You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 73 Li Xuezhen: I Still Don't Give Enough!

Chapter 73 Li Xuezhen: I Still Don't Give Enough!
Inside the office.

Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to pour two cups of tea and put them on the table. At the same time, he made a record, carefully recording the key issues about Lin Quan's statement.

From time to time, a few questions will be asked.

For example: In the first instance, the specific content of the judgment in the verdict is determined based on those points.

Several people came from Penguin Legal, and what is the core point of view of the other party's lawsuit.

During the trial, what is the judge's attitude towards this lawsuit...

An hour later, Lin Quan's mouth was dry, when Meng Xiaofan said:

"Lawyer Su, facing this situation, do you think we can win the case at the second trial...?"

After Su Bai received the rough recorded information from Li Xuezhen, he said:

"Whether you can win the lawsuit depends on your appeal."

"What are you suing for...?"

Lin Quan was silent for a few seconds, then said:
"Lawyer Su, our appeal is very simple, as long as Penguin can apologize to us, admit plagiarism, and compensate us for our losses!"


This must be done by pressing the penguin on the ground and rubbing it in court?
Su Bai said with a smile: "Regarding this case, I can't promise to fulfill your request, but I will try my best."

"Specifically, you need to entrust our law firm to continue the research and give a certain plan and answer."

"The key is whether you entrust our Baijun Law Firm to carry out this second-instance lawsuit..."

Facing the difficult penguin with fluttering wings, Su Bai is confident that he can win the lawsuit.

After all, as a big company, the other party has a lot of legal counsel, so the lawsuit against a studio like Lin Quan may be just a small lawsuit in the eyes of the other party.

Lawyers don't have to be top notch.
However, it is still difficult to fulfill Lin Quan's demands.

Words can't be too full...
Lin Quan's expression was a little hesitant, and he asked the most critical and important question:
"Lawyer Su, how much is the lawyer's fee for this case?"

After Su Bai glanced at the detailed content introduced by Lin Quan, he spoke slowly:
"According to the difficulty of the case and the amount involved, it is estimated that the lawyer's fee is about 80."

"The specific cost needs to be further investigated before it can be confirmed."

"In the litigation application, you can apply for the other party to bear the attorney's fees, but if the presiding judge decides that the other party will not bear the attorney's fees, then your studio will bear the attorney's fees."

Hearing the lawyer's fee of 80 yuan, Lin Quan's expression was a little tangled...

80 lawyer fees...
For their studio, this is not a small amount!
"Good Lawyer Su, thank you Lawyer Su for answering our inquiry today."

"But this case, the second trial, is very important to us, we need to think about it again."

"Okay, this case is indeed important, and we should think about it carefully before making a decision."

Su Bai smiled and nodded, and sent Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan out of the law firm. Before leaving, Lin Quan thanked Su Bai again.

After Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan left the law firm, Li Xuezhen looked puzzled:

"Lawyer Su, I think they frowned when they heard the price of the lawyer's fee. Is our lawyer's fee too high?"

"Are they just graduate students who have so much money to sue...?"

"Cough cough."

Little rich woman's way of thinking is a bit wrong!

Su Bai coughed dryly, and asked back, "What lesson have you learned so far?"

"Lawyer Su, learned the sixth lesson"

"Then teach you lesson seven today!"

When Li Xuezhen heard the teaching, she couldn't help but look serious, and only heard Su Bai say:
"Don't think about customers in stereotypes."

"Think about it, if they can't afford so much lawyer fees, will they come to our law firm?"

Li Xuezhen shook her head: "No."

"Then why did he come to our law firm...?"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up: "I know this, because I want to win!"

Su Bai rubbed his temples: "Is there no other reason?"

"other reasons."

"The other reason must be that they can afford the lawyer's fee, and just now they said that they have been to some top law firms in Southern Metropolis, and those top law firms must charge higher prices than us."

"For 80 yuan in legal fees, what we want is already the advertised price."

"Our law firm is not a charity law firm, and there is no fee for litigation. After all, expanding the law firm in the future is not a small should be as much as it should be."

"Besides, the lawyer's fee is not collected randomly, it is estimated based on the amount and difficulty of the other party's lawsuit."

"do you understand?"

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously: "Lawyer Su, I understand."

But at the same time.

As soon as Li Xuezhen heard about money, she immediately regained her spirits, knowing that the opportunity had come!

After Su Bai noticed Li Xuezhen's burning gaze:? ? ?

Li Xuezhen smiled and said, "Lawyer Su, are you short of money? Expansion of the law firm should require a lot of money. It would take a long time to save money if it was all based on lawyer fees."

Su Bai: "?!?"

At the work station, Li Xuezhen drooped her small face, her face full of sorrow, it seems that 200 million is still not enough...

But she has already taken out all the little treasures she treasured.
The small coffers were drained, and there was not a penny left.


Li Xuezhen opened the chat history of her communication software and sent a message to her father:
"Dad, what if I want to invest in a law firm, but I don't have enough money...?"

Lao Li: "Not enough money? My good daughter, you tell me that you don't have enough money? I really failed as a father! Wait a minute!"

after a few seconds.

Li Xuezhen saw a reminder message from her bank card.

Li Xuezhen counted carefully, one, two, three six, seven...the beginning is five, followed by six zeros.

After counting, Li Xuezhen's eyes narrowed into crescent moons: "Thank you Dad!"

"It's only 500 million, why don't you thank me! My money is spent on you! As long as you don't fall in love!"

"Dad, the money I want is not for dating, but for investing in a law firm. Dad, don't worry."

Li Xuezhen emphasized seriously.

Lao Li was very relieved when he saw the message of Li Xuezhen's return. My good daughter is doing well in school, and she knows how to invest before she graduates!

Still a law firm!

Not bad!

Have a vision!
As for the 500 million, Lao Li didn't take it seriously at all, it was just 500 million, it was too much.

As long as his good daughter doesn't get misled, spoiled, or run away by other people, 500 million yuan is nothing to him, not a big deal at all.

Please follow up~

Ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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