You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 510: BOOS appears behind the scenes!

Chapter 510: BOOS appears behind the scenes!

According to the regulations governing dismissal from public office, necessary conditions are required for dismissal from public office.

What do you mean by necessary conditions?

The necessary conditions are that if those conditions are not met, a person cannot be dismissed from public office.

Within the system, even if some people want to resign, they need to go through layers of review processes.

Not to mention firing people.

So what are the necessary conditions, let's say, the simplest example,.

If Zhang Hongtao is in the process of committing a crime, he will be expelled in accordance with the management regulations.

Because someone with criminal liability cannot serve as a member of the system, this is a rigid rule and a necessary condition.

However, if it is confirmed that there is no criminal suspicion, then according to relevant regulations, you need to return to your post.

The dismissal of Zhang Hongtao from public office is completely unreasonable and also does not comply with the provisions of the Management Law.

"It's totally against the rules to remove you from office when you haven't committed a crime."

In situations like this, everyone involved should be sent in!

Send it in, send it in!

So delicious!


Inside the office.

Li Xuezhen looked a little happy when she learned that Zhang Hongtao had been dismissed from public office and that Su Bai had once again entrusted Zhang Hongtao's case as a client lawyer.

Originally, he thought that after being acquitted, he would be able to resume his position as a judge and help ordinary people safeguard their legal rights.

Because from the situation described by Su Bai, the other party's approach to Zhang Hongtao's dismissal from public office was completely inconsistent with the regulations.

In a situation like this, he really wants to take him to court!

"Lawyer Su..."

Finally, we came to the conclusion that what the other party did was completely illegal.

After confirming that Zhang Hongtao could not be sentenced to a fixed-term prison sentence, he was deprived of his position, which was forced to reduce the level of retaliation.

He was not fired, but was transferred to the Children's Palace to serve as a sinecure.

"This matter is much simpler than the previous incident where you were slandered and violated the law."

Zhang Hongtao also knows this in his heart. Ever since he was falsely accused of violating the law, everything has been very unsatisfactory so far.

Zhang Hongtao was stating that he was refused by the court to resume his public duties.

"It was just a verbal statement, and there were no substantive documents."

Therefore, dismissal from public office within the system is a very complicated matter.

Regarding this case, Su Bai immediately said:

"Okay, I've entrusted this case."

In China, dismissal from public office is a very troublesome matter when there is no illegal crime.

Because this incident was essentially the original defendant, the provincial representative's revenge against Zhang Hongtao.

So from this point of view, it is completely possible to find out the problems of Xiao Shan and Xu Mingyuan from the administrative aspect, and then send them in!

Thinking of being able to send people in then... Li Xuezhen couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on her face.

It can only be said to investigate and collect illegal and criminal acts of public officials.

This surprised Su Bai.

"When you come to Nandu, we will discuss the details of this case in person."

Faced with the situation encountered by Zhang Hongtao, Li Xuezhen made a detailed inquiry.

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Yes!"

Just like in a famous film and television drama, a certain big leader, when he had the absolute right to speak, only expressed dissatisfaction with a cadre who did nothing.

"Okay Lawyer Su, I will book a ticket to Nandu for the day."


Inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

"That's not true. It's just that when I asked about the progress of when my public status would be restored, the leaders in the hospital said that I had been punished for violating the rules and that my public status would no longer be restored."

"And it is even more unreasonable to judge you for violating the rules, because the High Court has already found you not guilty."

Regarding the case in which Zhang Hongtao asked Su Bai to resume his public duties on his behalf, Su Bai also knew that this case was essentially the same case as Zhang Hongtao was convicted of dereliction of duty.

Therefore, from this point of view, Zhang Hongtao's dismissal from public office is completely inconsistent with regulations and management regulations.


After all... In Zhang Hongtao's case, all the people involved knew that Zhang Hongtao was innocent, but they still forced Zhang Hongtao to plead guilty and accept punishment.

"But... did the other party notify you in a formal document that you will not be reinstated as a public official?"

"According to the law, your official status should be restored."

Why do you say that?

