You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 90 Understanding the Dossier.Li Xuezhen: Give it away, give it away, send it all in!

Chapter 90 Understanding the Dossier.Li Xuezhen: Give it away, give it away, send it all in!
Hearing Su Bai's inquiry.

Both Guo Wei and Liu Qing were taken aback for a moment.

The reason they came to ask Luo Daxiang for help was that they insisted that their son did not commit any crimes or extort money from other companies.


The lawyer they hired in the first trial obviously couldn't beat the public prosecutor, and they added other reasons.

Resulting in the loss of the lawsuit.  …

He also inquired about the relevant law firms. Some law firms were not optimistic about this case, so they came to Luo Daxiang for help.

They didn't expect that the lawyer that Professor Luo helped them find would directly ask them if they wanted their claim to be successful, or if they had any appeals in other areas.
This made Guo Wei and Liu Qing a little confused about the situation, and they both set their eyes on Luo Daxiang.

Regarding this, Luo Daxiang was also confused. He couldn't help looking at Su Bai curiously.

Only Li Xuezhen had a solemn and serious face, and stared at Su Bai with bright eyes.

"Cough cough."

Su Bai was a little dazed when he saw several people, coughed dryly twice, and said:

"I have roughly understood the situation just now. Regarding Guo Xiaojun's claim for compensation, I think it is a legitimate move."

"According to your description of this case, the court's decision at that time did have certain problems."

"But where the specific problem is, I haven't seen the file for the time being, so I don't know much about it, but regarding your appeal, this needs to be known in advance."

"That's why I want to ask, besides commuting Guo Xiaojun's sentence or defending his innocence, do you have any other lawsuit requests..."

After Guo Wei and Liu Qing looked at each other, they said slowly, "We are now in our 70s. It doesn't matter whether we claim compensation or not. We just hope that the law can give us justice."

"My son was not extorted, he was cheated, he was cheated, he was framed."

"We only ask the law to give us justice, and that is enough."


Su Bai nodded heavily. He could understand the feelings of the two old people. At this age, he definitely hoped that his son would be well.


Guo Xiaojun, the person involved, might not think so.

For the specific situation, after getting the file, ask Guo Xiaojun what the situation is.

"Okay, I have already understood your demands. Don't worry, we, Baijun Law Firm, will definitely try our best to fulfill your demands!"


"Thank you, Lawyer Su, thank you Lawyer Su."

Guo Wei and Liu Qing kept thanking each other.

Su Bai let out a long breath in his heart, and said repeatedly:

"This is what our law firm should do."


Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to take out the relevant entrustment agreement from the briefcase, and handed it over to the two.

"This is the relevant entrustment agreement. The two of you have a look at it first. If there is no problem, you can confirm the entrustment first."

The old couple nodded seriously. Professor Luo introduced Su Bai to them, and now he is in Professor Luo's office.

They didn't have any hesitation in signing the entrustment agreement. After the signing was completed, the old couple said again:

"Lawyer Su, we will call you after the trial for the relevant lawyer's fees."

Su Bai nodded: "Okay, there is no rush."

The lawyer's fee for this case is not too much, but it is also a lot, 15.

After signing the entrustment agreement, the old couple prepaid the litigation fees.

What Su Bai valued was not the lawyer's fee. In this case, he was not only defending, but also suing the other party's company to make the other party lose money!
If he loses money, he will take a percentage of it!

This is the head!
After completing the entrustment contract.

Su Bai let out a long breath, and at this moment Li Xuezhen said, "Lawyer Su, should we consult the client first?"

After leaving Luo Daxiang's office, Li Xuezhen asked.


"Don't consult the parties first, let's go to the file first."

"At this time, we are not very clear about the key points of the case. There are inevitably omissions in the description of the parents of the parties. It is more certain to look at the files, otherwise it will easily lead to some misleading."

"You forgot the lessons I taught you before...?"

Li Xuezhen hurriedly said: "Lawyer Su, I haven't forgotten, I remember clearly, I still have a strong practicality!"

Su Bai: "?"

"When I went to my teacher to help with homework, I even bought him something!"

"Isn't this what Lawyer Su taught me about the world?"

Li Xuezhen almost slipped her tongue, but quickly rounded it up.

A serious and serious expression appeared on his little face.

Su Bai: "???"

Well, this can be regarded as the worldly way!

"Well! Not bad, keep up the good work!"

Su Bai boasted casually.

On Li Xuezhen's well-behaved little face, a trace of contented joy appeared.

"Okay, Lawyer Su, I will try my best!"

"Well, let's go, go back to the hotel and have a rest before going to pick up the files."

Su Bai waved his hand, motioning for Li Xuezhen to follow.

"Good Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded obediently with a small face, trotted to catch up with Su Bai, and returned to the hotel.

Su Bai lives in 408, and Li Xuezhen lives in 403.

