You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 483 It’s over, it’s over, everyone involved is over!

Chapter 483 It’s over, it’s over, everyone involved is over!

On the barrage in the trial live broadcast room, many people were carefully analyzing the outcome of this case.

The more Zhang Chuancheng watched the barrages in the live broadcast room, the more panicked he became.

how to say.…

Rich people are afraid of those who are ruthless, and those who are ruthless are afraid of those who risk their lives, like Zhang Kou.

If the sentence is commuted, it may take more than ten years for him to be released. After he is released, they may retaliate even more harshly.


Zhang Chuancheng was afraid that Zhang Kou would not be sentenced to death in this case, which would cause him great trouble in the future.

He kept nervously staring at the live broadcast room of the trial that was in recess.

I kept thinking silently in my mind: "This trial will definitely sentence Zhang Kou to death. There is no problem."

It's just that Zhang Chuancheng said it silently.

But when I saw the barrage in the court trial live broadcast room, I still felt extremely panicked.

His eyes were fixed on the live broadcast room of the court hearing when the court was adjourned until the court resumed.


The adjournment is over and the court will resume.

Members of the collegial panel came to the court hearing seat.

As the presiding judge, Wang Youwei glanced around at all the people present in court.

Then the gavel was struck.

"The adjournment is over, now all parties are invited to make court statements."

"Does the prosecutor need to make a court statement?"

As the prosecutor, Lin Yuan looked up at the presiding judge's seat.

Lin Yuanxin was very clear.

The purpose of the presiding judge's adjournment just now was to discuss the outcome of this final judgment.


The result has now been discussed.

Therefore, in this trial, whether the death penalty is imposed or not.

Now it is estimated that the collegial panel has already had relevant opinions and made relevant decisions.

As a public prosecutor, as a prosecutor, he also stated all the relevant circumstances that he should state at the trial.

As for the court statement.

In Lin Yuan's view, there is no need for the prosecutor to continue making court statements.

So Lin Yuan directly gave up making court statements.

Faced with Lin Yuan's resignation, the presiding judge Wang Youwei looked directly at the appellant's seat.

"The public prosecutor has given up making court statements, and the appellant has entrusted a lawyer. Should he make a court statement?"

"We are going to make a court statement."

Facing the presiding judge's question, Su Bai answered without hesitation that he would make a court statement.

This court statement is very important to the appeal party.

And it is also very important for Zhang Kou's commission application.

At present, what Su Bai can be sure of is that this case will most likely result in a suspended death sentence for Zhang Kou.

In the case of Zhang Kou's second trial, he won the case and overfulfilled the commission.

But what is Zhang Kou's final commission?

Zhang Kou's final mission is to get justice for his mother!

Currently, there has been no progress regarding Zhang Kou's commission.

But it’s not hard to imagine why there is no progress.

After all.

The case of Zhang Kou's mother being beaten to death is an old case, and it only involves an ordinary person.

If you want to go through normal judicial channels and judicial procedures, it will be too difficult to give justice to Zhang Kou's mother.

Therefore, if you want to give justice to Zhang Kou’s mother.

The best and most effective way is to use public opinion to supervise the judicial situation and let the case of Zhang Kou's mother get attention.

This is also the most critical point of this court presentation.

Of course, this court statement also has an idea that affects the presiding judge's preference.

Clear your mind.

Su Bai spoke slowly: "President, our court statement is as follows."

"In this case, we admit our client's criminal guilt."

"We also admit that we have had the intention to murder other people. These are objective facts and we do not deny it."


"Here we still want to state the subjective situation of our client."

Su Bai placed the material printed with Zhang Kou's confession on the table and continued:

"Our country's traditional culture is extensive and profound. There has been a saying since ancient times that the hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable."

"I am not stating this opinion to show that killing is right."

"But to describe the hatred that descendants have when a close relative is killed. This is infinite."

"In this case, why did Zhang Kou kill someone? Where did his motive and reason for killing come from?"

