You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 476 There is no regret medicine in the world, it comes from the defendant’s endless regret.

Chapter 476 There is no regret medicine in the world, it comes from the defendant’s endless regret.

On the court, the gavel fell, and serious voices echoed in the courtroom.

Xie An, who was sitting in the defendant's seat, felt his heart suddenly tremble for some reason.

There is always a feeling of panic.

This feeling of panic made him feel very uncomfortable.

But I couldn’t tell exactly where I felt uncomfortable.

The same is true for Xie Lirong, but Xie Lirong's panic comes from the unknown of her father's final sentence.

And the fear of not knowing what to do in the future.

Just now... Su Bai made it very clear in his lawsuit application.

In this case, she may face more than just jail time.

They also need to face a series of problems such as high compensation for joint property between husband and wife and loss of custody rights.

Let’s not talk about jail time and custody issues.

The former is definitely there, but she doesn't care about the latter.

The issue that Xie Lirong is most concerned about is the division of property.

If the court really sentences her to leave the house, then he will pay Liu Xuewei's family more than 400,000 yuan in compensation for their joint property.

She didn't work, and her parents didn't leave much assets.

How can I have so much money to pay off this debt?

There is absolutely no ability to repay this debt.

In fact, it would be okay if it was just this. After all, if you take your time, you will be able to pay it off one day.

But...During this court hearing, Xie Lirong always felt that the final penalty might not be very friendly to Xie An.

Xie Lirong had a vague feeling like this, but she didn't dare to think about it too deeply.

Because the first-instance judgment had already sentenced Xie An to suspended death, it would be even worse if the second-instance judgment was given.

There is only one death penalty!

"No, no, no..."

Xie Lirong kept thinking silently in her heart.

At the same time, he set his sights on the court seat.

The seat of judgment.

After banging the hammer, Hu Yuxiang spoke directly to the court.

"Please invite the prosecutor to begin his court statement."

"Good judge."

The prosecutor simply sorted out the materials.

As the prosecutor in this case, Lin Xiao has been making simple statements.

This time the presiding judge asked him to make a court statement.

He also made a brief statement.

Then, the crimes of several defendants were described in detail and authenticated from the subjective aspects to the behavioral aspects.

And respectively recommended the appropriate prison terms.

The recommended prison term for the principal criminal Xie An is the death penalty. The remaining recommended prison terms for the remaining accomplices, Liang Xinglong, Xie Lirong, and Xie Lirong’s mother, are -

Three years in prison, five years in prison, five years and six months in prison.

Originally, Liang Xinglong, as an accessory, had a relatively large proportion of responsibility.

He can be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of about five years, but in view of his confession and meritorious service.

The sentence was reduced to three years in prison.

After the prosecutor has finished stating the corresponding circumstances of this case.

The presiding judge Hu Yuxiang, who was sitting on the bench, asked the defendant to start making court statements again.

The defendant's court statement is generally relatively complicated.

The complexity here does not mean that the legal relationship is complicated.

Rather, everyone’s situation regarding court presentations is relatively complicated.

All have different ideas.

Xie An wanted to take all the responsibility on himself.

Xie Lirong realized her mistake and kept expressing her sincere attitude during the trial.

But now that the facts of the crime have been reached, even if he keeps expressing his sincerity.

So can Liu Xuewei survive?


Since he cannot survive, it is useless to keep expressing his sincere attitude.

At least in a legal sense.

Therefore, those who should be punished still need to be punished, and those who should be sentenced still need to be sentenced.

Xie Lirong's mother did not have much presence in this trial.

But in the actual situation, she knew her daughter's situation and supported her daughter.

And he came up with some ideas... He also told Xie An where to kill Liu Xuewei.

Therefore, the sentences sentenced are heavier than those of Liang Xinglong and Xie Lirong.

During the court statement, Xie Lirong's mother did not speak and remained silent.

Regarding this situation, Hu Yuxiang directly skipped the court statement of Xie Lirong's mother.

Let Liang Xinglong begin his court statement.

Compared with the other three, Liang Xinglong's statutory statement is relatively simple.

In this trial, his lawyer friend served as his attorney.

He also stated to him Liang Xinglong’s fault and other circumstances in this case.

Although the sentence of three years' imprisonment exceeded Liang Xinglong's expectations.

But it is still much better than the original five-year prison sentence.

And if you perform meritorious service and behave well in prison, your sentence may be reduced.

Thinking of this, Liang Xinglong directly pleaded guilty and accepted the punishment, saying that he would not have any objection to the presiding judge's sentence.

When it was the injured party's turn to make a statement in court, Su Bai took a deep breath.

In this case, he didn't know what the presiding judge's final intention was.

He only knew that the presiding judge's preference might be to sentence Xie An to death.

Therefore, in this court statement, he must further state the criminal crimes of Xie An and other defendants.

Only then can we confirm that the sentence recommended by the prosecutor has been agreed by the presiding judge.

Thinking of this, Su Bai took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke:

"Presiding Judge, the content of our court statement is relatively simple."

"But it also... also expresses the views of our victim Liu Xuewei's family on this case."

"And the views of some people who are concerned about this case."

"The following is our court statement."

"We believe that the conditions involved by the four defendants in this case are relatively bad."

