You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 515: Wedding ceremony, blessings from all sides!

Chapter 515: Wedding ceremony, blessings from all sides!

The atmosphere during the entire New Year is lively. Han Chen will occasionally give a summary report on the business of Bai Jun Law Firm.

However, Han Chen also knew in his heart that during this New Year period, most people celebrate the New Year happily and still have some free time.

But for Su Bai, that can't affect too much time.

Because the lawyers at Bai Jun Law Firm know it in their hearts.

This year is a very important year for Su Bai. All the lawyer members of Bai Jun Law Firm, whether they are formal lawyers or trainee lawyers, received the wedding invitation letter on the eighth day of the lunar month.

Therefore, most staff encounter difficulties with the business and problems within the law firm. They all tried their best to avoid affecting Su Bai due to work reasons.

This also gave Su Bai relatively free time to prepare for the wedding and preparations before the wedding.

In a few days at the beginning of the year, Su Bai also met relatives from Li Xuezhen's family.

The relatives of Li Xuezhen's family were extremely welcoming to Li Xuezhen and Su Bai.

"Haha, first of all, I wish you a baby soon!"

Going out early and coming back late, time soon came to the sixth day of the lunar month.

"My heartfelt blessings! That means Lawyer Li stole my man. Otherwise, if it were to be another woman, we as male fans would not agree!"

Bai Jun Law Firm is relatively well-known on the Internet. After all, it has been on hot searches many times, and the cases it has handled are all quite big.

After these people poured into the live broadcast room, they were all:

There were also many relatives who specifically asked Su Bai if he was the famous barrister on the Internet.

"Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, through the live broadcast, it was a small wish granted!"

For example, the court trial skills that Lawyer Su taught her before, the first lesson, is the wisdom of the world.

Now at this moment, I finally said the word "yes"!

When the host asked about the love experience of the two, Li Xuezhen recalled many of the past.

Su Bai smiled: "Thank you, Lawyer Xiao, for your blessing."

Xiao Haibo's eyes stayed on the two of them, and then he said with a smile: "You two have been partners since I met."

She had forgotten what the second lesson was, but she still uses it to this day.

"For so many years, I have been chasing the CPs of Lawyer Su and Lawyer Li since the development of Baijun Law Firm. Now I finally see the CPs develop into lovers with a legal relationship. I feel really blessed!"

The founder is Su Bai, and he is in the same law firm as Li Xuezhen. Even though some people usually stay abroad all year round and have little contact with their families. They don’t know much about Li Xuezhen’s situation, but they can still vaguely guess that Su Bai is the one on the Internet. That famous barrister.

"Now that you are finally married, you won't have to face the pressure from your parents to get married during the Chinese New Year next year, right?"

These lawyers were blessing each other one by one, and Su Bai also greeted each one enthusiastically, responding to each other on this happy day.


The wedding venue was decorated in a very simple style, and the entire wedding process went very smoothly.


She has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

When the host asked Li Xuezhen if she would marry Su Bai, Li Xuezhen said yes with a smile on her face and a serious tone.

On the wedding day, many colleagues, relatives and friends, as well as some law firm partners and related clients, who could make it there, all came to the wedding venue.


The wedding design company gave the wedding plan.

After confirming that Su Bai was the well-known barrister on the Internet, many relatives and friends showed expressions as if that was indeed the case.

Among these audiences, there are many clients and parties who cannot be present.

While watching the live broadcast, many viewers came in.

"I have really witnessed the journey of Lawyer Su and Lawyer Li. One as a formal lawyer and the other as an assistant lawyer, they have been handling many people's cases and have been running for justice."

Behind Xiao Haibo were other fellow lawyers, and many other lawyers from Baijun Law Firm were present.

Meeting relatives and elders also went very smoothly and harmoniously.

In the live broadcast room, under such a happy event, many people sent their most sincere blessings to the newlyweds Su Bai and Li Xuezhen!

In addition, many colleagues arrived.

"I'm here to attend the wedding banquet of you two today. I'm an old friend and I'm here to send you a blessing."

