You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 431 The idea of ​​rebuttal, I didn’t do it without evidence

Chapter 431: Refutation, no evidence = I didn’t do it


"What the hell is this? The attending doctor not only charges exorbitant medical bills, making it unaffordable for patients."

"And you also hinted that the patient's family would carve a fake official seal to pay the medical expenses?"

"This kind of operation looks really fantasy! But the more outrageous something is, the more real it is!"

"Speaking of which, is there really such a doctor in reality?"

"How can this be fake? Many doctors have been exposed as taking kickbacks. This has been trending so many times. Everyone who has been to the hospital in private knows that it can be fake?"

"Hahaha! Most of them are good, but some of them are really outrageous!"

"I once met someone who, on the surface, was polite and did everything for your own good."

"But the medicines prescribed were useless. I only found out after asking my distant relatives!"

"The matter of prescribing the medicine is very likely to be true, but the implication that the fake official seal was carved is too outrageous. I am inclined to believe that it is also true!"


Most of the viewers who watched the live broadcast of the trial came because of the sky-high medical expenses and privately carved official seals with Li Dong to save his wife.

After all... medical care is related to the people's livelihood, and saving one's wife can evoke many associations.

Therefore, many people were attracted to watch this public trial.

But many viewers didn't expect that this case would have such a big secret!

There was an incident where the attending doctor hinted at the patient and carved his official seal privately.

To be honest, this incident has further expanded the influence.

On the barrage of the live broadcast of the trial.

There was intense discussion about this incident.

However, these discussions did not affect the continuation of the trial.

At the court hearing.

Lin Wenjie never thought that this matter could lead to him.

And in court!

What does Li Dong's private seal engraving have to do with him?

He did hint at Li Dong, but what was he hinting about?

What he hinted at was to let Li Dong think carefully about medical expenses.

Think of ways to pay bills.

Did he directly tell Li Dong to engrave the official seal privately?

not at all!

The lawyer entrusted by the other party to litigate the case did this just to drag him down!

Although he was indeed wrong on this point.

But Lin Wenjie didn't want his affairs to be exposed to public view.

Because if these circumstances are confirmed, then his career will be completely ruined.

Not to mention his entire reputation, his years of running the hospital were also ruined.

It is even very likely that he will be fired and notified by the hospital, and he will be held criminally responsible!

Thinking of this, Lin Wenjie frowned and looked very helpless about the current trial situation.

He turned his head and looked at the hospital lawyer.

The hospital's lawyers are sorting out the lawsuit materials.

This time, he was participating in the trial as the prosecutor, and the interests of the hospital had to be taken into consideration.

But what is the situation now?

The current situation is that Su Bai has directly pulled down the fig leaf of the hospital.

The hospital is also very aware that some doctors will prescribe medicines indiscriminately.

In fact, sometimes the hospital will issue certain indicators for doctors to prescribe medicine.

to achieve the purpose of generating income.

After all, the hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses.

Now what the appellant stated at the trial, especially at the public trial, was that doctors prescribed medicine indiscriminately.

This is a serious violation of the interests of the hospital, and the matter is particularly serious.

If it goes wrong, the Health Bureau may launch a major investigation into the hospital.

What's more, it may even lead to the intervention of supervisory authorities.

Therefore, in court, as the hospital's lawyer, the first thing Zhou Wei has to protect is the hospital's interests.

Zhou Wei simply sorted out the materials and was ready to make a rebuttal at any time.

On the judgment seat.

As the presiding judge, Wei Guoming frowned slightly after hearing Su Bai's statement.

Regarding Su Bai's entire appeal request, the content of his statement is clear and there are no major problems.

The focus of this case is the crime of provocation and fraud.

Su Bai indeed focused his statement on the two perspectives of provocation and fraud.


In his final statement, Su Bai attributed the fraud to the suggestion made by the original attending physician.

This is the key point!

And there was no corresponding mention in the first instance.

If this view is true, then what does Li Dong’s behavior amount to in this case?

Li Dong's behavior is equivalent to being provoked or hinted, which will greatly reduce his subjective willingness to defraud.

thereby achieving the purpose of reducing the penalty.

Now Su Bai has stated the relevant litigation application and related content.

Now let’s see how the prosecution responds.

Thinking of this, Wei Guoming, as the presiding judge, struck the hammer and asked the hospital's lawyer to make a statement.

As a hospital lawyer, Zhou Wei has conducted many lawsuits and has sufficient experience in medical litigation.

He clearly understands what is most important in medical litigation.

In a medical lawsuit, the most important thing is that the plaintiff or the appellant has no actual evidence to prove that the hospital was at fault!

This is also the most difficult part of a lawsuit involving a hospital.


Without evidence, why would you file a lawsuit?

In this case, Zhou Wei could use this point to refute Su Bai's accusation.

After sorting out the litigation materials, Zhou Wei was not in a hurry to dismiss Su Bai's lawsuit.

Instead, he asked the presiding judge to ask Lin Wenjie a few questions.

After getting the consent of the presiding judge, Zhou Wei began to ask:

"I would like to ask Lin Wenjie, who was present, to make a statement based on the lawyer entrusted by the appellant."

"As the attending doctor of Li Dong's wife, you prescribed high-priced medicines and hinted to her to let the appellant secretly engrave the hospital's official seal."

