You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 491: Someone behind the scenes, tough attitude

Chapter 491: Someone behind the scenes, tough attitude

Wannong Agricultural Company sent emails directly behind the scenes to threaten Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai.

This caused Lao Li's strong dissatisfaction.

A listed company now dares to threaten and intimidate his son-in-law?

He, Lao Li, is considered a well-known investor in the investment community.

In Beidu, Shangdu, and Shencheng, they all have certain names.

Within the scope of the country's field, it cannot be said to be the top, but it is also a first-class group.

How many directors and chairpersons of listed companies treat him with utmost respect.


A small listed company actually started threatening his prospective son-in-law not to interfere in a small case.

Who else would he do if he didn't do this?

Let alone a listed company, even if there are two more companies, it won’t be a problem for him!

This made Lao Li extremely angry, so he found Feng Lijian and wanted to discuss it with Feng Lijian and let Feng Lijian come up with a countermeasure.

Whether it is a direct acquisition, investing in other companies to directly defeat the other party, or using some formal business methods to directly defeat the other company without even recognizing it.

After all, for a small listed company, if Lao Li really wanted to do this, it would not be a big deal.

"I said Lao Feng..."

"You just have to tell me what we should do. Whether it's acquisition, defeat, or hammering him in the stock market, it all works."

"I just want to hear your opinion."

"After all, Su Bai is half your son-in-law...can you endure it?"

"You can bear it but I can't. Just give me a suggestion and I'll go fuck him right away!"

When Lao Li said these words, he was so angry that he almost made a phone call to shake people off.

But when faced with these contents stated by Lao Li.

Feng Lijian's expression was serious, and he was also very angry about this matter.


He thinks more comprehensively.

"Let me tell you, Lao Li, this matter is not as simple as you think. It can be done by acquiring or defeating the opponent."

"The circumstances involved in this case are still very complicated."

"I asked Xuezhen."

"Xue Zhen told me that the situation in this case is far from as simple as you think."

"This case involves many parties, not only the agricultural company, but also the farmers who need compensation."


"Even if you kill the company that threatened Su Bai, what about the tens of thousands of farmers who are facing compensation?"

"Do you want to pay for this?"

"If you're going to pay this money, what's the point of killing the other party's company?"

"In terms of compensation, Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd. must be compensated, so that this agricultural company can be punished accordingly."

"So my idea is...don't interfere too much. I've also asked Su Bai. He can handle this matter."

"Since he can handle it, then don't interfere. Just give the young people more opportunities to experience. When the young people can't handle it, we will take care of it."


"You ask me what I think. My idea is, don't worry about it for the time being."

"Just leave it to Su Bai to do it himself. These are all legal matters. Don't you still believe in Su Bai?"

After hearing Feng Lijian's rational analysis, Lao Li gradually calmed down.

"But then I know about this, so I can't just do nothing, right?"

"Then where should I put my face?"

"If word gets out in the future, I will wonder whether I will continue to work in the investment world."

Feng Lijian said: "I'm not asking you to do nothing, but I'm asking you to wait."

"I already have an idea, listen to me."

Regarding Feng Lijian's suggestion, Lao Li nodded. Feng Lijian was not just a legal professional.

He is also a good investment expert and has unique experience in financial management.

Of course... this unique experience only creates a small amount of wealth because of the small capital.

Overall, the return on investment is 90 percent.

He can be regarded as a first-class investment expert.

Sometimes, he would listen to Feng Lijian's opinions on investments.

In this matter, based on what Feng Lijian just described, Lao Li decided to listen to Feng Lijian on this matter.


And the other side.

Su Bai did not take the threats too seriously, but continued to prepare for the appeal.

It was not like he had never experienced threatening emails like this.

Now he is a member of the National Lawyers Association, and he is also a nationally renowned lawyer.

Anyone within the Dharma circle has heard of his name more or less directly or indirectly.

As a listed company, it is impossible to do these little things behind the scenes unless you are crazy.

So from the current point of view, Su Bai is not too worried.

Do whatever preparations you need to do.

This case occurred in Shuicheng, and the defendant, Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., is located in Shuicheng.

It belongs to the jurisdiction of Shuicheng.

Because the amount involved in the case is relatively large.

And because of the area involved, the relevant laws involved are relatively deep.


Su Bai directly appealed to the Shuicheng Intermediate Court.

The Shuicheng Intermediate Municipal Court approved Su Bai’s appeal request.

The accepting department decided to accept the case.

However, the specific time and date of the hearing have not yet been notified.


In the office of the general manager of Wannong Agriculture Co., Ltd., Wang Xi'an frowned slightly after receiving a phone call.

He just received a phone call, and the content of the phone call was that someone had sued them.

The case was filed with the Municipal Intermediate Court.

Originally, their company was involved in many cases and lawsuits.

Under normal circumstances, just leave it to the person in charge of the company.

There is no need to notify him here.

But...because this case involves inferior seeds and compensation.

He knew in his heart that he found his own uncle and had connections with the upper class to suppress this matter.

If something unexpected happened...he simply couldn't afford it.

So as long as it involves inferior seeds and compensation, he is personally responsible.

Originally, he thought that the other party would at least respond to Bai Jun Law Firm's reminder and corresponding threats.


Judging from the current situation, the other party does not seem to take their threats to heart at all.

Thinking of this... Wang Xi'an was a little unhappy, but he didn't do much else.

After all... the other party is a well-known barrister in the country. If he takes other actions, it will undoubtedly add fire to his head.

Wang Xi'an still understands this.

But...he definitely can't lose a lawsuit like this for compensation.

If he loses...then the impact on his company will be too great.

Thinking of this, Wang Xi'an made a phone call.

When the call was connected, a laughing voice came from the other side: "Mr. Wang..."

