You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 55 Accept the commission!

Chapter 55 Accept the commission!

Since joining Baijun Law Firm, Li Xuezhen has participated in three lawsuits in total.

The first bank case.

The second divorce fraud case.

The third death penalty case.

These three are all criminal cases, some of which have attached civil cases, but generally speaking, they are all criminal cases.

the labor bill
Could it be sending the boss of the other party in?

Li Xuezhen looked at Su Bai with bright eyes:

"Lawyer Su, if our law firm takes up this case this time, will our law firm send the other boss in?"

Su Bai: "?"

What does this simple female college student want to do...?

The little head was thinking about something, and he brought up sending the other boss in. Why is this look full of anticipation?

"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed dryly, interrupting Li Xuezhen's imagination.

"This case is not a matter of filing a lawsuit or who is sent in. The most important thing is the client's request!"

"The client's most important appeal is to get back the money, his hard-earned money, so what we should do most is how to meet the client's appeal is the most critical, understand?"

"Lawyer Su, I understand that we not only want to get back the money, but also send the other party's unscrupulous boss in!"

Li Xuezhen's face flushed with excitement.

Think about it, how exciting!

Su Bai: "?"

Isn't it a simple female college student that was promised, why has it changed now?

In this labor bill, the main thing is how to prepare for the lawsuit and prepare for some conditions for reconciliation.

Generally, according to the labor law, as long as the appeal has evidence and factual basis, it can basically win.

But the key is that the other party insists on not giving you the money, which is very dry.

Most of them don’t give money if they have money, dragging on and dragging you down.

As for litigation, to be honest, it is not too difficult. As long as you have certain evidence and the judge does not judge blindly, in terms of civil compensation, then you will win.

If blind judgment
Again, the ending will be very exciting!

And from the current point of view, this labor bill is a case of first instance. In the first instance, more evidence is available to crucify the other party. Even if it is the second instance, there is a high probability that the original verdict will be upheld.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they entrust Bai Jun Law Firm.

If there is no entrustment, well, it's nonsense.

"Okay, don't think so much, the other party hasn't entrusted our law firm yet, let's talk about it after entrusting our law firm."

Su Bai first cooled down Li Xuezhen's temperature, so that this little head would not want to send her in all day long.

The other party's lawyer was sent in last time, which caused Li Xuezhen to always feel excited.

If things go on like this for a long time, it becomes a habit. You think the judge on the trial stage is not pleasing to the eye, and you still want to send the judge in..?


After Li Xuezhen thought about this, her little face drooped, and she lost all energy.

No case, boring, no awesome case is even more boring.

When will I, Xiao Li, become a trainee lawyer who won all four games during the internship period?

I want to be a partner of Bai Jun Law Firm!
Thinking of this, the word loss was written all over Li Xuezhen's face.

In comparison, Xu Xiang, the senior brother, has been busy a lot in the law firm. Although he is currently dealing with a civil settlement case, the law firm has him and he is very busy. He also took on a small criminal case.

It's not too difficult, it's a crime of slander and insult.

The subject, subjectivity and objective of defamation crime and insult crime are basically the same, the difference lies in the objective aspect of the crime.

The crime of insult is basically manifested in the use of violence and other means to mock and insult the victim.

The crime of defamation must be the act of fabricating and disseminating facts that damage the reputation of others.

The cause of this small criminal case is a typical crime of defamation and insult
The perpetrator insults the victim face to face, which damages the dignity of the victim.

Moreover, the slander was carried out in private, seriously infringing on the reputation of others.

According to Su Bai's guidance, Xu Xiang is also seriously handling and preparing for this criminal case.

If nothing else, the evidence is solid and the victim will definitely win the case.

When Li Xuezhen heard about this case, she was very angry and asked Su Bai:
"Lawyer Su, this kind of slander is too much, what should we do if we encounter it?"

Su Bai said with a smile: "In case of encounter, collect evidence as soon as possible, call the police, and don't testify yourself.

Law enforcement officers will conduct appropriate mediation and evidence collection.

Of course, if you think the punishment is too light, or the other party refuses to mediate.

A lawsuit may be filed to request the law enforcement agency to cooperate in submitting corresponding evidence. "

"Take up the weapon of the law to protect your legal rights!"

"Damn it!"

Li Xuezhen's face was serious: "Understood Lawyer Su."

Xu Xiang also nodded earnestly at the side. Although he was tired at Baijun Law Firm, he had a lot of things to deal with, and he was making rapid progress!
In the law firm, Xu Xiang and Li Xuezhen each had their own little thoughts, pretending that they didn't know each other.

In fact, Su Bai had seen through everything a long time ago, Xu Xiang and Li Xuezhen's small thoughts were tightly controlled by him.

If you pretend you don't know each other, are you not brothers and sisters?

Just pretend, everyone pretends not to know each other.

Then he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't see through.

There are three people in the law firm, [-] Xinyanzi, Su Bai occupies [-] Xinyanzi, Xu Xiang occupies one and a half, and Li Xuezhen barely occupies half.

Oh, right.

Sometimes Li Xuezhen can be counted as good-natured, but not many, and not long-lasting, forget it, barely add half.

Wait until the afternoon.

Su Bai is preparing for his lunch break in the office.

Received a call from the woman in the labor case.

Previously, Su Bai had left his cell phone number to the woman, and the two exchanged cell phone numbers. After checking the woman's phone number, Su Bai connected smoothly.

"Lawyer Su, I discussed it with my man. We entrusted Bai Jun Law Firm to fight this lawsuit. But now my man is still resting at home and can't go to the law firm. Can you come over, Lawyer Su?"

There was pleading in the woman's tone.

Su Bai nodded slightly: "Of course, you can give me an address, and we will go there to learn more about the situation when the party is time."

"Okay, thank you, Lawyer Su."

The woman thanks again.

After hanging up the phone, Su Bai walked out of the office and saw Li Xuezhen sitting at the exclusive desk of the trainee lawyer, studying [Criminal Law] [Administrative Procedure Law] seriously, and at the same time recording something with a pen.

"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed dryly, Li Xuezhen raised her head slightly, and carefully covered the things she wrote down with a pen.

Su Bai twitched the corners of his mouth, he knew what he was researching without covering him up, but he didn't intend to continue exploring:
"Come out with me, the labor bill, the party has decided to entrust our law firm, you go with me and ask the party about the specific case."

"Bring the entrustment contract by the way."

"The labor bill has been entrusted to our law firm?"

Li Xuezhen's face was full of excitement: "Good Lawyer Su, I'll go get ready!"

 I don’t know how to wipe it and jumped to more than a dozen. Please ask for a monthly ticket to follow up and recommend a ticket ~ thank you
(End of this chapter)

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