You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 75 Lawyer Li, you don't want us to lose this lawsuit, do you?

Chapter 75 Lawyer Li, you don't want us to lose this lawsuit, do you?

Lin Quan has confirmed to entrust Bai Jun Law Firm.

After becoming the intention of entrusting.

Su Bai asked Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan for their opinions, and asked Li Xuezhen to make some records and summarize their opinions.

After discussing all this, Su Bai looked at Lin Quan with a smile:

"If there is no problem, then shall we sign an entrustment agreement?"

Lin Quan nodded with a smile: "Yes, I believe Lawyer Su and Bai Jun Law Firm can handle the lawsuit with Penguin well this time. We can sign the entrustment agreement now."

Su Bai nodded slightly, and asked Li Xuezhen to print out a commission agreement.

After the entrustment agreement was printed out, Su Bai handed the agreement to Lin Quan:

"As for the contents of the entrustment agreement, you can read it in detail and confirm that there is no problem, then you can sign the contract."


Lin Quan took a rough look, and then handed over the power of attorney to Meng Xiaofan.

After reading the power of attorney in detail, Meng Xiaofan nodded slightly: "There is no problem."

"This entrustment agreement can be signed."

Hearing Meng Xiaofan's confirmation, Lin Quan directly signed his name on the power of attorney with a pen.

in duplicate.

One was kept by the law firm, and the other was handed over to Lin Quan.

After putting away the power of attorney, Lin Quanchang let out a sigh of relief:

"Lawyer Su, this lawsuit, this case will be handed over to you!"

"I believe that Baijun Law Firm will not let us down."

When he said this, Lin Quan didn't know what to do. After all, there was a penguin on the opposite side, so he took it as encouragement.

Su Bai smiled and said, "This case is facing Penguin, so it is indeed a bit difficult, but now that you have entrusted us to Bai Jun Law Firm."

"Then we, Baijun Law Firm, will definitely do our best to meet your demands."

Facing Su Bai's words, Lin Quan felt inexplicably relieved for some reason.

After sending Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan away.

Su Bai handed over the entrustment agreement to Li Xuezhen.

Li Xuezhen's face was excited: "Lawyer Su, this is the fifth case our law firm has taken on!"

"This time, who are you going to send in?"

Su Bai: "?"

This time it is completely civil, there is no criminal at all, and the main body is Penguin, who is sent in!

Totally skewed.

What is going on in this little head every day?
Su Bai rubbed the center of his brows, how could a pure female college student go wrong!
"Cough cough!"

Su Bai coughed dryly twice: "This time it's a pure civil case, and there is no criminal responsibility."

Hearing Su Bai's words, a trace of loneliness appeared on Li Xuezhen's face: "Oh."

What used to be civil cases has now been turned into a criminal case.

Hearing Su Bai's words, Li Xuezhen felt momentarily lost in her heart.

But the feeling of loneliness only existed for less than three seconds.

Followed by.

Li Xuezhen seemed to have thought of something again, regained her joyful expression, and said silently in her heart:
"Punch in, the first civil case!"

Bai Jun Law Firm.

Su Bai was trying to play a small game made by Lin Quan's game studio on his mobile phone.


Puppies connect puppies.


Little tiger connects little tiger.


Bears connect bears.


Isn't this TM fun?
The game is simple and uncomplicated, suitable for getting started, and also has a clearance ranking. The game has very strong characteristics, the code is simple, and it is easy to copy.

And it is suitable for a wide range of people. If you can't achieve the elimination task, you can also watch the advertisement to resurrect.

Or after the resurrection of the advertisement, you can recharge and choose the chance of resurrection.

The game method is simple and easy to use. Under the promotion of mainstream players, it exploded.

Su Bai did a quick search on the Internet, and found that in this parallel world, there is no mini-game called Xiaoxiaole!
None of the classic match [-] games!

The fun of this parallel world is too bad.
Su Bai was not in a hurry, but opened the little game that Penguin put on the shelves.

The gameplay mode is not much different from this mini-game from Linquan Studio.

If the only difference is that Penguin, as a big company, is more exquisite in the production of such small games.

But I don't know if it's because Su Bai played the small game made by Lin Quan's game studio before.

I always feel that this little game of Penguin is not smooth enough.

There is a certain difference from the mini-game produced by Linquan Game Studio.

Su Bai sent a message to Li Xuezhen asking her to come to the office.

Today, Li Xuezhen wore a white tunic top, a small suit, and a professional short skirt on her lower body. After receiving Su Bai's message, she trotted to the office.

"Lawyer Su, are you looking for me?"

"Well, looking for you."

"Come and try these two games, which one is more fun."

While speaking, Su Bai handed the phone to Li Xuezhen.

After half an hour.

Li Xuezhen returned the phone to Su Bai: "Lawyer Su, I think the first one I tried is more fun, but I can't say exactly what it is fun for."

Su Bai nodded slightly.

The first game was made by Lin Quan's game studio, and it was indeed smoother.


According to the current situation, it is useless to use the current evidence to determine Penguin’s plagiarism and use infringement cases to defeat Little Penguin.
The opponent's small wings flapped seven or eight times and sent people flying.


Su Bai rubbed the center of his eyebrows, stood up, and said solemnly:
"Lawyer Li's lawsuit this time is related to the reputation of our law firm...
And once this lawsuit is won, our small law firm has defeated the undefeated big penguin of Nanshan, so much to say! "

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously: "I can do whatever Lawyer Su wants me to do!"

"Cough cough."

Unexpectedly, Li Xuezhen found out in advance, Su Bai coughed twice in embarrassment, and then spoke.

"If we lose this lawsuit, it will not only cause huge damage to the reputation of our law firm, but also your winning streak will be gone, Lawyer Li."

"Lawyer Li, you don't want to lose your winning streak as a trainee lawyer, do you?"

If you lose, the five-game winning streak is gone!
This is not feasible!

Li Xuezhen's head turned into a rattle: "Lawyer Su, I don't want to lose. I want to win this lawsuit."


"Just don't want to lose!"

If you don't want to lose, then you will have motivation. In this respect, Su Bai can be said to be very firm with Li Xuezhen.

"Here in the law firm, I have a difficult task for you. It is related to whether our law firm can win. Lawyer Li, this lawsuit is up to you!"

Seeing Su Bai's serious face, Li Xuezhen nodded solemnly: "Good Lawyer Su"

"Lawyer Su, tell me, I promise to complete the task!"

PS: It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~
Please follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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