He was subsequently fired.

In this matter, even the leaders of the administrative department cannot directly fire a public official who has not committed any illegal crime.

But who could have imagined that he would be directly fired from public office.

"This matter still needs to be entrusted to Lawyer Su."

Of course...if there was no intervention from others, to be honest, Su Bai did not believe that a basic court would not reinstate Zhang Hongtao.

Expressed dissatisfaction with the inaction of cadres to subordinates.

They can only be transferred to other positions...but not fired.


"Since there is no formal document to inform you yet, let's file a reconsideration first and ask the High Court and the administrative department for an explanation."

"At least you need to get a formal document notification. Only after you get a formal document notification can you appeal or proceed to the next step of in-depth appeal."

After hearing Su Bai's arrangement, Zhang Hongtao nodded: "Okay, Lawyer Su."

"I follow Lawyer Su's arrangements."


the other side.

After Su Bai submitted a reconsideration to the High Court and relevant administrative departments.

In the vice president's office.

Guan Yuandong received the reconsideration materials submitted by Su Bai.

After receiving the reconsideration materials, Guan Yuandong immediately asked Xiao Shan to come over to discuss what should be done with this reconsideration.

In other words, how should this review be handled.

After all, applying for reconsideration is a legal and compliant matter.

After Guan Yuandong described the incident in detail, Xiaoshan was silent for a while.

Regarding this problem, Xiaoshan has actually already thought about what to do.

When Xiaoshan proposed that Zhang Hongtao should be dismissed from public office as a punishment, he had already thought of how to solve this matter.

So he immediately said: "Dean Guan, this matter is illegal in the first place. It is because of our pressure that we have reached the current situation."

“There are no specific documents for implementation yet.”

"If we want to truly implement it, we will definitely not be able to come forward, because there is no formal procedure for us to come forward and it does not comply with relevant regulations."

"Representatives have certain supervisory rights over the court and supervision. In this case, the higher authorities can fully produce documents to confirm Zhang Hongtao's expulsion."

"In this way, it is legally and procedurally compliant."

"Another point is that the purpose of our doing this is to have a certain explanation to the superiors. We have tried our best on this matter. If the superiors want to punish Zhang Hongtao, they can issue documents to expel Zhang Hongtao. Zhang Hongtao’s public office.”

"If they don't want to punish Zhang Hongtao, then even if the higher-ups directly reject our request, we won't be in any dilemma."

"I think... this matter should be discussed at the top."

"At won't be too difficult for us here, what do you think, Dean Guan?"

Guan Yuandong nodded slightly after hearing Xiao Shan's thoughts.

His thoughts were the same as Xiao Shan's, now that the matter had been decided.

The matters on their court side have basically been completed.

Zhang Hongtao's dismissal from public office originally required the approval of the provincial representative. They can indeed do this, but if Zhang Hongtao files for reconsideration.

In the end, Zhang Hongtao was able to resume his official duties after making a fuss.

After all, they originally wanted to prevent Zhang Hongtao's case from going to trial last time.

But Zhang Hongtao also used the default method within the rules to bring the matter directly to the big boss.

So in this case, they certainly can't do any other small actions.

That can only depend on the attitude above.

Guan Yuandong listened to Xiao Shan's opinion just to gain recognition before speaking to the representative.

After reaching an agreement and waiting for Xiao Shan to leave the office, Guan Yuandong immediately called his superiors.

The provincial representative is an abbreviation and has certain supervision over law enforcement, legislation and courts.

The leader Guan Yuandong and Xiaoshan have always stated is the director.

After the call is connected.

Guan Yuandong immediately gave the other party a brief description of the current situation.

It means that Zhang Hongtao can be fired from his public office. This is not something that their court can decide.

It is also necessary to represent Zhang Hongtao's violations with relevant documents.

In the director's office.

As a representative, He Jun calmly spoke after hearing the situation reported by Guan Yuandong:

“Can’t even your court handle the role of the presiding judge of a small basic court?”

"Don't your courts have any restraint on lower courts?"

"How do you usually work?"