Su Bai didn't have the first time to check the file, but simply checked the basic information of the first trial.

The location of the company that Guo Xiaojun appealed to is in Lijiang District, Beidu, and the Lijiang District Court of Beidu has jurisdiction over Guo Xiaojun's case.

The company that Guo Xiaojun is suing is called Aibao Milk Powder, which is a well-known milk powder company in Lijiang District.

The court of first instance is the Northern Metropolitan Lie Lower Court.


Judge *** Judge *** Judge ***
Su Bai checked the reputation and reputation of the presiding judge and the two judges on the Internet.

Although the reputation of the three members of the collegial panel in this trial is not good, it is not too bad, it can only be said to be average.

The prosecution is the prosecution.

Generally speaking, from the above point of view, there is no big problem.

After the confirmation was completed, Su Bai sent a message to Li Xuezhen: "Let's go, go to Lijiang Primary Court in Beidu and get the file."

"Okay Lawyer Su, I'll be right here..."

Li Xuezhen replied seriously with a small face.
Beidu, Lijiang District Primary Court.

Su Bai submitted the materials according to the normal process and handed them over to the relevant law enforcement officers.

"Hello, we want to retrieve the file of this case"

Su Bai showed two small white teeth, and his whole person looked extraordinarily sunny.

This time the relevant law enforcement officer was a man.

It is said that women will be treated preferentially when they see a handsome guy, but in fact, as long as they are human, they will have a certain degree of affection when they see a handsome guy.

The male law enforcement officer nodded slightly after finding out the relevant materials.

Then he checked the contents of the material, until he saw that it was Guo Xiaojun's case, he couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Su Bai.

I was a little surprised in my heart.

"The Guo Xiaojun case?"

"Excuse me, do you know about this case? Is there any problem with this case?"

Su Bai became interested, and asked a question with a smile.

The man nodded slightly.

Although this case is not very big, it is very explosive!

As the court staff of the first instance of the Guo Xiaojun case, he still has a certain understanding of the case.

"Well, I know, this case is quite explosive, this Guo Xiaojun, to be honest, is a poor man"

"Poor man?"

Seeing that Su Bai wanted to continue asking, the male law enforcement officer directly interrupted him:

"Okay, your preparatory materials have been completely submitted, and the dossier will be copied in two hours.

You can choose to wait in the waiting hall, or you can leave temporarily and come back when the time is up. "

"What you want to ask, there are records in the file."

"As for the others, it is inconvenient to say more"

Su Bai smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Other law enforcement officers can't say too much, this is their rule, if I continue to ask, it will be inappropriate.

Soon, it will be over in two hours.

Su Bai got the file and took Li Xuezhen back to the hotel.

"Lawyer Li, come to my room later and sort out the files."


"Okay, Lawyer Su."

Hearing that it was just sorting out the files, Li Xuezhen's expression was gloomy, her face collapsed, she couldn't see her little feet when she looked down, and she was obviously not in a good mood.


Li Xuezhen knocked on Su Bai's door.

"Lawyer Su, I'm here."

Su Bai: .
open the door.

Su Bai pointed to the stack of materials in front of him: "Come and sort out the key issues raised by the public prosecutor and the judge in the file."

"Oh, right!"

"There are also issues with evidence, let's also sort it out."

"Good Lawyer Su."

Looking at the straight-faced Su Bai, Li Xuezhen felt lost. Didn't Lawyer Su notice the new clothes she just changed?
Su Bai, on the other hand, was flipping through the arguments of the first instance and the legal basis for the judgment.

among them.

The key is the latter.

The legal basis of the judgment is the key to directly seeing whether there are any problems in this trial.

Because the law is based on the interpretation of the provisions.

Generally speaking, that's it.

In this parallel world, the presiding judge does not have the right to interpret the law, everything is based on the interpretation of the legal provisions!
The presiding judge interpreted it blindly.

Believe it or not, I will send it to you in minutes.

Su Bai roughly scanned the debates of the first instance and the interpretation of the legal basis of the judgment, and found no major problems.

He frowned slightly.

Su Bai looked at the verdict again.

A few seconds later, Su Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and found the key point of the problem!
"Give me the evidence to prove the material..."

"Good Lawyer Su..."

Li Xuezhen took out the relevant materials and certificates of this case, and handed them to Su Bai.

After Su Bai checked the relevant supporting materials, the corners of his mouth slightly raised...


The key to the problem has been found!

Li Xuezhen asked curiously from the side: "Lawyer Su, is there any major problem with this evidence?"

Su Bai handed the collected evidence to Li Xuezhen.

Li Xuezhen frowned slightly, followed by a hint of surprise.

"Lawyer Su, are you saying that there is something wrong with this evidence?"


"Okay! The key to losing the first-instance lawsuit has been determined, go meet the parties!"

"Then you can appeal to the second instance!"

"Good Lawyer Su!"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously.



Give people away, send them all in! !

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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