Congratulations to the newlyweds.

"Of course... I also have a lot of money."

They knew that Xuezhen was also interning at a law firm.


Su Bai and Li Xuezhen briefly browsed the relevant plans, finalized some details, and decided to implement the marriage process in accordance with the plan.

"Blessings and blessings! Introduce our most loyal blessings to Lawyer Zhu and Lawyer Li on their wedding!"

Or maybe it's about blessing the newlyweds.

"When I was watching the live broadcast, I used to think about how well matched these two people were, and how they would eventually get married, and now I finally see them!"

"The lovers finally get married! I wish Lawyer Su a happy wedding! I hope Lawyer Su and Lawyer Li can have a happy marriage and have a son soon!"

Or those who have been entrusted with lawsuits by Bai Jun Law Firm and have listened to Bai Jun Law Firm’s free legal knowledge classes.

Moreover, the wedding design company also solicited the opinions of Su Bai and Li Xuezhen to conduct a live broadcast on the Internet during this wedding.

How can I put it this way? Lawyer Su never talks nonsense and only pursues pragmatism. Many practical tips can be reflected in legal rules!

Let her, an ignorant little transparent person who graduated from college and entered a law firm, grow up!

From Lawyer Su, she learned a lot of extracurricular legal lessons that she had not learned in school before.

Lawyer Su helped her grow up, and she developed feelings for Su Bai as she grew up.

Similarly, two people have been involved in cases again and again, from the Zhang Li Bank case to the marriage lawsuit for Zhang Tongwei, from ordinary criminal cases to unjust, false and wrongful convictions involving judicial units.

The two of them supported each other along the way.

Talking about these relationship statuses, Li Xuezhen has a lot to say, but she doesn’t know where to start.

Because the two have little love experience, they are more like teammates who support each other and protect their clients' corresponding legal rights during court trials.

These moments are very precious, and Li Xuezhen feels very happy when recalling them.

Before answering this answer, Li Xuezhen raised her head and looked into Su Bai's eyes.

At this moment, no words can compare to the two people looking at each other.

The officiating process ends.

When it came time to throw the bouquet, Wang Kexin shook her head and raised her hands loudly and said:

"I, I, I..."

"Xuezhen, look at me, I've become a young girl and I'm not married yet. I hate getting married!"

"Throw the bouquet in my direction!"

"Xuezhen, look at me, I'm over here and throw it into my hand!"

Wang Kexin's little head shook vigorously, as if she was very concerned about the bouquet. Her eyes lit up when she saw the bouquet, and she caught Li Xuezhen when she threw the bouquet towards her.

Then he came to Xu Xiang's side with a smile:

"Lawyer Xu, I snatched this bouquet from me." "Is it serious?"

Xu Xiang had a smile on his lips and did not speak. Instead, he put the bouquet from Wang Kexin's hand into his own.


Throughout the wedding process, Su Bai and Li Xuezhen received blessings from many people.

When the father-in-law handed Li Xuezhen into Su Bai's hands, the father-in-law, as a slave girl, couldn't help but shed tears. It wasn't that she couldn't bear to leave, but that the atmosphere was too strong.

It was hard not to cry, especially as the father of the bride.

After walking off the stage, the mother-in-law saw Lao Li with red eyes and couldn't help but complain:

"A grown man, why are you crying? We are marrying our daughter. Today is a happy day, and we are not here to make you sad."

"Can you wipe your eyes clean?"

Lao Li: "I see our daughter is happy, isn't it?"

"When I was on stage just now, I saw you secretly wiping your tears with a handkerchief."

"Do you dare to say you didn't cry?"

"Why can only you cry and not me?"

Xiao Ya glared at Lao Li: "What did you say you saw?"

"I count to three, tell me again what you saw. Is there something wrong with what I just said? Tell me again whether I cried or not!"

Lao Li chuckled bitterly. He was also a big investor outside, and his net worth was high on the domestic rich list.

Who wouldn't say something awesome when they see him?

Which woman would call her "Mr. Li" disrespectfully when she saw her? Even if she was disrespectful, no one would dare to get angry at her, right?

