You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 485 Presiding Judge: Stop talking nonsense, death penalty!

Chapter 485 Presiding Judge: Stop talking nonsense, death penalty!

In terms of the court, the behavior of Zhang Chuancheng and other criminal suspects was investigated.

and verified the material evidence provided by the prosecution and law enforcement parties.

It was confirmed that it was correct, so when the prosecutor asked the court to hear the case, a trial date was immediately arranged.

And the court also understands and clearly understands that the public opinion involved in this case has a relatively large influence.

For the local judicial department, the trouble caused is also very huge.

It has almost affected the local judicial credibility and caused serious negative impacts.

This caused the relevant local leaders to pay unusual attention to this case.

While the court was accepting this case, the administrative department also specially sent a greeting to the court.

It is required that this case be heard in public to eliminate the negative impact on the administration.

The court also asked the victim for his opinion and asked whether the trial could be held in public in accordance with legal requirements and legal actions.

Who is the victim in this case?

The victim is of course Li Suzhen, but the current situation is that Li Suzhen has been dead for many years.

As a direct relative of Li Suzhen, Zhang Kou has the right to participate in this trial on behalf of the victim.

Of course Zhang Kou agreed to a public trial.

After all, one of his demands was to see his mother's killer sentenced.

Sentenced to a heavy sentence!

Conducting a public trial will also allow the crimes of Zhang Chuancheng and others to be widely disseminated to confirm the fairness of the law!

Zhang Kou was happy to see this situation.

The format of the court hearing was determined.

During the subsequent court proceedings, Su Bai applied to have Zhang Kou appear in court as a relative of the victim.

He wanted Zhang Kou to witness the defendant being sentenced.

Su Bai's request was in line with the court trial procedures.

Regarding this application, the court also specifically negotiated with law enforcement agencies.

Finally, it was agreed that Zhang Kou would appear in court as a relative of the victim.

On the day of the trial, the day when the public trial was held, the live broadcast room of the trial had just begun.

All parties have just finished entering the court.

The barrage in the live broadcast room of the trial was filled with the same comments:

"It came from a short video where a lawyer explained the entire process of the case."

"This case is really a legendary case!"

"Who would have thought that the original murderer was supposed to be a criminal, but in the end he turned out to be a victim!"

"What I want to see most now is that the criminal suspects in this trial are judged to be criminally responsible!"

"Also...can you give Zhang Kou a reasonable explanation for this matter?"

"After all... part of the reason for Zhang Kou's murder was that his inaction at the time led to Zhang Kou's current murderous behavior. Can you talk about how to compensate Zhang Kou in this trial?"

Someone directly commented below: "Compensation is too unrealistic. It is a fact that Zhang Kou killed someone in this case, and it is also a fact that he caused the death of others."

"No matter what the reason... it is considered a violation of the country's laws."

"Killing is a major issue of criminal responsibility, and there is nothing wrong with being sentenced."

"This case has reached the current level, which can be considered a relatively good result."

"The most important thing about this trial is to see the final verdict against Zhang Chuancheng and other criminal suspects."

"I heard that the main criminal, Zhang Chuancheng, refused to admit the result of his murder."

"If you don't plead guilty and accept punishment, you will definitely be sentenced severely. I hope we can see a fair judicial verdict in this case!"

"Death penalty! People like this must be sentenced to death!"

"Yes, yes...look at how the presiding judge conducted the trial. It is totally unjustifiable that a person like this should not be sentenced to death!"

"Yes! The death penalty must be imposed!"


Most of the comments on the trial barrage were surprisingly consistent.

They all hope that the defendant can be sentenced to death in this trial!

From this point, we can see how much most people hate the actions of Zhang Chuancheng and others.

At the court hearing.

At this time, the presiding judge has announced the opening of the trial, and the prosecutor is making a statement on the crimes of the defendant and others.

The most important thing about this trial was the killing of Li Suzhen by Zhang Chuancheng and others.

What the prosecution stated lies on this key point.

After the prosecutor's statement was completed and the presiding judge conducted questioning, the other three people all confessed to their crimes.

He also stated that in this case, Zhang Chuancheng committed the crime as the principal criminal.

As the case progresses to this point, it is obvious that Zhang Chuancheng is the principal culprit in this case.

