You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 500: Everyone involved will be punished!

Chapter 500: Everyone involved will be punished!

Special care is taken indoors.

After Wang Jianshu was arrested, he was different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people stay in ordinary detention centers, but people like Wang Jianshu only have a special detention room.

And there is a dedicated person in charge.

During this period of time, Wang Jianshu has been in a special guard room, waiting for investigation.

In his opinion...

He did go a bit too far, and he might have helped his nephew Wang Xi'an in some ways.

But...the mistakes he made were all small mistakes, not big ones.

Just helping one's relatives, opening a small privilege in some aspects, or taking a small back door, is this a big mistake?

This is not a big mistake at all!

He believed that he would not be severely punished.

He felt that he was finished... because he was about to be investigated, and there was a stain on his body, so he could not continue to rise.

Although he has not directly accepted bribes, the investigation can start from his relatives and friends.

And...because the public opinion of this case is very large, especially when Wang Xi'an found someone to kill Su Bai and carried out this act, the impact on public opinion on the Internet was too great.

In this case...if we really want to pursue the case seriously, Wang Jianshu knows very well that he will definitely be doomed.

He must have been hammered to death, with no room for improvement.

This has already damaged the credibility of domestic officials!

The above requested a thorough investigation into this case and the people behind the case.

Not only are pensions gone, but freedom may also be gone.

But what Wang Jianshu didn't expect was that while he was waiting to be investigated and reviewed, the guards said nothing about external public opinion and external investigation results.

This bad premonition was quickly confirmed.

Within a short period of time when Wang Jianshu had a bad premonition, the person in charge of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the leader of the inspection team from the hospital came to examine him and informed him of the approximate results of how he would be dealt with.

It can be said.…

Wang Jianshu's name has even appeared on the Internet.

The guards were unwilling... and reported it directly to the relevant person in charge.

Because these two people informed him that in this case, he had caused serious consequences, almost involving the issue of endangering national food security, which attracted great attention from above.

For example... taking bribes, etc.

He even wrote a small note and asked the guard to make a phone call.

After the Supreme People's Procuratorate arrested Wang Jianshu and confirmed the relevant crimes.


Because once this case involves the attention of the superiors, it involves the attention of the superiors, everything he has done, and some illegal and criminal behaviors he has done before.

This led Wang Xi'an to pay to kill a well-known domestic lawyer.

In this case, Wang Xi'an was arrested and did not go abroad.

Thinking of this... Wang Jianshu looked up at the ceiling, his face full of regret, and a trace of muddy tears shed from the corners of his eyes.


Meanwhile, on the other side.


This situation... results in even worse behavior.

Let him cooperate with the work and strive for leniency.

As long as it is discovered that his relatives and friends have participated in business operations or founded companies, in which he played a role, and that he has opened convenient small doors for others, then it can be considered as accepting bribes.

This gave Wang Jianshu a bad feeling in his heart.

Those will all be dealt with seriously.

Wang Jianshu was facing the person in charge from the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the leader of the inspection team who were reviewing him and telling him how he would be dealt with next.

He was even directly transferred to the elderly care department, or even more seriously, his position was reduced.

I felt a chill in my heart, and a sentence kept echoing in my mind: This time it is really over.

At the same time, Wang Jianshu also received another news, that is, Wang Xi'an was arrested by the task force while at the airport.

There is basically no room for reversal of this incident.

Wang Xi'an is his nephew, and he has done many unreasonable and illegal behaviors on behalf of his nephew.

And he deliberately condoned and protected his nephew Wang Xi'an.

Together with the agricultural directors involved, administrative personnel related to Wang Xi'an, including court personnel who had close relations with Wang Xi'an and who had greeted Wang Jianshu, a unified review was carried out.

Wang Xi'an's background has been clearly investigated online.

The only advantage may be... you don't have to worry about eating.

What awaits him is very likely... to serve the rest of his life in prison.

Reducing his position is already the most serious punishment in Wang Jianshu's opinion.

Wang Jianshu couldn't accept it at all.

No matter who is involved...they must be investigated strictly!

