You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 447 Without further ado, let’s start the trial directly! They all must fall!

Chapter 447 Without further ado, let’s start the trial directly! They all must fall!

Kunming City.

Prosecution Department Examination Room.

In the past few days, Duan Zhao often received phone calls inquiring about the progress of Li Xiaoguo's interrogation and review.

Duan Zhao also knew very well why someone called to inquire about the review status of Li Xiaoguo's case.

Isn't the purpose just to know what is going on now?

Or maybe the purpose is not to know whether Li Xiaoguo will be sentenced, and whether the review can be modified within a limited scope.


These inquiries are all done through hints.

Duan Zhao blocked them all.

At this time, censorship was also interfered with by hints.

If he really listened, he would be doomed in the future!

What is the importance of this case?

Duan Zhao knew very well that since he chose to review, he must review it to the end.

However, on the other hand, the review of Li Xiaoguo did not proceed smoothly.

Li Xiaoguo's mentality is more inclined to be confident.

I think his father, Li Tongwei, can definitely find a way to get him out.

So no matter how Duan Zhao asked about the review, Li Xiaoguo just kept silent.

Regarding this.…

Duan Zhao didn't look too much for a breakthrough from Li Xiaoguo.

Because now other people's confessions and objective evidence have been collected.

Under this conclusive chain of facts and evidence, even if Li Xiaoguo refused to plead guilty, he made zero confession.

Then he can be convicted through public prosecution and conclusive evidence and facts! .


Soon, regarding Wu Xiaojie's case, the trial was postponed and the trial was held again.

And some supplements have been made.

This court session is different from the previous one.

There was one more suspect in the defendant's seat in the trial, and that was Li Xiaoguo.

At the court hearing.

As the presiding judge, Cao Chuan has a general understanding of the proceedings of this court case.

So last time, when the prosecutor applied to postpone the trial, he agreed.

But he didn't this case, during the adjourned hearing.

The prosecutor actually added Li Xiaoguo as a suspect and launched another prosecution.

What is Li Xiaoguo’s background?

He was actually able to catch him in the defendant's seat.

It is conceivable that the water behind this must be very deep!

But for Cao Chuan, it's still the same sentence... no matter what.

In this case, as long as there is evidence, the suspect is guilty.

Then follow the normal process to make the judgment!

This basic trial idea is what Cao Chuan, as the presiding judge of this trial, needs to firmly grasp.


As for this court hearing, in addition to several other relatives of the suspects, they arrived at the court hearing.

Zhang Hua also entered the trial as an ordinary person and conducted a hearing.

Before the trial of this case, he tried to contact many people to try to prevent Li Xiaoguo from being sentenced.

I also contacted the dean of the Intermediate Court and Cao Chuan, but these two people made it clear and clear.

He will not do anything and needs to be judged in accordance with the law.

Zhang Hua even found some heads of the prosecution department.

But no one dared to touch this case either.


Because what is involved now is the law enforcement officer who was Li Xiaoguo's acquittal from the principal criminal.

They have all been detained by the supervision department.

Who can help me now?

Wouldn't that mean that you are being targeted by the supervisory authorities?

Not to mention that there are no benefits to helping, and it will also make you look embarrassed. No one will be willing to help with this kind of help.

So...when there was no other option, Zhang Hua had no choice but to hire a top criminal lawyer.

I want to exonerate Li Xiaoguo from the legal defense.

"I hope it will work."

Zhang Hua looked at the court seat and thought silently to comfort himself.

He knew very well in his heart that this effect might not be very big, but now he could only look at the glimmer of hope.


Bang the gavel.

As the presiding judge this time, Cao Chuan slowly spoke:

"As for the case of Wu Xiaojie's assault, the adjournment has ended and the trial will resume."

"Now, the additional evidence investigation conducted during the adjournment, based on the evidence provided by the prosecutor, has the following results:"

"The four original defendants are Lin Long, Zhang Shanfeng, Zhang Qi, and Li Liang."

"The confession was unanimously changed, confirming that Lin Long was not the principal culprit involved in this case."

"The current defendant Li Xiaoguo is identified as the principal criminal involved in this case."

"The relevant confessions, evidence, and objective facts have all been certified."

"Now the prosecutor has determined that Li Xiaoguo is the principal culprit in Wu Xiaojie's assault case."

"Can the prosecutor provide a detailed description of this?"

As the presiding judge, Cao Chuan did not describe the previous crimes.

Because the suspects were added based on the existing circumstances.

Moreover, all the defendants and suspects changed their confessions and unanimously identified Li Xiaoguo as the principal culprit.

Then all criminal processes and criminal occasions need to be re-proven.

This is something that the prosecutor needs to describe in detail.

Facing the presiding judge's questioning, Duan Zhao placed all the litigation materials and evidence that he had prepared on the top of the table.

Then he continued:

"President, in this case, it was discovered through the prosecutor's follow-up review."

"In addition to the original four suspects, this case also involves other suspects."

"Consistent with what the victim's lawyer stated before the court adjourned, there is another main culprit in this case."

"This criminal is Li Xiaoguo."

"In this case, Li Xiaoguo took advantage of his connections in order to escape the sanctions imposed on him by the law."

"Let the other four suspects take the blame, take advantage of the psychology of the other four suspects' families, and allow them to remain silent."

"And, I will not continue to confess Li Xiaoguo's criminal facts."

"In other words, the other four criminal suspects in this case must cover up the facts of Li Xiaoguo's crime in order to obtain certain benefits promised by Li Xiaoguo."