"What's the matter with Mr. Wang? Mr. Wang, you won't call me when you have nothing to do."

Hearing the laughter on the other end of the phone, Wang Xi'an smiled and said, "That's it, President Fang... I heard that your court recently took a case, which is about civil matters and is also a case of our company."

"This case may have a small impact on our company. I would like to ask the court if we can mediate or be accommodating."

Dean Fang frowned slightly when he heard Wang Xi'an's request.

Then he asked tentatively:

"Is it the compensation case for that bad seed?"

Wang Xi'an nodded: "Yes, that's the case."

"I also learned about a small civil dispute case, so I disturbed Dean Fang."

A small civil dispute case?

Dean Fang knew in his heart how much was involved behind this case.

If he really agrees to this condition, he will be sent in another day.

Completely worthless.


He and Wang Xi'an didn't have much entanglement. They just knew each other and were familiar with each other.

There is no exchange of interest.

Regarding such a risky matter, Dean Fang made a decisive decision:

"Mr. also know that our court's judgments are now based on evidence."

"If Mr. Wang has any solid evidence, you can hand it over directly to me, and I will hand it over to the judgment officer and the Physical Evidence Division on your behalf."

"As for the rest... I really can't help much with this."

"I hope Mr. Wang can understand me."

Dean Fang made it very clear, meaning that if you have anything or evidence that is beneficial to you, I can help you convey it quickly.

I can do you a little favor.

But if it helps a lot, don’t talk about it.

After hearing the meaning of Dean Fang's words, Wang Xi'an did not elaborate too much.

I just cursed a few times after hanging up the phone.

Normally when there is no dispute over interests, Mr. Wang would call Mr. Wang respectfully.

But when it comes to this just follows the legal procedures.


Wang Xi'an also knew that this matter was a bit tricky.

With his friendship, it is basically of no use.

Thinking of this, Wang Xi'an was silent for a few minutes and made another call.

It's just that this time Wang Xi'an looked particularly respectful and reserved when facing the other party.

After the call was connected, Wang Xi'an spoke in a low voice:

"Uncle...I've encountered some trouble here again. Uncle, can you help me?"

A majestic man's voice came from the other end of the phone. This voice sounded like someone who has always been in a position of power.

It's just... there was a hint of doting in this voice: "What trouble did you encounter?"

"The trouble you encountered last time was so big. How long has it passed now?"

"Tell me, what's going on? I'll tell you, kid, if you cause me as much trouble as last time again."

"Then I won't help you with this. Even if you move your dad out, that won't work."

"I said this in advance, just go ahead and say it."

When Wang Xi'an heard what the other person said, he felt relieved:

"Actually, it's not a big deal... It's just that group of farmers who took our company to court and hired a very famous lawyer."

"I'm afraid this incident will have too big an impact... Also, if our company really wants to pay full compensation in accordance with the contract, it may have to go bankrupt in a few days."

"My main concern is that if I open the door for compensation, the rest will become very troublesome."

"So...Uncle, can you say hello to the court?"

A serious voice immediately sounded on the other end of the phone:

"The court conducts the trial in accordance with the law. I don't say hello just because I say hello."

"Let's talk again."

"The contract you signed simply does not comply with the requirements of the law."

"You want to send me in?"

"You've caused such a big thing and you still want to refuse compensation. I wonder what you're thinking."

When Wang Xi'an heard such an angry voice, he immediately said anxiously: "No, uncle."

"I didn't say no compensation, I just said we should try to compensate as little as possible, because the amount of compensation he has is very large."

"If the court can award less compensation, then I can save a lot."

"I didn't say I wouldn't compensate..."

"Also, I have already said hello to the court, but the court rejected me."

Hearing what Wang Xi'an said, the voice on the other end of the phone softened and asked:

"The court rejected you?"

"In this case.…"

"Then I'll go back and ask, but let me emphasize to you again that the impact of what you did is indeed too great."

"Compensation must be made. Don't have any petty thoughts. No petty thoughts are allowed!"

"I will let you know if anything else happens later."

"Okay uncle, thank you uncle."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xi'an took a long breath. This matter finally had a rough solution.

Although I was reprimanded, it was still worth it to save so much money.

Later, Wang Xi'an called his assistant Xu Mao.

"Our company was taken to court by those farmers. We need to find the law firm that helped us make the contract before."

"Let their law firm find a good lawyer to file a lawsuit for us."

"We will strive to allow our company to reduce some compensation costs during the court trial."

"Okay Mr. Wang."

Xu Mao nodded and then left the office to deal with the matter.

After Xu Mao left, Wang Xi'an sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

It is also very important to find a good lawyer to litigate this case.

Although he asked his uncle to say hello to the court.

But...he also knew in his heart that the most his uncle could tell the court was that he would prefer less compensation from his side.

It is impossible not to compensate.

Because he knew how serious the situation involved in this case was.

If the lawyer can help their company save money in court, that is very beneficial to them.

Anyway, no matter what.

Now he has arranged everything.

He is not unwilling to compensate, but if the other party wins the lawsuit, the compensation will be relatively less.

If the other party wins the lawsuit and lets it go, then this matter will be a big deal for him, the other party, and the farmers.

It’s all a good thing!


Looking at it from another perspective, those farmers have been working hard for several months just to protect their capital.

From Wang Xi'an's perspective, it is not difficult to see.

Wang Xi'an is not even willing to pay a cost to protect the capital.

Even, if his uncle hadn't spoken.

Wang Xi'an didn't want to spend a penny.

After all, in Wang Xi'an's view, those crops are just ordinary people.

What are you going to fight with him for?

The other party does not understand the law, does not understand the pitfalls of the contract terms, and does not have much social resources.

If he doesn't give it, he won't give it. What can the other party do? .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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