You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 65 Judgment, fixed-term imprisonment, 1 year!

Chapter 65 Judgment, fixed-term imprisonment, one year!
after a few seconds.

After Wan Henghao calmed down his nervousness, he began to speak slowly:

"Judge, I don't know how to make a statement. I only know that Wu Qi has been in arrears with my wages for the past two years..."

"It caused a serious loss to my life and family. I was ill and had no money for treatment, and over time I developed a serious illness.

The children in my family have no money to pay tuition fees when they go to school, so they borrowed money from scratch.”

"The reason why I chose to sue and go through the legal process."

"I just hope that the law can bring me a fair judgment. I don't want a strict sentence, but I just want to exercise the most fair judgment for me."

"Judge, I have finished my statement."
On the presiding judge's seat, Yu Zhenyang nodded silently after listening to Wan Henghao's statement.

Looking at Su Bai: "Client lawyer, is there anything else you want to add?"

"Judge, we have nothing to add."

Su Bai spoke.

Enough is enough.

If I add more, maybe it will be counterproductive.


Wan Henghao has already said it very sincerely, so it doesn't make much sense to add it by himself.

After the litigant finished his statement, the presiding judge looked at the litigant again.

"Respondent, begin your court case."

Zhang Xiao said, "Good judge."

According to the current situation.
Wu Qi's sentence was about to become a fact.

The opponent dug too many holes, and he completely slipped into it.

Facts and evidence are before us.

Wu Qi was not sentenced..then there is only one situation where a settlement can be made before the verdict can be given a lighter sentence.

Zhang Xiao quickly communicated with Wu Qi: "The current court trial is very unfavorable to us."

Wu Qi panicked when he heard this.
"Lawyer Zhang, what should we do?"

"You think of a way!"

"A reconciliation is possible, which means that this court trial will definitely award you to compensate Wan Henghao for the wages he owed. It would be nice to reconcile before the judgment is made."

Wu Qi is no longer in the mentality of asking for money and not giving it to him.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's words, he nodded hastily.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, I listened to you, reconcile and settle! Lawyer Zhang, you can do whatever you want!"


Zhang Xiao sorted out the materials in front of him, put aside the court statement he had prepared earlier, and began to explain it orally.

"The presiding judge believes that our party did not intentionally and deliberately refuse to pay Wan Henghao's salary subjectively."

"Our client has now realized his mistake and is willing to pay Wan Henghao the corresponding salary. If Wan Henghao is willing, our client will pay Wan Henghao the corresponding wage arrears within three working days. and the corresponding interest."

dong dong!

The presiding judge's gavel fell, and Yu Zhenyang's eyes fell on the litigant's seat.

"Will the litigant accept the request for mediation?"

Wan Henghao looked at Su Bai in confusion.

Su Bai opened his mouth and said: "The court verdict has not yet come down, and the other party can propose a settlement. As for reconciliation, it is up to you."

"Then Lawyer Su...I don't want to settle, can I get my money back...?"


Hearing Su Bai's answer, Wan Henghao's eyes instantly became firm, and he swears in a rare way: "Then it's reconciliation!"

"He's such a bully! Now that he's almost winning the lawsuit, he wants to pay me back. Why didn't he think of paying me back when I begged him before!"

"Lawyer Su, I don't want to settle!"


Su Bai nodded slightly, then looked at the presiding judge's seat: "Presiding judge, we refuse to settle!"

dong dong!

Yu Zhenyang: "What is the reason for refusing to settle?"

Su Bai took a deep breath.

"Reasons for Denial of Settlement:"

"The respondent party, at our most difficult time, was unwilling to pay the wages it owed, which caused our financial difficulties.

When accepting the trial of the law, they propose a settlement in order to evade the responsibility of the law. This is the greatest blasphemy against the law! "

"If everyone, like Wu Qi, proposes a settlement in court to evade legal responsibilities, then it will trample on the majesty of the law!"

"So we believe that in order to maintain the awe of the law, the litigants should be severely punished!"

