You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 518 Appeal! This case can be punished with the death penalty!

Chapter 518 Appeal! This case can be punished with ten death sentences!
Baijun Law Firm.

After learning more about the case with Jiang Wei and obtaining the entrustment power.

Su Bai and Li Xuezhen began to prepare how to use legal means to handle the case, how to satisfy the client's litigation requirements and get their principal back.

According to the information disclosed online about Laihai Bank, Laihai Bank has not been established for too long.

The funds are not very strong.

It can only be regarded as a general small local bank.

Not even a city bank.

City banks are also endorsed by administrative departments. Generally speaking, small banks like this do not have much endorsement relationships.

This time, Laihai Bank's fund-raising is mainly concentrated on the online crowd, and the financial products of Laihai Bank are presented on the platform through a third-party platform.

With a large return on investment and high interest, it attracts investors and financial managers to buy.

It can be regarded as a cooperative relationship between a third-party platform and a bank.

It can be said that people who buy Laihai Bank's financial products can be found all over the country.

All you need to do is appeal, and if the court accepts the case, you will basically win.

So Su Bai wanted to know the specific situation of Laihai Bank.

and referred the case to the trial court.

Internal processing is cold processing.

If you don't do any processing, wouldn't it just keep dragging on?
Isn't that what it means to wait until investors no longer have any hope for the money, and then the money will not be compensated?

After winning the lawsuit, you can take the next step to better recover investors' financial funds.

Internal digestion means that all losses will be borne by Laihai Bank itself? And Laihai Bank will pay the compensation itself?

The Filing Division of the Shangdu East District Intermediate Court conducted a factual investigation into the case, confirmed the evidence and matters involved in the case, and had no objections, and approved the appeal.

Why is there no explanation?


Suppress this matter and digest it internally?

Or maybe it is.

In this case, due to the amount involved, the properties involved and the location of the bank, the appeal was heard by the Shangdu East District Intermediate Court.

Li Xuezhen learned about the situation of Laihai Bank from Lao Li.

But this time, Yu Wandong was very concerned about the financial dispute and ordered that no matter what related cases were involved in this case, he must go through it first.

After Su Bai submitted an application for litigation in this case.

Offline banking sites simply do not recognize financial products sold online.

In other words, the money is really gone.

Even now, third-party platforms have closed information on purchased financial products.

The next step now is to collect evidence and appeal.

To confirm that the bank's behavior is illegal and to recover the property lost by investors.

to be honest.

After learning the news, Su Bai frowned slightly.

At the same time, the court issued subpoenas to all parties, and Laihai Bank also received a subpoena from the court.

In the past, when banks were unable to pay, many people came to Xanadu from all over the country and found the Laihai Bank offline site to ask how the matter should be handled.

Ask them why the financial products purchased online cannot be redeemed.

In any case, after learning the news, I had a concrete statement and a preliminary plan.

In the office of the chairman of Laihai Bank, as the first-hand founder and chairman of Laihai Bank, Yu Wandong didn't pay much attention to ordinary banking disputes.

This has resulted in the purchase of financial products across regions.

At present, Jiang Wei and other investors have compiled evidence of the correlation, and the evidence is relatively sufficient.

Only when they purchase financial products offline can they find relevant information.

If they hadn't retained some evidence in advance, they might have been like headless flies in this case, not knowing what to do.

However, these people were treated coldly, and the bank's offline website only told the people who came to inquire. They are not aware of this matter at the moment, because the financial products were not purchased offline from them, so they are not responsible for this matter.

This makes many investors feel very helpless.

——The person in charge of Laihai Bank suppressed this matter through his superiors and decided to digest it internally.

If this is really the case, why doesn't Laihai Bank issue a public statement to appease investors?

It's just that Lao Li didn't know much about this matter. He even asked his friends in the investment community and finally came up with a vague explanation.

It has been dragging investors and not doing anything with this amount.

Because they buy online, there is not much useful information available online.

Because this case involves more than 4 billion!
To be honest... with so much money, even if he opened a bank, he couldn't just take out so much money.

After all... most of the money in regular financial management is regulated.

At this time, more than 4 billion yuan was made, and he didn't even know it at the beginning.

It's all caused by violations.

Now it has become a hot potato for him, but he can't say anything more.

Because those who committed the more than 4 billion violations were not ordinary people.

He couldn't say anything more, but the more than four billion yuan couldn't be left alone, which made Yu Wandong very embarrassed.

Most of the bank's money comes from depositors' regular financial management, bank lending business, and non-guaranteed financial management business. These are relatively large businesses.

If the more than 4 billion yuan is borne by banks, the banks can directly declare bankruptcy.

Domestically, it is extremely rare for a bank to declare bankruptcy.

As the chairman, something might happen to him.

After seeing that someone was going to sue the bank and demand compensation in this case, Yu Wandong immediately called his old friend and the second largest shareholder of Laihai Bank.

Ask him to come to the office.

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and Meng Zijian opened the door and walked in from outside the office.

"What's going on? Why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

"I'm still dealing with an important business over there!" Meng Zijian opened the door and sat down directly, while Yu Wandong didn't pay much attention to Meng Zijian's complaints and continued:
"Don't worry about business or not. There is a very difficult problem now. If we can't handle this problem well, the bank will go bankrupt. Where will the business come from?"

"Previously, our bank raised more than 4 billion in wealth management products on third-party platforms, which was a big hit."

"I remember I told you before that the middle-class people who bought financial products were preparing to find a law firm to file a lawsuit with us. Now they have found a law firm, and that law firm is a relatively well-known law firm."