"First of all, let's start from Xie An's perspective. What is Xie An's situation?" "Xie An's subjective motivation is based on the current legal situation. It is obviously because he knows that his life is short and he wants to provide for his daughter. He wanted to fight for property, so he killed his son-in-law Liu Xuewei."

"A person who knows that he has a disease and will not live for many years goes to harm others and fight for the interests of his descendants."

"What does this belong to?"

"This is a serious threat to social stability."

"If everyone does this from Xie An's perspective and Xie An's subjective motivations, then the impact will be very large."

"From this point of view, it can be concluded that Xie An was murdered."

“It’s absolutely possible to impose a harsher sentence!”

"Let's start from the perspective of Xie Lirong and Xie Lirong's mother. Let's not talk about how they agreed with Xie An to kill Liu Xuewei."

"But since the subjective intention to kill someone for the purpose of planning property requires a heavy sentence."

"In this case, it was a case of deliberate murder of one person by several people who conspired together."

"And there are inextricable connections between these people."

"It is equivalent to the situation of deliberately killing others to seize other people's property in a marriage relationship."

"This situation is egregious, both legally and morally."

"Under such a bad situation, the intentional killing carried out under such subjective motives in this case must be severely punished by law!"

“So we believe that the defendants involved in this case who have violated criminal responsibilities must be severely sentenced!”

"Presiding Judge...the above is the content of our court statement."


Su Bai's court statement had only one main purpose, and that was to increase the sentence.

No other aspects of the lawsuit were mentioned.

Because Su Bai knew very well in his heart that as long as Xie Lirong was sentenced, all other claims he made would be approved.

Therefore, the key to the court statement is still the sentence.

At the trial bench, after all parties have made relevant court statements.

Hu Yuxiang briefly compiled the court statements from all parties.

There were no major problems with the prosecution's court case.

However, except for Liang Xinglong, the other three defendants either made no sense in their court statements or expressed silence in their court statements.

The statutory submissions regarding the defendant are certainly subject to rejection.

As for the victim’s court statement...

how to say.

As he had expected before, the discussion was based on the prison term.

Since the discussion is based on the prison term, the next thing will be much easier to handle.

Completion of court submissions from all parties.

Hu Yuxiang banged the gavel directly: "The court statements of all parties have been completed."

"The court proceedings are over."

"Now let's pass the verdict on this trial!"

Following the clerk's words, everyone stood up, and all relevant persons involved in the court hearing stood up.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yuxiang began to read out the verdict of the court trial:

"In this trial, the defendants are Xie An, Xie Lirong, Wang Mengyao, Liang Xinglong and four others."

"The case of conspiracy to kill the victim Liu Xuewei is to be judged."

"This trial will be heard by the Sichuan Provincial High Court as the second instance."

"The verdict is as follows."

"The defendants, Xie Lirong, Wang Mengyao, and Liang Xinglong, as accomplices in this case, are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of five years in prison, five years and six months in prison, and three years in prison respectively!"

"Judgment to the defendant Xie An."

"Reject the judgment of the first instance judgment against Xie An."

"With regard to Xie An's role as the principal culprit in this case and the circumstances involved, the following judgment is made."

"Xie An is sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life!"

"Regarding the civil lawsuit filed by the victim, the verdict is as follows:"

"This court believes that Xie Lirong committed a major fault in the relationship between Xie Lirong and Liu Xuewei, and intentionally caused Liu Xuewei's death both subjectively and behaviorally."

"The verdict is now that we agree with the property distribution proposed by the victim."

"It is decreed that Xie Lirong cleans herself up and leaves the house, and compensates the husband and wife's common property."

"Also, regarding the issue of custody of the children born to Xie Lirong and Liu Xuewei."

"Through factual investigation and evidence, it has been confirmed that Xie Lirong did not provide adequate support to her children and made serious mistakes in the marriage."

"The verdict is now that the custody rights will be given to Liu Xuewei's younger brother Liu Xuezhi."


"The above judgment will be heard and judged by the Arikawa Provincial High Court."

"If any party has any objection to the judgment of this case or believes that there are any problems with this case, they can appeal or submit it to supervisory review."

The gavel fell.

The dull sound spread throughout the courtroom.

It also hit hard on the hearts of Xie An and Xie Lirong.

When Xie An heard that he was sentenced to death, he was a little confused at first, but he quickly accepted this reality.

After all... in his opinion, he himself doesn't have long to live.

But when I heard that Xie Lirong and his wife had been sentenced to so many years.

And...when the presiding judge agrees to all the civil lawsuits appealed by the victim.

In this aspect, Xie An obviously couldn't accept it.

He protested at the court seat: "I have no problem with the verdict!"

"But why are my daughter and my wife sentenced so harshly?"


"Give me a judge!"

Xie An wanted to break free from the restraints of the bailiff and rush to the trial seat.

But as a serious criminal, he was already shackled and handcuffed.

There is no way to escape the restraints of the bailiff.

Xie An could only be found pinned to the ground, and the bailiff's voice came to his ears:

"Don't move! Don't move!"


On the side, Xie Lirong looked a little anxious after seeing Xie An being pinned to the ground.

But the bailiffs on both sides of her were also watching Xie Lirong, preventing her from violating any rules.

at this moment.…

Xie Lirong looked at Liang Xinglong, and she felt endless regret and hatred for herself.


Ps: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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