You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 449 As the father’s statement, the final verdict comes into effect!

Chapter 449 As the father’s statement, the final verdict comes into effect!

During the recess.

It is a good thing for Wu Jiang and others, and it is also a good thing for other defendants.

Because judging from the current situation, the presiding judge has obviously agreed with the prosecutor's view of guilt.

But in Li Xiaoguo's's not very good.

After all...this trial hasn't even started yet and it's almost over?

He hasn't confessed yet!

Is it going to be judged so directly?

No, let’s ask his opinion anyway!

Did the zero-confession sentence fall on him?

This is what Li Xiaoguo cannot accept the most.

It wasn't just Li Xiaoguo who was confused.

Even Zhang Hua, who was sitting in the hearing seat, also felt that the atmosphere of this trial was not right.


According to the performance of the presiding judge in this trial, to a certain extent, the presiding judge seemed to deliberately target the defendant's attorney.

Any inside story?

Or was it being deliberately targeted?

In fact, Zhang Hua really thought wrong about this.

This is not a matter of whether or not there is an inside story.

But in the court hearing, Cao Chuan believed that Tian Yang, as Li Xiaoguo's attorney, made a statement that was completely illogical.

Just talk about it in the most basic terms.

You only look at the direct evidence, and you don’t look at the chain of evidence formed by objective and indirect evidence.

Isn’t this nonsense?

If he is found guilty or not guilty according to Tian Yang's statement.

So in so many criminal cases, it is very likely that not many people will be found guilty.

Because the law needs to be considered from many aspects.

Rather than just considering one or the other.

Based on this situation, Cao Chuan interrupted Tian Yang's statement many times.

Is there something wrong with this kind of interrupting a statement?

According to Cao Chuan's thinking, or according to the order in the court and the maintenance of the progress of the court trial, there is no problem with this kind of interruption.


In the collegial court discussion room.

Cao Chuan and the other two judges are currently discussing the prison term involved for the defendant in this case.

And it is confirmed that there is no possibility of innocence in this case.

Cao Chuan placed the relevant information on the case on the table and said:

"There is no objection to the verdict that Li Xiaoguo and other criminals are guilty in this case, right?"

Lu Pingyi nodded aside.

He also noticed it during this time and ignored the greeting at first.

Undoubtedly the most correct decision.

So now facing Cao Chuan's point of view, Lu Pingyi basically agrees.

"Dean Cao, the criminal facts of Li Xiaoguo and several other defendants and suspects in this case are very clear."

"Guilty is definitely guilty..."

" the sentence recommended by the prosecutor a bit too harsh?"

Lu Pingyi confirmed the fact of guilt, but still had certain considerations about the prison term.

So questions were raised about this.


Cao Chuan nodded: "The sentence recommended by the prosecutor is indeed a bit harsh. He can recommend the death penalty, but we cannot impose such a sentence."

"after all.…"

"Although there were two more serious circumstances, in the final analysis they did not cause Wu Xiaojie's death."

"From this point of view ... the death penalty is excessive."

"And there is no such precedent in China. If we really sentence Li Xiaoguo to death, then our court will be famous throughout the country."

“It may even cause huge discussion in the Dharma circle.”

Cao Chuan smiled and expressed his thoughts.

After hearing what Cao Chuan said, another judge also nodded, thinking that the death penalty was too harsh.

after all.…

In this case, there was indeed no intentional homicide.

In domestic law...

Some cases really make people angry, and they want the suspect to die.

But this is only a severe punishment based on emotion.

From a legal perspective...if it does not result in the death of others.

sentenced to death.

It can be said that there are not many cases found in the country.

Of course...there are some cases that have caused losses to state-owned assets, and there are precedents for the death penalty.

However, according to the forcible relationship, there was no case of death.

There is no precedent for imposing the death penalty.

After comprehensive consideration, members of the collegial panel decided not to impose the death penalty on Li Xiaoguo.

However, based on various bad circumstances, a suspended death sentence needs to be awarded.

The issue of prison terms was finalized.

The adjournment is over.

The court session soon came again.

Cao Chuan did not say much about this court session.

Instead, let the parties begin their court presentations directly.

Duan Zhao's court statement as the prosecutor was very simple and convenient.

That is to once again emphasize objective facts and evidence and the integrity of the evidence chain.

and determine the criminal conduct of the defendant and how egregious and serious the circumstances involved were.

in addition.…

It is a special explanation of the situation Li Xiaoguo was involved in.


After the prosecutor's statement, the statements of each defendant followed.

The statements made by the lawyers entrusted by other defendants only maintained one core.

Plea guilty and accept punishment...

Petition for leniency.

Apart from this, there are no other requests.

But in Li Xiaoguo's court statement.

Tian Yang's statement was completely different. He still wanted to fight for relevant legal rights for his client.

But for Tian Yang’s statement.

Whether it is from a legal perspective or from the subjective point of view of the collegial panel.

Li Xiaoguo's criminal facts have been confirmed.

Is there any point in continuing to expound on innocence?