Xie Yu: "?"

Dong Qiang: "?"

Zhang Xiao: "?"

Wu Qi: "?!!"

Good guy!
Proposing a settlement in court is a violation of the majesty of the law?

Is it a violation of the law?
This hat is big enough!

Wu Qi scolded his mother directly in his heart.

What does this mean?
Is this trampling on the majesty of the law?

grass!He can't afford this hat! !

"What should I do...Lawyer Zhang, didn't you say that reconciliation is enough, why is the situation getting worse and worse now?"

"Lawyer Zhang, what's going on!"

Wu Qi was anxious to death, Zhang Xiao rubbed his temples, who would have thought that the other party would be so good at pulling big flags?

How to do?
He didn't know what to do either.
Wait for the outcome of the trial.
on the bench.

Yu Zhenyang nodded slightly.
From this point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

He had a general assessment of the case before the judgment.

Looking at the litigant's seat, Yu Zhenyang nodded slightly, and in his heart, he already had the verdict.

Ring the gavel.

Boom boom boom!
"After the court's statement, the litigants refused to settle."

"Are there any objections from all parties?"

Su Bai: "We have no objection."

Zhang Xiao: "We have no objection."

Yu Zhenyang rang the gavel and stood up slowly: "Since there are no objections, the trial is now declared to be over!"

The clerk: "Everyone stand up, the presiding judge, please announce the trial result!"

Swish swish.

All rise.

At this moment, Wu Qi's fat face was covered with fine sweat, he clenched his fists tightly, waiting for the judge to pronounce the sentence.

I saw Yu Zhenyang's tall and straight body, holding the trial materials, announcing the verdict.

"The reason for this case is that Wan Henghao, the litigant party, filed a private prosecution against Wu Qi, the litigant party, for refusing to pay remuneration. At the same time, he pursued Xie Yu and Dong Qiang's defective shareholders, and assumed civil liability for compensation."

"This court has jurisdiction over the case, and the applicable laws are all in accordance with domestic laws."

"The result of the trial will be announced below."

"According to the research and judgment of this court, for the claims made by the litigants."

"First, the accusation against Wu Qi, as an equity owner, legal person, and main person in charge of Tianlan Construction Co., Ltd., of committing the crime of refusing to pay remuneration, the facts are established and the evidence is conclusive.

The party subject to the lawsuit has no objection, and Wu Qi, the party subject to the lawsuit, seriously infringed upon Wan Henghao's rights and interests and caused serious consequences. The judgment is hereby: "

"Wu Qi is guilty of refusing to pay remuneration!"

"Sentence Wu Qi to one year's imprisonment! And, pay Wan Henghao's salary and arrears of interest within a limited period!"

"Also, part of Wan Henghao's loss caused by Wu Qi's arrears of wages should be borne by Wu Qi. The specifics are related. After the trial, the court will further coordinate!"

"Second, regarding the issue of prosecuting defective shareholders raised by the litigant, it is determined that Xie Yu and Dong Qiang, as defective shareholders, need to bear part of the liability for compensation for Wan Henghao's arrears of salary and interest. It depends on the shareholding ratio of Lan Construction Co., Ltd."

"Three, order Wu Qi to apologize for the loss caused by Wan Henghao!"

"Fourth, with regard to the litigation fees raised by the litigant and the lawyer's related expenses, it is determined that the litigant shall bear it!"

"All the claims against the sued are dismissed!"

"This case is a first-instance judgment. According to the provisions of our country's procedural law, if the party subject to the lawsuit finds that there are any problems or doubts about the ruling, it can file a review with the relevant unit or file an application for retrial."

"The verdict will be sent to both parties within ten days of the court closing."

"Close the court!"

The dull sound of the gavel fell, and the trial ended!

Sitting on the seat of the litigant, Wu Qi looked bewildered... coupled with a look of bewilderment, and even a hint of panic
I. went in.? !
 Ask for a follow-up! !

  monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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