"The Red Circle Institute in Nandu is well-known throughout the country."

"The Intermediate People's Court has accepted this case. If this lawsuit is settled, our bank may be greatly affected. Please tell me how this matter should be handled."

Yu Wandong stated all the causes and consequences of the incident.

Meng Zijian raised his eyebrows lightly: "Isn't this matter already settled?"

"Those investors have been reporting us to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, aren't they okay now?"

"Isn't it already suppressed? What other problems could there be? Just file a lawsuit. What big impact will it have?"

"Besides...the younger son of the Lin family is in charge of this financial management project. We were initially asked to come to Hainan Bank to practice, and we agreed."

"As a result, such a big hole was dug for us. If he is not responsible, who will be responsible?"

"Originally, our online financial products were all planned. Xiao Lin, who is young and energetic, insists on using the funds from these financial products to invest in some big projects."

"What's the result? His so-called big project didn't have any great review qualifications, so he was fooled. The big project exploded!"

"Our bank has lost so many billions. Who should take responsibility for this matter if he is not allowed to do so?"

"Anyway, let's not worry about this matter for now. Since it's Xiao Lin's fault, his family will definitely handle it well for him."

"As long as we are not investigated or the China Banking Regulatory Commission puts pressure on us."

"Everything is easy to handle."

Facing Meng Zijian's answer, Yu Wandong immediately spoke:
"But that batch of financial products will need to be fully redeemed or investigated. How can this matter be kept hidden?"

"Let's not talk about anything else. Even if Xiao Lin is there to support their family, we will not be affected at all, and no investigation can be done on us."

"But we are a small bank to begin with, and small banks cannot withstand any big storms. Once this incident has a huge influence on public opinion, our bank can directly declare bankruptcy."

"When a run occurs, which bank can withstand such a big run?"

“Can the largest bank in the country withstand this?”

"I can't stand it at all!"

"This is what I'm most worried about!"

Faced with the problem of the Late East, Meng Zijian easily covered it up.

"Oh, by the way, there is something you don't know. I only found out about it yesterday."

"Xiao Lin said that when he launched the product before, investors were told that it was capital-guaranteed financial management, but in fact the agreement in the terms was not capital-guaranteed financial management."

“In other words, when we let that group of investors purchase these financial products, we deceived that group of investors.”

"That group of investors didn't know that what they bought was not capital-guaranteed financial management. They would litigate, and it wouldn't be of much use. The greater the return, the greater the risk. If they bought financial management with such a high return, they would definitely have to bear certain risks."

"Even if there is public opinion on the Internet, we can definitely say that what the other party bought is non-principal-guaranteed financial management income. Furthermore, we can not make the payment first, or limit the payment in batches and only pay part of the financial management period."

"Wouldn't this solve the problem?"

"In the end, at most, the Banking Regulatory Commission will impose a penalty on us. According to the law, the fine we pay is not too much."

"Anyway, our bank will definitely not be able to bear such a large amount of compensation. It is more than 4 billion. How can our small bank afford such a large amount of money?"

"Let them file the lawsuit. I will notify the legal department and let them handle these lawsuits according to the terms in the purchase agreement."

"You don't have to worry about these things. Although we can't handle it, we didn't create this trap. Someone will find a way to solve this matter."

"We are not the most anxious group of people. Don't worry, someone will handle this matter."

"Even if no one handles it, as long as we continue to follow the procedures, there is still hope."

Meng Zijian opened his mouth to comfort Yu Wandong.

This bank was established by him and Yu Wandong. As the second largest shareholder and founder, he certainly did not want the bank to go bankrupt.

He understood everything Yu Wandong was worried about.

What happened has happened, and there is no better solution now.

It can only be said that by then the situation will be resolved step by step and the situation will be very clear. Even if the other party uses legal means, let’s not say whether the court will fine them to compensate them for the money.

Even if the court fines them to compensate them, but they cannot pay it out, or they ask for installment compensation or cold treatment, what will the court do?
Can the court also enforce their other properties?

Certainly not!

Because their other properties are other people's capital-guaranteed financial management, they are protected first by the law.

So overall, the final result of this matter still needs to be treated coldly.

What Meng Zijian is more worried about is whether Xiaolin's family can bear the consequences of this incident.

If you can bear it...then there is nothing to say about this matter. It can only make those investors suffer a dumb loss.

So...when Meng Zijian faced these situations, he asked Yu Wandong to contact Xiaolin's family to explain the matter clearly and see the other party's attitude.

Yu Wandong also knew in his heart that there was no other good way now. The thunder had exploded, and the more than four billion yuan would not come back, so he had to carry it on.

So I made a phone call and described the cause and effect of the incident as well as the matters to be prosecuted in court.

Lin Sheng's home.

Lin Sheng sat on the sofa and finished answering Yu Wandong's call.

Lin Sheng hated his youngest son so much.

Originally, his younger son wanted to engage in finance. He knew his younger son's character and wanted to get some training in a small bank first.

Who would have thought that my youngest son would dare to move more than four billion!

Or capital-guaranteed financial management!

If it is a fund, the money will be lost if it is lost. Those who buy funds also know in their hearts that financial management is risky, and it is not a big deal.

But this is the bank’s capital-guaranteed financing!
How dare he!

Is capital-guaranteed financial management something that can be moved? If you move one million, you can be sentenced to many years. More than four billion, you will be shot ten times, and you will be sentenced to death ten times!

After receiving the call, Lin Sheng immediately called his youngest son.

"Where are you now? Go home now, now!"


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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