"What is attendee Lin Wenjie's opinion on this matter?"

"Or can you, from your perspective, state the facts in detail?"

After hearing the answer, Lin Wenjie also understood the lawyer's intention.

What was it like to state the facts from his perspective?

That is, he can make statements from a vantage point.

The appellant has appointed a lawyer. Can the accusation be admitted?

This kind of thing must not be admitted! However, the fact that Li Dong was asked to buy high-priced drugs was a fact that he could not refute or deny.

But if you can't refute it, you can't refute it.

He has the right to interpret it, and he can interpret it in other ways.

After clarifying these ideas, Lin Wenjie answered:

"As for prescribing high-priced drugs, I admit that I have committed the act of prescribing high-priced drugs."

"But according to my judgment of Li Dong's wife's condition at that time, Li Dong's wife's condition must be relieved with those high-priced drugs."

"Those medicines are indeed expensive, but they are effective!"

"It's totally fine if I prescribe some cheap medicines, or if I don't prescribe any medicines and just let Li Dong's wife take those less effective medicines."

"But that's irresponsible to the patient!"

"As a doctor, can I be irresponsible to my patients?"

"Definitely not!"

"Medicine is expensive, but it works!"

"Also, I hinted to Li Dong to carve a seal to avoid paying the hospital fees."

"This is a complete slander against me."

"I am a doctor in the hospital, why should I ask Li Dong to engrave the official seal?"

"What's in it for me to avoid paying hospital bills?"

"This is of absolutely no benefit to me!"

"I can't remember clearly what happened at that time because too much time passed."

"But I can remember the general meaning of what I said."

"The general meaning is that if there is really no other way, you can change to other drugs or think of other ways."

"What's the hint in these words?"

"I suggested that Li Dong engrave the official seal. This matter is completely Li Dong's slander against me. This matter does not exist at all!"

Lin Wenjie denied that he had done this and tried his best to distance himself from the relationship.

After Lin Wenjie answered this question, Zhou Wei, as the hospital's lawyer, made a supplementary statement.

"presiding judge."

"Lin Wenjie, who was present just now, has stated in detail his views on the prosecution entrusted by the lawyer entrusted by the appellant."

"It is indeed an objective fact that high-priced drugs are recommended."

"But the statement made by the lawyer appointed by the appellant Li Dong is different from Lin Wenjie's statement."

"Of course, this is very normal..."

"Perhaps from Li Dong's point of view, Lin Wenjie recommended him to buy high-priced drugs to defraud him of medical expenses."

"But from Lin Wenjie's perspective, he did it to better treat his patients."

"From this point of view, neither party is at fault, so Li Dong's behavior cannot be blamed on Lin Wenjie."

"There is no criminal legal causation between the two."

"Another point is that Lin Wenjie only recommended Li Dong to buy medicines, but did not force Li Dong to buy medicines."

“The appellant is asked to entrust a lawyer to figure this out.”

"Another point is that the appellant entrusted a lawyer to state that it was Lin Wenjie, an attendee at our hospital, who suggested that Li Dong engrave the seal privately."

"I think the lawyer entrusted by the appellant, as a well-known lawyer, can understand clearly."

"That means everything must be based on evidence!"

"Lin Wenjie suggested that Li Dong engrave a seal privately to avoid paying the hospital's medical expenses."

"Is there any evidence to prove this?"

"Where is the main proof?"

"The main evidence lies in Li Dong's confession, which has no objective factual basis."

"From this point of view, without objective and direct factual evidence, Li Dong is very likely to slander him in order to evade his legal responsibility."


"In some respects, it was Li Dong himself who misunderstood what Lin Wenjie meant and embarked on criminal behavior."

"No one else should be involved in this situation."

"Presiding judge, the above is our view on what the lawyer entrusted by the appellant stated."

"We believe that all actions must be based on practical evidence."

"Don't make statements in court without objective factual evidence."

"Our statement is complete!"

In the last paragraph, Zhou Wei's statement is very obvious.

He went straight to Su Bai.

It is telling Su Bai that if there is no evidence, then don't state it, and the court will not accept it if you state it.

Let’s not talk about anything else for now…

Hospitals are the most difficult place to obtain evidence.

Why do you say that?

Because medical malpractice occurs and high-priced drugs are recommended, you cannot judge the doctor's subjectivity from this point of view.


You don't know whether the other person did it intentionally or unintentionally.

Just as Lin Wenjie stated.

He recommended the high-priced medicine with good intentions, but he didn't expect that Li Dong would think so of him.

But actually?

In fact, why did Lin Wenjie do this?

In fact, Lin Wenjie's purpose in doing this was to get kickbacks, and these excuses were just to cover up his behavior!

Zhou Wei knew this very well in his heart, but for the sake of the hospital's reputation and fig leaf.

During the trial, he could only focus on downplaying this point.

Zhou Wei set his sights on the appellant seat, as medical litigation is what he is best at.

If the other party cannot produce actual evidence.

So, this court hearing can only exempt one person from criminal responsibility for provoking trouble.

As for the rest... don't think about it anymore.

the other side.

After Su Bai noticed Zhou Wei's gaze, his expression was calm and he didn't say much.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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