And in order to avoid responsibility, he looked for connections.

Avoid being punished by the law.

This way of escaping one's own crimes can already be regarded as serious.

Because this behavior is not only intentional homicide, but also intentional escape, bribery and other crimes.

However, faced with the accusation from the presiding judge, Zhang Chuancheng kept on refusing to plead guilty during the trial.

And I don’t know if there is a lawyer advising him behind the scenes.

In other words, he personally believes that if he pleads guilty, he will be sentenced to death, and he wants to struggle again.

When the trial asked him to state his crime, Zhang Chuancheng slammed the table and refused to admit that he was the principal culprit or that he had committed murder.

I saw Zhang Chuancheng banging the table in front of him.

Angrily stated at the trial: "Presiding judge, I do not agree with the verdict against me."

"I also disagree with their charges against me."

"I admit that I participated in the beating of Li Suzhen, but the main culprit was not me, but the dead Jiang Jun!"

"The three of them have a good relationship with Jiang Jun. In order to put in good words for Jiang Jun, they have been accusing me."

"Besides their confessions, is there any other evidence to prove that I killed Li Suzhen?"

"That's absolutely not true!"

"Besides, there is no evidence now to prove who gave Li Suzhen the final fatal blow."

"They said I hit Li Suzhen's head against a rock, causing Li Suzhen's death, but is this true?"

"There is no evidence that this is true."

"There is no evidence that I am the main culprit or that I planned this crime."

"So I firmly do not admit or agree with this accusation."

"If the law must accuse me, accuse me, judge me as the principal culprit, and let me bear most of the criminal responsibility."

"Then this is the law's slander against my judgment, and it is an insult to the justice, fairness and openness of the law!"

"I demand that there be substantial evidence before I can be sentenced!"

"Otherwise, I will resist and resolutely refuse to admit guilt!"

"This trial is a public trial. I believe that without evidence, I cannot be sentenced to an unreasonable and unmattered verdict!"

"I also believe that the public's eyes are sharp. Some self-media may be spreading rumors that I am a murderer, but is the truth really what the self-media says?" "There are not a few self-media on the Internet spreading rumors now. What they said all fake."

"They're all dragging me here to take the blame!"

"I firmly disagree with any of the statements made in this trial."

"I only look at direct evidence. If there is no direct evidence to prove that I committed murder, then I did not commit murder."

Zhang Chuancheng spoke at the top of his lungs at the trial, trying to use his words to disrupt society's impression of the case.

to escape the punishment of the law.

In other words, they want to use their rhetoric to influence public opinion, disrupt the influence of public opinion, and put pressure on the court and the law.

However, how could the presiding judge of the trial not be clear about Zhang Chuancheng's actions?

If there is no substantive evidence, Zhang Chuancheng will definitely not be charged with guilt in this trial.

Otherwise, the consequences of public opinion will be huge.

Therefore, the judges have been fully prepared for this trial.

Of course, this also includes Zhang Chuancheng's practice of deliberately disturbing the truth.

The presiding judge directly responded to Zhang Chuancheng’s words:

"Defendant Zhang Chuancheng should not make any noise in the court hearing."

"In this case, the facts and evidence have very clearly shown that you wanted to rob Li Suzhen's land, so you organized people to beat Li Suzhen."

"And before beating Li Suzhen to death, you bullied Li Suzhen and her child Zhang Kou many times."

"This is an undeniable fact, and there is clear evidence from both witnesses and physical evidence."

"I just said that the other three people slandered you and testified against you together because of their good relationship with the other victim."


"Is it possible that your approach was because you were worried that you, as the principal culprit, would be subject to serious criminal liability, so you shifted all criminal responsibility to a deceased person?"

"Is this a possibility?"

"Or do you think that by placing all the blame on a deceased person in this case, you can be exempted from criminal punishment?"

"Let's not talk about your subjective thoughts. Let's look at the accusation against you in this trial based on factual evidence."

"Through the interviews and evidence, it can be clearly stated that you are a core member of this group of people."

"And what you call, Jiang Jun, the main culprit of the murder, is one of your loyal followers."

"He took action because he helped you grab the land. Jiang Jun's family can prove this."