Hearing this series of questions, Guan Yuandong was stunned for a moment and said quickly:

"This...according to laws and regulations, these matters are not under our jurisdiction."

"If it's not under our jurisdiction, then we can't interfere. After all, we don't have the authority..."

"If we insist on taking jurisdiction, it is illegal. It's not that we don't want to do it, it's that we can't do it."


"So Director He, we don't have any solution. We are really in a dilemma."

Facing Guan Yuandong's explanation, He Jun was a little impatient and directly interrupted Guan Yuandong's statement:

"Okay, don't tell me any more things that I don't know."

"I don't want to hear those words."

"This matter is because you have a big problem in handling it, that's why there is such a big trouble."

"Such a simple matter can't be handled well. Don't continue talking about other matters. I don't want to hear any more explanations from you. I will arrange for my representative to handle this matter."

"Please cooperate with us."

"Okay, Director He, we will definitely cooperate well here!"

As soon as Guan Yuandong finished speaking, there was a snap on the phone.

The call was hung up, and Guan Yuandong took a long breath.

This matter has always been He Jun's business, and the pressure was also given by He Jun.

Judging from the current situation, He Jun is obviously dissatisfied with Zhang Hongtao.

That's why he got so angry when he mentioned this matter.

But fortunately, looking at the current situation, He Jun has decided to intervene in this matter.

This matter has nothing to do with him anymore, and the blame has been thrown away.


Guan Yuandong took a long breath, secretly glad in his heart.

And on the other side, after hanging up the phone.

He Jun immediately called his secretary and said:

"There is Zhang Hongtao in the lower court who is involved in a serious matter. Please contact Guan Yuandong to learn more about this matter, and then issue a document indicating Zhang Hongtao's violation, and ask the lower court to arrange for Zhang Hongtao's dismissal from public office."


After He Jun arranged all this, he waved his hand.

For him, a judge in a small basic court cannot make any waves at all.

If you weren't worried that you would cause too much public opinion on the Internet when you were about to be promoted, causing huge adverse effects.

To be honest, he is such a small judge and he handles it casually.

Why bother?

Even when Guan Yuandong reported this matter to him, he felt it was unnecessary.

After all...the other person is like an ant in his eyes. How can he see an ant in the eyes of an elephant?

Soon, He Jun's secretary had contacted Guan Yuandong and confirmed how to issue the execution documents.

However, all documents issued need to be reviewed by He Jun.

Inside the office.

He Jun's secretary was reporting to He Jun on the upcoming documents.


"The document that will be issued is that Zhang Hongtao has a huge tendency as a judge and violated his duties as a judge. This duty does not reach the level of crime, but it has reached the level of violating corresponding regulations."

"This serves as a basis for determining dismissal from public office."

"This is a relevant document. Director, would you like to take a look?"

He Jun took the relevant documents and glanced at them briefly.

His secretary has been with him for about seven or eight years.

He was very at ease in everything he did.

After a brief glance, he nodded and confirmed the content.

"I have read this content and there is nothing wrong with it. Please check it twice more to avoid other problems."

"Then let's go to the basic court and let them handle the expulsion."

"Good director."


Inside Bai Jun Law Firm.

During the period when the review was submitted, Li Xuezhen had been thinking about what kind of response the relevant departments should give regarding the review.

after all.…

If their reconsideration passes, Zhang Hongtao can be reinstated as a judge.

In this way, many processes and steps are eliminated.

But if the reconsideration fails...then the result...

Li Xuezhen's eyes shone brightly. If the reconsideration failed, then a large number of people would be involved!

Regarding whether the reconsideration passes or not, Li Xuezhen actually prefers the latter - the reconsideration fails.

Because in this case, whether it was the verdict against Zhang Hongtao in the first instance or the difficulty of the second instance.

Everyone can see that this case has encountered huge obstacles.

In this case, will the other party allow the reconsideration to pass easily?

Obviously not!

Since it doesn't happen, then... wouldn't the result be a happy one?

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Li Xuezhen is now looking forward to the follow-up reply from the relevant departments!


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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