You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 489: National influence, attracting attention in the province!

Chapter 489: National influence, attracting attention in the province!

The next day.

Su Bai, who had been doing aerobic exercise all night, looked at Li Xuezhen, who was lying on the bed in a daze.

Li Xuezhen moved slightly, resting her head on Su Bai's abdomen and squirming upwards.

Li Xuezhen's skin was fair, with a hint of blush on her face, and she kept muttering in a low voice:

"Lawyer your waist weak..."

While saying this, there was still a trace of satisfaction on his face.

Su Bai twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing. Is his waist broken?

Why is my waist not working anymore? This is almost becoming a joke.

Looking at Li Xuezhen's squinting state, Su Bai moved slowly, worried about waking up Li Xuezhen, and then got up and did a simple wash.

At present, Xu Xiang has already contacted the client in the agricultural class action case in Southern Province.

Invite the client to Bai Jun Law Firm to further discuss the relevant circumstances of the case and determine whether Bai Jun Law Firm will entrust the case.

We have already made an appointment to meet.

Inside the office.

Xu Xiang knocked on the office door, and then brought in two representatives of the lawsuit.

Because this case involves too many appeal parties, that is, the plaintiffs.

It was a group case, so when the case was entrusted, we only discussed sending two people to come to Bai Jun Law Firm to discuss how the case should be resolved.

Su Bai looked up and saw that the two men were not too tall, and their faces had traces of time. It could be seen that the two of them often did some open-air work on crops.

After entering the office, the two of them were obviously a little reserved.

I don’t know whether I am facing the restraint of a lawyer or the restraint of a top lawyer in the country.

The client appears to be cautious about this situation.

Su Bai took the initiative to stand up and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous..."

"Sit first."

While saying this, he poured tea for the two of them respectively.

After the two people's nervousness was calmed down, Su Bai continued to smile and said:

"I have already seen the details of your case."

"I also did some sorting."

"There are several main situations now. The first one is that you went to defend your rights legitimately and were beaten by people brought by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd."

"It's just that you can't be sure that this beating was carried out by people led by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. There is no substantive evidence to prove this."

"There's no problem with that, right?"

Facing Su Bai's inquiry, Lin Jiayuan, one of the representatives in charge, nodded:

"Lawyer Su... There is no problem with this, but although we have no substantive evidence to prove it, besides the people from Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., who else will come and beat us?"

“This is obviously done by people from Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd.!”


When Su Bai heard Lin Jiayuan's confirmation, he did not go any further on this issue.

Because judging from the scene described, it is obviously not the first time that Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. has done this.

He is a veteran and has experience.

Why do you say that?

Because first of all, there is no evidence to prove that this matter was indeed done by Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd.

Secondly, there was no evidence of being beaten, and there was no surveillance video, so the person who beat him could not be found at all.

What does this lead to?

This resulted in no defendant and no defendant information.

So it is very difficult to seek justice for being beaten.

Even if you know that Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. is behind it.


There is no evidence, you are just making accusations based on your feelings or intuitive guesses.

Or spread rumors.

Then Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. will seize the opportunity and even accuse you of making false accusations and infringing on the reputation and rights of others.

Therefore, Su Bai specially reminded this point:

"If there is no evidence, try not to expose the matter to the media."

"Especially don't point the finger directly at Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd."

"Of doesn't point directly to Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., but it can explain the specific situation."

"After all...if there is no evidence, the other side can accuse our side of illegal behavior."

"Intuitive feelings cannot be used as evidence."

"This is not legally recognized."

After hearing Su Bai's reminder, Lin Jiayuan nodded:

"Okay, we understand this."

"When we called the police before, law enforcement officers also told us about this matter."

"Let's not be impulsive... and don't spread rumors or anything like that without evidence."

"We don't have a lot of fanfare on this one."

"...Actually, we people are not too concerned about this matter. We are concerned about our compensation and the contract signed with Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd."

"We demand compensation from them... We want to pursue legal action to get our money back."

"Not sure if this is possible?"

Lin Jiayuan carefully rubbed his rough palms.

He looked at Su Bai with hope.

Lin Jiayuan is an individual household who contracts land. He has never worked outside the home. He farms some land at home every year. Because he has many brothers and sisters, he is allocated slightly more land.

As people in the village go out to work, there are often villagers who cannot farm the land, so the land is rented to them at a reasonable price.

This year he rented quite a lot of land.

Almost half the village's land was rented.

I originally thought... I would work hard for half a year, watering and fertilizing, fighting drought, and weeding.

This year has been smooth and windy, with no major natural disasters.

I was thinking of having a good harvest this year, but who could have imagined that something went wrong with the seeds under such circumstances!

This resulted in what was originally a good hope suddenly falling to the bottom.

Their whole family has basically been farming and busy in the past six months.

But when it was time to harvest, I found that there was no harvest at all.

Who can accept this?

Lin Jiayuan was among the first to start organizing this rights protection.

Regarding the matter of claiming compensation, Lin Jiayuan has always been at the forefront.

So... I very much hope that this case can be won.

He can also receive corresponding compensation according to the contract.

So when asking this question, Lin Jiayuan was full of expectations.

Facing this question, Su Bai nodded:

"That's okay."

"But there are certain loopholes in your contract, which are disadvantageous to you."

"So from this aspect... it is relatively difficult to go to trial."

"But don't worry, if this case is entrusted to our Bai Jun Law Firm, our Bai Jun Law Firm will definitely try our best to achieve the client's demands."

There were certain loopholes in the contract drafted by Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd. at the beginning.


This is not too important, because if there are intentional loopholes and too unreasonable demands for a certain party.