"If he helps you grab land, that's a criminal act committed by your organization. Could it be said that if he helps you grab land, it's a criminal act committed by his organization?"

"Furthermore, the relationship between the other three and Jiang Jun was not that close at the beginning."

"According to you, how did Jiang Jun find the other three people to do this?"

"You just made so many statements and waved off the responsibility so cleanly, but what evidence do you have to prove that you are not the main culprit?"

“Currently, based on the confession and actual evidence, it has been determined that you were involved in this crime.

And it has been determined that you participated in this crime as the principal offender. "

"Your so-called statement, your so-called statement that you have not committed any crime, is nothing more than an excuse to evade your own responsibilities."

"If the defendant Zhang Chuancheng has no other substantive evidence to refute the existing evidence and confession, then he should not make any other statements."

"I would like to ask the defendant Zhang Chuancheng, do you have any substantive evidence to prove the reason for your refusal to plead guilty and the matters you just stated?"

This last question is the most critical point in the defense just now.

Zhang Chuancheng said so much, but in fact it was his own subjective behavior to evade responsibility.

At the trial, the prosecutor, as the accuser, has presented multiple pieces of evidence to illustrate Zhang Chuancheng’s identity as the principal culprit.

And it confirmed Zhang Chuancheng's murderous behavior.

These are objective facts and evidence.

If Zhang Chuancheng wants to deny this, he must provide other factual evidence.

Instead of just making a statement in the court hearing based on his own confession.

Based solely on one's own confession, without this factual evidence, it must be dismissed in accordance with relevant regulations.

Zhang Chuancheng also knew this very well in his heart.

Now facing the presiding judge's questioning, Zhang Chuancheng spoke several times, but he never gave a specific answer as to whether he had any evidence to prove his innocence.

Why does this happen?

Because Zhang Chuancheng also knew in his heart that he was the main culprit of the murder.

But he wanted to avoid criminal punishment, so he could only carry out this rogue behavior in court.


The presiding judge did not get used to Zhang Chuancheng's behavior during the trial.

The verdict was announced directly.

Zhang Chuancheng was sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence, and the other three were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from ten to thirteen years.

After the verdict, there were many voices of dissatisfaction in the public live broadcast room.

"What is going on in this case? Zhang Kou was sentenced to death at first instance to avenge his mother, but why was Zhang Chuancheng only given a suspended death sentence?"

"Is this reasonable? It's not reasonable at all!"

"Why was Zhang Chuancheng sentenced so lightly?!"

"Yes, why? Zhang Chuancheng only received a suspended death sentence. Is it fair?"

In the live broadcast room, various voices of dissatisfaction sounded.

But in fact, from a subjective point of view, Zhang Chuancheng's thoughts on Li Suzhen at the beginning were to provide a hard education.

During this process, the idea of ​​intentional injury and intentional homicide arose, which led to Li Suzhen's death.

Most people who watched the live broadcast of the trial were very angry and resentful of Zhang Chuancheng's actions from a moral perspective.

But from a legal perspective, the sentence of suspended death is in accordance with the law.

There is no problem at this point.

This is just like the crime of child abduction. Child abduction may cause heavy losses to the families of the abducted children.

Suffering from years or decades of mental torture.

However, according to the legal definition, the crime of child abduction only requires a few years of conviction.

Although it is unacceptable for people and the victim's family, it is stipulated by the law.

Zhang Kou also couldn't accept this situation. His eyes were red and he didn't quite understand the presiding judge's decision.

He turned to look at Su Bai, trying to ask Su Bai if he could sentence Zhang Chuancheng to death.


Su Bai did not speak, but motioned to Zhang Kou to continue listening to the presiding judge's statement.

The presiding judge continued to state: "In the case of Zhang Chuancheng's injury to Li Suzhen, the death sentence is suspended."

"However, since Zhang Chuancheng is involved in a variety of criminal acts, law enforcement agencies are now requested to take Zhang Chuancheng away for further investigation."

"Have a retrial!"

The hammer fell, and the sound spread throughout the courtroom.

Su Bai also took a long breath and conducted a retrial. The purpose was simple.

It will definitely increase the punishment.

What is suspended death plus aggravated punishment?

Isn't this the death penalty?

So...the final verdict of this case for Zhang Chuancheng is obvious.

death penalty!


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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