You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 86 Legal Affairs: Boss Ma, our legal affairs cannot take it anymore!

Chapter 86 Legal Affairs: Boss Ma, our legal affairs cannot take it anymore!
Within a few days of waiting for the verdict to be issued.

Due to the introduction and promotion of Lin Quan, I highly recommend it.

And inform some small and medium-sized game studios copied by Penguin about the results of the trial.

Many small and medium-sized game studios who claimed to have been plagiarized by Tencent came over one after another and contacted Bai Jun Law Firm.

The purpose of the contact is naturally to denounce the penguins.

I hope that my studio can also slap the little penguin with two big mouths!

Severely relieve the anger!

down for a few days.

Su Bai got in touch with no less than eight persons in charge of small and medium-sized game studios face to face!

among them.

No less than 20 people who conduct consultations through the Internet.

Of course.

Learning about the case is free.

But consulting legal terms and legal amateur issues, these require paid consultation.

You can't let someone go whoring for nothing for a case you didn't get. Knowledge is not right.

The price is not high.

On the second day after the verdict came out, Lin Quan credited the lawyer's fee of Nanyou Studio into the account of the law firm in order to show his sincerity.

This case brought Su Bai's tea up a notch.

Five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine catties, a total of two thousand one catty.

A half-hour consultation costs 2000 yuan, which is almost enough to buy a catty of tea.

Twenty people consulted, some of them took a long time, and the total cost of consultation was about [-].

Earning income belongs to yes.

For this reason, Su Bai also added 200 yuan per month to Li Xuezhen as an internship fee.

Li Xuezhen didn't know why, but her face was innocent: "Lawyer Su, are you rich?"

Su Bai nodded, and asked with a smile: "Yes! This time our lawyer has all the money, and we will give you a raise, are you happy?"

A forced smile appeared on Li Xuezhen's small face: "Happy."

Why does being happy feel more uncomfortable than being unhappy?
Su Bai was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions. How can you be unhappy about the salary increase?

Maybe it's just that the little rich woman is too rich, so she doesn't mind 200 yuan!

However, what Li Xuezhen actually thought was that the lawyer had all the money.
Wouldn't her money be lost as a shareholder?
Xiao Li is frowning...
Inside the office.

Su Bai drank his tea leisurely, then took a long breath, glanced out of the window, saw no scenery, and looked away again.

The judgment of the Nanshan High Court was sent to Bai Jun Law Firm, and he had asked Li Xuezhen to notify Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan to pick it up.

According to the time, Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan are almost here.

Soon, within 10 minutes, Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan came to Baijun Law Firm.

Under the guidance of Li Xuezhen, he walked into Su Bai's office.

"Hello, Lawyer Su."

"Good afternoon, Lawyer Su"

Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan warmly greeted Su Bai.

Su Bai also responded enthusiastically.

And arranged for Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan to sit on the sofa opposite him.

After Su Bai sat down, Li Xuezhen poured a cup of tea for each of them, and sat obediently behind Su Bai.

Su Bai handed the verdict in front of Lin Quan: "The address filled in by the court before mailing the verdict is the law firm. This is the verdict. Keep it."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Lin Quan folded the verdict with a smile and put it in the bag he brought.

Then he said again: "Lawyer Su, the heads of the game studios I introduced to you earlier are not bad, are they able to receive many cases of friction with little penguins?"

Su Bai smiled and nodded.

Lin Quan introduced him, and the people who consulted were very enthusiastic, and he also contacted several people, but so far, no one has confirmed that he will file a lawsuit.

after all
The other party is Penguin, and the lawyer's fee is hundreds of thousands, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

What's more, some of them asked for a package win!


After all, it's also a penguin!

Let's not talk about whether Penguin's legal department will be fully prepared if I go to court again, just look at the case.

The games made by some game studios are all copied and stitched together.

You yourself are all plagiarists, stitching up a plagiarism game, and going to sue Penguin for plagiarism?

If Penguin backhands a counterclaim, the plaintiff may not only lose the case, but may also face certain penalties.

This kind of case will definitely not win.

Lin Quan's victory in this case can only be said to be due to originality, which is completely absent in the market, so it can be judged based on originality.

So after getting in touch.

After clarifying the situation, only one studio is willing to continue to contact.

The game of that studio is indeed original, and in terms of art and elements, Penguin has also plagiarized to a certain extent, so it is easy to sue!
If you hit one accurately, you can definitely smash the penguin's head.

Facing Lin Quan's question, Su Bai smiled and thanked him.

"It is true that I have received a case. It is not easy for a law firm to accept a case now. Thank you for your recommendation."

Lin Quan quickly said: "Lawyer Su, you don't need to thank you. If you want to thank you, our studio will definitely thank you!"

"The last time we fought against Penguin in the first trial, we also sought top lawyers in Southern Metropolis, but we lost the case directly. The remaining first-class lawyers and law firms are not optimistic about this Penguin case either!"

"If it weren't for Lawyer Su, our studio would definitely not be able to win!"

"Being able to receive the case depends entirely on your ability, Lawyer Su!"

Su Bai smiled and didn't speak yet, at this time Lin Quan spoke again:
"Lawyer Su, Penguin is planning to settle with us. I want to ask you something about it."


Is this the little penguin bowing his head?

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Ask."

Lin Quan took a deep breath:

"Lawyer Su like this, Penguin contacted me and said that he is willing to buy part of the copyright of our crazy elimination for 2000 million.

The overall operation of Crazy Match is still in our hands. And Penguin is willing to sign some unequal agreements.