When Wang Jianshu heard these words from the person in charge of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the leader of the inspection team in the hospital, Wang Jianshu's heart was filled with tears.

It has caused extremely serious and bad effects.

Relevant departments in Southern Province immediately made public the relevant situation after receiving greetings from the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the inspection team.

This time the disclosure was made by Shuicheng.

[Released by Shuicheng]

[We pay close attention to online public opinion, and are concerned about the intentional injury incident involving Bai Jun Law Firm and the well-known lawyer Su Bai, which involves our regional personnel]

[We have reviewed the online public opinion content and reviewed the persons involved in the case, including Wang and Xu.]

[We are currently learning more about the situation. If there are any further results, we will make a public announcement]


After the announcement of Shuicheng, the voice of public opinion slowly declined.

And there are many people waiting for the final result below the comment area.

"Okay, we are waiting for the final penalty result! I hope it can give us a clear explanation.

Because what Lawyer Su is concerned with is legal fairness and protecting the legal rights and interests of ordinary people.

If lawyer Su cannot be given a function, then I think it will have a huge impact on the credibility of the judiciary! "

"Well said! I hope that this case will be taken seriously, and I also hope that an explanation can be given to support the public disclosure of the dynamics of the main criminals."

"Yes! Wang Xi'an, the person in charge of Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., has seriously violated the right to life of others. It is recommended that he be sentenced to death!"

"To be honest, this Wang Xi'an is really stupid and bad. While he is unwilling to compensate the farmers for their losses, he also wants to kill other farmers' lawyers."

"If it's an ordinary person, who can withstand this?"

"Even someone like Lawyer Su, who has such a high profile on the Internet, can encounter something like this. If it were an ordinary person, he might die without knowing where he died... It wouldn't make any waves at all."

"We are all ordinary people. What should we do if we encounter this kind of situation in the future? This is what we are concerned about!"

"Support the death penalty!"

There are constant voices online.

Inside Nandu Central Hospital.

Hospital bed.

In the past few days, Su Bai's injuries have been greatly relieved, and he can now carry out daily light activities.

All this is due to the self-healing ability given by the system.

The hospital was a little surprised by Su Bai's ability to recover.

According to the hospital's plan and the usual situation, this kind of injury requires about two months of rest for daily light activities. But.…

In just a few days, Su Bai recovered to the point where he could move slightly.

It can be said to be far beyond ordinary people.

While Su Bai was hospitalized, many lawyer friends and clients that Su Bai had helped before wanted to visit the inpatient unit, but Li Xuezhen refused to do so.

During these few days, Li Xuezhen has been accompanying Su Bai.

Su Bai also needs to rest and is not suitable for so many people to visit.

Su Bai on the hospital bed simply moved his limbs. Now he can already walk.

to be honest.…

He did not expect to suffer sudden and intentional harm this time.

But fortunately...this sudden injury did not have much impact on him.

However, Su Bai also had lingering fears about this, and paid great attention to his own safety.


This time, it was Wang Xi'an who paid for the murder, but the impact was that the inspection team found a huge breakthrough for Wang Xi'an and his uncle Wang Jianshu.

If he hadn't encountered this incident, Wang Xi'an and his uncle Wang Jianshu would have wanted to be investigated.

It is estimated that it will take some time to wait.

However, Su Bai was not particularly clear about some details of the outside world, so he asked:

"Now Shuicheng has announced that Wang, the head of Wannong Agricultural Co., Ltd., and other gang members have been arrested... Where is the review and progress? What is the current situation of his uncle Wang Jianshu?"

Su Bai didn't know much about the outside world, but Li Xuezhen knew it very well.

While taking care of Su Bai, Feng Lijian found his old friend in Nan Province and has been inquiring about specific matters.

Hearing Su Bai ask this, Li Xuezhen had a smile on her face: "Lawyer Su..."

"There is now conclusive evidence to prove that Wang Xi'an is the main instigator. The procuratorate is ready to prosecute him for intentional homicide, endangering the grain industry and other related crimes."

"His uncle Wang Jianshu is also arrested now."

