You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 479: One life is worth one dinner? !

Chapter 479: Is one life worth a meal? !

Summons room.

The atmosphere in the room seemed a bit quiet.

The three people in the summons room all had their own ideas.

After Zhang Kou finished speaking his thoughts, he looked straight at the lawyer opposite him.

He didn't know if the lawyer his friend found could give his mother justice.

His only thought and only appeal now is to find justice for his mother.

Not to mention anything else, he had no father since he was a child, and it was his mother who raised him with all the hard work.

He and his mother have a very deep relationship.

After Zhang Kou saw his mother beaten to death by the village bullies, his only belief was revenge and helping his mother find justice.

If I cannot help my mother seek justice, then the years I have lived will be meaningless...

Now that he is unable to avenge his mother, the only thing he can do now is to place his hope in the law.

If the law cannot give him justice, then he... Even if he is sentenced to death and accepts the death penalty voluntarily, he will still be unwilling to do so.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kou looked a little lonely: "Lawyer..."

"I know that my appeal may be relatively troublesome..."

"I have saved a little bit of savings outside over the years."

"To be honest, I don't have any relatives now. If you, lawyer, can help me complete my commission."

"Or...let me see that the law can give me a fair answer."

"I can pay your high legal fees, but...this high legal fees have a certain limit, and I can only spend all my savings."

"After all... I know that I may be sentenced to death. Even if I promise too much, I still don't have the ability to deliver."

"I don't know...can we complete the commission for this case?"

When Zhang Kou said this, he looked at Su Bai with a hint of expectation and observation in his eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to see if the lawyer in front of him could help him complete his commission and give his mother legal justice.

Facing Zhang Kou's inquiry, Su Bai was silent for a few seconds, which could not be seen from Zhang Kou's words.

Zhang Kou attaches great importance to his entrustment. Otherwise, he would not reveal his property and show that he can pay high legal fees.


Su Bai could understand Zhang Kou's behavior and his own attitude.

If it weren't for Zhang Kou's experience of his mother being murdered, Su Bai might not have commissioned this case.

Therefore, Su Bai's attitude towards this case is that the client's demands must be met.

Su Bai and Zhang Kou looked at each other and said, "Since we, Bai Jun Law Firm, have entrusted this case."

"Then we will definitely... try our best to complete the client's commission."

"If you think our Bai Jun Law Firm can complete your entrustment, this is our law firm's power of attorney."

"If you confirm there are no problems, you can sign it."

I don't know why, but Zhang Kou has unusual trust in Su Bai.

Without saying anything, he took the pen and the power of attorney and signed his name on the power of attorney.

Then he handed the power of attorney to Su Bai.

"I trust your law firm."

"I've already signed the letter, Lawyer Su. I'll beg Lawyer Su for the rest."

Zhang Kou stood up and bowed deeply to Su Bai.

Regarding this situation, Su Bai looked calm and didn't say much, but he had some thoughts in his heart.


Wait until you get out of the detention center.

Su Bai raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. The sky was gray.

Li Xuezhen on the side couldn't help but sympathize with Zhang Kou's experience after listening to Zhang Kou's experience, especially when she heard Zhang Kou's account of her mother's murder.

But the law is the law...

Sympathy is sympathy.

They can only try their best to protect the legal rights and interests of Zhang Kou and Zhang Kou's mother from a legal perspective.


Li Xuezhen's little face bulged slightly, she breathed softly and said:

"Lawyer Su, in this case, I saw the client's experience in the file materials, but I didn't feel that deeply about it."

"But when I heard the client describe the detailed process..."

"I suddenly felt...those village bullies have gone too far!"

"He beat people in public and beat them to death!"

"To be so cruel to a woman, and others have not done anything wrong, they not only buy and sell by force, but also beat others!"

"You should be sentenced to death!"


Su Bai nodded and agreed with Li Xuezhen's statement:

"A village bully like this usually likes to bully people in the same village."