"The biggest reason is that Zhang Kou saw the victim and his group helplessly watch his mother being beaten to death by several strong men in order to grab the land."

"And it was a very humiliating beating to death."

"As a son, I watched my mother being insulted by a group of people, and I watched my mother being beaten to death."

"But he didn't have any ability to resist, or in other words, he didn't have any practical help for his mother in the process."

"What will Zhang Kou's psychological journey be like?"

"Zhang Kou must be filled with hatred when his only relative was killed."

"After all... I watched my mother being beaten to death with my own eyes."

"This has left a deep impression in Zhang Kou's heart, and it can be regarded as a very big obsession."

"Under this obsession...Zhang Kou had no choice but to choose his own revenge."

"Perhaps at this point, everyone will ask whether the law did not give justice to Zhang Kou and Zhang Kou's mother."

"In this regard, after my investigation, I learned that after Zhang Kou's mother was beaten to death, the criminal suspect was not severely punished by the law."


"This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Kou chose to take revenge on his own."

"After all...if there is a way, if we can get legal help."

"Who is willing to take the risk and expose themselves to liability for breaking the law?"

"In other words, if the law severely punished the murderer who hurt Zhang Kou's mother, would Zhang Kou still be a criminal suspect today?"

"This is food for thought."

"based on above.…"

"We believe that our criminal motives, reasons for the crime, and the extreme nature of his subjective intentions are all understandable."

"And this murder case did not result in unusually serious objective factual consequences."

"So... we believe that our client should not be sentenced to death."

"Presiding Judge, the above is our statement."

Su Bai's statement was relatively simple.

There are two key points. One is to influence the presiding judge's tendency, and the other is to expose the fact that Zhang Kou's mother was murdered and the perpetrator has not yet been brought to justice.

Form public opinion to supervise the judiciary.

With the supervision of public opinion, short videos and other exposures.

Then the case of Zhang Kou's mother's murder will be taken seriously by relevant departments. This can also achieve the purpose of Zhang Kou's commission and seek justice for Zhang Kou's mother.

After Su Bai finished his statement.

In the live broadcast room of the public trial, there was also a heated discussion about the content of Su Bai's statement.

The loudest discussion was not whether the death sentence should be suspended.

Rather, I am concerned about why Zhang Kou’s mother was beaten to death and why there was no follow-up and why there was no subsequent arrest, filing, prosecution, or other judicial actions against the corresponding criminals.

Moreover, this problem has evolved to the point where, if we look at the incident involving Zhang Kou’s mother.

Then a series of actions performed by Zhang Kou seemed to be reasonable.

The purpose of this public trial and the intensity of the discussion have changed, to delving into the reasons why Zhang Kou did all this.

"Fuck, this case actually has such a deep connection, I didn't expect it at all!"

"Yeah, I originally thought that it was wrong for Zhang Kou to kill someone, and I should be sentenced as I should. But I didn't expect that he saw his mother being beaten to death with his own eyes and wanted revenge."

"If we look at this reason and motivation, I think we should follow the ancient law of filial piety and exempt from criminal punishment!"

"From this point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Lawyer Su said about this case."

"Yes, yes, support a light sentence! Support an absolute light sentence!"


The audience of the live broadcast of the public trial had a very heated discussion, and on the bench.

As the presiding judge, Wang Youwei could certainly see the reason for Su Bai's statement in court.


As long as the court statement does not involve it, it is too far away from the content of the statement in this trial.

This kind of court statement will pass by turning a blind eye.

No need to delve into it.

Wang Youwei banged the gavel: "All parties have completed their court hearing statements."

"The court defense session is over."

"The verdict will now be announced."

“After discussion, the collegial panel of second instance decided to make the following judgment:”

"Based on the facts, it is determined that the crimes committed by the criminal suspect Zhang Kou in this case do not reach the serious level."

“Based on the above, the result of the first instance judgment is rejected.”

"The criminal suspect Zhang Kou is sentenced to a suspended death sentence!"

When the verdict was announced, at the court hearing, Zhang Kou heard that he had gone from the death penalty announcement to the suspended death sentence.

