You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 53 Recruitment!Junior sister? !

Chapter 53 Recruitment!Junior sister? !
The law firm's funding problem is a bit tight, but for now, it is enough.

Su Bai did not accept Li Xuezhen's pocket money.

This made Li Xuezhen's face collapse.

Originally, she wanted to use her own money to pay herself wages, so that she could get her own money back after investing.

The little head thinks very well.

But I didn't expect the plan to fail.

Questions about expanding the scale and recruiting lawyers.

Su Bai directly went to a recruitment website, published the recruitment information for recruiting lawyers, and asked Li Xuezhen to be in charge of the recruitment business.

Also drew a pancake.

"We have recruited someone, you are the second in command of our law firm, then you will have someone under your command"

Li Xuezhen was full from the pancakes.

Remembering that I became the second in command in the law firm and became a partner, I suddenly became motivated and my face was serious.

"Lawyer Su, I will work hard!"

Su Bai smiled slightly: "Come on!"

In addition, Su Bai himself is also handling the consulting business of the law firm and solving some civil reconciliation agency cases.

Generally speaking, most civil dispute cases are reconciliation, mediation, and consensus, unless there is evidence that can hammer the other party to death.

It has to be said that since the location of the law firm was moved and the Qi Feng case was promoted on the Internet and gained popularity.

There is not much shortage of cases, Su Bai has been in charge of several civil mediation cases by himself.

However, there has been no progress on the matter of recruitment.

Those who come to the law firm for interviews and consultations are either trainee lawyers, or the level of lawyers is similar to that of trainee lawyers. If they can handle cases independently, they will be able to handle cases independently, and they will lose every lawsuit!
Wages and benefits are extortionate.

If this is recruited, it will damage the reputation and credibility of the law firm.

There was no other way, Su Bai had no choice but to ask Luo Daxiang for help.

Luo Daxiang had promised him earlier to introduce him to the connections in Nandu.

Now is a good time to win over contacts and strengthen your law firm.

Luo Daxiang did what he said and introduced his younger brother Xiao Haibo to Su Bai.

Xiao Haibo had heard about Su Bai's record in the northern capital.

It has promoted the progress of judicial judgment on self-defense!

What's more, he recommended Su Bai and Bai Jun Law Firm to Luo Daxiang before.

Nandu Wangli Bank case.
In Zhang Tongwei's marriage case, the opposing lawyer was sent in
Qi Feng's death sentence commuted to self-defense case..
Any of these cases will be very explosive when it is released.

When receiving a call from Luo Daxiang, Xiao Haibo also intended to get in touch with such an explosive lawyer.

Inside Haifang Law Firm.

Haifang Law Firm is a top law firm in Nandu, which is very strong in civil litigation.

Xiao Haibo is a senior partner at Haifang Law Firm.

Inside the senior partner's office.

Xiao Haibo was sitting on the sofa, Su Bai was sitting on the opposite side, and Li Xuezhen was sitting on the left side of Su Bai.

"Lawyer Su, I've heard everything about you from my brother Luo Daxiang.

But at present, none of the lawyers in our law firm have the willingness to change jobs.

We don’t accept lawyers who come to our law firm to submit their resumes, and I have asked if they have any intention of going to Baijun Law Firm.”

"It's just that no one is willing to go to Lawyer Su's Baijun Firm at present.
However, I have a senior nephew, who can be regarded as a senior nephew, with a good level of law, especially in civil and financial law. He has just been able to handle cases independently, and he should be able to meet your requirements, Lawyer Su. "

"The name is Xu Xiang. I wonder if Lawyer Su is willing to accept it?"

Su Bai raised his head slightly: "The civil and financial law is good, you should be able to find a good law firm, right?"

Xiao Haibo smiled and said:
"My nephew, although he is good at civil and financial law.

But you just want to engage in criminal cases. Lawyer Su, you have accepted these three criminal cases.

Especially the Qi Feng case, which can be called a classic, I think he should be very happy to go to Bai Jun Law Firm. "

"If Lawyer Su is interested, I can ask."

"Our law firm, as long as anyone is willing to come, we certainly welcome it, especially this kind of qualified lawyer, we welcome it!"

Su Bai smiled.

Civil and financial law, this is a sweet potato.

Come to their law firm, it can be said that their law firm has made a lot of money, okay?

Especially in relation to financial law, the lawyer's fee for that case is more than the lawyer's fee of other ordinary lawyers for several years!
Sometimes, the gap between lawyers and lawyers is huge!
Xiao Haibo smiled and nodded: "In this case, I will ask my nephew's opinion later. Oh, by the way, Lawyer Su doesn't have any cases in hand right now?"

"There are cases, but they are small cases that are responsible for reconciliation."

"Well, I have a civil case here. I don't know if Attorney Su is interested in civil litigation?"

"Something about labor bills."

Chia Tai Building.

Bai Jun Law Firm.

After returning from Haifang Law Firm, Su Bai brewed a cup of 99 jins of tea.

Judging by the current operation of the law firm.

If Xu Xiang can work in their law firm, then the law firm will be on the right track, and it will no longer be a small-scale fight.

The labor bill introduced by Xiao Haibo is also quite interesting.

However, at present, the parties still need to confirm whether their law firm will take up the case.

Not long after Su Bai returned to Baijun Law Firm from Haifang Law Firm, he received a call from Xiao Haibo.

"Lawyer Su, my nephew, as soon as I heard about the case that Lawyer Su participated in, I immediately decided to go to your law firm. I'm going to go to the interview this afternoon. I don't know if it's convenient for Lawyer Su?"

"It's convenient, of course it's convenient. I'll be waiting at the law firm anytime."

After hanging up the phone, Su Bai told Li Xuezhen to prepare:
"Our law firm has a newcomer to join, wait a moment to cheer up and conduct an interview."

"Oh, good lawyer Su"

Li Xuezhen's little expression was a little listless.

Wait until about four o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Xiang came to Baijun Law Firm.

Xu Xiang is about 1.8 meters tall and weighs about [-] kilograms by visual inspection. He graduated from the Southern Metropolis University of Law and walks vigorously.

Inside the office.

When Xu Xiang saw Su Bai, his eyes lit up:
"Lawyer Su, hello.

My name is Xu Xiang. I heard that Lawyer Su has a deep research on criminal cases and even promoted judicial reform in the Qi Feng case. I have admired Lawyer Su for a long time. "

"Lawyer Su"

Xu Xiang stretched out his hand enthusiastically, and held Su Bai's hand tightly.


Su Bai responded with a smile.

Xu Xiang greeted Su Bai warmly at the same time.

He seemed to realize that a pair of eyes were staring at him closely, turned his head and saw Li Xuezhen standing aside.

Xu Xiang's expression was slightly surprised.
Junior sister...?

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  Next case!
  Very practical!
  Thank you for your monthly ticket recommendations and rewards, but some rewards seem to be that or something, sometimes I really can’t tell the difference!
  Thanks! !
(End of this chapter)

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