"Theoretically speaking, if a group fight results in death, and it is an act of forced buying and selling, at least a suspended death sentence will be given."

"Now that the legal system is in place...this situation has disappeared on a large scale."

"However, the situation involved in Zhang Kou's case is still quite serious."

"Well..." Li Xuezhen looked up at Su Bai: "Then Lawyer Su..."

"In a situation like Zhang Kou's, can his sentence be reduced? Is it possible to achieve a reduced sentence?"

Su Bai couldn't confirm this either.

"This depends on the opinions of the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel."

"It just involves the death of one person, and it also involves a plan to murder others."

"If it only involves the death of one person, it would be relatively easy to get a suspended death sentence. However, Zhang Kou planned to kill several people and it was a premeditated act. It is difficult to get a reduced sentence."

"However... it is not impossible to commute the sentence."

"Oh, okay, Lawyer Su, I understand."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.

"Well, let's go to the Intermediate Court again and check the contents of the file carefully."

"Then we will go to Zhang Kou's hometown to learn about the situation."

"Then prepare to appeal."

Hearing Su Bai's arrangement, Li Xuezhen nodded seriously: "Yes, okay!"

It’s not too difficult to get the dossier! You only need to submit the corresponding materials and wait for the file copy to be completed.

The focus of this case is to complete Zhang Kou’s litigation commission.

What is Zhang Kou's litigation entrustment?

Zhang Kou's legal commission is that he doesn't care about his own punishment. What he cares about is whether the law can return justice to his mother.

Therefore...if you want to complete Zhang Kou's litigation commission, you must go to Zhang Kou's hometown to understand the situation in depth.

Let’s learn more about Zhang Chuancheng, who bullied Zhang Kou’s mother and son, and why he was not punished because of the circumstances.

Zhang Kou didn’t know much about this matter. He only had a few heard versions.

For example: Zhang Chuancheng gave people money and so on.

Therefore, for this situation, Su Bai needed to conduct on-site investigation to confirm what the exact scenario was.

after all.…

Currently, Zhang Chuancheng has not been punished by the law, nor has he suffered any repercussions.

Therefore, this issue definitely requires further in-depth investigation.

And how to inquire about it is also very simple. News spreads quickly in the village.

The reason why it spread so quickly was the chatter among the intelligence teams such as uncles and aunties.

The impact of something like Zhang Chuancheng's happening is so great that several nearby villages must have heard about it and heard about it.

In the nearby villages, if you ask some uncles and aunties about this matter, you will definitely be able to find out. certainly.…

It's definitely not possible to ask someone directly.

After all, the two of them are outsiders.

You wouldn't be a fool to directly ask the uncles and aunties in the village.

People must also know what these are for.

In order not to cause trouble, no one would be willing to say these things.

It is certainly unrealistic to know these directly.

So, after arriving at a nearby village, Su Bai dressed up specially, weighed two boxes of milk, and went directly to an ordinary family's home.

The other party was obviously confused after seeing Su Bai and Li Xuezhen, and couldn't help but ask:

"who are you?"

Su Bai smiled and said: "Cousin, don't you recognize me?"

"My mother is your uncle's cousin's sister!"

"I'm your nephew!"

"I happened to be here this time. I heard from my mother that my cousin lives I came over to see my cousin."

"My mother also said that you came to my house to visit me when you were a child and hugged me. Cousin, don't you remember?"

When the "cousin" heard Su Bai explain the identity of his relatives, he went through all his seven aunts and eight aunts in his mind.

My uncle's cousin's sister's?

Has she hugged her yet?

Isn't this relationship too far-reaching? No...why doesn't she seem to remember that she has such a distant relative?

But if you don’t remember, you won’t remember.

The other party announced his home and came over to see me with his things. This is a sign of sincerity.

After all, who has nothing to do to carry their things and come to their home to recognize their relatives?


