You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 464 If there is criminal responsibility, send all the defendants in!

Chapter 464 If there is criminal responsibility, send all the defendants in!

After clarifying Ye Meizhen's purpose, the rest became much simpler.

Ye Meizhen's purpose was not just to take advantage of Liu Wenya's acceptance of the compensation amount.

Are you looking for an opportunity to send Liu Wenya in for extortion?


The purpose is seen through.

Although Ye Meizhen did not admit this, the expression on her face was particularly unnatural.

But now her thoughts have been seen through by Liu Wenya.

There is no need to continue to trick Liu Wenya.

Ye Meizhen wiped away the non-existent tears, stood up and patted her clothes.

In front of so many people, Ye Meizhen certainly couldn't admit that her purpose was to send Liu Wenya in.

Otherwise, her reputation in the family will be completely ruined.

So he spoke:

"Wenya, my idea is really to compensate you, to make up for you, but if you think so, then there is really nothing I can do."

"Today, I came here with sincerity...but since you don't agree, I can't force you."

"I'm the one interrupting you this time. Of course, if you still want to reconcile, you can contact me."

After Ye Meizhen said some polite words, she left Liu Wenya's house.

But...people who are thoughtful can still tell whether what Liu Wenya said just now is the truth.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

Ye Meizhen's reputation at home was ruined.


Ye Meizhen approached Liu Wenya and wanted to trick Liu Wenya but was rejected, so she went directly to Ye Yuancheng's house.

Ye Yuancheng looked at Ye Meizhen with a worried look:

"Meizhen, now Liu Wenya has refused to reconcile."

"Will this have a particularly big impact on you?"

"Can the son-in-law do anything to help her...can she find someone to arrest her directly, or do something else to prevent Liu Wenya from having other ideas."

"Is this okay?"

Ye Meizhen shook her head: "Dad... do you think you can arrest people casually now?"

"It's all about discipline now."

"There must be a crime for arresting someone. Otherwise, how could I have humbly admitted my mistake to Liu Wenya today and begged her to reconcile."

"I'll give her another five hundred thousand."

"Isn't the purpose just to make her commit a crime?"

"Then...what should we do now? Is there no other way now?"

Ye Yuancheng asked slightly anxiously.

He did all this before for his daughter, if it is all ruined by Liu Wenya now.

Then won’t all the hard work and everything you’ve done before be in vain?

Ye Meizhen shook her head and sighed: "I don't know what to do now."

"We can only see the subsequent processing results, but dad, I have to remind you, don't think about any messy things."

"If you make some mess, it will affect me more."

"Hmm...I know."

Ye Yuancheng nodded, sighing deeply in his heart, and didn't say anything more.


On the other side, the Provincial High Court also sent the verdict that Liu Wenya had been waiting for to her home by mail.

as soon as the judgment is issued.

Liu Wenya opened it and read the contents of the verdict.

The final verdict was completely consistent with his appeal.

Seeing this result, Liu Wenya sighed deeply, now that he had this verdict.

Then she can report it to various administrative departments, schools and Ye Meizhen's unit!

Within a few days, Liu Wenya went to his former high school and middle school one after another.

As well as Ye Meizhen's current school, the relevant administrative departments, and the university where Ye Meizhen originally enrolled in her place.

The verdict results and corresponding claims were submitted respectively.

On the other side, Li Xuezhen received the verdict issued by Liu Wenya.

The details of the case, as well as the case introduction and judgment results, were posted on the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm.


The short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm has as many as three million fans.

Every time we encounter a special case or a major case, the views of a single video on Baijun Law Firm's short video account can reach tens of millions.

These playback volumes do not include reprints and network-wide platforms.

Generally speaking, a case released by Baijun Law Firm will become a case that attracts attention.

The same is true for this case. There was originally a small-scale discussion at the beginning of the first trial.

After the relevant information about this case was released on the short video account of Bai Jun Law Firm, the case once again aroused attention.

In the short video comment area, many people appeared and commented in the comment area.

"This case was understood from the very beginning."

"To be honest, from a personal perspective, I just feel that without the intervention and guidance of the Supreme Court, even if Lawyer Su is responsible for this case, it will not meet the client's litigation requirements."

"how to say.…"

"It involves being replaced, and the law involved is the Constitution. This lawsuit is very difficult."

“And looking at the results.”

"Liu Wenya's life has been replaced by Ye Meizhen."

"The proceedings requested are entirely reasonable..."

"But I just want to ask a question here, what happens after you win the lawsuit?"

"It has been judged that Liu Wenya's life is now ruined. How can a ruined life be considered a loss?

With only losing so much money, can Liu Wenya's life be saved? "

"I was replaced in college many years ago. This loss may not be described in terms of money, right?"

"Also, Ye Meizhen and Ye Meizhen's father used deception to deceive Liu Wenya and let Ye Meizhen go to college instead of Liu Wenya."

"Isn't there any criminal law involved?"

"Is this considered fraud? Or is this considered fraud, causing harm to others and reaching the level of criminal liability?"

This comment expressed the issues that everyone is concerned about and was directly ranked first in the comment area.