It makes no sense at all! Wait until Tian Yang finishes the relevant court statement.

As the presiding judge, Cao Chuan did not listen to Tian Yang's statement and immediately asked the victim to make a statement.

Su Bai heard the presiding judge asking his side to start making court statements.

He simply sorted out the litigation materials in front of him.

Regarding this trial, Su Bai has actually been able to confirm that Li Xiaoguo will definitely be found guilty in the end.

But it doesn't amount to the death penalty.

So in this trial, no matter how many court statements are made, it doesn't mean much.

At least in his opinion, from a legal perspective, it doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, in this court statement, Su Bai asked Wu Jiang to make this court statement.

At the beginning, Wu Jiang didn't know how to make a court statement.

I was afraid that if I said something wrong, something unexpected would happen in this trial.

But with Su Bai's encouragement, he told him what he wanted to state.

Wu Jiang only began to express his true emotions and true court statements in this trial.

Wu Jiang raised his head and looked at the judgment seat.

I don't know whether it was due to emotion or nervousness, but there was a trace of tremor in his voice.

"The presiding judge...I don't know what to say in this court statement."

"I just want to express my opinion about this case and about the defendant."

"I'm sure you don't know the law without the presiding judge, but I don't know if the presiding judge has a daughter and what kind of feelings you have towards your daughter."

"In this case, after Xiaojie was violated, my feelings before and after were completely different."

"Before the case happened, Xiaojie, my daughter, was the victim of this case."

"She is very cheerful and sunny."

"Every day when I get home from school, I will say, Dad, how did I do at school today, what did I want to eat, and what good things did I bring you."

"Xiaojie was very positive and progressive at that time."

"But what now?"

"After this incident, Xiaojie was in great pain every day. I haven't seen a smile on her face for a long time."

"As a father, I am very sad!"

"Because I can't accept that my daughter has changed so much."

"I can't accept that my daughter is in such pain."

"Psychologically, I firmly oppose and resist these criminal suspects."

"At the beginning, before the main culprit Li Xiaoguo was charged, I was extremely desperate."

"I think I am a very incompetent daughter was hurt, and I had no way to resist."

"Sometimes I feel useless."

"But now, I am sitting in the seat of the victim's family today, and I see all five defendants, including one."

"My greatest hope is that these people, for the harm they caused to my daughter, will be given the justice they deserve by law!"

"presiding judge."

"This is my statement and my statement as a father!"


Wu Jiang's statement was entirely based on his true feelings.

During the presentation process, I kept recalling the past.

A grown man's eyes were red and his voice was choked with sobs.

In the court hearing, the staff who heard the statement could not help but feel a sense of sympathy in their hearts.

After all...most of the people here are people with families and they know what this situation means.

On the trial bench, after Wu Jiang finished his statement.

Although Cao Chuan had some feelings in his heart, this was during a court hearing and he needed to maintain a calm attitude.

Banging the gavel, he spoke slowly:

"All parties have completed their court presentations."

"The result of the trial is now announced!"

Clerk: "Everyone stand up!"

The gavel fell, and only Cao Chuan's voice was heard, echoing in the courtroom:

"This case of Wu Xiaojie's infringement will be heard by this court, the KM City Intermediate Court."

"Now this court, the Kunming Intermediate People's Court, makes the following judgment on this case based on objective facts and objective evidence:"

"It is judged that the defendant, Zhang Qi, as an accessory in this case, seriously violated the law and was sentenced to 11 years and six months in prison in accordance with domestic laws!"

"The verdict is against the defendant, Li Liang..."

"The verdict is against the defendant, Zhang Shanfeng..."

"The defendant, Lin Long, is sentenced to fifteen years in prison!"


Along with this, the presiding judge announced the sentencing results to the defendants one by one.

Li Xiaoguo was nervous and stared at the court seat without blinking, listening to the presiding judge's trial of him.

Just listen.…

Cao Chuan read out: "The verdict is that Li Xiaoguo is the principal culprit in this case because of the egregious circumstances involved."

"The sentence is suspended with death."

"This case will be heard by the Kunming Intermediate Court. If all parties have any objections to this case, they can appeal within the specified time."


Li Xiaoguo couldn't hear the rest clearly.


When he heard that the death sentence was suspended, Li Xiaoguo obviously couldn't accept it.

Suspended death? !

Why is the death penalty so serious? !

What about his dad? Doesn’t his dad have any arrangements for this case?

If there was an arrangement, why was the sentence so severe?

Li Xiaoguo turned his attention to Zhang Hua in the hearing seat.

At this time, Zhang Hua took a deep breath when he heard the verdict.

I also know in my heart that once this case is decided, there will be no room for maneuver.

Putting aside everything else, Li Xiaoguo was found guilty in this case.

Then everyone else involved must be guilty as well.

As a big scapegoat, I must take the blame for Li Tongwei.

Not only that, but judging from the current situation, it is very likely that he will not be able to bear it.

It's not just the verdict that's over.

But it’s over…

It's all over...


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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