But wife always makes me count to three. What's wrong with counting to three? As a man, I have no face?

But when he heard that Xiao Ya had already counted to two and was just shy of one, Lao Li lost his temper and said quickly:

"Okay, okay...there's nothing wrong with what you did, there's no problem at all."

Lao Li's face was full of helplessness, but he showed a happy smile.

I have no choice but to live with the wife I choose.


After the whole wedding was over and after congratulations to all parties, Su Bai lay on the wedding bed and turned sideways to see Li Xuezhen looking at him with two big eyes.

Li Xuezhen's face was filled with joy, and her pupils were filled with Su Bai's figure.

After the two looked at each other for dozens of seconds, Li Xuezhen whispered: "Lawyer Su..."

"We have finished the wedding now...shouldn't it be time to do something serious?"

Serious business?

etc! Wait first!

Let’s not talk about what is serious and what is not serious.

What did Li Xuezhen call him just now?

Now that the wedding has been held, do you still call him Lawyer Su?

"Huh? After the wedding, you still call Lawyer Su?"

Su Bai smiled and joked.

The two have been together for such a long time, because Li Xuezhen has always been accustomed to calling Lawyer Su, and has feelings for the three words Lawyer Su.

Therefore, for such a long time, Li Xuezhen would not call Su Bai by any other name, but still continued to call her lawyer Su.

But today...

Suddenly asked by Su Bai, Li Xuezhen lowered her head: "What is your name if not Lawyer Su?"

"I'm going to share some relevant legal knowledge with you on this point."

"Come on, let me teach you the last point about the legal provisions of marriage law."

"According to domestic law, both parties are legally husband and wife after receiving the marriage certificate. In a legal husband and wife relationship, generally the third person refers to both partners as husband and wife, while the husband and wife refer to each other as husband and wife."

"We received our marriage certificate yesterday, and we are now a legal couple in the legal sense."

"So...are you still calling Lawyer Su here?"

"Isn't this appropriate?"

Li Xuezhen blinked: "Are you teaching me to popularize legal knowledge today?"

"Husband...why are you still teaching me about legal knowledge today?"

"Uh huh huh??"

My husband calls me so smoothly? Su Bai hasn't reacted yet.

When Li Xuezhen heard about Su Bai's popularity, she immediately became energetic and sat astride Su Bai's body.


"Today is our wedding night, so don't worry about it."

Su Bai:….

Bad waist? When did his waist fail? !

Nearly two hours later, Su Bai was lying on the bed, and Li Xuezhen beside her was still a little unfinished.

However, the whole person was dripping with sweat and leaned against Su Bai.

Li Xuezhen suddenly said: "Lawyer Su, what were you thinking about the past few nights?"

"A few nights ago?"

"That day when you suddenly hugged me, I always felt that you had something on your mind."

Hearing Li Xuezhen's inquiry, Su Bai remembered that it was when the system made a choice for him. Li Xuezhen might have noticed when he was in mood.

Thinking back to that day... Su Bai fell into silence.

After the system progress reached 100% recharging, he was given three options.

The first one is to continue to stay here, develop Baijun Law Firm, and do what you want to do.

The second one can take him back to the past world.

When choosing, Su Bai chose the first option without hesitation.

How did he come here in the first place?

He was stabbed at the entrance of the court.

Now that Bai Jun Law Firm has developed, he has also met Li Xuezhen and a group of like-minded friends.

He would definitely not choose to go back again, but what Su Bai didn't expect was that Li Xuezhen could detect this through his emotions.

And ask today.

In response to Li Xuezhen's inquiry, Su Bai smiled and said, "It's nothing."

"I just made a choice, a very important choice."

After hearing Su Bai's answer, Li Xuezhen pressed her whole body against Su Bai's body, her eyes smiling.

"I don't know what kind of choice you made, but I know that you must have chosen me!"

While saying these words, Li Xuezhen became energetic again and sat on Su Bai's body.

Su Bai twitched his lips. He couldn't be at a disadvantage on his wedding day, right?

No, absolutely not! .


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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