"Because the issues involved this time are relatively big. Originally, the output of food crops was greatly reduced. Wang Jianjian used his own rights to suppress the hot search and reduce the popularity, which has caused strong dissatisfaction."

"This kind of thing happened again during the inspection team's inspection, and Wang Jianshu was the person behind Wang Xi'an."

"What I heard from Teacher Feng is that he will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law and there will be no favoritism."

"And more..."

"In this case, the prosecutor's office is charging not just these two people."

"As long as the relevant responsible persons involved in this case and those who have committed illegal crimes have been reviewed, those with criminal responsibility have been filed."

"It can be said...this time it is aimed at Wang Xi'an, Wang Jianshu and other related personnel."

"Now there is information online about the follow-up situation of this case and the results of Shuicheng's report."

"It was a roar of applause."

"But...Wang Jianshu and Wang Xi'an also deserve their punishment!"

When she said this, Li Xuezhen's face was filled with anger, and then she continued:

"All the people involved in the court have now started to review it."

"This time we must send all those who violated laws and regulations in!"

"Especially Wang Xi'an! He actually hired a murderer to kill someone! He has committed a serious intentional homicide!"

"I heard from Teacher Feng that Wang Xi'an's original idea was to hire a murderer to kill you and then flee the country, but he was stopped by the inspection team."

"Otherwise...he might really be able to escape from the country and escape domestic legal sanctions!"

"Lawyer Su... As the victim this time, we must let him be severely punished by the law!"

When Li Xuezhen mentioned this matter, her face became angry and her whole face turned red.

This time Su Bai was threatened and almost lost his life.

If the suspect's knife had moved forward a few millimeters, there might be no lawyer Su left now!

Therefore, Li Xuezhen hated Wang Xi'an very much.

I especially hope that this person will be severely punished by the law!

Facing Li Xuezhen explaining the general situation outside, Su Bai nodded.

Judging from the current situation...

It can be said that this seed case was perfectly solved.

Not only was the main person involved, Wang Xi'an, arrested, but Wang Xi'an's behind-the-scenes protector was also uncovered.


Wang Xi'an deliberately hired a murderer to kill him, which has violated intentional homicide.

This time...

Su Bai could, as a victim, stand in court and accuse Wang Xi'an of his crimes.


Many parties were involved in Wang Xi'an's behavior as the chief envoy.

The first one is that Wang Xi'an had this idea and asked Xu Mao to arrange such a thing.

The second is that Xu Mao found someone to commit murder.

The last one is the criminal murderer.

As for the division of responsibilities between these three people, let’s not talk about the other two, but only mention Wang Xi’an.

Wang Xi'an will definitely be prosecuted and tried as the principal criminal.


Su Bai took a long breath. At the beginning, Wang Xi'an didn't just find people from society to beat up the farmers.

He also refused to compensate and even hired a murderer to kill him when he was about to leave the country.

In essence, he is a very extreme villain.

This time at the the victim, he can also defend himself.

For Wang Xi'an's various bad behaviors, he must pay the legal price he deserves!

Su Bai turned his head and spoke to Li Xuezhen:

"When will Wang Xi'an file a public prosecution?"

Li Xuezhen heard what Su Bai meant. Su Bai meant that they could participate in the trial as victims.

"Lawyer Su...Currently, the prosecution department is still sorting out and confirming evidence on Wang Xi'an's crimes."

"But this case can be said to be a case that attracts national attention."

"The prosecution department is making very rapid progress. Wang Xi'an may be a little uncooperative."

"It's just that he didn't cooperate... The reply from the prosecutor's office is that the trial of Wang Xi'an, Xu Mao and others will be held probably next month."

"At that time, we can participate in this trial as victims and accuse Wang Xi'an, Xu Mao and others."

"One more good thing."

"That is, based on the prosecution's conviction of Wang Xi'an, it is very likely that Wang Xi'an will be sentenced to more than life imprisonment."

"Life sentence...According to Wang Xi'an's age, he will probably stay in prison for the rest of his life!"

Li Xuezhen said this matter seriously and seriously.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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