After this issue received widespread attention, a lawyer provided a dedicated answer below the video.

"There is currently no criminal law provision in the domestic criminal law for taking someone else's place in school."

"The Supreme Court did not provide a detailed explanation of this aspect of the crime."

"So from these two aspects, replacing others to go to college does not constitute a criminal act." ˜ ˜ ˆ "It also does not constitute crimes such as fraud and fraud, because crimes such as fraud and fraud have the same subjective purpose as replacing others to go to college. The right subjects are different.”

"Otherwise, why didn't Lawyer Su, the top criminal lawyer in the country, just send all the defendants in?"

"Is it because Lawyer Su doesn't want to?"

"Or does Lawyer Su not have that ability?"

"Then there must be no relevant laws to send the defendant there!"

"So lawyer Su can only fight this case from the perspective of the Constitution."

"From this point of view, can we understand it?"

Comment below:

"Hahaha, use Lawyer Su as an example, and suddenly I understand!"

"When I think about it, I completely understand. As one of the top criminal lawyers in the country, Lawyer Su has sent defendants, plaintiffs, judges, lawyers appointed by the other party, etc.!"

"If the defendant violated the criminal law this time, he will definitely be sent to prison!"

"Why not send it? There must be no legal conditions!"

"It's just a pity... There is no such legal provision in China that makes it a crime to take someone else's place in school. It's really a pity."

"Does that mean the defendant has no influence at all?"

Someone replied: "It's not that there is no impact at all. You can target the following relevant departments to increase some popularity."

"I remember that Ye Meizhen seemed to have entered work illegally, and her position in the unit was not low."

"The heat is up."

"At least the relevant departments will check Ye Meizhen's academic status and position."

"Okay, okay. If everyone makes this case more popular and attracts the attention of relevant departments, this problem will be much easier to solve!"

When someone raised this issue, many people began to forward the video to the relevant Aite departments for handling.

And under this heat.

The relevant judgment submitted by Liu Wenya quickly attracted the attention of the local administrative department.

Based on the court's ruling, the local administrative department conducted a strict investigation into Ye Meizhen's illegal entry into the establishment and illegal enrollment.

After determining the facts.

Immediately fire Ye Meizhen from the staff!

Her university has applied to the Ministry of Education to cancel Ye Meizhen’s student status!

Inside the school principal's office.

Ye Meizhen was particularly dissatisfied with the situation of her dismissal from the staff, and went to the principal to ask for an explanation.

"Principal Lin, I have just been promoted to the vice principal of our school, and they are going to fire me!"

"Principal Lin...can you intercede for me?"

"No matter what, I can't just be promoted to vice-principal here and then be dismissed from the establishment, right?"

Principal Lin looked at Ye Meizhen and shook his head:

"This expulsion is a decision from above. What role can I play as a principal?"

"Besides, the impact you caused was so great, and you did come in illegally."

"As your leader, I only have a notification role for you."

"The rest...I can't help or say anything."

"This...I really can't help it."

"Okay, pack your things and go."

Faced with Principal Lin's urging, Ye Meizhen did not speak.

After this case is over, whether it is her future in school, her image in her hometown, or her college diploma.

His reputation in this city was completely destroyed.

As long as they are people in the circle, or people who know her.

Now everyone knows that she went to college instead of Liu Wenya.

Ye Meizhen was extremely angry about Liu Wenya's unrelenting attitude, which led to Ye Meizhen's current situation.

But before she could get angry, people from the supervision department on the other side came to investigate.

Ye Meizhen was a little surprised by this kind of investigation:

"I just went to college in place of someone else, and I didn't do anything illegal, right?"

"Why should I be subject to supervision and review?"

Ye Meizhen didn't understand. What she did could only be said to be a moral and civil punishment.

It's not even criminal.

But what's going on now... Now the supervisory department has come directly to investigate her!

The staff of the supervision department also explained Ye Meizhen's doubts.

"We have received a report...the content of the report is that you violated regulations when you were promoted from director to vice principal."

"And your husband Wang Qirui was also involved in the report."

"Now we have brought your husband Wang Qirui to the supervision department for investigation."

"There are some questions we also need to know from you."

"So...please come with us."

Ye Meizhen was stunned for a moment after hearing the statement from the supervisory department staff.

His expression was cloudy and uncertain.

If she was expelled, this would be a big loss for her family.

Then her husband, Wang Qirui, was investigated by the supervisory department.

That's a big deal!

Her family is all counting on her husband!

Now her husband is under investigation?

Regarding her promotion to vice principal, Ye Meizhen knew that there must be a process.

after all.…

When Liu Wenya came to make trouble, she reported it to the Education Bureau and the administrative department.

All of this was suppressed, and there were certain problems with her file.

Ye Meizhen didn't know how Wang Qirui solved these problems. He just told her to wait patiently and wait for her promotion to vice principal.

But now...

Looking at the current situation, something is completely wrong!

Think of this.

Ye Meizhen felt cold, if something really happened to Wang Qirui.

Then their whole family is overturned! .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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