face was full of frustration, and she lowered her head and let out a soft sigh.

Then he took some of the neat files and looked back at Su Bai step by step.

As if thinking of something, Li Xuezhen turned her head and said with joy in her voice:

"Lawyer Su... I think we can continue to discuss this case in depth without having to rush me back to my room."

Su Bai:….

Your abacus has already fallen into my face!

"No, just wait until tomorrow."

"Or you can report to me on your mobile phone after you go back to your room."

"Oh, good Lawyer Su."

Lin Xuezhen's plan failed again, with confusion written all over her face.

When walking out of the room, he reluctantly closed the door of Su Bai's room.


Su Bai could vaguely hear Li Xuezhen sighing.



The next day, get up early.

Su Bai couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw Li Xuezhen's slightly irritable expression.

Xiao Li... was obviously unwilling last night and didn't sleep well!


Just be aware of it.

Su Bai didn't ask too much, but brought Li Xuezhen to Xiao Chunmei's house again.

When the entrustment agreement was signed last time.

Many of the situations stated by Xiao Chunmei are different from those in the dossier.

The circumstances stated in the dossier will generally not be false, especially when Li Dong is suspected of fraud.

Because judging from the files, Li Dong was suspected of fraud, which involved the existence of objective, true and effective evidence, and his admission of guilt and punishment.

It is almost impossible to be forced or unjust.     It's just...

When Su Bai found Xiao Chunmei with the file and asked about Li Dong's suspected fraud.

Xiao Chunmei looked very surprised.

"What? Li Dong was actually involved in fraud? He carved the official seal privately, and he stole money from the hospital?!"

"how can that be possible!"

"Li Dong said that our family has always had plenty of money. How could he steal money? How could he commit fraud?"

"He has never told me these things..."

Su Bai did not explain, but handed the file to Xiao Chunmei.

After Xiao Chunmei saw the contents of the file, she kept mumbling to herself:

"How could this be the verdict? It's impossible!"

Hearing this, Su Bai frowned slightly and asked a key question:

"When Li Dong was in the first trial, didn't you, as a family member, attend the hearing?"

Xiao Chunmei shook her head: "I didn't..."

"Because I am not in good health and have uremia, when Li Dong was preparing for the first trial, I needed to go to the hospital for dialysis and could not participate at all."

"I wanted others to tell me what was going on, but no one else was willing to tell me what was going on. They just told me that I was sentenced to more than three years."

Speaking of this, Xiao Chunmei seemed to realize something, looked at Su Bai eagerly, and apologized:

"Lawyer Su..."

"Lawyer Su, I'm sorry. I really didn't know that Li Dong would commit fraud, engrave official seals privately, and steal money from the hospital."

"If I really knew, I definitely wouldn't come looking for you."

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Su... I'm very sorry."

"I've brought you trouble..."

Xiao Chunmei also knows Bai Jun Law Firm and under what circumstances lawyer Su Bai usually represents clients.

Li Dong obviously did something wrong in this case, and Xiao Chunmei knew it very well.

So as soon as he learned about it, he apologized to Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, I didn't know the real situation in this case from the beginning. Lawyer Su, you can completely terminate the trust."

Xiao Chunmei said it very sincerely.

When Su Bai heard Xiao Chunmei's statement, he knew that there must be something hidden in it.

Xiao Chunmei didn't know the reason at the beginning and approached them.

Subjectively speaking, Xiao Chunmei did not make any subjective mistakes.

Or on the other hand, did Li Dong really do something wrong?

Engraving the hospital seal privately to defraud medical expenses is indeed a violation of the law.

But why did Li Dong defraud medical expenses?

The fraudulent medical expense here is not to make money from the hospital, but to tell the hospital that he has already paid for the medication.

Get medicines from hospital.

From this point of view, it is obvious that Li Dong was allowed to do this because Li Dong could not afford the expensive drugs prescribed by the hospital.

Was the hospital at fault?

The hospital prescribed some expensive medicines that had no effect on Xiao Chunmei's condition and did not inform her.

It even frequently deceives clients and replaces expensive medicines. Is this considered the hospital's fault?

It definitely counts.

So from a subjective point of view, Li Dong's behavior is more likely to be forced.



From a legal perspective, speculation cannot be used as a basis for fact.

Was Li Dong forced to carve a seal privately to defraud the hospital of medical expenses?

It still needs to be understood from the mouths of the parties involved and the actual objective situation.

Take this case for example.

Xiao Chunmei found Bai Jun Law Firm to entrust her. Was her intention good at the beginning?

It must be good!

Did she want to help her husband reduce his sentence and believed that her husband had suffered a lot of persecution in this case?

Same thing!

Subjectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with Xiao Chunmei's approach.

But what are the objective facts?

The objective fact is that Xiao Chunmei did not even know what punishment Li Dong had committed.

I didn't even know that Li Dong had committed fraud.

So from this point of view, it is very necessary to conduct objective fact investigation.

In this case, Su Bai subjectively believed that Li Dong's case might have a deeper hidden secret.

Therefore, Xiao Chunmei’s request to cancel the case was not agreed to.

Instead, he said: "We have conducted a rough investigation on this case and have now entrusted it."

"As for whether to cancel the commission, further understanding is needed."

"We need to meet Li Dong, your husband, to decide whether to cancel the commission for this case."

Hearing this, Xiao Chunmei's eyes flashed with surprise: "Lawyer Su..."

"You really don't want to cancel this case?"

"But... I asked Lawyer Su to entrust this case because I didn't understand the situation at the beginning."

"It's already considered that I deceived Lawyer Su."

"Lawyer Su..."

Xiao Chunmei wanted to continue talking.

Su Bai also knew what Xiao Chunmei wanted to say, which was nothing more than an apology.

Xiao Chunmei just needs to keep these words in her heart, there is no need to say them on the spot.

So Su Bai interrupted with a smile: "I know."

"But this case... I have read the files carefully, and I am still very interested in this case."

"Let's talk again."

"As I said just now, whether to cancel the commission or not, you still need to see Li Dong."

Although Xiao Chunmei knew what Su Bai meant, she still said very gratefully: "Thank you, Lawyer Su..."


After leaving Xiao Chunmei's house, Su Bai took a deep breath.

Li Xuezhen on the side said in confusion: "Lawyer Su..."

"It seems that Xiao Chunmei really doesn't know what her husband Li Dong has done."

"Are we continuing to entrust this case?"

Su Bai did not directly answer Li Xuezhen's question.

Instead, he repeated what he had just said to Xiao Chunmei.

"To be specific, we still need to meet Li Dong to determine whether Li Dong's subjective behavior at that time was intentional."

"If Li Dong's subjective behavior is to avoid medical expenses, then we cannot entrust this case."

"But... if there is another secret... I can accept the commission."

"After all... Judging from the current situation, Li Dong's subjective behavior is good. After all, it is for his wife."

"If Li Dong acted in a helpless situation, the sentence of three years and six months in prison is a bit harsh."

"do you understand?"

Li Xuezhen nodded in understanding. After a few seconds, she smiled and said:

"I understand, Lawyer Su!"


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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