To put it bluntly, it means that there is a significant loss to the interests of a certain party, which can constitute an unequal treaty or an unequal contract.

in this case.…

You can ask the court to disagree with the terms of the contract.

To give the simplest example, sign a labor contract.

If there is a provision in the labor contract that employees will be fined if they arrive late, leave early, or sleep in late.

As a result... the employee worked extremely hard for a month, and when the salary was paid, he discovered that he actually owed the company two thousand.

Finally, both parties sued in court.

In a situation like this, let’s not talk about whether the company has the right to impose a fine.

Let’s just talk about the content and provisions of this contract.

The penalties for employees stipulated in the contract are completely unilateral and detrimental to the employees.

Contract terms and contract contents like this are generally regarded as invalid contract terms and contract contents.

Because both sides are not equal.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Lin Jiayuan asked worriedly:

"Lawyer Su...a top criminal lawyer in the country like you."

"Is this case also more difficult?"

Regarding this question, Xu Xiang smiled and then answered:

“It’s not just that a lawyer with a good reputation will win a lawsuit.”

"The specifics also need to look at the content of the depends on the detailed issues involved in the case and the client's entrustment."

"Isn't your entrustment to require Wannong Agricultural Company to compensate you for your losses?"

"On this Su tried his best."

"But Lawyer Su... the winning rate of current cases is very high."


After hearing this, Lin Jiayuan immediately apologized:

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Su."

"I don't mean anything else. I just don't understand the law or anything else."

"I thought a barrister could win any case he fought."

"Lawyer Su... I just said something wrong, please forgive me."

When Lin Jiayuan heard Xu Xiang's explanation, he quickly apologized.

Su Bai smiled and comforted Lin Jiayuan: "It's okay."

"You just asked me, there's nothing else, so there's no need to apologize."

Su Bai can also understand Lin Jiayuan's mentality.

The purpose of asking myself just now...maybe I saw the explanation of some of his cases on a short video.

Or the joking names in the comment section, calling him the undefeated lawyer or something.

Lin Jiayuan is an authentic agricultural person.

It is normal to not know this aspect.


Say it again.

Bai Jun Law Firm's main focus is to complete entrusted claims for clients.

If the client asks something that he does not understand, answering it is also one of the corresponding requests.

Su Bai looked at Lin Jiayuan, and then asked a few more critical questions.

For example - how many people and places were involved in this inferior seed contract incident.

Is there a specific generalization?

Then there is the amount of compensation involved and the amount of compensation sought.

Lin Jiayuan answered these questions seriously.

"I'm not too sure about the specific amount of compensation, but it should be in accordance with the contract."

"The amount I want is very simple, that is, my capital should be returned to me."

"As for how many people were involved, I know that at least two cities were involved."

"There are many counties under the two cities, but not all of these two places use this new seed."

"To be specific..."

"I estimate that tens of thousands of people are involved."

"As for how many acres of land there are, it's even more. If one person has three acres of land, that's hundreds of thousands of acres of land."

"This is still based on the lowest standard."

"I estimate that the food production involved is very large."

"Because the seeds are of very poor quality, based on last year, the yield per mu of wheat we planted last year was about 800 to 1,000 kilograms."

"But this year, the seeds only grow wheat seedlings but no wheat."

"The yield per acre is only 200 to 400 kilograms."

"What their company promises is that the wheat yield per acre of this seed is guaranteed to be around 900 kilograms."

"Now there is a direct difference of five to six hundred kilograms. Lawyer Su, please do the math. This is equivalent to a direct reduction in grain production."

"How much money does this make the big growers lose?"

"It's not easy for people to work hard for a year. I know someone who owns nearly 200 acres of land just like me."

"I have been on tenterhooks all year long, afraid of any accidents. It was about to be harvested, but the yield just disappeared."

"It's a direct loss, and it's all my family's fortune."

"Now the whole family can hardly survive..."

"Lawyer Su... You really can't make much money from one acre of land, so we calculate it based on the price of grain, which is one yuan and eighteen cents per catty. It used to be based on the relatively high price of one thousand catties."

"How much is this? It's only 1,108 yuan!"

“That’s not even taking away the money for seeds, fertilizers, and machines.”

"Even our labor is not considered expensive. An acre of land only costs three to four hundred yuan at most."

"Is it much to earn three to four hundred yuan per acre of land for half a year?"

"Not much at all."

"And this is still the best case scenario where you can only earn three to four hundred yuan. Most people can only earn two to three hundred yuan."

"Lawyer Su... It's really not easy for us. If the law can't support us this time..."

“We won’t have enough money to buy seeds or fertilizer next time.”

"I'm not saying this to gain sympathy, I just want to tell Lawyer Su what's in my heart..."

"I hope Lawyer Su can help us."


When Lin Jiayuan said this, his rough palms crossed his cheeks and wiped his red eyes.

As an ordinary, out-and-out farmer.

Faced with this situation, Lin Jiayuan had no choice.

I went to defend my rights and was beaten, but there was no evidence and the person who beat me could not be caught.

And you will not get corresponding compensation for the losses caused by your own planting.

Lin Jiayuan now regrets having believed in all the compliments and guarantees given by those salesmen.

We can only hope that the law can safeguard the rights and interests of these people.

Su Bai sat across from Lin Jiayuan and took a long breath.

Let’s not talk about anything else first…

This case involves so many people and so much food production.

This kind of case, to be honest, is very influential whether it is in the city, the province, or the country!

after all.…

According to Lin Jiayuan, this matter has already touched the red line of grain production!

It was enough for the relevant leaders in the province to pay attention to it.

It can even attract higher attention.


At present, this matter, I don’t know why, has been suppressed.

But on the other hand, Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. should compensate and protect the legal rights and interests of these ordinary people.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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