The request has been raised, that is, we can no longer spread the news that Penguin has lost the lawsuit, and Penguin does not need to make a public apology to us. "

"I want to ask Lawyer Su, is there any problem with this?"


It seems that if Penguin wants to eliminate this influence, it will cost a lot of money!


"Signing an agreement mainly depends on whether the content of the agreement is flawed, but according to what you said, Penguin probably wants to use money to eliminate the impact of this loss."

"There is probably no big problem here, and the specifics still need to look at the content of the agreement."

"Reconcile or not, this depends mainly on your thoughts!"

"Good Lawyer Su"

Lin Quan nodded slightly after hearing Su Bai's words, and then continued to speak:

"Lawyer Su, we are here this time, and there is one more thing."

"what's up?"

"Is such that."

"Our studio wants to cooperate with Baijun Law Firm to deal with some legal issues in the future. I wonder if it is possible?"

This is for cooperation!
It is definitely not enough for a general large law firm to accept cases to support the law firm.

So generally sometimes, we will reach a certain cooperation with some companies.

To put it bluntly, the company values ​​your law firm and is willing to pay for it.

Obviously, Lin Quan also meant the same thing.

This is obviously a good thing for Bai Jun Law Firm!
Su Bai smiled and showed two small white teeth: "Of course, this is a good thing for win-win cooperation!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Lin Quan breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried that a barrister like Su Bai would look down on a small studio like his.

But so far, the cooperation has been achieved!
With a smile on Lin Quan's face, he stretched out his hand and held Su Bai tightly.

With Su Bai, the ace law firm!

In the future, when Nanyou Studio has any legal problems, there is no need to worry at all!
After the two parties reached an agreement, Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan discussed with Su Bai in the office for another half an hour about the matter of reconciliation proposed by Penguin.

After the discussion is over.

Lin Quan and Meng Xiaofan left the law firm.

After the two left, Li Xuezhen on the side frowned slightly: It seems that the law firm will not be short of money in the future. Distressed
It's useless to have 500 million empty, who is this to reason with?
Su Bai briefly sorted out the concession agreement left by Lin Quan about the penguin offer.

Then it was handed over to Li Xuezhen:

"I've read all these agreements, and there's nothing wrong with them. Go through them again."

After Li Xuezhen took over the agreement, she asked curiously, "Lawyer Su, is Nanyou Studio really going to accept Penguin's cooperation?"

"It's not considered acceptance, it can only be said that Little Penguin is willing to bleed heavily for his loss."

"As for whether to accept it or not, that is the client's business and has nothing to do with us.

We are only responsible for taking money to do things and strive for the maximum benefit for the client. "

"Oh, good lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously,
When Li Xuezhen left the office, only Su Bai was left in the office.

Su Bai let out a long breath, this time the Penguin case, their law firm really gained a lot!
It's not just attorney fees.

More importantly, their Baijun Law Firm and Nanyou Studio have reached a cooperation agreement!

For Baijun Law Firm, this is a key and solid step towards expansion!

Regarding the cooperation intention between Nanyou Studio and Baijun Law Firm, the two parties signed an agreement soon.

For this reason, Lin Quan also specially sent a pennant.

Left pennant: Nanshan undefeated little penguin?
Banner on the right: Ace Law Firm beats you!
Hanging next to the pennant Wan Henghao sent last time, it echoed back and forth.

The person in charge of the game studio that Lin Quan introduced last time, who was willing to keep in touch, decided to sue Little Penguin!

Previously, this game studio was afraid that the Penguin family would have a big business, so they kept swallowing their anger and did not sue.

This time, under the premise that Nanyou Studio won the lawsuit.

After some communication with Su Bai, the game studio quickly made up its mind and decided to sue Penguin!
After Su Bai understood the whole process and got ready to work.

Soon, with a complaint, Penguin was brought to the Nanshan Intermediate Court.

When Penguin Legal received the notice, he was confused:? ? ?

No, are you still here?
How long has it been since you last hammered us!Come again this time? ?

Are you addicted? !
It's not appropriate to bully honest people!

it is good!
Still coming, right?
Penguin Legal was very dissatisfied with Su Bai's lawsuit again, and studied the object of this lawsuit overnight
and found
In the Penguin game department, the plagiarism this time was even more outrageous, almost bringing over other games.

Even if the entire legal department is mobilized, there is only a 50.00% chance of winning the lawsuit at best!

In the game department, it's really undefeated legal affairs!

The person in charge of the legal department immediately reported to the boss of Penguin Ma: "The plagiarism in the game department is too serious, and the legal department can't handle it."


After the report is over.

A series of improvement measures have been carried out inside Penguin.

The person in charge of the game department was severely criticized!

For another lawsuit represented by Su Bai, Penguin Legal chose to settle.

can't beat you
If I can't beat you, I'll settle the matter directly!

Avoid huge impacts.

I'll just throw money at it!

In the end, the person in charge of the entrusted game studio received a huge amount of compensation far exceeding the compensation in the lawsuit.

The whole person laughed from ear to ear, withdrew the lawsuit and reached a settlement.

As for Su Bai
It doesn't matter, it's just that the chance to blast the penguin is missing.

If this case can be fought, I will fight it, and if I settle, my lawyer's fee will be less than a penny.


However, if you reconcile...

This made the little rich woman sad: "I missed a chance to hammer a penguin"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

 It's not that there are fewer shelves
  It was yesterday that I stayed up all night to finish the penguin case, and then it was late and I couldn't stand it any longer.
  It said 2.5 words on the shelf, but it was actually changed to [-].

  There are still [-], and I will make up for it~

  Ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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