In her cousin's thoughts, she had forgotten it for the time being.

So they welcomed Su Bai and Li Xuezhen in with smiles on their faces, and kept saying:

"Why don't you remember? I remember. It's just that your child has grown so big that my cousin didn't recognize it for a while."

"Is this your wife?"

"You're so handsome! Come on, come on, come in and sit down. I'm just starting to make lunch. You two should stay here at noon today and don't leave. Let's have lunch together."

"Cousin" warmly entertained the two of them.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen walked in with a smile.

Especially Li Xuezhen, when she heard her cousin praise Su Bai's daughter-in-law for being so handsome.

The little face was full of joy.

Su Bai knew about this family, and the "cousin" knew some information about Zhang Chuancheng, Zhang Kou and Zhang Kou's mother.

After all, the identity of this "cousin" is not simple.

Known nearby as the leader of the intelligence team.

What does intelligence team leader mean?

This means that everything in the nearby villages, even trivial matters, is very clear.

Belongs to the gossip organization intelligence network.


While eating and chatting, Su Bai kept asking about Zhang Chuancheng from the side.

The "cousin" was originally the leader of the intelligence team, and she responded enthusiastically to Su Bai's side inquiries.

When Su Bai mentioned that he was living in the city now, he might have to go to the village for a while for work needs.

When she wanted to know whether the public security in the village was good, "cousin" waved her hand: "Don't worry, the public security in the village is very good now."

"It's not like it was in previous years..."

"In the past few years? Was the public security very bad in the past few years? Cousin, please tell me so that I can pay more attention."


My cousin said enthusiastically: "Fortunately, you are here to work now. It would have been dangerous if you did it before."

"Just like in previous years, there were often fights and knife attacks in the village."

"There are still people who have been beaten to death."

"It's like Zhang Chuancheng from our neighboring village. I wonder if you've heard of it."

"A few years ago, I beat a woman to death because she wanted to seize other people's land. Now that her son has come back, that woman has been trying to kill him."

"No...he robbed people of their things and beat them to death. Couldn't anyone catch him?"

"Oh, how can an orphan and a widower do better than someone with a background?"

"Talk about this, the orphan and the widowed mother are really pitiful."


"Cousin" kept telling Su Bai the specific situation.

In the process, Su Bai also learned about the more specific situation.

It turns out... Zhang Chuancheng was not arrested because he found a friend of his sister.

Had a drink.

Didn't even spend any money, didn't do anything else.

Then the town suppressed the matter.

When Su Bai heard the reason, he took a deep breath.

It seems that here, orphans and widowed mothers are indeed easily bullied.

There is no justice for a human life if it is drunk by others.

It is also very sad to say.

At this time, Li Xuezhen's face was full of surprise, and she asked:

"You just had a drink and suppressed this matter?"

"Isn't there anyone who reported it or made a report?"

"No matter what, this is a human life!"

My cousin waved her hand and said, "I can't help it. I have a background and strength in the local area."

"So what if someone reports you? If you report it, it won't fall into their hands."

"I heard someone reported this case."

"But Zhang Chuancheng took someone's report letter and went directly to his home and asked him why he reported him."

"They apologized and took money to resolve the matter."

"Who dares to report secretly again after this incident?"

"Besides, the mother and son, the orphan and the widow, don't have a man to support them."

"This matter will be settled..."

Understand the entire detailed process and situation.

Su Bai took a long breath.

This case is described through the "cousin".

It can be seen that many people in several nearby villages know about this matter.

But due to Zhang Chuancheng's reputation in the neighborhood and the title of bully.

No one dared to come forward and advocate for justice.

Of course... what "cousin" just said was very clear.

It's not that no one dares to come forward, but those who do come forward are threatened.

In this case, many people are unwilling to offend Zhang Chuancheng.

So this happened...

Having said that, if you look at it this way, Zhang Chuancheng is really a bully in the local area! .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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