The whole person, living in the suspect's seat, couldn't help crying.

Suspended death.…

Originally, he thought he was going to die, but now there was a turning point.

At this moment, Zhang Kou's emotions exploded.

All eyes were focused on the suspect's seat.

Even Lin Yuan, who initially insisted on the death penalty in this case, psychologically believed that Zhang Kou should be given a suspended death sentence after listening to Su Bai's court statement.

On the other side, the public live broadcast room unanimously applauded Zhang Kou's suspended death sentence.

Some people even think that the death sentence with a suspended death sentence is still too harsh and demand that the sentence be continued to be lighter.

Regarding the barrage seen in the live broadcast room barrage and the final result of the presiding judge's judgment.

Zhang Chuancheng, who was watching the live broadcast of the trial, was even more panicked about this situation.

What he didn't expect was that this case actually resulted in a suspended death sentence for Zhang Kou!

What does a suspended death sentence mean?

This means that after Zhang Kou completes his sentence, he will most likely come out to seek revenge on himself!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chuancheng's scalp went numb for a while, and he felt that the judge was making a random decision.

But in fact, Wang Youwei, as the presiding judge, made this judgment a very reasonable decision.


Zhang Chuancheng, who is also a murderer, has not been tried by the law.

Forget it if you are not lucky. When your own interests are involved, you would rather hope that Zhang Kou would be sentenced to death. This is obviously wrong.

However, Zhang Chuancheng did not expect that this case would not end here.

Regarding Zhang Kou's mother, she was killed that year but no case was filed and no suspect was arrested.

It caused huge discussion online.

"No...why is there a follow-up to this Zhang Kou case?"

"And the follow-up is still such a big melon?"

"This follow-up is too serious. He killed someone and was shielded by the local justice. The good guy didn't know and thought he was living in some barbaric era!"

"Yes, this happened just a few years ago, not more than ten years ago. Such a serious thing happened. To be honest, this kind of case must be investigated strictly."

"Haha, the most important reason why this case did not attract attention at the time is that the victims were orphans and widowers."

"Now the son of an orphan and a widowed mother has grown up and come back to take revenge. After killing a person and being sentenced to a suspended death sentence, this matter was exposed."

"Delayed justice? What's the use of justice now?"

"Everyone please support me and call the local law enforcement department to find out what's going on."

"I don't believe it when I go to the mainland and go straight to the hot search. No one can take care of this matter now!"


After the case ended, many people noticed the circumstances contained in this case.

This case has also generated huge discussions online, and has not only attracted the attention of local departments.

It has even attracted the attention of provincial departments.

Provincial communication: This case must be investigated thoroughly and a clear explanation must be given!

at the same time.

Zhang Chuancheng's home.

Zhang Chuancheng was originally worried about what he should do if Zhang Kou was not sentenced to death.

Do you want to move?

However, while he was still worried, another bad news came.

Peng Yuhang called Zhang Chuancheng several times in succession and waited until he answered.

Zhang Chuancheng heard Peng Yuhang's furious voice:

"What are you doing? Do you know something big is going on?!"

When Zhang Chuancheng heard that something big had happened, he thought it was Zhang Kou.

So he replied: "I know... I have been thinking about this matter, and I got confused. I was sleeping just now, so I didn't hear the phone ringing."

"Are you talking about the fact that Zhang Kou was not sentenced to death?"

"I know this, I saw it."


Before Zhang Chuancheng could finish speaking, Peng Yuhang directly interrupted Zhang Chuancheng.

"That's not what happened!"

"This is another very serious matter. Now the county, city, and province are paying great attention to the case of Zhang Kou's mother being beaten to death."

"The province sent a message directly, saying that this case will be thoroughly investigated and all the people involved will be investigated!"

"We are in big trouble now, do you know that?!"

When Zhang Chuancheng heard Peng Yuhang's urgent roar, he was confused.


Is the case of Zhang Kou’s mother going to be re-investigated? !

They have also received the attention of the province, so are they all finished?


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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