"This has been confirmed by the prosecutor." "During the investigation during the adjournment, the other four suspects did not continue to cover up the facts of Li Xiaoguo's crime."

"Based on the evidence currently available, it has been confirmed that Li Xiaoguo is the principal culprit in Wu Xiaojie's case."

"At that time, Li Xiaoguo and the other five people originally planned to find a high school student to have some fun at Li Xiaoguo's suggestion."

"I saw the better-looking Wu Xiaojie at the gate of the high school."

"Li Xiaoguo immediately chose to commit infringement against Wu Xiaojie."

"At Li Xiaoguo's initiative, several people took turns to commit violations against Wu Xiaojie."

"This is the real crime and it has been proven based on the available evidence."

"In addition... after Li Xiaoguo was arrested in the case, he also used his own connections to contact law enforcement officials to help handle the prosecution process, and changed the status of the principal criminal to an innocent person."

"Now the supervisory department has obtained the confessions and corresponding evidence from the law enforcement officers, confirming that they helped Li Xiaoguo deal with the crime he committed."

"Evidence recovered from the prosecution and the corresponding depositions presented."

"Li Xiaoguo, as the principal culprit in this case, has the malicious intention to escape legal sanctions and use his connections to seek to achieve the purpose of malpractice for personal gain."

"The circumstances involved were particularly egregious."

"And through the prosecutor's in-depth investigation, it was discovered that Li Xiaoguo was the most critical person in planning and organizing this case."

"In this regard, we believe that the previous judgment should be revoked in this case."

"Li Xiaoguo is judged to be the principal investigator in this case."

"Because the crimes involved in Li Xiaoguo and the corresponding criminal penalties are extremely serious."

"Presiding Judge, our recommended sentence for Li Xiaoguo is the death penalty."

"In addition, in this case, Lin Long, Zhang Shanfeng and others, although it is said that Li Xiaoguo committed certain illegal acts in the process of taking the blame.

But the specific situation is that Li Xiaoguo contacted them through other people.

And it was the illegal behavior of law enforcement personnel that led to them agreeing to bear the crime. "

"Now they have realized their mistake."

"And he proactively provided the criminal process of Li Xiaoguo's conviction and the corresponding list of offenders."

"From this point of view, we believe that he has performed meritorious service."

"The recommended prison terms for Lin Long, Zhang Shanfeng, Zhang Qi, Li Liang and others are -"

"Fifteen years in prison, 14 years and six months in prison, 12 years in prison, 11 years and six months in prison."

"President, the above is the specific statement made by the prosecutor based on the investigation of this case."

In Duan Zhao's statement, he roughly summarized the identity of Li Xiaoguo's principal criminals.

And in terms of the sentence, Li Xiaoguo’s principal criminal was deemed to have received the death penalty.

As for Lin Long, Zhang Shanfeng and others' sentences were slightly reduced to a certain extent.

The reason for the slight decrease is——

In addition to identifying Li Xiaoguo as the main culprit in this case.

Lin Long and others' subjective criminal intent was slightly reduced, and was reduced to other than accessories.

What's more important is the meritorious performance of the confession.

in other words.

If Lin Long did not perform meritorious service.

Then his sentence in this case will be the same as Zhang Shanfeng's stated before the adjournment, which can reach life imprisonment.

After all, Lin Long is the main accomplice.

It can be seen that in terms of prison term, Duan Zhao's recommended prison term for Lin Long is still relatively large.


Statement completed.

Duan Zhao took a deep breath, he had been following this case.

how to say.…

During the previous investigation period, Duan Zhao was very depressed.

After all...the circumstances involved in this case are not simple.

At present, after all the corresponding situations are stated in the court hearing.

how to say.

He could confirm that Li Xiaoguo would definitely be found guilty in this case.

And there is a great possibility that Li Xiaoguo will be sentenced to death.

Under this situation... Duan Zhao suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Li Xuezhen also felt this way.

After listening to Duan Zhao's statement, Li Xuezhen glanced at the defendant's seat with bright eyes.

I thought silently: Send it in!

Before the case went to trial, as a woman, she talked with Xiaojie about her views on the case.

How old is Xiaojie?

Underage, only seventeen years old!

And I am still studying, in a very simple environment.

This happened...

To be honest, Li Xuezhen could feel the struggle and pain in Wu Xiaojie's heart when she was chatting with Wu Xiaojie.

Therefore, Li Xuezhen was really very resentful towards Li Xiaoguo, the main culprit in this case!

Now that Li Xiaoguo has been charged, the recommended sentence is the death penalty.

Li Xuezhen felt equally relieved.

There were many people who were relieved at the court hearing, but there were also people who were burdened.

That was Zhang Hua in the hearing seat, facing the prosecution's accusation of such a severe punishment.

And what the prosecutor stated has evidence and objective facts.

Although no judgment has been made yet, Zhang Hua seems to have foreseen the result.

what's the result?

The result is very likely that Li Xiaoguo will be found guilty.

and then?

If Li Xiaoguo is found guilty, then other law enforcement officers will testify and he was involved.

Will he still feel better?

Certainly not!

In other words, Zhang Hua always felt that he couldn't handle this matter!

Even...Zhang Hua felt that if Li Xiaoguo's case was really settled.

Then the next person to fall is Li Tongwei.

Zhang Hua didn't know why he felt this way.

But after he sat at the court hearing, this feeling became stronger.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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